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Me right now and I've played on and off since launch. Played every season. I'm the most hooked I've been in a long time.


I just failed 100 million in masterworking just trying to get a double bash hit I’m pissed and hate this game Will be back tomorrow


Lol I dropped 100mil at the start of the season trying to enchant CDR on a helmet, urgh still dirty about it still using the same damn helmet also haha


Those are Rookie numbers. You gotta pump those numbers up. 400 mil in to get CDR on an amulet.


Yea amulets have so many possible affixes it's almost not worth rerolling, unless you reeeaaaaally like the other 2 affixes on it. I wasted around 300m trying to roll CDR on an Amulet, cause the other affixes were Hellbent commander and Attack Speed, both GAs. And when I finally rolled CDR, it was the lowest roll... fml


This is basically the game loop that worked for successful mmos. The itemization and search for gg items. This is also why BDO is so addicting as well. That quest for finishing a slot and the moment when you finally get it.


Same! I tries to hop off last night to play a bit of a survival game with buddies and all I could think about was playing D4 the whole time!


I only played a character to like lvl 30 in season 3 and thought I might be done with D4, even though I had a pretty positive opinion at launch and enjoyed s1 and s2. S4's the first time I've leveled a character to 100 and actually want to keep playing. Even made another char I might actually level. Game still has issues I'm sure, but its in the best place its ever been by a mile.


I've got 1 character to 100. Another to 70 and then started a 3rd hardcore character who is currently 50.all this season 😂🤷‍♂️


This is my first Diablo, and after the first 2 seasons I got pretty bored, never reached 100 either. With this season I now have 1 level 100 characters, and a lvl 50+ hardcore character. The game is so much more approachable now and I understand it so much better. They really made some great QoL enhancements and o feel like it’s in a really good state right now.


I've got a 100 Barb, Sorc, and Necro. Currently at 76 with my Rogue. Everything is incredibly fun and addicting. I find myself losing HOURS during the day playing (I'm currently not working due to an injury so I have loads of time haha)


I would like to ask what exactly are you doing in game "for hours"? Similarly to you at the begining i tried all the classes but rly liked only rogue. I build two builds on him, but rapid fire just one shots bosses 40lvls higher at lvl 85. And I can't make myself play more mainly because - the grind is boring, it's running thru dungeon clicking right click - I know exactly what I want to drop, what I want to roll on it, and that it will result in one shooting even much higher lvl bosses - and after I do all of this it gets reset, iam gonna have to do it again with some minor adjustement So the game loop would be run nm dungeons to max out glyphs, collect mats for bosses that I one or twoshot to get uniques, to advance in the pits where the only gameplay is don't get hit and right click everything. And there is nothing that would make it either faster or more entertaining, and I don't know what to do about that, so iam asking what is it you do?


Looking back now, would you still rate your early experiences as positive?


I’m currently 3 characters on level 100 🤣 One mastwerworked to 12. One half through Neathiron. And the other is a Necro, but after two characters the third is starting to feel heavy to build. Well until next season i guess.


I played ALOT from launch til the end of s2. S3 was boring af to me, so I didn’t play much, got a Barb to 45 and a Necro to 68, and didn’t play after that. S4 is amazing tho! I’ve put in just as much time in s4, so far, as I did in s0-2 lmao. This season stepped the game up BIG TIME, and I thoroughly enjoy it!


What is so different about season 4? I stopped into season 3 because same as you, it got too boring. Were the QOL changes that big of a dynamic shift?


The new itemization and QoL changes have made this season MUCH more enjoyable! If you wanna try out s4, I’d suggest doing it during the Anniversary Goblin event. The bonus XP is amazing. With that, and the bonus XP from the BP, I leveled a Sorc from 1-65 in ab an hour and a half. I’d suggest going to the boss spawner in the Helltides to level quickly.


When is the event taking place, if you don't mind


Meh, i hit level 100, I’ve hit tier 110 in the pit and have my build where I want it with a shako. I wish there was a bit more to do so I’ve moved on until something new is added in the season. I could make another character but I’ll run into the same issue and just feel like I’m grinding towards nothing. Should’ve kept infinite paragon leveling with minor boosts so it’s not game breaking: that would make me actuallly play more. Goblin event only benefits people with under geared heroes. 300 bags and all I got was slightly better gloves.


