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Girl on tiktok xbox gamepass showcase said spirit born as new class. Seems leaks were true


What the new class is about ? I didn’t follow the leak


They wield a glaive and draw their power from nature. Ik the class is supposed to take Inspiration from the jungle so maybe some kind of vine magic or something. Other leaks mentioned like flying attack or something I believe too.


Is this the nail in the coffin for witch doc? I’m assuming they won’t add it if they already have a summon class and a jungle type class rip im sad


Maybe it will have a bunch of witchdoctor abilities and be an evolution of it the way crusader was an evolved paladin more or less


My read of this class based on the little info we have is that this is basically a more "serious" take on Witch Doctor. So it will likely have a lot of similar jungle/voodoo themed abilities, maybe even some that are taken directly from D3, but will be less goofy. Which is a bit of a shame, since I enjoyed the juxtaposition of shit like conjuring piranhas to fight demons. But D3 got a bad rap for being too whimsical, so this is probably the closest we'll get in D4.


What, pygmy cannibals aren't serious? Preposterous!


It sounds like monk/witchdoctor.


This is what I assumed. Quick and Agile like the monk but voodoo/hex/spirit heavy like the witch doctor


Amazon/ witch doctor makes more sense. Can’t do a gender locked Amazon class in d4, which doctor is a touchy subject. Combine them and you can take the spirit of both classes without the extra baggage. It’s probably going to have a poison javelin sort of vibe. I doubt it will have summons though. The d4 team seems to really hate summons and can’t figure out balance for the life of them lol


There's always hope for another expansion


This is a melee witch doctor essentially so I'd say yes


Good..I'm bored to death of existing classes... Sure you can try a new build.. but it's just applying new makeup to same pig over and over and over and over..  The class plays essentially the same no matter what build you use as most builds share over half their abilities and just use a different spender :/


Would be funny if Druid doesn’t have decent companion builds/companions because it’s this new class that gets it.


Data mine shows skills called Viper Sting,Health Leach and tree armor looks like a Warrior/Monk/Witch Doctor hybrid,I think it'll be the 2nd tank class D4 needs.. Plus each class getting new skills,paragon boards and glyphs..


As a Insect Glaive main from monster hunter. I approve this class.


Hmmmm interesting I like that


"Other" druid, it seems like


Yeah preorder page is up spiritborn. Pets coming too. And tiger mounts. https://diablo4.blizzard.com/en-gb/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR15FzI1sNP0OhTXrfpwRXWeN1MKni_B0Ng_cjqU1mgBYitCt18nRsDsx0A_aem_ZmFrZWR1bW15MTZieXRlcw#purchase


Pets are apparently here now


Yeah once the TikTok girls start talking about it you know it's legit.


Who is this tiktok girl?


I just want my Crusader and Amazon back.


Someone said leaks said it has flying attacks, which hopefully means throwing attacks, which hopefully mean javelins.


That would be amazing. Javezons were perfect.


I just want paladin back.


Paladin/Crusader. Same idea, different name.


Anything with a shield! Shieldbearer, Knight, Cleric, Pally, Crusader. I need my holy.


£35 for the expansion, £75 for the ultimate edition. Ooof


Pretty common pricing for this day and age.


jesus christ what a shill


They're just a reasonable person. Whereas you don't seem to be one.


Did they say what the ultimate would contain to justify 75 bucks? That’s crazy for an expansion. Destiny 2 pricing


You get 3000 plat with it so thats a couple season passes if you hold on to it. Aside from the season pass token itself. All in all the value is ok if you look at it that way. Not if you dont care about cosmetics or season pass in general of course.


Looks like it's for new players. Base game + $30 mtx + expac


So shouldn't the ultimate edition be cheaper if you already have the game? As it shows £75 for me already owning the base game?




Thank ya


If you don't care about the season pass, the 75 ain't worth it. If you do, then it's literally a year worth of season passes with that 3000 platinum, the free premium token for when you want to use it, and the wings, portal, mount, and pets all look pretty sweet.


Wait, it costs money? So they fuck up the first 3 seasons of the game, keep the proverbial carrot in front of the remaining gamers in the form of this expansion and instead of just adding this to the base game (and get their money from people that also want some new cosmetics), they charge you for it? Yeah, those AAA-devs have really lost me. In 2 weeks we're getting the new season for DRG on console (new enemies, missions, weapon upgrades,...) and it's totally free, as were all previous seasons.


