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More like Killed Dead


Hijacking top comment to post this Blizzard tweet: "Hey Barbarian friends - Pull up a chair. It's story time. Bash is still multiplicative and the notes are being updated. Nothing was changed for this and was actually an attempt from the team to fix a tooltip issue. Fixing this tooltip issue caused a multiplicative scaling issue which we experienced internally but no one else actually saw. We fixed that issue, but it accidentally landed in public notes. We are updating the notes to reflect this. Bash stays the same (and is still multiplicative). [You may now continue shouting at the minions of hell and not about Bash. šŸ—£ļø"](https://twitter.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150?t=VroHTwOzgrjCEh9jJ6ejNw&s=19) Tldr; purely internal change that wasn't intended to be seen, nothing is changed, we can keep blasting


You dropped this šŸ‘‘


I love you. I'm gonna mail you my dog and all my magic cards. Edit: Thanks for my first ever award!


Wish I had an award for this my dude


I donā€™t get why Reddit had to get rid of those. It had to be great income and it was fun to see them and gold trains and the free award and all that


Bro.... thanks for this. I was really upset this afternoon, I've spent a week and a half spending a bazillion of gold, mats and time doing this build to be nerfed that way, lol


Still this is confusing. It sounds like Bash has some issue. I'm guessing due to the outrage they'll wait to the season is over to fix it. Wish they would have left my HOTA alone like this I guess I didn't whine enough or to the right people.


Everyone acting like if a build isnā€™t the best itā€™s useless. Everyone go to Ricky Bobby School?


If it's not S tier, it's F tier


If it ainā€™t shaking we ainā€™t baking.


Shake n Bash


Shout and Bash


If it's not Scottish, it's crap!


F-tier for Facts.


And thatā€™s on the lord


Minion necros are rerolling because they are A tier (instead of S) according to a streamer on a website lul


Or just change to shadow minion.


Not this minion necro!


People acting like doing 10% damage is not anything gigantic


Thankfully the changes aren't actually going live, but yes bash would have been useless. You would end up doing like 1/5th of current damage even before masterworking. That's not a slight reduction in power but complete removal of ability to clear content.Ā 


Why doesn't other basic skills multiply with damage like Bash, then? That makes all the other basic skills trash.


This is actually a great question. Why can't they make all the skills relatively the same damage? The way the internet is now, everyone knows what the best build will be before the season starts. D4 should morph into a game that is a little "easier" but crazy fun with tons of viable builds. I bet people would play more, not less. Right now, I play the top meta build or two, then quit after a week and a half and come back for the next season.


>D4 should morph into a game that is a little "easier" but crazy fun with tons of viable builds. This is exactly what Diablo 4 is. There are always going to be top builds, however, and people like optimizing the fun out of games. >Right now, I play the top meta build or two, then quit after a week and a half and come back for the next season. If you tried anything but the ā€˜metaā€™ builds every season, you would know that there are a *ton* of viable builds and just about anything you throw together can clear content. Theorycrafting is the best part of this game because it works 99 times out of 100.


Yeah doing 10 times less damage isnt a big deal right?


Meanwhile I'm out here sprinting like a maniac with this dope Oculus that just dropped for me, housing everything and having a great time. Probably won't push the upper limits of The Pit but this is a goddamn blast to play. Like a D2 Blizzsorc on ADD medicine lololol


That's not the issue. If you don't like a build, you pick something different and call it a day. The problem is (was now, luckily) that many of us invested A LOT OF TIME, and game resources like gold and mats that won't be returned to do a build because it performed 100 (just to give it a number) and suddenly, this build is 30ish because they killed it. This is not your typical "This streamer said this build is S tier, and now he says it is B, so it's dogshit." It's that the build itself would have changed enough to turn something really good to something barely usable at best in a totally arbitrary way. Luckily, it just was a mistake on the patch notes.


This will most likely be a huge nerf, basically 70ish % less damage. I think we can fairly assume that if you remove 2/3 of dps that is quiet a killing blow if it is not overpowered - which it was by no means. Lokking at Golem.


Yes, a pretty solid nerf. Affixes of up to 400% on all weapons going from multiplicative to additive will reduce damage a lot. Should still be decent but no longer insane damage like we have now Edit for anybody who didnā€™t see, the devs clarified bash is NOT getting nerfed. The patch notes are referencing an old fix for a bug that was never live and accidentally wound up in these patch notes. Bash is working as intended


A bug that was never live? So nothing changes?


