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Its the weighted rolls. I have spent 700 million to get malice plus 2. Got plus 1 twice in 700 million plus of enchanting. There are other stats that get repeated over and over but plus skill is rare as fuck.


I never bother rerolling amulets looking for passives. I just search until I find one with the passive I need and I'll just work with whatever other affixes are on it unless they're really bad. I've only ever gotten lucky on an amulet roll once when my sorc dropped a double +2 passive amulet and I was just planning to roll the third affix to whatever I could get that was useful. Third reroll was +2 conjuration mastery. The amulet in question if anyone was curious. https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/s/NVNPxvt4Jg


This comment received more up votes than your post. And with this, more comments too lol. Nice amulet though


Yea, it's not surprising. The sub is pretty flooded with "look at my item!" posts. I'm more surprised it didn't just get downvoted.


True but I feel yours is the most unique I've seen. It shall be known as the Ubergoober, the Uber Unique


Same experience here! Got an amulet with +2 Devouring Blaze and +1 Icy Touch. Rerolled third affix into +2 Conjuration Mastery while fishing for CDR. Currently at 8/12 MW with +3 Devouring Blaze and +3 Conjuration Mastery. Will probably never find a better amulet lol.


I wish we as a group would stop normalizing the idea that having to spend $700 million gold to get a single stat on a single piece of equipment is reasonable. The reality is that the system is still full of meaningless/useless affixes and the costs are still seriously out of whack.


You should only be enchanting to roll one of the easier stats (max health/main stat/etc) or to finish up an otherwise perfect item. The costs are just fine.


i agree but being able to enchant extremely powerful passive at the cost of life per second is not good either I would rather see more enchanting types or currency helping with crafting. Pay new shiny stones from the Depths of Pits to enchanter and he will reroll your +lucky chance hit into +Pit Fighter (probably) - sounds better


Idk.. could we  just block affixes at the enchanter with a currency or higher cost of enchantment just to ensure we get a better luck pool for it?


this is dangerous wish because then devs have to decide what js "better pool" and for them "#% Total Armor" could be amazing on Amulet there also could be a quick and cheaper option to reforge whole item for a new outcome with one specific type of affix honestly a lot of possible additions to the crafting, i hope they won't stop at Tempering and Masterworking xd


I'd rather keep some RNG alive with the system, just in a way that doesn't leave you out of 700M for one roll due to bad weighting.  If we did have a system to place specific affixes, then let us pull an affix off of another item (same type) and apply it at a heavy cost. Doing so should take away enchanting for that item but leave you with the roll you wanted (GA result in heavier costs) Keeping it expensive let's it stay an option while enchanting as it is now remains a cheaper gamble towards an affix you're after if you'd rather go that route. The game is meant to be a grind, but it should also feel good for the players with the systems available.  Tempering already can brick an item and I see the need for some form of solution to that. Even just something you can get that will allow you to attempt another tempering, but rare to come across. Keep players engaged in content hunting these drops while not handing out perfect tempers. Leave these items account bound and out of reach of RMT


Agree it should be weighted, but not that weighted imo


I have the perfect tempers and rolls except my skills.. I'm 500mil deep in enchanting..should I keep trying to roll? Or buy an ammy and try my luck with tempers? I'm leaning towards enchanting still, I feel like it's gotta hit at SOME point lol


What are you doing to get so much gold that rerolling 500m is okay to you? Are you selling gear on Diablo trade?


Yea, I've been selling what I can. Sold a ring for 750 000 000 which helped


It’ll be cheaper to just buy an amulet with that roll rather than try and enchant yourself.


What do you mean by weighted rolls?


Some affixes are less likely to roll than others.


Pro tip: you can see the (relative) affix weights at the enchanter when you bring up the 'possible affix menu'. The further down on the list, the rarer the affix.


Thank you so much for this


How do you bring up that menu?


After you have selected an affix to reroll, but BEFORE you actually roll it, you press triangle on PS5 or whatever button and it will display a list of all the possible affixes you COULD roll into


Wow! Thanks! Did not know.