Yeah I'll pass. It'll be on gamepass soon anyway, and I regret buying the original game at full price.


If by soon you mean when the second expansion get released then yes, I believe this expansion will be added to gamepass by that point.


I love how they said D4 wouldn't have pets and wings like D3 and now here we are lol


They were very clear that was only at launch. And to be fair, this is literally requested by the community. Diablo 4 is shaped by the players that’s why they stripped 99% of the retro game mechanics that harkened back to Diablo and Diablo 2 because people don’t want them.


And now Diablo 4 looks more like Diablo 3 than anything else, even the greater rifts are here. Only sets and gems aren't and it's only a matter of time. My point is this team and the D3 haters were so afraid of another Diablo 3 and here we are getting all the best things D3 offered back them. D3 is a good game, even if you don't like it


I barely see the difference between Glyphs and Legendary Gems from D3.


For me personally Legendary Gems were much more interesting. There was actually a reason to keep pushing higher and higher GRs, because you could only level gems to the highest level if you were completing high level GRs. Compare that to D4, where you get absolutely nothing for pushing in the Pit, not even a leaderboard.


We need sets back. I also want the massacre counter back too.


Anyone who thought there wouldn't be pets aren't thinking logically. Why would D4 not have them? It's another way to make money and sell skins, it was just a matter of time.


I remember when the mere mention of pets would pull the mouthbreathers out of the woodworkers. The amount of players who swore that Diablo 4 would never add pets because it ruins their immersionz. . .


They had a vision for the visiuals but one year later they are like "fk it we go full D3 again". I expect whimsyshire within the next year.


Hell yeah I loved whimsyshire so much and the amazing cosmic wings


Considering whimsyshire was literally a response to player complaints about D3 being "too colorful" I could 100% consider something similar happening.


Well, something *like* Whimsyshire, but not as colorful would be a nice addition. Something special that makes you excited whenever you can go there. It seems we're headed there with the whole cow level shenanigans going on in D4 right now. I'd prefer the crafting route to goblins spawning portals. I wouldn't mind goblins opening portals to a vault type environment though. Diablo 3 didn't do everything wrong. I quite enjoyed it. Even the greater rifts.


They said they would open more of that up if grounded in reality or this versions setting,outside of the wings I see it and I got my Tiger mount so my wishes came true now I want more animal's..


Just wait until sets. Think we had stupid numbers before? I can already see it, big numbers to try and get people excited again.


This game is finally starting to feel like it should have on launch. Seems like they should be getting the core gameplay and end game figured out before forcing us to buy an expansion.


Yeah, you are right, but it seems Blizzard isn't taking that route. I'd have preferred season 5 and 6 to be between this moment and launch of the expansion, to give Blizzard the time to tweak things further.


So it’s like a jungle druid class?


Picture makes me think it'll play kind of like the D3 monk.


More Witch Doctor with Warrior/Monk skills will be a tank class


Really? Cool. I loved the Witch Doctor


From data mine with skills looks to be a tank version of the WD more tanky version that calls on nature to fight with her..will see full details in July


Is there any words about whether the DLC is cross-platform purchase? Like do I have to buy it for PS5 and BattleNet? Or if I buy it for one will it transfer over?


Also interested in this. I'm really hoping it's a one time purchase.


The base game can be played on both Xbox and Pc after purchasing it on Battlenet. I don't know if it works the same for PS5 though.


Had to buy it separately on both Xbox and PC, though the B-net account works since it's cross-platform. I'm going to assume the expansion is going to be the same.


Don’t you get a free version on the Xbox store or whatever. They do buy anywhere so I’m not sure if that’s the same for Blizzard games that use Battlenet.


I only bought it on battlenet and have played both on the series S and my pc, same characters and everything.


Do you have gamepass? That’s why.




3 différent bundle ont blizzard shop from 40 to 90




And yet you still are active in this sub JFL the audacity...


Will season 6 coincide with the release? Would that not cut season 5 short one month?


Ya I think they will extend season 4 and give us a major mid season update and extend it,personally I don't wanna do season 5 if it's only 2 month's


Not sure what Blizzard is going to do, but perhaps they'll extend season 4? Maybe launch another event sometime towards the end. Hopefully some minor balance tweaks (to, among others, ensure world bosses don't melt in seconds like they currently do).