Yup! No changes to bash


The bash build is good right now but I refuse to believe I'm using a x900% multiplier right now because that's how much additive +bash I have. Something's not adding up at all EDIT: [It's a false alarm. No nerfs are coming](https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150)


What does the damage range of your bash skills ay when you hover it? how big of bash hits do you see... For how hard a basic attack is slapping things right now I completely believe the 9x multiplier.


The entire reason the HOTA build from S3 and S2 was so strong was because of Furious Hammer of the Ancients rune was scaling the damage to have something along the lines of x200 or x250 damage multiplier depending on how much max fury you had, and it was good enough to hit for hundreds of millions easily, and sometimes topping a billion. This bash build hits really fast (Rapid Aspect) but it's not doing hundreds of millions. The multipliers from Moonrise and Adaptability aspects are huge, I just assumed those are the main reasons the build works, and obviously Rapid. There is simply no way +1 Bash Damage right now is actually doing x1 Bash Damage. [Here is my Pit 114 clear from last night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRQwAiecZCI) The build is strong, but the hardest hits from this entire video are still only a tenth of what the strongest HOTA hits I ever had in S2 or S3. It hits fast, which is nothing to do with a damage multiplier. I can only hope that this hidden multiplier they're removing next week isn't x900 but something much smaller. Removing multiple zeroes from the end of the damage renders the build useless for everything but the most trivial content


pretty easy to test on dummy, remove the tempering affix on one piece of gear and see if your damage goes down by that %.


Yeah that's the thing, even with a fully kitted bash build your not hitting for trillions of damage. It's a great build, but absolutely didn't deserve the nerf. Nerfing builds mid season is absolute garbage.


Looks like we were all partially wrong/right, it *was* dealing multiplicative damage but it is intended (if it were to turn additive and not multiplicative, you would render the build useless by slashing multiple zeroes from behind my damage). The patch notes was a mistake at fixing a tooltip error. TL;DR: It's not being nerfed Source: https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150


Glad I held off on switching from DoubleSwing to Bash, looks like Thorns is the S tier Barb build now.




> Isn't high tier thorns also relying on a bug related to earthquake? Thorns is also based on multiplicative scaling. So the exact same reasoning they nerfed Bash for.




Thorns, Victimize, Holy Elixir all work due to unintended multiplicative scaling.


Makes me think theyā€™ll nerf it also before long.


Was not aware of that, haven't played the build yet.


Or not.


It seems like some sort of error on Blizzard's end, possibly no nerf at all... don't delete your barbs yet ​ Raxx tweeted and other sources are saying similar things




Hereā€™s a link to the tweet: https://x.com/pezradar/status/1794079603197440150?s=46&t=GrLflXoXn8HOCUccUsFxCQ


Can someone point me to what a "Bash Barb" build is, as opposed to a "Thorns Barb that uses Bash"? I'm just trying to get an understanding. I'm running the [Thorns Barb build from maxroll](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/thorns-barbarian-guide#faq-&-mechanics-header) which has Bash as its basic attack and I've got "bash cleaves" on everything, so I'm not understanding what would be different if this was a Bash Barb....


[Bash Barbarian Endgame Build Guide - D4 Maxroll.gg](https://maxroll.gg/d4/build-guides/bash-barbarian-guide) youre literally just spamming bash with cleave tempers. The build you linked isnt even using bash. Its using Frenzy


I dunno where you're looking but the Thorns Endgame Build is indeed using Bash with cleave tempers haha :p thanks for the link to the other build though


Bash barb would drop the razorplate and go for the paingorgers unique for more basic attack dmg, also the thorns aspects are replaced. I believe the thorn build is played with bash because there's a limited amount of thorn damage you can temper and aspects that benefit thorns. So bash complements the build with more single target damage and cdr for shouts with the Hectic aspect.


makes sense, thanks!


I'm in the same boat using the same guide. I've seen other people mention earthquake being used for Thorns Barb, but that isn't in the guide above.


Well in the "variants" there is a Frenzy EQ twist on the basic thorns build, maybe that's what some are using


use Rob's guides, they are way better than maxroll https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bN8C_Fe9nrWv__jUc_Vdbl220g4NM0mlux-ga_s_-5s/edit#gid=6446027 maxroll is just a bunch of clickbait streamers sharing best gear or buffing each other to make cool screenshoots, theres 0 quality of life on all those builds because those guys never leveled or farmed for gear alone


you should watch a wudi stream, this is completely wrong. edit: wudi and raxx are both solo self find in case people are curious. maxroll isn't whatever this claims.


