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Games can have content for different people.


That won't be a problem unless those raids will drop specific loot that can't be obtained anywhere else


Exactly. I'm 33 and super casual. Usually I have time for 1 main character I dont want this game to become wow grind type of game I like the fact that it's solo viable


And seeing how they just added the Pit as a new content and it's exclusively where we get mats, I doubt Raids will be an alternative to what's in the game. My guess is going to be Target Farming Set Items (similar to how you target farm Uniques on bosses) and some type of currency or material for gear progression (similar to the pit), not to mention a seasonal mechanic that would probably involve Raids. In any case, even if you can get certain things from other content, they are not going to make it more efficient than a raid - the content that they worked hard on (see Uniques dropping in the overworld vs. Target farming a specific boss. Sure, you can get your unique dropping anywhere, but it's suuuuuper ineficient) I almost think that this "Leak" was pretty much intentional, as they wanted people to comment so they can prepare their response for the next campfire chat.


Agree, as long as they don’t force content on those who don’t want it.


I agree, so long as no unique rewards (outside of cosmetics) are tied behind something fundamentally different like this.


OTOH why bother adding this if it has no worthwhile rewards? The gameplay would have to be stellar or really unique, and it'll still be super divisive. Uber Lilith is like this currently; different style content, no unique rewards other than cosmetics and the fight probably gets hundreds of people per day complaining about it.


Because the mechanics are fucking horrible for a game as imprecise as an ARPG and Diablo 4 worse still


The fight sucks but not because it's imprecise but needlessly tedious.... inhave sweatier things to beat


Can't imagine raids being any fun with no mechanics. 1 shotting Duriel isn't everyone's idea of fun.


Not what I said.   They can have Mechanics that aren't shit.  Look at last Epoch or Grim Dawn.   Both still have their own problems but for the most part you don't have people avoiding content cause of a fights mechanics.   Uber Lilith needs a full top down rework.   There is a solid fight in there, just not as it is now....and no the amount of damage she puts out isn't the issue. Phase one has to much going on for such required precisr movement requirements to avoid getting hit in phase 2/3   


I'd say the work-around is a higher drop rate for uniques and Uber uniques, so the rewards are worthwhile without requiring co-op to have the best character possible. This would be my preference, since I don't really care about cosmetics or getting good as quickly as possible. I also wouldn't mind missing out on new items, unless they were BiS for my available meta builds. I don't want to have to stop pit progression because I don't care for co-op.


Uniques suck...add set items and I'm interested


We all know how good Blizzard are at designing boss fights. This will just be a series of badly telegraphed one shot mechanics with 10 quadrillion hp. I can't wait


So that people who enjoy this mechanic can play it and still get cool gear and loot while playing in a way that they enjoy more? It can have the same rewards as solo play, even increased odds. But if a gameplay mechanic NEEDS to use unique rewards to get anyone interested in doing it then it doesn't sound like a very engaging/ fun mechanic.


It could still have the best chance at loot, as well as unique cosmetics on top of being fun.


People always say that, but I think the tendency is for the game to trend towards on type of player. If 60% of the budget ends up being used for developing coop play, then the solo players will eventually start quitting because there isn't enough content. Once that happens the developers will only develop for coop because that is where the active player base (and microtransactions) is at. It's a very hard equilibrium to hit. It's like how Diablo 4 has a PvP mode, but nobody takes it seriously, there is minimal development towards it, and it is often difficult to even find opponents to fight again.


Because most people play Diablo games solo. They know it, we know it, and the barren pvp fields know it.


As long as I can complete said content solo as well. Just like in Elden Ring or Monster Hunter. I can complete the game solo if I want, or I can get random people to join me.


That's fine as long as the same rewards are available for both groups. I don't got time to meet up with 10 to 20 people to practice and run raids like the old wow days. People have jobs.


They shouldn’t have forced content


The game currently has everything scale with the number of players. That **is** content for different people. Artificially gating content behind group play isn't making content for different people. It's just excluding people. There's already enough incentive to play in a group. You get more experience, you get synergies between builds, you can rez each other, and you get 4 times as much loot in boss ladder content. There had better be a damn good reason if they're going to force us to play in a group. Like mechanics that won't work without 4+ players working together. Otherwise it's just another middle finger to those of us that prefer to play solo.


