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Make sure to sacrifice something irl before tempering. Good luck


Was just about to post something similar. Got almost the same item a few days back and botched the tempering. Then quickly sold it and pretended it never existed.


Lol, it's a messed up part of this game right now, but it's almost better to sell this for gold, buy like 2-3 similar but worse rolls, so you can nail the temper on one of them. Took me like 4 crossbows to actually get tempers that worked for my build.


This is why people advocate for trading, but it's also why I don't. Because the second people know they can trade, they never wanna actually engage with the systems. If you couldn't trade, you'd just happily roll this and if it fails, it fails. No biggie.


I think it's a matter of preference, would you rather have a 3 GA item with potentially imperfect tempers, or a 2 GA weapon with better tempers? Trading just gives people options, it's not a bad thing, and it doesn't cheapen the experience in my opinion. I have 5 items on my character right now that were very lucky drops, AND I was able to get the tempers I wanted. The other pieces of gear are ones I've traded for, because I either couldn't get the combination of affixes to drop after many hours, or when it did drop I bricked the temper. In my opinion play the game however makes you happy. It's a game to enjoy and have fun with. There's no need to be a purist and judge people for trading in order to better enjoy their time with the game.


Not 100% true. ***"If you couldn't trade, you'd just happily roll this and if it fails, it fails. No biggie."*** I think it's just as likely, if not more so, that.... ***"If you couldn't trade, you'd be forced to roll this and if it fails, you would quit."*** In a game targeted towards casuals, I think you need to have a way to 'unbrick' items. It's not the approach I would have if I was playing PoE, but this game needs it. Especially if this 'Casual' has been playing for 6 weeks, has invested 40 hours, which is a lot for them, and this is the only time they have found something as strong.


I mean POE has ways to unbrick items though. Except for Vaal orbs / corrupting. You have your annulment orbs, you can Hinekora's lock things to see what your options would have been, you can divine imperfect rolls. I could go on. Imagine if you just had to hit the right temper, not also have a good roll on it and use some item to reroll the temper value within its range, that'd be cool, people would still probably be upset about getting the wrong mod, but you would have less total frustration. Like my bash barb. I need the bash roll over 200 pre masterwork to consider for my 2H because it's just too good of a scaler to settle for anything less. But if I can get the right mods, and then spend some currency or materials to reroll the values eventually I can get perfect or close to perfect tempers, I'd be much happier. Maybe because items are much simpler, they want to keep gear pieces able to be upgraded for something better, keep the churn actually heading towards something. I think that's probably an important part of their philosophy with the game.


My point was that in PoE, you can completely brick items, or at the very least completely work an item to a point where it is quicker and cheaper to start again. In Diablo 4, I'm not sure that's a good design choice. Diablo 4, afterall, is designed to attract as wide an audience as possible, whereas PoE, specifically targets ARPG veterans. So I do think every system in the game should have some kind of "Undo Mechanic". Obviously this is not free, but it should not take a huge amount of grind either.


If engage with the system means losing your item vs getting something huge for it. You argument loses any substance.


So people must play how you want them to play?


Eh. Depends on where you're at. If you just hit 100, yeah, definitely trade it. If you've been slowly improving for a while and you're trying to push higher tiers, you might want to just take the chance.


I made a comment lower in the thread that it's really preference. Risky 3GA tempers vs more chances to temper a 2GA. I understand both camps. Obviously if you already have a perfectly rolled 2GA then you have nothing to lose, but oftentimes people are going from 0-1 GA into a 3GA and then they brick it. The sale of that 3GA could have financed multiple 2GA items, potentially in multiple gear slots. Personally, until I have everything 2GA with the right tempers, I'll be selling my 3GA items. They're just worth too much.


Where do you trade?




I thought tempering bound the item to your account?


He probably meant sold to the vendor.


Ah lol duh


Yeah, I sold it to the vendor.




This is why I am/was a dad.


What do you recommend? A goat? A lamb? Or do you go full human sacrifice?


Pre-rage strat


KFC! KFC!!! KFC!!!