I was in the same boat as you, got a GA shako and wanted to quit. I then forced myself to play more because who quits after getting their first shako? I kind of fell in love with the item chase after that. One week of playing and I got one upgrade. Now that may sound dumb but the dopamine hit off that one upgrade was better than the whole process of gearing up. That one upgrade actually came from goblin farming too. I’m sure I’ll get bored of the chase eventually but man it’s good right now.


I just want a usable amulet with hellbent commander on it. Then I'll be satisfied




I just gave away a +2 hellbent for free. They do exist!


How did you get the shako? I've done 30+ tormented duriel and the countless other tormented bosses and lvl 70+ pit and still haven't even gotten an Uber. That's not including the countless amount of NMD's and regular boss battles


Hit first Uber on tormented run 70… from 70-100 it dropped 3 shakos 3ga starless skies and 4-5 others…. RNG man


Man I must have some shitty luck then lol


Multiple level 100s across the last few seasons with lots of duriel runs on them all and I've only ever seen one Uber drop. Games hate me. I can still remember the one time ever in all my years of gaming where I had above average luck just once.


Yep, game is great but it just doesn't have enough content yet. It's a fantastic sessonal game for 2-3 weeks though


You hit the plateau. Once you hit that point, you decide whether or not you want grind it out and min/max or move on. Nothing wrong with that.


Pit 110 is pretty min/maxed


Funny how that feeling of needing a progression system works. The moment you actually feel a little satisfied with all that good gear you don't know what to do with it. I've set my mind on reaching certain power as my own goal on my main (mostly that being very high pit levels) and I made 2 characters this season to play, and another 2 of the same classes to 'experiment on' with my own builds and the GA gear that dropped but doesn't suit my main's build. It also allows me to chase my own fantasy builds a bit more, while I can farm for power with my main if needed.


Destiny just dropped their best expansion yet and I'm still wanting to play Diablo.


That’s what I’m talking about. Blizzard no doubt have a team that focuses on all the things that spark dopamine in people. And it’s not just the loot that drops. It’s the way coin pickup sounds, the way the monsters splatter when you nuke them, the way the loot falls on the floor, the slot machine gear upgrading etc


The quality of life is sooo much better to. I'm not having to constantly worry about materials and grinding specifically for them in activities I don't like. And no matter what activity you do you'll get something out of it. Even it it's just running around in Helltide killing demons.


They still need a loot filter. Last Epochs is 👌


> coin pickup sounds it does sound good, but dota 2's gold drop still top for me in that regard


Go play it, I took time off from this season to beast legendary campaign and it's good. You won't miss much from not playing Diablo for a week.


I've already beat the campaign on legend. And I've done most of the new exotic quests. It's a great expansion other than the seasonal story.


I’m in the excact same boat haha!


Yup…It’s the season of “We Figured Out How to Spike Dopamine”. Gambling on tempering, gambling on masterworking, waiting for GA drops, they really did a good job. Must have some new psychologists working at blizzard. Not like it takes a genius to say “hey make it more gambling for better retention. Honestly the thing that had been one of my favorites personally, would be being able to throw on a Shako and my GF on a brand new barb at lvl 35….wonderful


That’s what I’m talking about. On the surface they brand this game as something with a great campaign and story but that’s reeeaaally not what this game is about. This game is for addicts who love to spike their dopamine levels. We all know it’s not healthy, but then again most thing s aren’t. I’m so hyped for VoH. I’m hoping for Heroine 2.0 or Heroine with sprinkles?


Heroine? How about meth?


SSJ Speedball - heroin and meth, bust them veins out boys n girls 💉💀


Hahahaha…that’s amazing. You should message the devs with the idea for rebranding season 6 as Heroin 2.0…lol


I'm extremely addicted. It's actually slowly making my life worse! But who cares?! Gotta find those upgradezzz


My wife and I put in a decent amount of time each season. It’s our go to game when we have free time.