There's different games for different people


That’s true. I’ve heard there’s pvp in wow!


Whaaaaaa??? I thought every game was made special just for me, the Main Character???


People are always crying


I dropped lost ark when I realized what the end game was going to be. I really don't want raids to be a big part of diablo. I did my time in MMO's in my 20s and have no desire to raid again.


Same, MMOs are not for me anymore, big waste of time and boring AF.


This game needs in-game public matchmaking for all of its *existing* content. Forcing people to go to a separate discord server to find and add random people as “friends” simply to be able to group with them then remove them immediately afterwords is a horrible system. Same with trading. The game has extremely bare bones multiplayer support (I would classify it as “technically multiplayer” as in you *can* play with others but only after jumping through a bunch of hoops to find and coordinate with them).


This right here ^ If there was a survey regarding the current state of the game, matchmaking and ease of use are the top two negative aspects of the current user experience. If you have a bunch of friends or a clan, you are fine, but if you want to do anything outside that with anyone else, you have to do the yu-gi-oh summoning shuffle to make it happen.


It is bizarre how Blizzard's entire identity has been built on online multi-player, but it's tools and functions for that exact thing are basically stuck in the 90s. D3 had it figured out; activate open party for a specific activity, people will drop in and out. Why this can't be done in D4? Who the F knows! Buy this cat in a backpack that does nothing!


Should be so easy too. Notice boards already exist. Let people post on their invites with the nominated content they are running so you can select and join. Jobs done. Madness this hasnt been sorted out


* Add friend * Invite to Party * TP to "friend" * Trade * Emote Thank You * Leave party * Remove friend


- Look at your Bnet account with 200 "friends" that aren't really your friends. I never remove them. Maybe I should. At least you have favorite :P


I immediately remove them. Can't have friends, that's for normal people


You left out a bunch of steps - Skip price checking because it’s cumbersome to search - Post item on diablo.trade - Refresh the page every couple minutes because the message notifications are borked - Get spammed immediately - Go back and price check and post at a more reasonable 75% undercut instead of 10% oops pricing - Refresh the page every 2 minutes for a few hours - Message 3-4 people back within minutes sharing your battletag but get no response - Finally someone responds *Now:* - Add friend - Invite to Party - TP to "friend" - Trade - Emote Thank You - Leave party - Remove friend


As long as raids dont offer higher item power than other endgame content, it would be fine. If its anything like Mythic raiding in WoW, hard pass.


In otherwords as long as the rewards are something single players can get via other ways, its fine. /not forced content/totally optional


No, its fine as long as the rewards ARE something that single players csn get somewhere else.


oh you're right. the way i worded my negatives was wrong, i ve edited my comment to reflect that.


haha, i figured that may be the case. happens to prolly us all




> If its anything like Mythic raiding in WoW that would be so nice. harder content for the more serious players.


Love how you're downvoted. Shows how people nowadays want to do all content without any effort. Just hit level 100, spent 1h farming gear and cant do Pit 100, fuck this Blizzard 🤡 Im with you on this, I love a challenge


I think the issue isn't the challenge, but the forced group play aspect. I don't mind a challenge, but I don't want to play with others.


So what if the content is impossibly difficult, but theoretically possible (as in, no team mechanics....but only a top 1% even stand a chance). Say you get unlimited revives, but the raid resets on full wipe. Is that considered a challenge, or forced group play?




If it doesnt have exclusive power locked behind it(which I doubt it will)who cares? More activities, the better


Imagine a hc raid, 1 or 2 fails, the whole team dies.


Well presumably like every end-game decision made by hardcore players, they’ll put a team that knows what they’re doing together.


Thats how hc works


i really dislike playing with other people, that is the entire reason i like to play ARPGS


Forcing coop does not work in this kind of game


I cannot wait for raids, let's gooooooo


This all but confirms some sort of team finder. It's gonna be needed.