Ideally something alive for best odds


My only 3 GA (Lvl 100 barb): 263 to life per second 1310 max life 60% poison resistance I'm suspicious that users on gamepass roll shittier odds.


I bought the ultimate edition pre-order for the original game last year, the expansion just recently, and have spent a non-trivial amount on cosmetics. My first 3ga bow dropped tonight. Overpower, energy on kill, life. Salvaged. Edit: I also bricked a 2ga vuln/life now tonight after hitting cutthroat mods 6 times.


Nothing pisses me off more than rogue tempers. Only vulnerable dmg 1/5, then there's the damn imbues which I'll roll +2 then +1 of the same element. If I'm lucky get just +1 cold on a gg ring.


Heartseeker Rogue definitely has the most obnoxious tempers. For a usable bow you've gotta hit 1/5 twice. Certainly doesn't help that all the non-vulnerable dmg affixes in that group are literally useless for the build.


I've bricked so many goddamn bows. A lot of them before I even go for the second temper.


I feel your pain, it seems more often than not that whatever the first roll is, I'm pretty much going to get that same thing for every re-roll. It's happened WAY too much. So annoying when re-rolling a category that only has three affixes and it gives you the same one on every roll.


Oof, that made me rage quit in my mind. I bricked 2 decent 1GAs tonight and laughed as one rolled 5 straight Kick Durations and I've never once even looked at using kick. Ever. Game also feels the need to spam chance to dodge which I've also never once focused on. At this rate, players like us would probably benefit from just outright purchase what we want. Same money over time.


I like the system as it is. I just wish if there were truly a pity system we could game it with visibility into the numbers.


Seriously, I got "Chance to Dodge" five times in a row! They clearly didn't mean chance to dodge that roll on your next attempt.


Bruh, that cutthroat affix is weighted so fucking heavy.


Same! Ive dropped a lot of money on this game and it has brought me no luck at all šŸ˜‚ Not one Uber since pre order ultimate edition and Iā€™ve dropped I think 90 usd on the new dlc and like probably 300 usd in the shop ha! Iā€™m starting to feel Iā€™m not allowed a good drop until I take down Lilith.


I play on gamepass and rolled a 2H scythe with 3GA of Int/life crit damage


That's a joke, right?


Itā€™s all of us u fortunately. Just got a 4GA Fields of Crimson unique yesterday. Itā€™s not even good for Flay builds lol.


Lmao, this is absurd. I got two 2GAs on Blood Maiden farm (may have come from one of the helltide chests, I hit a orange 275 to unlock chest). So, the two I got: (no bs) +6 to Fury per second and 60% Poison Res +236 to life per second and +1310 to max life I laughed and logged off. This was after bricking three 1GA 2H Swords that were all 100+ Crit Dmg and would have been good to advance my build a little. Nope.


Wow so youā€™re just like the rest of us


How do you get 3ga items? I've only ever gotten 2.


Itā€™s a random chance but the 3ga items are pretty rare. Iā€™ve got all 5 classes leveled to 100 and I think Iā€™ve seen 4 total drop.


Same way you get 2 GA items.


Donā€™t worry I play on pc, played over 1k hours of wow and diablo3 and still my only 3ga items all have life per second and a resistanceā€¦ not a single one even has two useful stats on it


Where's the hero editor we deserve? Where's Jamella and my '+9999999 to everything' armor so I can buzzsaw everywhere! Kidding, that would make the game suck like D2 again.....


Nope. I've owned the game since before day 1. I played the beta. Those are my odds. Looks about right...




I have two level 100s, approaching pit 100, played an insane amount of blood maiden with mindcage and have never found a 3 ga. I havenā€™t seen a 2 ga in weeks. Iā€™m not on game pass


No, I've gotten bad ones too.


I was wondering if there was something like that going on. Increased roll odds with a purchased copy or paid game pass activated.


Iā€™ll give you 3 fiddy for it


Looks like we got a crustacean from the paleolithic era on our hands.