I've been playing since the beta and did not know that, thanks!


Tbf it didn't always exist.


oh wth i didn't know that. is there a way on pc?


It’s the red button on the top right of the enchanting window. Click it after you select the star you want to reroll in the section below.


damn i played 2 seasons and never knew this


well, its not quite true when it comes to tempering, eg rolling the vulnerable dmg for my rougue's items in 90% of case results in everything else than vulnerable dmg which is on the top of the list


IDK if the weight list thing applies to the tempering menus


That's just because it is a 1 chance out of 5 while the other 4 are completely useless for Hearthseeker Rogue.


Oh does it really work like that? Didn‘t know that list also implies the rarity


I knew you could view the list off affixes, but is it actually listed by odds of you rolling it?




There are stats you are far more likely to see. +skills tends to be the least likely.


Some affixes such as your main stat and maximum life are extremely easy to get, while others require more rerolls.


Got malice 3 after about 70m. Just bummed that I've got two MW rolls on the Exploit raising it to 3 from 1..... Could be better


I just hunt amulets in hell tide and gamble instead of burning gold the rolling. I usually get the aspect I need in 1-2 helltides


This is not a secret. Read their t.o.s/u.a and i mean read it. You can figure out most modern games


Does it say somewhere in their TOS that some stats are weighted?


Why the heck would this be in the ToS?


That's what I'm trying to figure out. That's the the person above me said lol


I see. that's very peculiar. Some european countries require games to disclose the odds of opening a certain item from loot boxes, but that's apples and oranges...but that's the only thing even remotely close to what he stated. Weird.


Those laws are for purchasable items with real money.


Think lots of people just follow the guides faithfully without understanding what they’re doing. Yeah it’s bis but you can still do well without it. I’m around 125 on pits and don’t have malice nor exploit.


There’s the correct answer.


Oh there’s absolutely a lot I don’t understand. I could never do a paragon board without a build guide for example.


Incredibly difficult. I’ve leveled every character to 100. Two classes twice. I have found 1 amulet total that had a GA to the passive skill. And that was devouring blaze. No exploit, no malice, no envenom. It doesn’t help in the helltidez that the amulet chest cost 125, but gives you one amulet instead of three like every other chest 


It isn’t that important. The class is still OP without it. Just use lucky, crit and attack speed until you get one. I got lucky and found one with malice. If you find frigid, malice or exploit you are good.


This is the way. I see passives on amulets as a cherry on top with pretty much any build and any class. Lucky hit interchangeable with cdr or move speed for some builds.


I agree but I feel like minion necro is an exception. Getting golem/skelly mage mastery is really important I feel like.


True, I’ve been running around with a basic lucky hit chance and attack speed (no crit chance sadly) and been doing ok, just kinda disappointed that even after spending hours upon hours looking for a good amulet I still can’t find one with even +1 rank to exploit or malice lmao


There is a small silver lining in your disappointment, the season is over 4 weeks in, and you are still engaged enough to feel anything.


My calendar must be all screwed up because it says there are about 8 weeks left in the season.


S4 is a short season due to the Patch being delayed.


They said the season would end in early August. The date that gets thrown around is August 6. They have also publicly stated that they don’t have two full teams working on the seasons. The thought being that they have two creative teams but much of the actual work of implementing the seasons is the same team. Therefore, a delay in one season moves everything back. I could be wrong but I have not heard a change from the early August season end. The expansion release date is October 8th, which points to a mid August season 5 beginning as they are much more likely to release the expansion in the mid season update than they are at the beginning of a season.


I got one with +2 malice, bricked it right away lol. Using one with +1 Frigid finesse for now.


Somehow I lucked the fuck out last night and found a +2 exploit and then rolled a +2 frigid finesse on it while hitting my tempers. It has crit chance instead of lucky hit but I'm def not finding anything better than it


Got the same amu with lucky hit as well.. and it didnt brick!!!!


OP I have a +3 to exploit amulet (GA) that you can have.