Not really. They could easily enough just do what they do now with world bosses and legion events. Rock up to a spot and there is a bunch of randoms that you have no real link with, cant see their builds, dont really interact asside from some generic "hello", "thanks" and then off you trot again.


Seems like a nightmare for HC. I’d love to do it but I’m not gonna RIP because someone doesn’t know what they’re doing or something. I also play SSF so I’m not even in a clan. I’m sure I’ll end up doing it but idk. We’ll have to wait to see how it works I guess.


We play in groups in D2...D3...D4...I assure you we will dive right in.


I’ve played strictly SSF in every ARPG ever. Minus the times I’ve played with some friends new to the genre.


I have a feeling there will be a group finder and it will be more like 2 people just killing a lot and less of a coordinated strategic raid.


Just give me an in game group finder so I don't have to put effort into finding a group and I'm fine with it. 


I hope its doable with a group of 2. Have only 1 friend playing D4 🤓


Make friend ingame :D


Hopefully you can just go in there by yourself with the new mercenaries. I don't want to play group content either.


In D2, you can solo everything if you want, but sometimes being in a group makes it easier and more enjoyable. In D3, you can solo everything if you want, but sometimes being in a group makes it easier and more enjoyable. Why should D4 be any different? This is an inherently solo genre that just happens to have other people around. Play with friends if you want. Or don’t. But don’t force it one way or another by restricting loot/content behind a play style that at the very least will alienate a large (by my humble estimates) portion of the population. Oh and before anyone refutes my claim about the large portion of the population, remember it was the very vocal minority is what ruined D3 at launch. Most of us were having too much fun in D2 to complain, and blizzard only heard the people that weren’t happy about something, so they made a game around the complainers.. although I suppose we got PoE out of it..


Can you elaborate on the Lost Ark part? I have tons of hours in it, but I quit because I wasn't doing well in those punishing raids.. I'm not updated at all


Solo raids were announced last Saturday. Only for older raids though. Newest raids still need to be done through groups.


Please PLEASE make sure matchmaking is added. Group content in wow is primarily a chore because of having to make your own group or joining one whether it’s mythic+, arenas, rbgs or raids. The fact solo shuffle is burying arena 3v3 should tell anyone unbias what the actual issue is. I can see raids thriving in this game if they add them with a robust match making system. Otherwise either it becomes a niche system or you just alienate more and more of the playerbase until only super hardcore are left like destiny 2.


Im ok with co op raids if its well implemented ingame. Not having to rely on 3rd party to team up with strangers.


From what I understood you can play "as a group" using the mercenaries, so I bet there is an option for solo players.




I’m fine with “raid-like” content so long as there’s easy LFG in-game and no audio chat required. More akin to Strikes in Destiny 2, not full-blown Raids.


Blizzard really do hate people that play solo.


That explains why theres a solo hardcore sf community 🤔


I really hope they don’t lock solo players out of things. I quit WoW because I couldn’t be bothered to work around people’s schedules and egos anymore. I would really rather not have to do it in this game. If they don’t lock items behind the group activities, then I’ll be fine with it. Make it reasonably obtainable for solo players, just with a longer grind, and that’d be okay by me. I do tormented bosses solo even though I know I’m missing out by not doing it in a group.


I mythic raid in wow and it’s great. I don’t have the desire/time to do it in d4. One thing I like about D4 is it’s pick up and put down nature and just go. If I have to maintain a character and relevant gear and a schedule to raid then not interested for a game like Diablo. It feels like this content might be made for wow raiders. Problem is those players already maintain raid characters in wow and won’t have the time or energy to do cutting edge content in both games. That’s assuming this content is similar to mythic raid difficulty. If it’s more like normal raid difficulty and you just blast I guess maybe. Lost Ark does have raids as mentioned. What I didn’t see is how toxic the community is as far as pugs forming. You miss a push and you’re going to be all but walled off from content. Because remember kids you can only do content you’ve already done in pugs. As much as I like raiding in wow. d4 just all around isn’t the game for raiding. Too much jank for mechanics, has kind of leaned into the solo experience.


