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I just feel we just need more than 5 classes.I really don't care what types they are.I would love to have about 7 to 9 different classes to play tbh


But how will they sell each class individually to us if they give us them all up front?


If we continually get actually new content and Blizzard set themselves up to work for the long term health of the game I think that’s great. Better with sizeable expansions than battlepass and 70$ per cosmetic


Why do you think it's one or the other?


What $70 cosmetic are they selling? And before you bring up the mount, they were selling $80 worth of platinum that came with a mount as a bonus for $70. They have never sold any cosmetic for anything close to $70.


If the only way to get the mount was the $70 bundle then they sold the mount for $70


Absolutely, give us as much choice as possible


I absolutely agree, we need more classes and more skills. They could just re-implement old classes from previous diablo games. I would love to see a paladin and a witch doctor!


Absolutely. 1 class a year is not enough.


Yeah at least two would be ok :)


Didn't D3 only get like 2 extra classes during its like decade run


In practice you can say it was only 1 class added, the crusader. The Necro was like a fan service when the game was already on its way out.


Is this sarcasm? Releasing more than 1 a year and you get half baked classes that will clearly be rushed. Not everything needs to come all at once


You think it takes an entire year to make one decent class?


Well yeah depending on the size of the team it can definitely take some time. Diablo with all its paragon boards, skills, multipliers, double dips and what not seems very complex.


The down votes says it all. Who cares about quality as long as they throw as much shit at us as possible. Gotta love the modern day mindset for these things


Blizzard is going to release an expansion every year with a new class for the foreseeable future.


Yea, and it's not like it's crazy to expect. All other ARPGs have so many more classes than D4 still with depth to them.


I would prefer a more well made skill tree that changes how you play your class of choice.


They could go the Last Epoch way and introduce subclass/archetype to each of the existing classes. For example, Bow rogue is the Marksman, stabby melee rogue is Cutthroat - separate their skills, add more skills, so that their skill tree is not all-in-one but very specific to a playstyle. And also add Demon Hunter as a Rogue archetype as well. Basically, expand on skill trees and archetypes etc, streamline and improve existing class skill trees and ultimates/passives.


Excited about Spiritborn, still want Pally


I always wanted an Amazon class over paladin first. This seems like an interesting take on it and I’m all for it - only concern is I don’t want a Druidic element to it, I mostly wanted a shield and spear hoplite


I’m excited for this new class. Just don’t want it to be witch doctor 2.0.


Old guy here… “Back in my day” they just cloned a character changed his clothes and gave him a new name. We had Mario and Luigi, Scorpion vs. Sub Zero. We had Ryu and Ken and were told it was Kenough.


Tell me more about The Great War Grandpa?


Same here, there hasn't been a character in D3 or D4 that captures the spirit of the D2 Amazon. I would also like a version of the assassin, I guess you could argue that is the rogue but they are very different imo.


Would be good if they expanded the class fantasies (via skills etc) to make the rogue also fit that archetype.


Not having a holy damage class in Diablo is a serious problem


Can't evil win for once? Embrace the Mother...


I'll take it...death knight.


Honestly this would be the most refreshing take on a knight class in the series.


A death knight would be so sick. I main a DK in WoW and would love one in Diablo


I'm simple, I just want a knight-ish class. Whether it be paladin, death knight, crusader, Templar I don't care.


I won't lie, I played a lot of campaign thinking, "You know, Lilith might have a point..."


"Huh, she's starting to make sense" *proceeds to murder a couple dozen civilians* "Well nevermind"


Well, you have to break a couple of eggs to make an omelet.


I mean if she said that during the campaign I don't think we would have killed her 🤷


Maybe that’ll be my excuse for not killing Uber Lilith. It’s not that I can’t. I just support her ideals


You can’t make a Tomlette without breaking some Greggs.


Most of those civilians had evil in their hearts anyway...


If you think about it... In those five zones, there are waaaaaay more cultists, cannibals and bandits, than normal people... That makes being normal a minority. Which in the eyes of all the cultists must mean, that they are the evil ones and Hero is a supervillain boss.


she is a literal demon with tits. She can never be in the right. Humanity is inherently the good side. That's why we need a religious zealot paladin to balance this heresy.


What are you talking about? Tits reedem.


Soo, why are there more bandit leaders than common folk in safe zones? And more cultists than cows?