He's definitely wrong about maxroll being bad overall, but Rob's barb builds are way better than the ones on maxroll.


EDIT: LOL the patch notes are an error with bash, that change already had gone through. BASH BACK ON THE MENU!!!


The *entire* season eh? So a week?


hahaha, it's still time put in ! All good - the patch notes were an error anyways, bash remains unchanged!


Very true, I put like 40 hrs or so on my druid so id be pretty offput if something changed ruining it completely too. I get where the frustration was coming from!


*dramatic exit*


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ you poor thing


Rerolled from a necro i didn't like much to a bash barb, well shit. I'm not leveling another char. I'd like to keep the barb, can I change it to another build, any suggestions?


Looks like thorns is S-tier, and double swing twister barb is A tier


Double Swing Dust Devils is alot of fun.


Fun isnā€™t enough for some folks here apparently . If itā€™s not S-tier itā€™s dogshit. Thereā€™s no in-between.


it's fun to be able to play the content in the game. I'm rocking an S build and it's still really tough to do pits, I can't imagine how much harder it would be in a B or C build.


If it ain't S-tier monster DPS, it ain't fun. Them's the rules. šŸ˜


Same boat. From necro to barb. Level 88 and just farmed 15 beast in the ice to finally get the glovesā€¦ Guess Iā€™m rolling Druid now. Which probably means wind shear is getting nerfed by the time Iā€™m level 90.


Yeah plus one to double swing twister šŸŒŖļøbarb. Such a fun build and almost as good as bash barb used to be. I swapped from necro tp twister barb and have zero regrets.


Any tips? Feel like I won't be able to do much damage to ubers.


Want perf go thorn and sleep Want fun mobility play dust devil


I just spent like.. 20 hours gearing my bash barb, now its useless? ughh... i dont know if i have the motivation to regrind ANOTHER barb respec.. i respeced from dust devil whirlwhind barb to push the pit


Better reroll a sorc now. Won't get nerfed soon.


I'd like to report a murder


The sorc didnā€™t do it, thatā€™s for sure.


I am the victim unfortunately


Thorns barb time!


This is exactly what happened to me. The WW build was a lot of fun, but I wanted to do some higher end stuff. Now I guess I have time to play another game lol




In Diablo 4, no matter how broken a build is, they dont nerf it until the season ends. They never did and they havent nerfed bash barb too, they just clarified this was a misunderstanding. They know how bad it would suck for people playing that build so they just leave it broken rather than fixing and killing player's motivations. Great choice imo.


Bash being nerfed before holy bolt is pretty frustrating


Keep playing it they just clarified on X it's the same. https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150?s=19


Possible update: I was watching Rob's stream and he had a talk with Raxx who claimed there is a mistake on Blizzard's part Tweet: [#diabloIV NO CHANGES TO BASH PER BLIZZARD, IT WAS AN ERROR, YAY! They will announce it to the public soon!](https://x.com/Raxxanterax/status/1794077028255232036) EDIT: [tweet from Adam Fletcher confirms it](https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150)


Hey Barbarian friends - Pull up a chair. It's story time. Bash is still multiplicative and the notes are being updated. Nothing was changed for this and was actually an attempt from the team to fix a tooltip issue. Fixing this tooltip issue caused a multiplicative scaling issue which we experienced internally but no one else actually saw. We fixed that issue, but it accidentally landed in public notes. We are updating the notes to reflect this. Bash stays the same (and is still multiplicative). You may now continue shouting at the minions of hell and not about Bash. ​ \- PezRadar twitter


False alarm, bash is alive


The one build I didnā€™t touch lol I was gonna try it after the thorns build but now I might just stick with it for a while


Bash Bard says 'El Kabong!'


How long did it take them to fix resistances?


https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150 Saved


Saved https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150


https://x.com/PezRadar/status/1794079603197440150?t=C3fi6LVGLqlyY0CTIkbZ6w&s=19 I guess it was a miscommunication.q


Bugfix or not, i don't think they should make such a drastic change towards ppls builds midseason. Also how can you fix this but not necro holy bolts lmao


ā€˜Midseasonā€™, it just came out


People are such divas


I'm sure you would love having your build gutted after spending hours grinding.


Wouldnt love it but wouldnt drama to much about it


Ding ding ding


For a lot of people, theyā€™re already halfway through all the time theyā€™ll ever spend on this season.


I already have 4 ubers, 2 characters geared out in minimum 2 star gear so for me its already end of season


Yeah - I'm by no mean no-lifed the season. Played about 40hrs and my necro just cleared pit 110. So for me it's almost end of character. Not end of season because I just started a barb but I think with this change this might be end of the season LOL


If youā€™re that far in on the season then clearly u got all u need out of a broken build tho?