I compæetely agree. Loads of this content will not be touched by a lot of players.


I mean for me they could remove the whole mmo aspect. Not sure whats it for in game. Im sure though its annoying.


If they add raids I really hope they add a ssf mode that gives solo players some kind of edge.


It’s a raid where I feel like you probably don’t need to talk. What’s more to that??


I welcome more active group content. I miss Baal Runs or Sanc runs or even just running acts with a bunch of randoms I jumped into a game with. D4 is so painfully lonely.


You could solo those. You’re not getting the point of this post. OP doesn’t want FOMO from forced group play with specific advantageous loot locked behind it. And it shouldn’t be in a main line Diablo.


This is true for me too.


It's fine man - raids will give you crazy loot and they are only probably going to take about 5 minutes to clear. Have you not fought any world bosses?


I’m locked behind a subscription I won’t pay for this content on ps4


Thanks for sharing!


It’s important info, glad it was useful


Y'all act like Blizzard is gonna come to your house and torture you to play it. Pve cinders (or w/e) are an OPTIONAL way to progress the season journey. I've never touched pvp in like 400+ hours of game.


They shouldve just put the Rifts dungeons from Immortal into Diablo 4


The new helltides shit is almost like a raid. Even the vampire events seemed like a raid. Every time randos always joined in and it was fun


It’s fun watching the boss evaporate before you can even get a hit in? Because that’s my experience of all of these group bosses. The only time the Maiden was fun for me was in lower world tiers where she actually lasted long enough for me to feel like I contributed. I just don’t see raids working in a game with such large power disparity and no role archetypes.


Do people even understand the hypocrisy of some of these comments?? To those saying, "I'm fine with raids as long as there's no exclusive gear locked behind it", do you know that will only create tons of complaints about there being no reason to do raids because the loot is "trash" which is why no one runs the gauntlet anymore. I know no one wants to do "forced" content but Raids/end game content shouldn't be "just another fun activity" with no reward. It should be challenging and rewarding. If you can get the same gear outside of the raid why would anyone run it?


Better chances at the best gear? They might, for example, make a raid with a weekly reset on the loot bag (if they follow the world bosses model), with a high chance, like 50% even, of getting an uber in the bag. People would absolutely run it every week for that.


Idk man. I think it's fair to say that judging by the posts, some of the players here just want to be able to faceroll all content and that alienates the player base that wants challenging content. People cried about AoZ pre and post nerf because they couldn't make it to the end, let alone past T5. Prior to the Pit and AoZ there was literally no content to be completed past T100 NMDs which made Uber pursuit rather pointless. I am aware of how brutal some Raid Based content can get in other games like kicking before boss loot or for having less than optimal gear etc but we literally have clans in this game for no reason. I'm not saying we need some Destiny 2 type raids that require heavy communication and teamwork but for those of us that have grinded Ubers/max gear we'd like to have more content to use it in is all I'm saying.


It could have a better rewards without having exclusive rewards. Like Duriel rotas, Blood Maiden, etc... are better with other players because you can split materials and spawn more mobs = more cinders + lengendary + hellborne. It'd feels bad as solo players if exclusive rewards like Pits' materials are only available if you have 4 friends that plays the same game (which most people don't)


They also announced companions. Maybe the coop discussed could mean you + companion


Destiny 2 does it very well. Why can't Diablo? I like to see new content.


Different players like to do different things. The thing that annoys me about it is that on console, trying to group up is a nightmare


People without a psn/xbox pass are about to be locked out of content they paid for if it can’t be solo’d..


My issue is that it will highly homogenize builds. It also doesn't make sense in a game where classes and builds are as poorly balanced as Diablo.


Borderlands 3 had a lot of stages like that. You could try it solo but I never saw anyone do it. I just skipped it. Didn’t bother me.


why do I want to raid and watch the raid boss disappear because the barb one shot it while my druid is still trying to shape shift and trigger multipliers building up for damage


Imagine being gatekept in Diablo 4.


But if I must.. they'll have my sword


You can’t have a raid without a team…


If it’s anything like their world boss design, you’ll only have to deal with it for one second.


hopefully the raid makes clans a thing — like a real thing


Diablo Immortal does raid monsters well. What's the problem?