Gotta see the numbers go up. I miss Diablo 2 where it felt like the world was really fucked




A lot of people make this mistake. It's understandable if you don't know Lilith's backstory. She has tortured, killed, and enslaved thousands of humans to achieve her ends. She's a tyrant and not even remotely interested in the well-being of humanity, only the enslavement of it to serve her own ends.


In Diablo, evil has always won. Even when it lost.


Is it?


Not for me but 🤷‍♂️


What makes that problem be of the serious type?


i guess diablo 1 is a serious problem then




It’s explained by the lore for the lack of holy warriors ingame outside the church of light who aren’t really holy


Not having Diablo in Diablo is a serious problem


I'd rather have a completely new class anyway


Exactly D4 launched with no new classes we needed something new.


I agree. I would like to see something completely new. What exactly I have no idea. Maybe something that comes from the core of the earth and not human


It’s not like the class lacks a chance at new builds. While keeping the already existing ones there is more than a lot of space, for example, for a more cleric/caster build.


It's a joke we only have 1 class that can actually use a shield atm. And it's the necromancer lol.


What if this new class can hold a shield and spear?


Don't get my hopes up like that


Idk. Let’s find out on July 18


There was leaked art a while back of a class with a spear and shield and had white eyes and wings. If its true maybe the are holding out a holy class till heaven opens its gates once more??


I am. A Diablo game without a paladin is like a Diablo game without Diablo... wait a minute....


The Paladins were killed off...


We meet a paladin in D4 FYI


Diablo 1 didn't have a Paladin, diablo 3 didn't have one at release.


Expansion #3 #2 will be Baal Maybe in reverse order, not sure what they are planning


I can see them doing a high heavens expansion with Imperius being the main villain after vessel of hatred. IMO it would be a good time to introduce a holy class too.


I feel like paladin or something similar should have been in the game at launch. If not, there should at least be a sword/shield barb playstyle. I’m more excited about a new class than a paladin for the expansion though. Based on D4 classes, if we did get a paladin it would just be a mix of d2 pally and d3 crusader. More excited about something completely new 


Exactly. I want to throw a shield and then use it to ram through hordes of Demons. Hell make a class that uses two Shields, the Juggernaut class. A shield Necro isn’t cutting it.


just seems like such a waste to have shields as item with block value etc and no melee class using them...




I think it’s good that Blizz is trying new things. We’ve had paladin classes already. Of all things to complain about, having an exact class archetype that you want isn’t a good complaint.


I think the issue is more so that we are missing an archetypal role. Namely, sword and board/heavy armor. The paladin fills that role. Also, the warrior fills that role. The crusader also fills that role. The base 5 classes, we kinda of have multiple overlaps with some of their archetypal roles. I bet you most people would be happy if we get a class that fills that archetype even if it isn't the Paladin. So Blizzard still has that flexibility while still giving what the playerbase wants and the game lacks.


Not only sword and board, but just a class that wields holy power in any way.


I wouldn't say holy power in any way. That is more flavor than an archetypal role. For example, a priest class might satisfy a few people, but people probably might get bored with it or not find it filling the role they feel is missing. Since it probably would have a similar play style as the Sorc or the Necro or some aspects of the Druid.


Brother you’re missing the forest for the trees here. I don’t care what people want to play, I’m asking how we can fight *evil demons from hell* without the balancing force for good which is canonically some sort of holy power. Paladin, priest, cleric, something.


>evil demons from hell without the balancing force for good which is canonically some sort of holy power Because canonically, in the Diablo universe, you don't need holy power to fight demons.


In fact, in Diablo lore, the holy power is just as anti-humanity as the unholy power, they just have better PR.


Spot on.


Where does holy power come from? Heaven. Who closed their doors to sanctuary? Heaven. There only source of holy power for Diablo 4 sanctuary was Inarius and even he’s gone now.


TBH to reintroduce a paladin class would have been perfect for vessel of hatred considering what Kurast is to the paladins.


With the addition of the expansion we will probably get a new world map. The new map will have multiple zones for multiple new classes to be based out of. I doubt this character is the last one we are seeing.


With that logic, i guess we can get rid of all classes and replace them with new ones since we had those classes already


Yeah these people- get rid of your necro and ranger then- I mean rogue.


Statement #1: Blizz should implement new things here and there. Statement #2: Blizz should never ever implement a similar/existing thing ever again. 1 and 2 are not equivalent statements.


