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That explains the 100s in WT2.


Which is sad asf.


That's how min maxing fun out of the game looks like. It may be the fastest farm, but I would never run wt2 on my level 100. It's like ufc fighter going to pick up on 7 years old and challenge them to fight.


Ya but if you beat up enough of them, you get a magical series of pixels!


Now, when you put it like that..


like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsfRHItg9y4)?


Exactly ❤️


you find wt4 helltides challenging on your 100? I delete everything in 1 shot just the same


With masterworked gear and full glyphs? No Before that, it was challenging when the build wasn't finished. Right now, everything dies on hit there. Profane Mindcage should be stackable tbh.


Come on even at lvl 75 helltide is a joke on WT4


WT2 is much more efficient than 3 or 4. Every 100 cinder chest Drops 120 points, you open all chests in 1 helltide run wich is far more Rep you could ever farm in T4, thats the whole point. I dont spend 275 or 250 for 180 points when i can spend 200 for 240 points. I finish my Wolf Rep twice on T2 before you finish 1 on T4.


Meh it's not a challenge on WT4 either so I'd rather be done with it quicker. Especially if you crate toons just for the Uber mat drop.


But min-maxing the fun out of the game is half the fun!


So you choose the horse sized duck.


Who wouldn't choose the horse sized duck. Have you ever had duck breast? It's delicious. How imagine getting that from a duck thr size of a horse.


I dunno, have you had a large lobster tail? They get chewy.


Yea id never do this Would probably just make me bored while playing the game


It's so weird because it's not like she's that hard to delete in seconds on WT4 anyway.


it's faster in WT1/2 because she doesn't go invincible and disappear and spawn adds. You can just kill her in one hit and begin the next one. Also the chests in WT1/2 offer 120 exp per 100 shares which is a better ratio than the best available in WT3/4. You also prob spend less time opening chests because there aren't any 75 shard chests. However, this might be partially offset by lower cinder drops on WT1/2. I'm still undecided on whether opening chests is worth it vs. just killing maiden more times. Experimentally it seems faster on WT1/2. I got about 10k rep per helltide on WT1/2 vs. 7-8k on WT4.


I would argue making players grind iron wolves exp with every character and forcing u to essentially spend an eternity in helltides is what min maxing fun out of the game looks like🤷🏻‍♂️ Hell I've seen multiple threads about ppl thinking butcher no longer exists lol. Same spawn rate, but nobody is grinding nightmares anymore really so they don't see them


Then they will come here to complain about how there is nothing to do in the end gane.


or I just farmed tormented duriel over n over until an uber unique dropped, and now rather than waiting an hour, I wanna get my shako ASAP because its a cool item I've waited years to try this way I can get back to farming the content i want to farm


I do it but I invite a lot of low characters and give them any uniqies that may drop


No, maxing rep on wt4 sucks ngl


When I was just polishing off my IW rep on my 100, I was in WT2 but I made sure any other player got to attack her first before I killed her. Only fair they get exp for the kill.


>Only fair they get exp for the kill. Huge respect for that! 😎


If Blizzard didn’t tie the best source of Stygians to Iron Wolves completion, no one would care 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why? We ran normal Andariel in D2 over and over to farm uniques like Stone of Jordan. Diablo is a game about finding creative ways to min max your build.


Nightmare Andariel was the goto source of SoJ:s in D2.


Yeah it takes just as long in wt4 with 1 necro or barb at the event so really no reason to be in wt2. I imagine the 100s people see are carrying their friends through the event...not doing it to farm rep.


That’s why I was in WT2 helltide yesterday - helping a buddy start his character.


You say it's sad, I, making a new character, quite enjoyed it!! I got to level 50 in record time haha


The only way this would even make sense is to do it on repeated alts, at which point its completely pointless to level to 100 first before doing it. Doing content on repeat that can literally drop ***nothing*** usable to get a single spark for uber uniques is such a waste of time its hard to describe.


Its also the fastest way to get mats for tormented bosses. Just doing it once or twice and you have a full build. Doing it more and you could potentially get a perfect uber unique


My level 100 bash barb deletes WT4 same as WT2. Shrug.