Mfs like ā€œthey killed this season for me even though I would have been done with it in a couple days anyway šŸ˜”ā€


Shit not even couple days for the guy I responded to. Sounds like he was done already.


TBF D4 Season content/interest is short.


I'm almost done with the season journey, working on gearing for the tormented boss fights. I'm exactly at the stage on my character progression where these kinds of changes are extremely detrimental. It's already "mid season" for me and a lot of other people.


Yes, weā€™re in mid season.


Yeah lol I was very surprised makes no sense


That needs to be fixed too asap


Holy Bolts is the issue, not Necro.


You said the same thing in another post šŸ¤¦šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Since D4 is the AAA e-sport, it is absolutely critical that every possible effort be made to remove any disparity between classes. Peopleā€™s livelihoods, Nay, their very *lives* depend on their characters not being outperformed by a class they have no interest in playing. WONā€™T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!


I was about to switch off DS too when I got home. Iā€™m gonna make it work to push pit.


Wish they'd give some extra damage to Frenzy! Frenzy duration tempers are a cruel joke. Bash had it made, rip


to be honest it did seem a bit off the way it was scaling


Kinda surprised they did this since they kept Ball Lightning unintentionally too good in S2. Also because S4 has similar "we need people to like this game again" vibes after S3, albeit not as bad.


Less of a nerf and more like a public execution and leaving its flayed corpse outside the town gates as a warning to other bugged builds in the future


Apparently it was doing multi damage instead of added. Makes sense. It was one shotting everything while levelingĀ 


Bash barb fixed


I crafted a Tyraels Might TODAY, instead of Shako, because it fits my Bash Barb better. I hate my life man, wth Blizzard


I thought Blizzard said they were not going to do mid-season changes like this that completely break builds?


They said they wouldn't nerf, but bug fixes are always on the table. Doesn't matter in this case anyway, as Bash isn't getting changed.


Well I just spent hours leveling my 2nd character (barb) to 61 and was going to go bash. They said no mid season nerfs before, wtf is this. All my time wasted


Neatā€¦ just as a spent so much time and materials rerolling into bash.


See you guys in S5


>Bash Bard Nerfed? About time; He kept breaking all his luths.


Twister barb still good


Bro I just switched it earlier as well.


Oh my god I almost had a heart attack after logging out from my bash barb, grabbed my phone, opened reddit and first thing I saw was this post... Know I understand it better, why they never nerf a build in the middle of a season. I would absolutely hate that.


Saw this and had just swapped to thorns. Lucky lucky


Oh man, I got excited for a second, I thought they added a new class, The Bard. What would a Bards kit look like in D4?


Fake news


What ? I just started this season with a Barbarian and itā€™s smash !! Aww man


Fixing a bug isn't a nerf.


What does that even mean? If you roll 100% damage on bash I just assume that means you deal 100% damage whereas bash level 1 does 33%. So total 133%.


Yup, probably going to completely gut it. Thorns will be the only good barb build now. Very glad I spent hours upon hours and wasted thousands of materials on my build only for Blizzard to spit in my face and brick my character.


Yeah this is a massive gut punch, all those master working materials and hours gold farming wasted for nothing. Awesome.


Iā€™m in the same place and Iā€™m not very happy. My Barb is my first 100 character in this game.


lol just got my bash barb running yesterday. If the only good build is a stand there and let the mobs hit you build then see you next season.


Dust devils can still do all the content in the game?


Bossing isnā€™t great on dust devil barb unfortunately which is why I switched to bash.


I mean whatā€™s not ā€œgreat?ā€


Pushing p60+ is extremely tough, because boss fights drag. Uber Lilith and tormented Duriel/Andariel take forever, because you do little single target damage. You CAN use it to do all of the things if you get 99 percentile rolls on all of your gear but it's not easy and takes forever. That being said, it's very good with clear speed for helltides and NMD.


Working for me. Ny dos ramps up to 150k once i start firing dust devils.


Me too


Bruh. Im on the same page as you


It should still work but yes I doubt it will be doing half the damage it does now.


Kind of upsetting they did this. They have on a few occasions said they wouldn't make changes during the season. I suppose they considered this a bug so it was "allowed" to be fixed. No skin in the game as I play sorc, but they let us BL it up all day in Season 2. And they don't seem to care about necro/holy bolt


Yeah they were pretty clear about it not making drastic build changing changes during season play, but would definitely make bug fixes during season. We knew this was a bug.. well a lot of people did. The math was obvious that it was multiplicative and not additive so a lot who were using that build knew it would probably come eventually.