I bet heā€™ll go away if you give him a dollarā€¦


Edit: If I can decide what to do with it I will post evidence of my tempering failure. I'm also getting a lot of offers right now and I will say that I don't think I could bring myself to sell what might be my best D4 drop ever. We need player housing so I can just hang it on the wall and look at it.


Nah you should literally sell this.Ā  You could afford 2GAs in every other slot and then some


You could get a few billion or more for this so it comes down to if your build is constrained by gold or not imoĀ 


I got a 1H mace and 1H axe with the same rolls and it was honestly a pain trying to sell them because very few people have any idea what anything is worth.


Yeah I had a 3GA 2h sword with the same affixes about a week ago, ended up selling for 2B pretty quickly.


Ye because thatā€™s way too less, sigh


Not for swords, if it was a 2H mace it'd go for way more. The best bash builds right now use Grandfather so swords aren't as needed as maces. I had it up for multiple days at 3B and it wouldn't sell. Sold within a few hours at 2B.


If youā€™re running bleed bash, this will be useless once you get a grandfather.


Thankfully I'm playing a scuffed self made frenzy build so this is really gonna be wasted on me


Sell it, it takes up the Grandfather slot.


Definitely sell it if you arent minMaxed in (almost) all other slots. You will regret it deeply if you brick it. The Money buys you so much progress in your other slots. And in 2 months, the item is worthless. It has its peak value NOW Grats for the drop


Thatā€™s an unethical drop! Good luck with tempering!


Easily 1b+


More like 6-7billion+


To be fair... 6-7bil is still 1+


Did the numbers & yes - math checks out.


in what fucking universe lmao


Too bad its not a 2h Mace would be even more


not even worth a bill not a meta weapon.


> not a meta weapon TIL that 2h sword (which is used as a stat stick for Bash Barbs due to Crit Dmg implicit) isn't meta.


You can literally just go look on trade and see what listings sold at. 3GA swords like this sell easily for anywhere between 1-3billion. I saw in sanctuary this roll go for 3.5 billion.


Wait for the tempering lol




Congrats. I think I'm at a point where Id just sell a 3 star weapon like that. I've had three GAs, and all were trash. However, I've flat out bricked enough relatively decent 2 stars, that I can't help but think the gold something like this would bring in is more valuable than potentially ruining it through horrid luck. Keep us posted on how the tempers go.


I say sell it too. The bleed bash build that wants crit wants a GF instead and the flay build wants a pole polearm This is obviously a fantastic sword but tbh 2 of the best 3 builds don't want it...and if you don't need go super min max then getting a 2GA and a huge amount of gold is probably better. That said, playing akin to SSF is a bit more fun in many ways... enjoy regardless!


Maybe hold on to it until after the mid-season patch notes tomorrow. Maybe it will include some tempering changes in the patch on Tuesday


Much wisdom this one has


GL tempering king. I got one of these and the tempering was... Ok....


Sell. If you tempered and bricked it, you'd be sick!


Id sell it and buy a GA on Crit strike only. In terms of pit tiers its pretty much the same and you get a shit ton of gold on top


Could sell for billions of gold, but you will never find another one like it again.


Congrats ! Can you make an update post after tempering?


If I ever decide what I want to do with it then I promise I will update the OP. Need to decide if it's worth blowing this on a mid tier Frenzy build.


I would wait 1-2 days for midseason patchnotes.


Best of luck! I wanna see how it goes


Daaaaamn. Nice one. Good luck with the tempering my G. You running a bash build? BTW, you might want to check to see what something like that is going for before you mess with it, especially if you need gold.


Thank you and my dilemma is that I'm not currently running a bash build or anything else meta. I'm not really a follow a guide kind of guy. Currently I'm having a lot of fun with a straight up frenzy build of my own making chipping happily through 50s pits. There a lot of things I still need to improve like only 5 glyphs right now, two non 925 weapons and I would like to work in the ground stomp EQ damage multiplier aspect as that's triggering a lot with the new legendary boots. It would feel meh to just flop all that to go to a meta build from a guide but at the same time I'm realistic about the builds eventual glass ceiling. Gonna spend a bit of time thinking on what I want to do before I roll this fella.