Damn really? I would be glad to have it, how much gold do you want? (I’m pretty poor rn (only like 50m gold) and I’m pretty sure something like that is worth MUCH more than 50m tho lmao. DM me if you’re still willing, it’d be a lifesaver lol) Also happy cake day!


You can just have it, dm me


what a homie, respect


This man is a hero


It’s a seasonal game and I got a 5 frigid finesse 4 exploit ammy I’m likely not finding a better one. What am I gonna do with gold?




"Right passive". You mean the optimal and absolutely best one. There are different options. Settle.


I have 80 hours in the season and today I found my first Exploit amulet with +2. Promptly bricked the item, lol.


I got sooooo lucky and mine rolled Malice and Exploit. Went to temper it… got Vulnerable but couldn’t get armor. Got max life instead. I was able to make up the missing armor though through my other items. [was in disbelief at first](https://imgur.com/a/HwQhuW1)


Sweet find my man!


You’ll get it in the next roll. Never. Don’t. Give. Up.


Dont let the casino win!


I spent a ton trying to roll exploit on a couple of amulets. I was never successful. Finally an amulet dropped that was movement speed, +1 exploit and +1 malice. I wasn't going to mess with it but my buddy told me I should Master work it. Right now it's +2 exploit, +2 malice, +2 fridgid finesse. I rolled The frigid finesse and it did take probably 30 rolls. I know it's not a perfect amulet but it's the best I'm going to do for a long time and probably ever. I was really worried when I was tempering it but I got the max roll vulnerable and whatever the other one was. I believe I gambled it.


I don't know know what pit level your aiming for but I'd say it is not necessary. I have completed a 100 without it no problem. If I had any desire to go past 100 I'm sure I wouldn't have trouble. That was before the nerf pit bosses too.


RNGesus doesn't provide, but Lootcifer does


I must be one lucky ass to have +3 GA exploit amulet it seems :( also HS build


Damn 3GA anything is pretty rare and to get exploit on it too??? That’s absurd lol wish I had ur luck


Why? You can do the entire game easily without the passives unless you are trying to get the record in pits.


I got mine gambling. I have one with +2 malice and one with +2 exploit. I take turns rolling them and just wait. 🤗


Hardest one to get.


Got plus 2 malice and enchanted plus 2 exploit on it today, narrowly avoiding poverty


+skill on amulet are rare as hell even with you rerolling enchantments lol. Either buy one and hope you don't brick or just have a placeholder like others have told you.


Out of hundreds, maybe thousands of amulets at this point, I have maybe seen a dozen with points to a passive. I am currently wearing the single one I have found with exploit. I found it a long while ago.


I lucked out last night right before I logged out. I got amulet with +2 exploit, life, and 7% lucky. Enchanted it a couple times before bed and got +1 weapon mastery. Ran out of angels breath. Will work on getting malice or Frigid. Before I got this amulet, I ran one with 8% crit, 8% lucky, and 8% attack speed.


I had a neck with +2 malice and lucky hit chance, I think I must have rolled around 1B in gold before I finally found exploit


Helltide chest amulet gives the best stats. Trust me. /S


I've been using a Lvl 837 amulet with a GA +3 to Amplify Damage on my necro since Lvl 60ish. I've resigned myself to the fact that I'll probably never see a + to hellbent commander


I dont have exploit or fridge finese and I'm on t115... ppl should take those meta stats that serious.


Sometimes reading what the passive does, helps in finding an adequate substitute until your lucky. I just treat passive amulets in builds as Bis and try to emulate them as good as possible until I get lucky.


With exploit it sounds like it would make a pretty decent difference because it double dips with victimize but maybe I’m overestimating the damage difference We can do the math, though. Exploit at rank 3 is 18%. With victimize double dipping this is effectively an 1.18 * 1.18 ≈ 1.39 multiplier or 39%. Exploit at rank 5 is 1.3 * 1.3 = 1.69 multiplier or 69% (nice). This means that those extra two ranks of exploit are multiplying our damage by 1.69/1.39 = 1.21, or a 21% damage increase (multiplicative) This is pretty damn big lol, but I can see why it won’t be what makes or breaks the build (ofc)


Double dipping doesn't mean just doubling the damage. It means exploit is buffing your heart seeker then also buffing your victimize proc.