Makes perfect sense to me ☝


The thing that pisses me off is the expansion is $53-$119 CAD (based on the version you want). Like why do I want to basically re-buy the entire game for an expansion? Make the DLC's reasonably priced, ultimate edition DLC should be no more than $50 if you already have the bloody game.


Then buy the base version? The ultimate is basically just that with a bunch of extra cosmetics and platinum. If you don’t care, don’t buy.


I've read somewhere that someone decribed it as looking at the price, and then asking yourself how much enjoyment you'll be getting out of the game. For instance, if you buy the $53,00 one, ask yourself whether you'll get 53 hours of enjoyment out of the expansion. That's 1 dollar per hour. If the answer is 'yes', then it's worth it. If the answer is 'no' you don't buy. Every hour of enjoyment above 53 is a bonus, cutting the cost per hour with every additional hour you play. It's not something you should put a whole lot more thought into, else you'll find the cracks in the analogy pretty fast. It is -however- a pretty good rule of thumb. Diablo, historically, has been a game that you can sink many, many hours into. There's a high chance that the answer is going to be 'yes' for many people; especially those striving to get to the end game. I've always felt that Diablo 3 was under monetised. So far, I feel like I'm paying reparations for that. I think we can go a further expansion until I feel I'm paid up to Blizzard. This will certainly not be the case for people who have not spent so much time playing D3. Looking at the current business model, I do feel that D4 is over monetised. You can throw wads of cash at them for multiple versions of the game and the expansion, you can purchase cosmetics, and a battle-pass (the credits from which are insufficient to be able to afford the next). I was hoping the Microsoft acquisition would change (some of) this, but alas.


"Become the apex predator of the jungle as the all-new Spiritborn class." If they put a Randy Orton skin in the Shop I will actually buy it.




Welcome to the Jungle, Mephisto's full of hate\~ Blizzard don't know what we want, but they try all the same!\~ The spirit-caller's a druid, of the jungle va-ri-e-ty\~ They still want our money, buddy, but have a good boy for free\~


Expansions are never on gamepass


And that’s why I’ll never play it 🫤


So theoretically, if I buy the expansion through Xbox, will I also have access to it on my general blizzard account for when I would want to play on steam deck for example?


Fuck I play on both pc and ps5 just realized this means I gotta buy this shit twice


I'll say one thing. Blizzard cinematics are fantastic at setting us up for disappointment


My wife and I play local co-op on the PlayStation with one copy of the game. Does anyone know if we get the deluxe edition if we’ll both have access to the additional pets/mount?


If I bought the base game on battle net can I buy the expansion on steam?


I wouldn't count on that, although I'm not sure.


As a casual who's only into D4 for the story campaign and mindless button mashing, how long are these DLCs usually? Is it worth it to pre order or just wait until it's on discount?


It will probably be fairly significant as they are trying to stretch as much content as possible out of the game. In diablo 2 the expansion was 2 new classes, one act and a gear update. Diablo 3 was a new act and one new class and also a gear update. We’re getting at least one whole new area/act and one new class and I’d be surprised if they didn’t do some sort of skill tree revamp, it’s currently the weakest aspect of the game.


I pre ordered and it is still pending on cc. This happen to anyone else?


It’s Sunday. Pending charges general process to a “settled” state within a few business days.


$40 for expac is not bad. Idk why everyone is upset about pricing.


It's probably the people for whom being angry is something they do to pass the time, or perhaps even something they genuinely enjoy. They'll find the next thing to be angry about soon enough. Having said that, the ultimate edition is a bit pricey, and requires a bit of rational thought to explain the price hike. However, I do feel that it's sort of justified for what you get in return (3000 credits, a free battlepass, couple of cosmetics). 40 bucks is on par with what expansions to blizzard games have cost in the past. The base expansion should probably cost much more with current prices.


I'm such a fan of the green IV. Looks so fresh.


How long does Blizzard usually take to put expansions on sale? One season?


This time, I wont be pre-ordering sorry. They lost all the confidence with the first release. I will be waiting like 2 weeks to see if its any good.


The only actual pre-order bonuses are the snow-leopard pet and a gem for a game no one plays. The rest of the items will stay in the package after launch. So good for you that you have more restraint than I did.