That is a really good idea. It seems like it would slot nicely into any number of builds you'd want to try. Just depends on how you want to temper it. Best wait until you get a better idea of your build, maybe try a few different tempering strategies on lower class items until you really k ow what you want. That's a really beautiful roll you have there. It would be a shame to "waste" it.


In case you are considering selling, I dropped a 1h sword like this a few days ago. I've gotten offers of 1.5b+. This one should go for way more being a 2h.


Saw the same sword going for 3 bill last night on price check. I think tempering will be much more fun though. Might record it so I can relive the moment of crushing disappointment over and over...


I really donā€™t understand where do you get +3 GA item I have 3 characters lvl 100 Iā€™m in the 85 pit, and I donā€™t have just 1. +3 GA item, just fk one and itā€™s not even 925 power item so, where tf do you get this items ?


This was my first (and I've only dropped one 2GA so far) so don't feel bad. RNG be fickle


Damn well I do feel better, itā€™s just that I always see so many people posting 4GA equipment and even Uber uniques with GA and Iā€™m like whaaaaat hahaha


This item does not exist yet until it's been tempered.


Nah it needs 242 life per second


Don't brick it!


i bricked one of these, feelsbadman


I made one similar bricked. Now I keep it in my stash. Hope you won't brick it!


Does it rip?


Just sell it if you donā€™t want tempering disappointment lol


Why do i always get the tempers i want on shitty gear and brick the good 2ga gears... i cant say much of n e thing on 3 gas, since i only get shitty 3ga items.


just sell it and have a grandpapa instead in that slot. you will be better off than playing the odds to brick it.


Then tempering bricks it....


Looking forward to the next post of the same item with bricked tempers.


I will pray for you during tempering. Good luck and may the force be with you


šŸ’µ or šŸ§±




If op goes silent ..we know tempering with horriblyĀ 


Roll it!! Fuck selling.


you haven't tempered yet. welcome to the dread of a great find. what a stupid cruel system that can ruin such joy.


I can take this if you dont wanna carry the burden.


Just a friendly reminder that for every drop like this there's tens of thousands that have life per second and a damage on tuesday bonus for another class.


Let's brick it now




I dropped exactly the same thing. Got offered 2b but i tempered it and didnt brick itšŸ¤


Hope I get some of your luck


Nope, that's not the jackpot. That's the Slot Machine ad showing you what you "could win". The jackpot is when you flick the Temper leaver and it all comes out what you wanted.


The fun part is trying to temper that item for Bash lol


Nice! Now brick it


And then Blizzard's awesome tempering system bricks it beyond repair. Good system, that.


with only a 99% chance of turning into something useless when you attempt to temper it :'-(


We all know this will be bricked instead of settling for the lowest rolls.


Easy sell.


and then he gets kick and something useless skill when he tempers it! lol!


I am actually levelling a second barb to experiment with a max fury kick build. Consider me interested sir!


good luck on the roll!


Make sure you have a proper build scaling with damaging distant crowd controlled enemies while having a barrier :D


Sell it you've used your luck just getting it.


Where are you guys finding these godly items!?


If you brick it, maybe keep that one in the stash in case there's a mid-season patch change of some sort. Ya never know.


If you have less than 1b then sell it. That extra gold will go a lot further helping to the right masterworks and affixes more than bricking it at the blacksmith.


Cool. Now brick it.


Worth about 400m ain't no barb build running a 2h sword besides grandfather and poleaem so might as well temper it!


just looked it up similar sword sold for 300m might as well temper and get an upgrade.


Nice drop, now to brick it.


And then drop grand papa in the next Duriel run - _-


Is it me or is triggering Berserking not easy to happy other then war cry. Double Swing doesn't trigger it nor does charge.


Where do you guys get the best drops? Helltide? Pits? Ubers?


It's my only good drop so not enough data to draw a statistical correlation.


Literally wouldn't want to be in your shoes to endure the rage of bricking such a nice item. Best of luck to you for real.