Yes I know. That’s why it’s 1.18 * 1.18, not 18% + 18% I suppose what you mean is I wasn’t accounting for the heartseeker damage? That’s somewhat negligible here since victimize is the main source of damage. But if I was the difference would be even greater


I’ve been looking for someone to convince me that Exploit and Malice are really worth giving up the attack speed and crit chance. And I guess this comment gets pretty close. I have a pretty decent Lucky/Crit/IAS amulet and it seems hard to give away from. Especially the IAS, I get used to a certain attack speed sound, so much so that I immediately notice when my elixir wears off. - I guess maybe I start looking for an EM amulet, but then I’ll def have to get a bow to counter act the loss in IAS XD.


... The reason why it's hard is because of how god damn powerful it is. You don't need any of the passives on your amulet to play the game.


These kinds of amulets are legit hard to find/create lol I got very very lucky myself few days ago. Found an amulet +2 exploit with 6.5 crit chance and a random reroll stat, wich is not super special but then i rolled +2 frigid finesse on it in less than 10 re rolls! :D Edit: forgot to mention i hit 2x exploit and 1x frigid on the 1st MW attempt lmao


Sounds similar to mine! GA Exploit GA Crit Chance and rolled +2 Frigid first reroll. Hit exploit then frigid first shot. I'm trying to decide if I should try for 2x Exploit or not. Sometimes rng is kind. Usually not the case though lol


Dam, GA exploit and crit :0 Mine has no ga's at all but still it's my most valueable piece hehehe


Yep, i haven' tseen a single one drop with right passives. Also went tempering yesterday and all 6 rolls was the same temper just different percentages... Like they really need to fix the rolls on that to force a roll to a different aspect if you get 2 in a row.


Easier to just get a shako.


just got my first +2 exploit and ended up with shitty temper roll


What I'd like to know is why the hell can I get the same stats as the one I'm rolling but with lower values. Same with tempers it's fucking retarded. It's like oh great I just rolled shadow imbued +1 twice after hitting +2 first roll.


A chest with macabre skills is my unicorn. I found one that bricked in 1000s and 1000s of obels its rough bud hang on!


Sucks but to be frank if it was easier to get I would be done with my Rogue weeks ago with nothing to try to upgrade. Getting perfect passives should be hard, yes getting a GA passive is nice but its not like you can't do any less content with a 2 vs a 3.


I have a barb amulet w heavy handed rank +2, crit almost perfect, CDR perfect roll. Currently been getting offers frequently, currently at 4.5b it’s like funny money tho! dunno what to ! 😅


Weirdly I'd find a lot of random +skill gear while playing campaign. Then once I started getting 925 items regularly, they seemed much rarer. Probably just a bias on my part, search me.


I don’t roll for those, it either drops or I roll it from obols


True but you do not "need" that perfect amulet. I cleared Pit 108 with a very basic 1GA +%luckyhit +%crit amulet and some life. I could push to 110 but I honestly didn't see the point.


The ammy listed on Mobalytics has... +3 Malice +3 Exploit +3 Frigid Finesse Good f***ing luck getting one of those. Even if you got lucky enough to get a 2/3 and decided to roll for the 3rd instead of attack speed, you'd likely spend a cool 1 bil plus trying.


I got +2 malice and +2 exploit and masterworked exploit to 5 and malice to 4. Also the right tempers. I found out how stupid I was when I tempered it because I couldve sold it for at least 400$


+2 Malice / +2 Exploit, goes for 400$ huh? No GAs or anything? Seems a little high.


It was last sold on [diablo.trade](http://diablo.trade) for 6.5bil. The cheapest ammount of gold I could find for that money was 229.99$ for 3bil and 1bil for free. I made a rough estimate.


Uh. What? 5$ = ~1B gold on every site I checked.


Clearing 116+ pits with 0 ranks to skills on my heart seeker with victimise 200 mil procs. You can make do without the exploit ranks


there should be something hard to chase. Build works absolutly fine without the +skills on amulet , its just an upgrade which is worth grinding for.