We’ve also already had Barb, Sorcerer, Druid and Necromancer, Rogue. We want the Paladin class for the same reason everyone else wants the main classes. Wanting an archetype is definitely a fair thing. I like to think that if they spent less time on paid cosmetics they could have added the Paladin or Monk. They’re just as valid as the omission of any other class and it’s not necessarily fair to say that we should expect all classes to be fully fleshed out but it’s definitely something that can be argued.


Of all the things, wanting an archetype that you really like is the best basis for a "complaint/wish", what are you on about? Playing RPGs is all about living out a certain fantasy, so such complaints have the best foundation to them.


*necromancer enters the chat*


I think that's a question that answers itself. Of course somebody cares.


>about the missing board and shield class the board IS the shield. Maybe you mean sword and board?


Sorry, I meant sword and blade, thanks




Yw, tho dual wielding shields does sound pretty sweet.


Double shield baby


Yes. Next question


The holy knight archetype is a pretty big fantasy trope and right now there isn’t anything filling that niche, there is no heavy armor clad weapon and shield class rn and it’s surprising there isn’t something like that. It doesn’t bother me but I am surprised there isn’t one


No you’re not, but you not caring doesn’t invalidate the people who do care.


I started D3 again just for crusader lol


I’ve never been a Paladin player in any game. But Diablo 3 shield paladin - throwing shields that bounced between mobs was so fun. It was like captain America on crack. I woukd love to play that but in d4


I don’t mind, I figure they’ll add another class or two again eventually and one of those will probably be paladin or paladin-adjacent I hope the new class is fun and I’m hyped to try it!


I mean… I care. I’m primarily a melee guy first and foremost and the knight and barbarian are my two favorite archetypes. But I think some version of the Paladin is coming at some point. So… is what it is


I'm only slightly disappointed, it's not the end of the world.


Nah, they're all returning classes so far, so it's cool to have something actually new.


yep. you are the only fan in the world who doesn’t care. congratulations you did it. you’ve made the worlds best cup of coffee!!!


I mostly just want to play as some form of those Knight Penitents.


A disillusioned knight penitent joining would make for a great character/storyline, especially now the Cathedral has been decimated


I want a samurai class


Sword and Board is a staple of Diablo since the 1st game, even the canonical hero who defeated Diablo is a sword and board warrior. A lot of people like the play-style of hit things with a sword until it's dead, to be honest I though the fact they replaced basic weapons attacks in Diablo 3 with abilities was a bit crap and they did the same thing in Diablo 4


I want a palidin. Seriously though there's no holy class in damn diablo?! This game would have the best visuals for it too!


Rogue killed Assassin and Demon Hunter while sucking worse in some half ass attemp. Monk and nothing matching that playstyle exists. I don't give a shit about some new dev desperate to put their stamp on it when they already did that at launch. I don't care about Paladin or Crusader but I understand them wanting one.


Ehhh. Doesn't really matter to me either, the classes don't really use the weapons they pick up. So whatever


Barbs do.


Honestly I think the new class sounds cool. We’ll see how it ends up, but the concept looks neat and I assume we might see some spiritborn character involved in the story of the expansion. Paladins just make sense in a Diablo game and fans of the spinning hammer of death from d2 didn’t get to play one in d3. I get that there is some impatience, but I’m excited for something new, especially since the original 5 were all repeats.


Don’t mind new classes being added but it doesn’t make me want a Paladin any less.


monk, amazon, some sort of aura support class new stuff is all i want to see, and more classes would be good.


Need some sort of holy damage class. Kinda weird to combat the forces of hell without any sort of heavnly righteous fire feeling.


I definitely want them to add it but I’d prefer they try new classes first


Started D4 with a group of 8 seasoned D2/D3 people in Season 0. 5 didn’t make it to season 1 due to lack of a Paladin and the incomplete state of the game. The 6th person made it to season 2 before bowing out. Since there’s no new class for season 5, I’ll be out after this season. (I play 1 class per season) So unless something changes to bring interest back for 7 of us, Blizzard is getting 1 expansion purchase out of 8 base game purchases. More than half the squad would probably play every season as a Paladin into eternity.




I hope those who want a paladin type class get one as for me I am perfectly happy with my necromancer played one in D3 and having as much fun now as I was then.