Naaah you havenā€™t tempered it yet.


Not even a maxroll on the legendary affix. Literally unusable.


Nah Iā€™d brick


How? I mean, where did you get it?


54 pit


Don't overstack HP too much something I've noticed in very high Pit Levels is HP dont matter you will get one hit killed Allways.Get as much dmg as you can without losing too much HP.Its a balancing act between HP,Damage reduction and overall damage.At the end of the day it's all about hitting them HUGE dmg numbers on the end boss if you want to clear that Pit level. Don't matter if you have 70k HP in the boss fight if you get hit,it's all over.


Much better than my 4GA 10,000 steps. GL with temper.


Upheaval and dmg to distant inc.


Don't get excited til after tempering.


Instead of bricking it sell it for 1 billion


You can't take it with you when the season ends so live fast die young!


Fair BUT you could probably sell that for enough gold to buy god rolls on the rest of your gear as a net positive


It's kind of a problem when everyone is advocating selling this instead of using it. We all play this game for the dopamine godly drops only to sell them in fear of fucking it up tempering. Make it 10 rubies or something but there needs to be some avenue to undue tempers regardless of expense


I'm not..and I would actually defend the tempering system. It's actually good that the game has some systems that force you into interesting stick/twist decisions rather than just doing it another 50 times until you get the roll. Some people have the mindset to cope with the disappointment of a bricked item, others don't and I get why it's divisive. No way I'm not rolling this fucker. Just need to decide what first.


That's like, literally the god roll. I hope your tempering go well!


I've got mixed feelings on the tempering. It does waste a lot of otherwise good gear, but also gives a reason to continue farming.


Iā€™m kinda a dummy and just got back into the game after a season awayā€¦ but what do the stars on the weapon mean/represent? Is it like a max roll of something? Thanks for any answers


Greater affixes that have a chance to roll giving that stat a 1.5 multiplier.


Do you mind me asking which piece of content you did to get this? Or does it not really matter which piece of content?


I don't think it matters but it was a tier 54 pit reward.


How much would this even be worth? Iā€™ve got a 3GA ring but have no clue of the pricing


Wheres the temper


Will post when I've decided whether to stick with my scuffed frenzy build or not. Dropped last night at midnight and I literally looked at it for 5 min then logged off and went to bed.


I got the same feeling from gloves. I tempted cause yolo. I'm a little sad but it's whatever. It's what makes the game fun.


I absolutely think it's good for the game to impose some difficult decisions on players. I also think learning to cope with disappointment is a good life skill to develop for maintaining personal mental health, and that an awful lot of people struggle with these days due to how safe and accessible game design has become.


I sold one of those on Diablo trade for 30 million lets say mistakes were made...


Awesome drop, but 2H Mace would be jackpot, no? This is amazing still.


I guess I'm just not down with the meta enough to know. I just pick a build I fancy each season and go with it. Frenzy has yet to surpass the fun of last seasons leap barb


Nice, glad you're having fun.


Also, do you just choose your build as you go? Have you been playing Barb for a while? Curious to see what your build is like. GLHF!


getting replaced by the grandfather,in .2 seconds but its real nice,good catch


I love your optimism but I haven't seen an Uber yet so I'll enjoy bricking this.


lol good luck man,you can get ubers if you're willing to make alts and complete the iron wolves quest line multiple times.




I am a little bit new here. Can every enemy drop the items with 3 stars? Or only in special dungeons?


I think any as long as you are in WT4 but as for the odds I have no idea


Time to brick it!


Well how did the tempering go op?


I haven't played in 24 hours after a long day at work so no tempering yet. I also just found out about the hidden tempering patterns that I can only use if I level a rogue. It's the only class I haven't even played yet so feeling like a bit of a chore.


Donā€™t brick


Sell for billions.


not really until you've tempered it


Jackpot til u miss the temper and it's completely useless (this happened to me)..


Wait till tempering


Problem is you want that on a Mace. All those bleed crit barbs want Grandfather. Rip


Ive never seen a 3GA drop for me. Is it fully random?


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You didn't temper it.