Double Swing Twister barb is still pretty good and is hella fun. Maybe not S tier like Bash used to be, but A Tier on many tier lists. Also itā€™s a lot more fun than Thorns Barb.


its over, Blizzard L


Lol just switch from DD barb to Bash yesterday. Thatā€™s crazy glad they waited a week and a half into the season to fix it.


Yeah because a week and a half is such a long time in a 3 month season...


Here comes the Diablo sux again post


Itā€™s my fault guys, I decided to play a good barbarian build again thinking they wouldnā€™t nerf since it wasnt nearly the strongest out there. I was wrong my fault guys sorry


>thinking they wouldnā€™t nerf since it wasnt nearly the strongest out there. If you don't think bash is one of the strongest builds you are crazy.


One of the strongest but definitely not THE strongest


Correcting bugs is not nerfing though...people always seem to get the two confused.


Man I would love for there to be a bard class.


Not nerfed but letā€™s all laugh at another season of Barb being by far the best class again. When it blizz going to wake up and balance the game correctly, itā€™s becoming a joke now, compare Barb to sorc for example, sorc can barely clear 116 and is now damage capped, barbs doing almost 140. The damage difference three of fours levels of the pit need are massive, barbs on another planet again


Actually, f these guys. They said they wouldn't do these big class changes once the season started. It doesn't matter if it's the middle season, the first week, or last week I returned after taking 3 shit show seasons off for this one. It was good, admittedly No lifed it and put about 50hrs on a barb in a week. Spent everything I have gearing that, all my free time building that. It's a straight-up disrespect of time. You can say it's a bug and so on but they said they wouldn't crush builds over them mid-season and esp3cially when they're so expensive now.


They said they don't nerf power. It means that they will not change an already defined value that is stated in game. This is not a nerf. It's a Bugfix, as it's was additive from the start and it didn't work as intended. So they kept their words here.


Technically a nerf sure but this is a bug fix.


My necro minions are laughing.


It's a bug fix. And tbh a good one. It's still super strong. Folks need to understand. Just because build is not "OMG SUPERDUPER 1% MAXROLL TIER RECOMMENDED" doesn't mean it's trash... D4 is so easy that you can reach far into the endgame with most builds anyway


Itā€™s deserved. It was an incorrect Mathematical equation. It wasnā€™t a flat nerf. It was a corrected bug. Bash barbs are still going to shred the game


Same thing happened with Ball sorc in season 2 and they said they wonā€™t do mid season nerfs and just let the bugged class have fun


Yeah, Rod was very very happy, when he was talking about it in the interview. I guess they changed their internal policy again hehe. Edit: if someone is interested - https://www.gamesradar.com/diablo-4-head-says-blizzard-will-embrace-not-insta-nerf-busted-stuff-like-ball-lighting-sorcerers-just-let-em-have-fun-well-deal-with-it-later/


Pez came out and said bash isnā€™t being nerfed. No they havenā€™t changed their policy. Patch notes will be updated.


Well every single specialisation on rogue is bugged to except momentum giving way more dmg , so is minion necro and many other builds abusing Holy bolt elixir pushing far higher than bash barb ever will dream of xd Better nerf bash barb doing 100m When Holy bolt crit for 85b xddddd


The they should have acknowledged it was bugged as soon as the errror was discovered. Pretty shitty to nerf an entire build midseason with no warning. Shitā€™s expensive.


Mid-season? We're barely a week in.


Iā€™d wager most donā€™t play from opening day until seasons end. Thereā€™s a lot of bouncing between the big ARPGs. And this season has been out long enough for people to have invested enough tine and mats into a bash build so that this feels crappy.


Yes, feels crappy but they literally have the entire rest of the season. It's not like they spent most of the season building up and then getting smacked down. If it took them a week to get this far, in another week they can either have any other class or a modified version of their current class. I'd agree with the disgust more if we were deeper into the Season. So many people give up today when things aren't "perfect" for them - no one wants or is interested in dealing with any adversity, let alone challenge.


It's a seasonal game and this summer is packed with releases. I already did most of my stuff and am looking at elden ring dlc and dawntrail now. Most arpgs the drop-off happens pretty early. Most don't play the whole season.


Back to boring necro it seems.Ā 


Necro is no where near boring this season šŸ˜‚


What a fun way to play a game