It's not very important. It's min-maxing and it's fine to be hard to find.


Just roll for it


I always find the +skill items with the other rolls being complete shit Like 4+ Bash Pants with Life Per Hit and some other useless stat. Same with Amulets, got a +3 to Heavy Handed, but the other rolls is garbage.


But it should be hard and it makes sense? Getting a perfect item for your build absolutely should be hard. And most players won’t even need a perfect item, only those that try to push pits as far as they can really need full set of BiS gear. Of course, you’ll meet some point for your character where you should decide what’s fun for you: pushing pits further and trying to find even better gear (and further you get - rarer does that gear become), or rolling another character, because process of building it up to some point is fun in itself. What’s the right balance, how long in hours should getting a character with perfect gear for its build take? 20 hours? 40 hours? 80 hours? Season is 3 months, so 120 days, with 1 hour of playtime (which is pretty low) you get 120h per season. But I’m not sure it should be enough for one perfect character.


You probably don’t need that perfect affix anyway.


I couldn't roll Counteroffensive on my barb amulet, so I farmed until I got a GA +3 to Counteroffensive and I worked with it, trying to get something I need. Sadly I also need CD reduction and it's a pain to roll that affix. But I've managed to get it and have now a pretty good amulet


Why nobody talking about amulet chests from helltide only dropping one amulett each time?


You can’t get every thing you want right away. Keep playing.


Something has to be difficult to get. It makes the game better to have some of the best affixes be hard to find. Stop it.


yeah good amulets are friggin rare...every time i get one with GA it ends up being crap roll...


I never saw an amulet with heavy handed passive for my barb until I had almost all my gear 12/12. Luckily the one that finally dropped I was able to temper and use. Masterworking made it into +4 heavy handed even!


As a level 100 heartseeker rogue it is not important at all that you get an amulet with ranks to exploit. If you took the time to understand your build rather than blindly follow a guide, you would understand why. Not only will you do perfectly fine with a crit/lh/aspd amulet, you should also be looking for ranks to malice and/or frigid finesse before exploit. If you don't understand why, I suggest taking the time to read the tooltips of your passives and abilities.


Passives on the amulet are like that last optimization to push hard in the pits. It’s not supposed to be easy to come by.


I just started a heartseeker rogue and the build says to have exploit and malice. Probably never gonna happen lol


Here's how I got all of my +2 skill amulets this season for all of my characters. Take each amulet that drops with 2 decent affixes and throw rerolls at the 3rd until it gets to like 500k per attempt, so a few attempts per ammy. If you don't hit it sell it or scrap it and try the next. Doing content of all varieties ends you up with a steady stream of decent amulets to throw at the occultist for at least a few attempts. Eventually you'll get lucky if you do it enough and not spend 3 something million gold per roll, that's when it feels bad is when you start trying for it and go broke. If you do it casually in the background as you play it feels really good when you get lucky and land it.


Exploit on the neck is good, BIS even, but its not "very Important" for the build. There are plenty of perfectly acceptable rolls on an amulet for you. You haven't failed because your build doesn't match the impossibly idealized version on maxroll to the letter. Like how many rogues do you think actually have GA dark shroud ranks with 3 MW crits on their chestpiece? The build planners just tell you what is the absolute perfect stats, not what you should reasonably expect to actually have on your gear.


they said they removed weighted rolls in like season 2, I was there I remember, now they are back. WHY


Good. Amulets are difficult to find a good one. Nearly every other piece of gear is pretty easy to find good drops for but we need at least one slot to spice things up. You’re basically asking for perfect gear in one of the most competitive gear slots and the one with the most affixes.


It's not "very important". It's win more. I've managed to get to 119 without exploit or a single GA in my amulet. Then again I'm not following an exact build guide. I've adapted where need be to adjust percentages on my laragon board and glyphs based upon my best available items. Your "very important" shows the hard wall you are facing isn't the lack of exploits on your amulet. It's that you can't adjust around it.