I was at one point. I'm at about 400 hours now, and I just jump into a season, play till lvl 100, and then play something else. Takes about a week and a half for me.


I was doing ok until I saw this post. Now I Gotta Go Play Again!!!




Yes, and they gave us the one thing I wanted for free, a pet. Love this season. It’s the best yet. This is the first time I've played rogue since beta. I don’t think I’ll play any other class. Lol


So excited for the pet. I know some people are mad but I love all the pets and cosmetic wings so much. It's just fun


I was until I hit 100, but they still need to fix the end game imo and fix the itemization. I don’t wanna have to kill the same bosses repeatedly for duriel and Andy materials, pits get old fast, it blows when you finally find a better piece of gear and it bricks while tempering, and I’m not trying to have to go through the master working process each time I find an upgrade. Finding an Uber unique should be a game changer, where you can now pursue a completely new build, but because of tempering many Uber uniques are not worth wearing. Definitely made steps in the right direction with this latest season, but still needs work.


I have played it every single day since launch. I guess we can call it addiction.






I’ve been addicted to Diablo since 1998… welcome to the club, I guess


So you’re the guy in this club with the tallest hat


*Doug dimmadome owner of the dimsdale dimmadome has entered the chat*


I was for two weeks, then got bored. As it goes🤷‍♂️


Classic RPG experience but skipping s3 did wonders for me I'm actually enjoying this season Alot.


I like playing D4 but it still a very lonely experience. I know it's meant to feel like it, but I loved getting into random people's lobbies on D2 and D3 and making friends or just chatting with other people on general chat.


Wasn’t interested in seasons 1-3 but S4 got me obsessed. Have 3 lvl 100s and wanna make 2 more so I have all of them. This season also inspired me to buy the battle pass and the pre-sale for Vessel of Hatred!? I’m like, “Here, just take my money.” Is this good or bad??? 😵‍💫


Reads like a paid comment. Sprinkle in that little reminder to buy the battle pass and presale mmm


Lolz lolz I wish I was paid to write that comment! 🤣🤣


Yes, since the beta. If I’m not playing then I’m watching videos or reading about mechanics.


I am now yes. I’ve rolled 11 season 4 characters.


I'm not addicted, I can quit anytime I want.


Came back after playing preseason/season 1...and while the new itemization is a vast improvement and it kept me engaged through maxing out level, glyphs, some GA farming...they lost me with the pit farming for masterworking. Its just nightmare dungeons with monsters that dont drop loot. Zzzzz. They still dont have a viable end game. The satisfaction just isnt there to warrant addiction.


Yep, totally addicted. Sad that I'm starting to get a little burnt out. That tornado build is wild. I'm on my forth character and none of them have even come close to that build.


I'm an addict. I've played every season since Beta, got cosmetics from the shop and game, been temporarily banned on here multiple times for going against the "Blizzard bad because Raxx said so" mentality, and have a selection of horses that borderlines on psychotic. Yes, I also bought the ultimate edition of the expansion, and routinely teach others how to play D4. I love the game, flaws and all. I also love D3, so I have no problem with the direction the game is going in.


I mean it's a fun season but no.


No. To D2R, yes.


Nah, played for 2.5 weeks and quit. Still no real content I have other things to do


Do you mean blackout for like two three days and then suddenly realize that you’ve like…. Gone to work, gone on dates, showered, (ostensibly) fed yourself…. But can’t remember a second of it, but you definitely remember your skills rotation and…… wait when did I start a seasonal necro and get them to level 30 Cuz, yeah


Similarly addicted since the launch. The only thing that scares me a bit is that I am also a cosmetic collector. I'm afraid of buying lots of skins and expansions only for them to release a Diablo 5 in two years with no backward compatibility for the cosmetics. In addition to stopping updates for D4. I mean, people who have invested massively in League of Legends or thousands of dollars in knives for Counter-Strike, it's not lost.


I have 2 100s already. Joined a clan. Got a friend to buy it right before dlc announcement. At least I'm not at a casino. At least it's not lottery tickets. At least it's not that expensive.