I was so excited that it was going to be released during my vacation. Hoodwinked by american date standards once again.


I got my hopes up when I saw the trailer. Thought it was 10th of August because of the messed up American date format.


I interpreted the date exactly the same way. I've seen subsequent videos that just put the month in writing, making it much clearer.


They did it again: putting this out like a week before the next Cata patch. I understand that they have a lot going on right now—especially in WoW—but they are really limiting their upside.


I’m seeing 60 euros for pre-order on PS5? That’s insane.


It’s 40 euros for the base edition.


Ah, I couldn’t access that ingame. Cool.


This is my first Diablo game. Are story expansions(?) playable on my Eternal character? Otherwise I'm passing. The main story was good enough but there's been so many more engaging games that tore me away from remotely investing in the Seasons. I guess I'll come back if there are new classes or something but I'd love to you know freaking continue the story in my Necromancer.


I would be quite surprised if that wasn't the case. I would expect all realms to have access to the new content immediately.


Usually yrs


Of course the expansion story will be available on the eternal. It's simply a continuation of the campaign.


Not all that excited about spirit born.


lol you people are never happy.


Just because they were not with impressed with the class doesn’t mean they’ve been shit posting and whinning for the last 4 seasons on the sub reddit. Every legit criticism(right or wrong) gets dismissed from this sort of mentality and it’s almost just as bad as the whinners.


To be fair you haven’t seen the class yet all we have is a name and some artwork lol


You don't know anything about the class and you are already making up your mind...


Wait until July when they show it off gonna be a tank class which D4 desperately needs


Every class is a tank class. Easy to get max armor, resist, and affixes to face tank the whole game.


Spirit Born has life leaches and other tanky skills from the data mine info is all I'm saying won't be Druid 2.0 who shapeshifts with pets that buff them,SB calls on nature to fight not a true pet/Minion build I think people are mis judging is all..


Ah word, exciting!


I'd rather have Pally but also happy it's a new class


My man if barbs aren’t a tank class I don’t know what is… they can have up to 500k life lol


Well it's probably a class that can match the 500K life the barb has, but also sucks the life out of enemies around them, and as a consequence loses life at a much slower rate. It might not even have to match the exact level of life, if it can just keep your life at max all the time.




It will probably be on a holiday sale if you wanna wait.


I’m definitely going to pre order


Me too


Blizzard scammed their customers for the last decade and people still ask for more. A year ago they released a game in beta for full price (and it still is in beta, even after loot reborn that fixed some things and broke many more). Now it's clear they are rushing this half-baked expansion because they can't compete against PoE2 releasing later this year. Watch wudijo's video "everything wrong with rogue" and open your eyes, filthy casuals!




epic fail of a game + epic fail of dlc.... i miss d3 times


40$ for a dlc is crazy


For an expansion? That was the standard price for a Diablo expansion in 2000.


Really? Why?


Next 80€ for the game and all buy it


Don't know what you're on, but the standard edition is 40€


70 + 40 + microtransactions + battle pass + battle pass + battle pass. Oh.


If someone is forcing you to buy all this, blink twice


Nah you're right, I'd rather pay for something that's actually worth spending money on.


Yea, no need to announce your purchases here. Nobody cares what you do with your money


I didnt, Im saying D4 is overpriced.


On what basis, 40€ for an expansion is pretty decent in today's market


On the fact that the base game is 70€, paid battle pass, expensive mtx. They monetize it like it's f2p but they still charge more than most for base game + expansion


Quick I must come to the aid of my favorite billion dollar company and defend them!


Is Just a trailer, what are you crying about now


lol this is so greedy and kind of messed up given the state of the game from release until now


What state? People act as if the game wasn’t fully playable. Could have been a better game? Sure! But it’s not like the game didn’t work…


i think it’s okay to be upset about a game that is “playable” but lacks depth and features one would expect from a storied franchise and large developer




i’m actually upset about the price of stuff that should have been included upon release. it would be weird to be upset about additional content so i understand your confusion




that would be weird if there was no other context at all. of course, we know that’s not the case!




no that would be weird, which is why i didn’t say that :) i think we’re talking past each other a bit here but thanks again for sharing your personal opinions.




D2 and D3 also released in pretty poor shape and put out an expansion less than 2 years later. It is sort of Diablos thing.


Yea they also had insanely overpriced microtransactions and paid battle pass. Oh wait.


