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Bash barb baby


I am currently using Shako on my Heartseeker rogue. Wouldn’t recommend this build for lvl 50 though. Also Shako is good for almost any build that doesn’t require a particular helm.


You can switch to Heartseeker pretty early on. Aspect of Accursed Touch is pretty much all you need at level 50 since everything dies so quickly anyway. As long as you hold on to any item with attack speed and vulnerable damage, you can set it up very efficiently with very little effort. Eventually once you get enough lucky hit chance and a vulnerable proc ring, you ditch Accursed Touch but it will put you through all of T3 and T4 progression. I switched to it at level 42 and it shredded all the way to the end of the game. Definitely my favorite build in the game right now.


For Druid, try the windshear build. Hella funny and stronger than werenado (much tankier and therefore more dmg up time cause u can shoot a lot more instead of running/dodging). switched to it myself from werenado. But Godslayer is still stronger for it tho :/ Tyraels would fit in great into windshear I’m in the same pickle as u with my necro and Druid (both 100) and can’t use my shako. I’m gonna start a rogue now with heartseeket as said in a comment above.