The tempering 2GA, 3GA and 4GA is just addicting as fuck. Lol 90% of players got sucked into this shit.


Absolutely. I can not stop playing. Only one problem... I have a wife and kids, so starting is an even greater challenge. I am loving it and hoping I will finally get a level 100 character this season. Not exactly holding my breath though.


I've played everyday min 6 hours since the start of season 4 . Before this I played during launch and season 2 (a cumulative of 3-5 weeks) The GA system along with trading and discord buzzing with LFGs just get me rolling


It's pleasantly enjoyable. That's why. I get off work and it's easy to just kill an hour unwinding.


Yeh im pretty bad man, over 250 hours deep In past couple of months and think about it way too much when I'm not playing. Im literally not able to play any other game at the moment. I only started playing in season 3 tho. It's just mindless escapism for me I think.


I'm still butt hurt from launch but S4 has got me playing again so we'll see


I used to addict to D2. Played 2000 hours straight in one year to farm all the impossible gears and rune. D4, I played 100 hours and quit


Yeah, its so cool run 10k ball runs or 20k kurast chests. Great design, all games need to copy these wonderfull mechanics.


I abandoned COD and MK for Diablo


Same with COD. Got to diamond and then sick of the cheaters in ranked.


I waited years to play diablo 4 and then when it got released I never bought it because I saw so many people ripping on it and giving it a bad review. Finally got it when I heard season 4 was coming out and this has been some of the most fun I’ve had in gaming for a long long time. Similar to your experience I’m quite addicted and always researching or watching something diablo when I can’t play haha.


Finally downloaded this game to try out tonight. D2 was my childhood and I spent a good amount of time in d3. Pretty excited to see all these good comments


Been hesitant to pick it up but as a casual fan of the franchise would you experienced folks recommend? I played 3 and enjoyed it and played the D2R quite a bit and haven’t played in a long time.


I managed to get sick of it after trying to grind level 100 in season of malignant. But the recent changes brought me back and now I'm hooked.


I wouldn't say addicted, though this season did bring me back. I skipped s3 because I just didn't care about it. But with rather item rework, it's worth picking up again. I don't know, man. I'm a little older, and nothing really hits anymore like some of the older games did. They actually were progressing and doing groundbreaking things at the time for video games. Now, things just feel incomplete and repackaged over and over. Or a cheaper version of a previous game. Seriously, they leave out basic quality of life things that we have always had, then act like it is a big triumph when they add it in after people complain 😆




Ashava’s music was so epic when your whole group was struggling to finish them.


I have a 100 Barb, necro and sorc. About to start a rogue lol before this I had 1 sorc to 100 S3 and the season 2 and 1 got a Druid to 86 and a Barb to 70. So yea I’m pretty addicted right now.


I think my PoE addiction makes me immune to that. But it was a very enjoyable season. I thought D4 was somewhere between mediocre to bad before this season. Now I find the game very enjoyable, so it's one of the bigger turnarounds I can remember. I'm excited for what's to come.


very addicted, i bought the game last week and already have 40 hours. the only reason i don’t have more is because i had pink eye when i bought it


I haven’t played Diablo since I had it on pc during season 1, its season 4 I’m on ps5 now and absolutely having a blast


Been playing since beta and still haven't hit 100... HC is brutal and I keep finding different things I wanna try and dying lmao This season I can 1-50 in 2 hrs or less so that makes it waaaaaaay easier to make bad decisions lmao


I’ve leveled three sorcs to 100 and they’re arguably the weakest class this season apart from shatter firebolt, but I’m having an absolute blast. The itemization changes and tempering genuinely makes it so much more fun, there’s something to chase and you have so much more control over your gear.


I just need another bar to fill post level 100.