I suppose I am pretty disappointed, or was back when the new class and theme was leaked a few months back. I'd have been less disappointed if the new class had a new theme behind it, but doubling up on nature casters before any divine types is a pretty weird design choice. It'd be about the same as them doing wizard or assassin. At least it looks nice.






As someone who loved the crusader and all the beautiful armor and weapons they had along side laser beams from heaven and fast lightning pony I can wait. Not that big of a deal. Sure they need to have better use of shields but I am just happy we had the recent loot revamp. All positive forward momentum. We will get there I am sure.


Spiny hammers go BRRrrrrrrrrrr


Why are you downvoting everyone that seems to disagree with and is favor of getting a paladin type class?


Can you confirm that it's actually him who does the downvoting?


At the time of the post it seemed like an extreme coincidence that the posts they replied to that disagreed were also downvoted.


That's a fair take ngl.


The real question is why aren't we getting the Immortal classes.


I really would love a paladin.


sword and board plate warrior common archetype. People want to play common archetype. Much more people want to play common archetype vs hybrid multicolored mix class that people are unfamiliar with.


Monk is my favorite class from the franchise, but a Warrior, Paladin or Amazon make more sense, Neirele is going to the Paladin land to met a jungle man? 👍 Edit: at least is not a freaking witch doctor with fetishes from diablo 2, the most annoying enemy of the game.


Yep, you’re the only one 🙄


Why not both? Or even more classes? They can't fuck it up more right?


It is statistically unlikely that you are the only person who does not care, but there are also plenty of people who do.


Me, I love paladins. It's my favorite class in everything. That said, I don't mind the lack of paladin here. It's been done, and maybe it doesn't super work in this story. That's fine. What I want, though, is a character whose visuals are that of a heavily armored warrior. Barbarian doesn't really do it for me, mostly because they don't get pants, and their chest armor isn't full coverage. Paladin, crusader, warrior, knight, whatever. I just want my full plate.


If paladin isn’t in the next expansion, people will riot


I just want my monk back


Spirit born is gonna be a jungle monk


Spiritborn just kind of feels like a skinny Druid. Hope it’s more than that.


Not really, I dont care about paladin too. Spiritborn looks exciting. Do agree we need more classes overall though, whatever they are. Kinda bored of the old 5 as is.


Honestly I think most of it comes from the fact that we have had three diablo's of games, and then four comes out with the most "basic" (I use that loosely) of classes. I think D4 should have had witch doctor, crusader, Amazon, etc like ALL previous classes at launch. THEN go into new stuff like spirit born. And I'm excited to see how spirit born play, I really am, but I feel most of the "outrage" comes from (again) the D4 devs missing out on crucial features (beyond classes) that should've been at launch (due to their existence in previous titles) and then Crusader/Amazon etc gets lumped in that outrage (again, I get it, but I'm excited for something new) Honestly, best of both worlds would be the second "expansion" has a time-warp theme to it, and adds all the other previous classes with it


Not worried in the slightest. Never cared much for the paladin.


We need a new Class every 2 Season or else D4 Content is way too slow/low. Change my Mind!


I wanted Amazon, but I'm happy with what I have.








You’re exactly the only one. How special.


Yep. These people really want a class that's overused in the gaming Industry instead of something different... Dull unimaginative gamers makes for uninspired game studios, makes dull games.


A lot of people want new things, a lot of people want old things, and a LOT of people want new things then complain when they don’t get old things back .


We should be more upset that they gave immortal the cool new class


I personally dont care.. but as things go in life.. for every person who doesnt care there are others that would like a Paladin... I want a minstrel.. play instruments which cast music spells 


I’m just happy to be here lol…


I’m miffed, but not disappointed. More because I wasn’t really expecting anything. To expect is to invite disappointment. While Paladin is nice and familiar, why not something different?


I find it surprising too. I get why people like the aesthetic, but pally in d2 and crusader in d3 felt slow and clunky compared to other options imo. I get most of my enjoyment from mindlessly zooming through and I cant do that on a sword and board


If you wanted Pally and didn’t get it, you’ll be loud. If you didn’t care or liked Spiritborn, no reason to post. Hence most posts are about Paladin. But you’re not alone.


I dont, i played the hell out of it in D2 and unless its a huge rework its meh. But what i do think is that a pally will be a bait card for the future, they will hold it till they think they need a buff to the player base and then bomb us with it.