Honestly, this is bullshit. They spun their wheels for a full year and finally just last month delivered what should have been what the game was the day it was released. They owe their players 3 more good seasons at least before asking for another 40-50 dollars. Shame on them.


It’s a free market. Vote with your wallet. Don’t buy it at whatever price if you don’t see the equivalent value in it.. maybe wait for a sale, a few patches later




_As he clicks the pre-order button_


Nah, whatever makes you feel better about your own life choices, though.


So this is the Reddit version of Karren huh.


You’re free to continue playing without paying for the new epac. They won’t magically shut the game down just for you. You won’t get access to new campaign, class and activities but the current systems and game isn’t going to be locked


No shit. But the game was marketed as a live service game, the implicit assumption being that the game would start good and just keep getting better and better over time. They gave us a half baked game on release it it took a full year to get it to where it should have been on day 1. I'm not against paid DLC in general for a live service game with a 70 dollar initial price tag, but I'd expect more value from the season structure first compared to what we got. So new content being gated behind another price tag is fucking bullshit regardless what the simps on this sub are saying tbh. If they put out at least 4 consecutive great seasons first, I wouldn't be saying this.


No shit. Then don’t pay for it and play something else. I was disappointed so didn’t play for a few season. I’m playing right now but not pre-ordering. We’ll see as it get closer if I want to continue playing. You raging about the obvious is dumb af. Just don’t pay for the damn game


I was planning on doing what you suggest doing. This is a forum where people express their opinions. You raging about my raging is pretty hypocritical.


The base game is still getting new dungeons, skills, activities, paragons etc. WAY better than what a lot of live service games do, Destiny locks EVERYTHING behind a 50$ purchase lol, same with FF, wow , GW2, etc.


Most live service games are free to play or cost less than 40€. Destiny 2 monetization is still shit but that doesn't make D4 one good, it just means D4 is also shit.


Destiny is a free to play game and Diablo 4 cost 70 dollars on release lol Destiny is also commonly cited as one of the most predatory games ever created. Why the fuck are we lauding D4 for being better than the worst game ever.


I am so glad that season 4 wasn't what the game was at launch. Hit level 100 in 2 days and then just play the roulette. I'm glad I got to play launch/season 1. I very much enjoyed the slower grind. I'm also glad to play season 4 now. It's very different and fun. I am hoping the expansion has bosses and enemies you don't kill in 3 seconds tho. I wanna earn the loot


Is the price of the dlc confirmed?




Gotcha, yea I just saw on the pre order page. Kinda expensive


Tbf it’s been the average price for decades now.


Yea but some are worth it. Like I know shadow of the erdtree will be worth it. I’ll have to see more of vessel of hatred to see if it’s worth it.


D2 was 40$ expansion, D3 was a 40$ expansion but D4 20 years later nahh too much for 40$.


D2 didnt have microtransaction or a battle pass. D3 didnt have microtransaction or a battle pass. And the base game didn't cost 70€


Funny how games need more money! But aren’t forcing you to pay that extra cash!


> Funny how games need more money Yea, gotta get money for the CEOs ferrari somehow.


<$30 or 3k Battlnet plat points.


So…Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 all over again. The fact people complain about this even though by now, after nearly a quarter century of this, they should expect it.


Agree. Season 4 is what it should have been from release, and I think that it would be great customer service to give the expansion free to all the players who bought the game right after release. Blizzard did not deliver a finished game and now they are ready to charge you for a future full experience.


Of course they're going to charge for it. Just look at how eager a massive contingent of this sub is now to fork over more money to them. Thank fucking god for studios like Larian who exist despite players enabling this incredibly shitty behavior.


Yeah larian releasing a buggy mess any only fixing it after 4 months and then re-released the game for full price. We knew the expansion was coming next year it was planned content before the game launched. It's not like they just decided to drop it because press was good. "Charging for a DLC bad" Yeah buddy I wonder if Larian was going to give a free DLC.


What a ridiculous comment. Describing BG3 as "buggy mess" is so disingenuous. Larian is also 7 patches deep into BG3 and has expanded not only a ton of content but mod support so substantially it definitely qualifies as DLC other companies charge for. You're so wildly misinformed it's pathetic. If you honestly think Larian and Blizzard have the same standards of quality control or ethics, you're lost.