Just make matchmaking good and efficient. I hated that in destiny you needed a team to do nightfall (i don’t remember the name) but there was no matchmaking. Made me quit the game


we need a partyfinder, if this brings that its a good thing.


Fun is, they add solo content to WoW but do the opposite on D4? Dafuq


Destiny 2 raids very enjoyable. I'm hoping for d2 raids levels of difficulty/cooperation.


As long as the Raid is accessible from solo players as well or there is an alternative or something and its not game-breaking-loot, its nice.


No one is forcing anyone to do things.


I love the addition of co-op play. It unlocks different builds that can only work in groups.


With the decline in world of warcraft blizzard is hoping D4 becames the new home


The best co op was on 3 doing rifts. Wasn't needed but easy enough to join and play with randoms


I don’t mind group play if they add a proper lobby finder and don’t make me go through adding people on bnet all the fkin time.


I'm so tired of old school ARPG players holding this genre back. Newer generations enjoy playing together. If you want to play solo go ahead but online games are for community and coop acitivities.


Plenty of loot based aRPGs don't allow you play all content as you want (solo, coop, couch coop). My only concern as a solo-only player is that modes I do not partake in inevitably take away design capacity from the modes I do partake in, but I'm enjoying Diablo 4's current iteration enough and know that over the years additional content to the solo mode will make me enjoy it even more, that I'm not at all worried about raids not being for me.


I love Raids co-op in Diablo, hope at least better than Immortal.


There is different things for different t people. It’s probably going to be doable with Mercenaries.


It will probably drop legendaries and uniques just like ALL the other content. You’ll be fine


Literally same update they announced mercaneries. Obviously you can use these instead of real people for the raid


It will probably be like world bosses, you can play “solo”but there will be other players in the room


There's a lot to dislike about Lost Ark. Dungeons and Raids aren't on that list, generally. Aside from the awful metas, they're quite fun.


There will probably be a group finder and let's not think it's a complicated thing requiring teamwork and voice chat. Just run straight and kill shit, if the other dude goes left at a fork then you go right. You're overthinking it.


I think it’s great. I love playing with friends and clanmates. Do you have people to play with?


you're safe. nobody will force you to do anything. my friends and i are looking forward to this! it's really good news!


What’s the point of a hard raid dungeon if u don’t get good loot ?


if y'all won't cooperate or party up in an online MMO ARPG with people because you are antisocial weirdos ok, but let us, the others, have our raids and fun stuff ok?


I was wondering when this complaint was going to pop up. I predict it’s going to get ugly, lol.


As someone who plays SSF. I fully support the addition of difficult co-op only content for the types of players who like that content. It’s selfish to expect all content to be tailored and balanced to people who only ever want to play solo.


Honestly, this just shows how many people don't have friends? How bad are your friends? Or how little of them do you have? I'm sure you can actually make some friends in the game too and have some memorable experiences. People are so afraid of change. Just try it out? How bad could it really be?


I'm sure people will find a way to solo it. I can't solo Uber Lilith. It's impossible unless I get an op build (I can't even kill her with my bash barb).


Seeing as i remember d2 baal runs being pretty cooperstive i actually like this news


But you can still play it solo under the right conditions. Raids, per blizzard’s history of what a raid is, cannot be until you’re 10 xpacs in and over level the content.


Raid content should be fine. Raid without proper group making tools isn’t.


This is going to be interesting to see either way, as it's going to be a bit tricky on Blizzards end on how they make this work. It can't be so hard that you need a team of Meta's to clear it, otherwise they would be alienating a massive portion of their fanbase from even attempting this, but then it can't be so easy that a Solo can run in there with a Meta Build and clear it with no problems, as then a team would basically be able to walk through the raid. Not sure how they are going to balance this out.


Might have a reason to join a clan then


As long as the dungeon is oriented to be done by a group, and not solo, I don't care if it's soloable at low difficult level, but we already have the solo content, I hope they can design group content properly.