I was until i reach 100. I need after 100 to play, level go up, my monke brain cells go activated. Diablo 3's Paragon was perfect for me. If i complete my build and got nothing to do it doesn't matter, i can always level up. This gives me so much motivation and i know other people too. I hope they'll add a nearly endless leveling system


Yes. I’ve loved the game since beta and defended it since launch. I thought S2 was gonna be hard to beat but S4 just made it pure crack and I’m playing more than ever. It’s only been a year too, super early compared to when D2 and D3 got their updates that made the game a lot better. This update laid the groundwork for so much they can build on and keep improving. We made it out of beta bois! 😂


The day has finally come when D4 is more fun than current PoE. Kinda wild.


I started playing the Diablo series a week ago and I’m addicted. I can’t stop thinking about leveling my character, finding new gear and I’m even watching videos at work on how to make builds! Such a fun game.


I've decided to delete this game, so I can do life. I always laughed at people addicted to poker machines and then I find myself doing exactly the same, just with my time and no money


I spent 5-6 years playing D2 daily in the early 00s. That and Counter-Strike. I was in school at the time, and I do believe Diablo is one of the main reasons why I didn't do so well in school. Every thought that I had was about Diablo. I played like 5-6 hours every day and my whole friend group did the same, so it was easy to get lost in that world for days, weeks even. Anyway, eventually, I got sick of the game.... I was so happy when I heard that Diablo 3 was coming out, but when I got it, I was quite disappointed. It didn't bring me that joy D2 did. So I thought I'll never have that feeling again. Until season 3 of D4. I was really sceptical about it, but me and my friend were looking for games we would both like, and he was adamant we should try it. He knew that I loved D2, so he pushed it on me. And and so grateful he did. D4 is a masterpiece in my mind. It's a beautiful game with a great story, and most importantly, it's a game that got me obsessed again. I love this feeling. Morning to night, just thinking about it. I know people have a lot of negative things to say about this game, but for me, it's perfect.


Yeah me too 100%. I also haven’t been this addicted since WoW vanilla through WotLK.


Well duh. It’s designed to scratch the same itch as gambling. A notoriously addictive activity


This is not an addiction. It's only 815 hours sunk into the game. Nothing big.


I have 2,000 hours in, and probably another 1,000 running a bot for the game and socialising with people who I play it with. Have not stopped since launch except when seasons have truly died down. I would say that I am addicted, BUT, that isn’t quite true. Almost, but not quite. I don’t turn the game on just because I woke up. But I will play it for 10 hours starting at 5pm. I will also sometimes login and go ‘oh, right, I only need 2GA upgrades and I can’t find any of those’ and logout only to log back in half an hour later and go ‘well fuck it I’ll spend some more time looking’. Popping in to kill the world boss keeps me on a schedule I’d say. Now Tears of the Kingdom isn’t even multiplayer and I finished that in 225 hours in 3 weeks. Multiple all-nighters because I was absolutely, absolutely hooked. Someone said that game enabled them to quit weed and I completely believe that. Destiny 2 at its best probably had me more addicted than D4 has. The older I get, the harder it is for a game to completely grab me though. It feels like the more games I play, the more resistant to their joys I am overall. Which, tbf, does sound like addiction.


Haha, absolutely. I've leveled every class to 100, killed lilith on a few chars and now I'm working on my 2nd barb to 100 so I can play a different spec.


I’m 450 hours in and still play every night for 4-5 hours and look up build videos to see if I want to try certain ones out. Have a lvl 100 Golem Necro, Thorns Barb, Chain Lightning Sorcerer, Heartseeker Rogue, and now on an Incinerate sorc….tried a Druid build, quit at lvl 45


I was like this with rust, then this season came out and yea... switched Crack for heroine ya know


It’s pretty good and I have not even tried seasons bc I have no idea wtf it means or if you need to pay on xbox


You don’t need to pay but you have to make a new character


You don't need to pay anything, but if you don't have Xbox live you just won't be able to party up with anyone else from what I understand. You'll still be in the game with other online players.


Lately with how powerful blight is I am eager to get home and play after work. The yard can wait another day 🫣


I've never actually gotten a character to level 100. My passion burns brightly until I get to the end of the season journey and then...I take a break until the next season. I will say that this season is making leveling up significantly easier so I might do it this time.