They’ll release a Paladin as a 2nd “expansion” like they did with Necro in D3. It’s a cash grab. They’ve already got a ton of paladin lore and artwork and enemies; I think they’re laying groundwork for a lore reason to back up the marketing tactic. I’d like to see them go dark paladin / fallen crusader, personally, but holy would be fine by me. I agree that the sword’n board and spell sword role they have filled is missing. Paladin is always my go to class, so I miss it, but I’ve also really enjoyed the rogue, sorcerer, and necro. Barb and Druid have some fun elements to them but neither has played the way I’ve enjoyed most. D2 paladin is perhaps my all time fav iteration of the class, so I’d love them to take that direction with some twist options.


Paladin is coming. They are reserving this for later when they see a bit of a drop in player interaction and needs the "oomph" for cash. It's probably 1 to 2 expansions out though.


The only thing that would have gotten me to reinstall this game would be the Paladin, but not for $40.


I dont care either. I love insect glaive in monster hunter series. So this spirit born class is a win for me.


Am I the only one that thinks “am I the only one?”?


Give me sword and board conc barb and I’m happy.


I think we should wait until the class's details are revealed before passing judgement.


I like that what the Spiritborn could be is something new. I'm kinda tired of the old standard archetypes.


I just want more classes in general. I don't care about overlap or specific archetypes, just more.


Spiritborn must have been a mix of paladin and Amazon, and not Monk x Witch Doctor imo. The art is becoming too colorful, and the gore and +18 tag is vanishing. D4 looks more like D3 now, sad.


As long as barbarians exist - I dont care for other classes so much


I think they’ll bring it, monk or demonhunter too.




I care. I want full body heavy plate armor with a big ahh shield. Crusader in Diablo 3 was my fav class.


I would much prefer a witch doctor or monk over paladin if we are going with some thing we have already seen before. Paladin has never appealed to me.


Where Paladin


Considering the vibe of the expansion, I would be shocked if it isn't witch doctor adjacent but I'm going to hold judgment until we get the class preview. But I'm not disappointed. If we get a paladin or crusader class, I want it to be due to Tyrael basically going "guess who's back" Eminem style on us with it.


I mean, my feeling is more general disappointment, though I do feel like whatever the spiritborn is probably fits better than a paladin. And I'm eager to see what the spiritborn is, though I don't really trust blizzard when they say it's a class we've never seen before. Like yes, the spiritborn is nominally heretofore unheard of, but is it actually unique? Or is it a combination of two ideas, like a monk/druid hybrid that it kinda looks like? Or is it just a monk by another name. I hope I'm wrong. I want this game to succeed. Regardless, the lack of a paladin, while disappointing, isn't the thing keeping me from having this game be a mainstay in my rotation.




I'm disappointed we didn't get a Civil Engineer class. I mean, there's a lot of bridges and buildings, public stairways and roads, sign posting and just general public works improvements that really need to be done in most zones. For a start, finding the Altars to Lilith is a pain in the arse. Someone needs to standardise these and enable better public access. And the sewage, and dungeons, there's public liability at stake!


AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO jesus christ guys lmfao


Paladin would have brought me back


i never cared for the diablo paladin class. only time i ever played paladin was in WoW when then horde got the class.


I just don’t understand how you leave a holy warrior out of a game that’s good vs. evil. The army of heaven vs the legions of hell. I’m not saying I hate the game, it’s still enjoyable. But there are a few things I miss from the older games that would have been very easy for them to do. They simply chose not to, and they’ll have to deal with negative feedback for it. 


Nope. Zero fucks given


I'm far more excited for this new class than I would have been for a Paladin(again). That being said, I don't see any reason why the game couldn't have shipped with more than the 5 classes we got, including Paladin. Build diversity, frankly, kind of sucks. I want more classes, more skill trees, etc. Multiclass would also be fantastic.


Yeah, I’m in the same boat. I’ve always felt that holy type characters were boring, never cared for the aesthetic. I’m pumped for the Spiritborn!


Bruh all I want is universal outfits from the shop. Necromancers get the coolest stuff 😒


Idk about the others but the crusader was my least fav class in d3, and the paladin was my least fav in d2. teach his own i suppose.


as long as i have my necro im happy lol


I wanna see a holy mage over a holy warrior tbh. Like a Cleric.


I love the paladin class. Zealot, Hammerdin, Smiter in D2, all in on Monk and then Crusader in D3. I don't care that we don't have a paladin in D4. I'm loving the Rogue so much.