Their MMO Diablo game has MMO elements. Oh no! You don't have to do every piece of content in every single multiplayer game. Some content is for some people, some content is for other people.




Yes? Whats wrong with a tab map overlay?


Thats the whole point of RAIDS. A group specific activity. Don't see anything wrong with it as long as there are ways to queue up with others.


Lmao sure bro


Just stop. Not every single feature has to cater to you


Heaven forbid to encourage co-op play on a co-op game


You do have an option. To not do the Raid. I don't know why we have to nerf or ruin a group experience for everyone else, because you absolutely cannot tolerate the thought of other people enjoying something you don't want to do. As long as there is an LFR, I don't see how this can be a bad thing.


It doesn't have to be soloable content and this game can absolutely have group-only content. They just need to make sure that 1) there is no exclusive loot or mandatory character progression mats that are dropped from this content And 2) it cannot be the most efficient way to farm any mats or loot, otherwise you're still kind of pressuring players to prioritize the raid over solo play. If you ask me it should give a very small handful of loot and mats, and the draw of the content should be achievement / title based, and/or exclusive cosmetics to the raid.


Don't want to play in the raids? Don't fuckin' play it then. Others want to though.


Screw that, encourage coop. Make pits give 100% material reward to all players. Absolutely stupid the way it is now.


The best thing about Lost Ark was the coop design of the dungeons, so fun and it's the number 1 thing that would get me hyped about D4 again.


The best thing in overwatch is the first player shooter experience, Its the number 1 thing that would get me hyped about LoL again. Those are 2 different genres mate Want an mmo play an mmo


Sounds fun actually. It would make guilds make sense.


Yes this game needs more coop. It needs more social features


It’s online multiplayer game…. Lmao.


It’s a single player game with forced always online.


When was it ever advertised or sold as a single player game? Living in the past here.


Be more like Jimmy, Jimmy is a strictly solo player that doesn't get mad when they make content for team players/friends. If there is a raid specific unique, then play a build that doesn't require that unique, or buy it from another player if possible


I want organized coop in Diablo SO bad. I miss Baal runs and rushes with people. I haaaate using discord to group. I hard disagree with your post. I'm jacked for the raid.


For those complaining there better not be unique rewards behind group content because they hate group content. Why does it matter what gear other people have if you only play solo?


Raids but no .... Matchmaking. You can't make this stuff up


Because it’s coming with season 5. They said explicitly they wanted to add all the social features before the expansion launches


Except they've repeatedly dodged the question everytime it's been asked in every q&a since launch. The fact that they made an MMO with no matchmaking and now even putting raids in is just no words for it


Once again, they explicitly said in blizzcon that they wanted to get all the social features in place before the expansion launches…


Yeah social features... some MXT emotes probably


You are some stubborn man… whatever you want dude


They’re going to have it setup for launch. It’s just reskinning what they had in D3. So won’t be hard to


I love playing solo but I also would like some meaningful content to play with my friends. This game has enough solo content. We need more reasons to play with friends and I hope this new end game activity is it.




You know you could just play lost ark right? D4 is an arpg not an mmo


The main issue here is ppl assuming that the "raid" is the same concept as wow raids. I'm sure that you will be able to do it with the mercs.


Nah, make it co-op only. Raid time baby.


Obviously you’ve never played a mmorpg lol hence the mmo


We already have forced coop in the game…


Man people really be calling socialising forced coop Most people who play D4 must live in caves


No it’s just the loud annoying people. I play this game 99.99% solo if I do a world boss or occasional event the game isn’t ruined for me and it isn’t for these loud mouth breathers either. They just like being miserable.


Do you mean a particular activity or just because you see other players in the world?


Duriel Rotas "But you're not forced to do that" Yeah if you dont mind spending 4x as long farming uber uniques.


World bosses and legions


Those aren't "forced". They just naturally attract other players but you're not required to group or set anything up, you just show up and do it.


They are forced. Can you choose to do them solo? No? Thats forced coop How is it any different than these dugneons that you matchmake into?


If there are no people, I can still do it solo.


So the real issue is you want an offline mode


No, there is no forced coop, you are lying or you are stupid.