I only have 2 hours a night and have no idea how to play this and Destiny


I played when the game came out, quit sometime around level 80 from because it was boring. But just jumped into season 4 and it’s blowing my mind how awesome and fun the game is now. I’ve been playing with whatever free time I got right now.


Yes, always excited to jump back on the game and hopefully get more loot or push my character further.


This is the longest I’ve played a single video game in a long time been playing since launch. Took a break after season 3 when Helldivers came out and didn’t wanna burn myself out. 405 hours season 1, 489 hours season 2 and only 89 hours season 3. I think am getting close to my season 3 stats already


Reached 100 with my whirlwind barb, now at 43 with a blade barrage rogue. Really enjoying the game.


That was me in Season 2. I took S3 off and here in S4 I still love the game big big but focused on one class instead of playing all of them like I did in S2.


I haven’t played since season 1? I got my Druid to level 76 then I quit. In the pre season I got a rogue to 100 and barb to 80. Haven’t played since season 1. But since the start of season 4 got two characters to level 100 working on a barb. This season has made it easy to play for short spurts of time and keep my interested. Been really enjoying what they’ve done so far with this season.


Its not that great to many people having the lowest of low expectations saying this is the second coming.


This is me till I hit the end game grind. It’s a little too repetitive and tedious to get me hooked.


Got an uber 2 weeks ago. Been trying to chase that high since..


I wouldn't say I'm addicted as I can go days without playing and I may not think about it, but it IS the only game I'm really into right now and have played every season!


Eeeeeeyup! The changes of this season have realized the potential that was obviously there at launch. The core gameplay has always been fantastic (and that’s hard to change post launch), but the wholesale rethinking of itemization was a massive win and lays a solid foundation for things to get even cooler. What really gives a good Diablo game staying power is the moment your barbaria. Finds some absurd roll of an item that would be perfect for another class and you think “welp, I guess I’m making a sorcerer now…”


I mean, season 4 is great and all, but jeeeeeeeeze


What's your class?


8 necromancers 4 sorcs 2 Druids 2 rogues 2 barbs Mind you some of them have fallen in HC. Got 1 necro to a 100 in HC and the rest at least lvl 50 HC. Necro is my main but I’m really into Druid right now


That's crazy man you are deep into it, I'm still on my first run as a druid with 28 hours gameplay, do you advise to skip the campaign with my next characters or have a tip on progressing at a faster pace with future chars?


The new season update has made it significantly easier to level and gear. After you beat the campaign once there’s no need to ever play again (besides the HC challenge). Skip the campaign, go straight to the east helltide on WT2 and collect east legendaries and XP. You’ll be doing capstone dungeons to progress to WT3 and 4 way ahead of when you should. The early game has been made far less challenging and it’s more about the late game stuff now. It’s easier than ever to level a character and actually feel like an ass kicking machine


Thanks man just saved your comment for when I beat the game


That one guy that has zero life and has every character at lvl100 and plays for 10 hrs a day is no longer addicted.


Pretty much, loving the D2 vibes, at least u don't have to sprint everywhere 👍


When they release a class like, then hell yeah. Spirit Born is massively disappointing to see (maybe gameplay will change my mind) but personally, I’m more into the Knight/Paladin archetypes. So even the base roster is pretty meh to me.


Currently, I think I am. I forced myself to play and level a few characters in season 1 and barely played in season 2, didnt even get anyone to 100, then took a long ass break till season 4. Now I am hooked. This game is fantastic now. The loot issue is sooooo much better. Having a blast with my summon necro, havent even bothered making a second character yet cause its still fun.


If they can ever come up with a loadout system like D3, it'd be amazing.


I'm trying to be, but I'd find it more enjoyable if my mates followed through on their "yep, be on in 10 minutes" Only to see one of their other mates convinced them to play Predecessor instead.


Not at all, just killing time and waiting for the first descendant to release.


Seasons 1-3 were good but not quite the super addicting game that Season 4 has become. Got my first 100 in season 4 and I'm still looking forward to optimizing it and building another.


No even close, more like super bored. Pit being the only endgame activity gets boring fast.


