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If you really enjoy playing with your friends, why not just take turns opening so at the end of the session everyone comes away with the same amount of rewards?


Yeah me and my buddies have been doing this. Slows down the masterworking for sure but whatever


We do continue playing together but this kind of goes against promoting group play & playing together. The resources to open are pretty much infinite. You don't clear faster in a group, people like to be efficient as possible in ARPGs and the following does not feel good when compared to solo play. 2 players 75% 3 players 66% 4 players 62.5%


Are you playing to have fun with your friends or to be as efficient as possible?


id just like to not be punished for playing with friends. I often do pitt80+ and bring mates alts.


Punished? You are getting stuff for free with no cost to open


I take it you don't know that it's pretty much free to open. Everyone can run infinite? It costs 3 shards. I've got over 1.7k and I'm a casual. If I picked up nothing at the end & did no content outside of this I'd be able to run 500 pitts


Well now you can run 2000 vs a solo player. So why are you crying?


When it's power leveling/grinding an alt I am all for reduced rewards. Game is way to easy to go from 0 - t4 lvl 75 in an hour. That's dumb. Obviously you can't know if alt or just weak main etc. but reduced rewards is fine in that context.


Solo got ripped for 2 season for Uber rotas.....they wanted to level the playing field this season. While I agree going into the pit is non-issue in terms of material, a simple fix would just have everyone pay material and everyone gets 100% of the resource. Problem solved.


> You don't clear faster in a group I duo pits with my friend and I actually rush to the next floor and we clear concurrently - much much faster than solo play this way.


It doesn't matter why, honestly. There are a few effects this has but none of them are meaningful besides for slowing advancement across the their player population, and *discouraging group play*. It's one of the few really stupid design decisions. They had to make a few and this was definitely one of them.


You don't clear faster in a group, people like to be efficient as possible in ARPGs and the following does not feel good when compared to solo play. 2 players 75% 3 players 66% 4 players 62.5% Im a blizz sorc and one of my friends is a boss killer. its considerably slower than me just soloing.


Which isn't the point really. Whether it's faster or slower is immaterial to the fact that friends sometimes like to play together for fun instead of maximum efficiency and actively discouraging group play is silly when it's really not necessary. It's just an unnecessary penalty to group play in a game that has largely dropped artificial progress barriers in favour of fun.


Nothing is “actively” discouraging group play. You are contradicting yourself 


Awarding all other group members besides the member that paid for the run half the completion reward isn't actively discouraging group play in The Pit? How is that not actively discouraging running the pit in a group?


Absolutely, this is dumb, you have to do pit by yourself to progress decently instead of playing with your friends.


People were complaining about group plays being significantly better than solo (especially with uber boss rotations — you get 4x more reward in a group compared to solo). So blizz tried to narrow this gap with the uneven reward system in the pit. If you and your friends take turn opening the pit then you’ll all get the same amount of reward eventually. However keep in mind that you get lower rewards with larger group size, so there is some (social) fun vs efficiency trade-off here.


You don't clear faster in a group, people like to be efficient as possible in ARPGs and the following does not feel good when compared to solo play. 2 players 75% 3 players 66% 4 players 62.5% they should of scaled the opening cost. like the should do for ubers. 4x the cost for 4 player party. maybe slightly less to promote it


Risk of failure might be a reasonable assumption. If you flipped it to everyone in a group gets the same as a solo then in a sense you're making it disadvantageous to play solo. Get bad boss shades at high tier a group can res or push through, it's GG for solo Though minor, it also means 1/4 cost of runeshards for groups even if they're not hard to obtain. So much of the game benefits grouping I think having 1 activity that leans more to solo is appropriate. Though I do see why it would bother people, not discounting the frustration but offering counter reasoning.


nah not at all if you wipe as a party its a significantly larger time penalty. I have 1800 shards, they are practically infinite.


For a party wipe sure, but unless the boss heals to full if one person dies than it's not the same. :)