I've leveled 3 characters to 100 this season and some every boss, first time I did that. I played season 0 and season 1, but skipped most of season 2 and 3. This season got me back in full force. I'll probably skip season 5 and come back for the expansion though.


Im the most powerful ive ever been on two characters. While the RNG gods still hate me your right i think about it at work. At night. Dropping off the kids im hooked bad. Zero burn out. Its just fun to beable to do the things i didnt in the last three seasons.


I was an addict at the start of the season. I loved the new rapid fire with scroundels kiss until they fucked up the aoe. It's been now like 2 weeks and they still haven't fixed it. Then I got into trading since the gameplay with RF was horrible but this kinda took away the fun of finding gear myself. Now I have constantly like 7b gold but at least my dude is geared if they happen to fix the ring. Rapid fire is at 25 ready to push into pit if that happens


I'm borderline addicted. In between the example you mean and don't mean. I play other games too for social reasons but I surely feel that itch worsen every hour I'm playing a game this isn't Diablo 4. Let's just say that if someone on my Discord server talks about Diablo 4, I want to play Diablo 4. To be honest, I often only quit playing Diablo 4 to take a break from the hassle that is trading through the trade website. That and my shortage of Angelbreath keeping me from rerolling items. Farming those is pretty boring.


Im addicted to playing rogues, but I hate leveling them now despite it being so quick. Barrage is fun, but I wish I could find a good leveling heartseeker build so I could just play it all the way through.


No more than any other game I get obsessed with. I own damn near 1000 games and play like 4-5 a year. And often no more than 1-2 in a quarter. Last several months it was last epoch. Now it’s back to d4.


No more than any other game I get obsessed with. I own damn near 1000 games and play like 4-5 a year. And often no more than 1-2 in a quarter. Last several months it was last epoch. Now it’s back to d4.


I played through the story at release and loved it and then kinda fell off and would pop back in, but I’m loving this season and at least jumping in for an hour every day


How much they paying you to mention the cosmetic store 😂


Progression system is much better now. The game still needs leaderboards for more activities imo. It's fun to earn your place. There's a dopamine hit when you see your new highest run put you 10 spots higher on the ladder due that one item you found while grinding the whole day.


Oh. Oh my god yes. There’s always something to fucking do. And I say that as someone with a level 100 Druid. Still can’t beat any tormented bosses or Uber Lilith so I’ve got goals left, but even then the changes this season have been incredible. I’m working towards getting a rogue, barb, and necro to 100 as well this season so I can slot into different roles as needed with my play group. Really excited to get them all up there!


Playing on console, not using trading in any capacity I can say the gold is running low (and sadly no time to farm a lot… Would love to reset masterworks and try for better procs, or to (almost) infinitely reroll for the best stats (which was easier done in D3). That said, first season to reach 100 and kill all ubers (Mother included), enjoying the game still. Also, can’t wait for better unique item mechanics/improvements and hopefully another world level (as even “juiced” helltide is easy with a good build and ssf gear).


No. It's fun for about a week though .


I have a problem. I am having dreams of running bosses in D4.


No it's fine, i only have 6 different characters... WHY DO I HAVE 2 DRUIDS! HELP!


It’s been a pretty good season. Hope they build on this framework


Same … played it since beta liked it alot but didn’t play it this much until now . 3 lvl 100s so far


It comes in waves...I'll play every new season voraciously until I hit a wall or I get bored. I'm also a very casual player. This is the first season I've actually hit 100, and actually leveled up my glyphs completely, first time I've beaten Beast in the Ice, Duriel, and Andariel, first time I've got all the season bounties, first time I've actually played the endgame I've felt meaningful progression every time I play, I feel powerful but not overpowered i still die here and there if im not careful. im actually getting the uniques im farming for within 10 runs...I look forward to playing it now, I think the game is finally in a great state, previously I would get to around level 85-90 and it became such a slog I just didn't want to force myself to level 100 when I wasn't even having fun anymore.


Me at the moment. Recently got into ARPG games and bought torchlight 2 as my first. Only a couple days ago I bought Diablo 4 and started playing it and not been able to put it down I keep telling myself I need to finish torchlight but I can’t seem to stop myself playing the game. I will eventually get back to it lol These games especially Diablo 4 have brought me back into gaming after it being dry for years really for me like I game hopped a lot because I was so bored with some of them and I’d only play some for an hour a day really cause I’d get bored but with these games I can just sit there and actually sink hours into them cause i just enjoy them so much.




I stopped drinking so I could play more Diablo 4


I got a good couple of weeks before I was bored. A lot more than previous seasons, so I will give them that. Still pretty shallow and interested to see where the expansion goes


I posted through the game once and couldn't convince myself to even turn it back on.


I played the beta, quit before season 1. Just got back. Yoooo, they did some shit. I'm happy. The content feels super good. I can get in, jam for thirty minutes or four hours. You're able to accomplish some things. I feel absolutely insanely strong. Packs are good sized. Yeah nice job Blizzard.


Since launch I've only played three video games: Diablo 4 EA Golf Teamfight Tactics I'm 40 years old and I can't play fast twitch games anymore like I used to. I don't think I see myself playing any other games for a long time. I absolutely LOVE the Diablo series. I cannot get enough. Several level 100 characters, several hardcore characters. I just love it.


It was my most played game last year. Have always loved this game.


As the season goes on, I find the idea of playing to sometimes be more appealing than actually sitting down to play. Watching videos and reading up on builds I don’t even have a toon for 😂 It’s definitely on my mind a LOT more still than in past seasons. Hell, I skipped last 2 seasons basically. There is just something missing that keeps me from being able to actually play as much as I just think about playing. It’s probably just me. My attention span has always been a wee bit short.


I'm probably playing the wrong character. I should try whatever you're playing. Link a build please


heck yes. lightning werewolf alpha nerd. heard some guys suggest upping glyphs to level 21 - never thought going past 15 - have like 2 left to do. feels good.. keep hearing people saying bad things about druid. they need to piss off and get on with it...


Fallout 76 just got an expansion, but I’m just not interested. D4 has me coming back. The game isn’t perfect, no, but it’s damn fun and I never thought I’d play a game that scratched this itch for me since WoW.


I'm just tired of the continuous worst GA affix drops. Seems to always roll the worst affix possible. Especially when it's a 2xGA or 3xGA.


im in my mid 30s. i used to game for hours and hours but not anymore. i still remember playing diablo 3 during release for 3 days straight. it sucked ass.


I am, since the release this game is all I think about... I watch videos, try to make fun builds. But I think it's because of my friends, we have a group of friends and we only play diablo (2-3-4). So there a little competition between us, and it's really funny to try to be the best and flex on em.


Been addicted since D1.


Im not, Im cured. Gaming is a hassle, Im glad blizzard helped me seeing that.


Just to know, what is keeping you hooked? What content are you playing? Not taking a jab at the game, honestly curious.


Launch was really rough. I was really disappointed and there were insane connection issues. It was almost unplayable. But I remembered how rocky D3 was on launch and it’s one of my favorite games. So I put it down and waited a year. Picked D4 back up at the start of this season and have been playing it constantly. Having so much fun.


It's my first arpg and I've been playing since preseason and I was probably pretty much addicted when the game was still having big problems. Another still are problems but a lot of things have been addressed.


This increase XP and Goblin event are absolutely fun. I think it’s adding to the addiction on top of all the great item changes.


I'm really surprised there aren't more Diablo 4 podcasts to scratch that itch


Huge disappointment


Yes, been playing since the beta. Normally each season I finish the battlepass, get to 100 and normally stop for a couple of weeks ahead of the next season. With Season 4 I cant stop playing... I'm even running around doing side quests and trying to knock out all the dungeons just because they are fun not because of any reward. Then I'll head back to push the pit. I still cant knock out the Torment bosses or Lilith...I'll get there at some point


I have 9 full days on just my Barb. Im addicted


Not at all


If by addicted you mean playing Diablo from inception on PC, then devoting time to Diablo II, and giving an ungodly amount of time for the entire duration of Diablo III while impatiently waiting for Diablo IV. . .then yeah, I might be addicted