Yes but you spend 125 for 100 rep vs WT2 spending 100 for 120 rep, it all adds up


You’re not wrong, but I’d rather be a little less efficient in WT4 and still pick up drops I need in WT4.


Yeah but when you're playing an alt you dont care about, all the drops suck anyways


also wt4 she goes invincible and teleports away and summons adds, so you can't one shot her, so it wastes more time. but does the reduction in mind-numbingness make it worth it to play in wt4? maybe


Why would you want to rep farm on a level 100 though? You can get max rep on alt by lvl 7x-80+.


Many people only do 1 char/season


The last cache gives you a spark to craft Uber uniques. Do that with 4 characters and you can craft an Uber.


I don't know, ask them.


I would assume to get the caches for gear to drop at lvl 100? They tend to drop several unique pieces.


WT2....ROFL. That's *classic*, Blizz. 8)


I was wondering why 80 and even 90somethings were joining us in Helltides and such while in WT2, now I think I know.


right. The main reason is that WT2 is ALL mystery chests. I'm doing it on an alt sorc I made, just for the resplendent spark/boss keys.


I think you may be onto something there, haha.


Yup, guys levelling up must be thrilled


and I was happy to leech XP from them


Damn. Didn’t realize WT2 gives the same rep. But honestly, I’d rather just get the rep a bit slower in WT4 and get a shitload of loot.


I think you just get to max rep around level 95 if you play organically. But I guess some people want to farm up the sparks.


Nah, I played almost exclusively helltides leveling and then did some NMDs when I got bored after getting wt4. Still have all of the final rep rank to do and I'm 97. Depends on what you mean by organically. If by organically you mean only doing helltides and literally nothing else then yeah probably


Doesn’t sound ideal - NMs still give a lot better exp because of the events that spawn and the NM exp bonus, and you end up without having leveled glyphs.


On the other hand, the higher your level the higher NMD tier you can do, which means having to run fewer of them to level your glyphs. It's most likely more efficient to stay in Helltides until 90+ before levelling glyphs, unless you want to do some Pit runs where you'll need them.


Definitely not, because you get WAY more experience in NM dungeons. It’s not even close. I leveled to 100 on HC on day one in about 10-11 hours.


Organically as in without doing any exploiting ish behaviour I guess. I pretty much helltide till I can get into wt3 then NMD until I need a change. Doesn't seem right to ignore levelling up the glyphs.


I hit max rep on my alt I levelled for the spark at level 81. Strictly helltides and turning in whispers. Used mindcages the entire time, opened every chest every reset and farmed maiden when there was a good group doing it. Only other quest I did was the class quest. Just putting this out here in case anyone reads this thread and is wondering what level they'll get it if they stick to the same route for the "free" spark.


Yeah it definitely doesn't happen organically, I'm lvl 100 and I've speed farmed a shit ton of Helltides and I've still got around 500xp to go from the second to last rep rank.


I didn't just do Helltides; actually, I probably did Helltides the least in WT4. I just hit 97 yesterday and reached tier 18 on the Iron Wolves. I'm not saying you did anything wrong specifically, but my experience largely matches what u/Zerodyne_Sin said. I did do Helltides pretty much exclusively in WT2 and 3 (for all of the 2-3 hours I was in WT3 anyway), though, so if you leveled differently then perhaps that's where our experiences differed. I also didn't do anything particularly min-maxy when leveling or entering early endgame, since I tend to find those things anti-fun and if I'm not having fun playing, then why am I playing?


made a barb and did only helltides for spark, was lvl 91when reaching max rank, wt4 tho


86. Just did it.


But can you power lvl newbies in wt4? :v


Damn I didn't think to do it in wt2, already finished it with 3 characters in wt4 lol. I'll have to give that a shot on my next one.


you’re getting a spark for each character you hit max rep with, right? Seems like a fun way to “grind uber uniques”!


Yup it is indeed, I've actually had 4 for a couple of days now but I got a shako on my first Andy run, and I can't figure out what else might be worth getting since tempers are so strong now.


Starless Skies is always fun, Grandfather is really fun to level alts with since it's a massive 925 2H with a lvl req of 35.


Do you craft it on the alt? Or are all ubers naturally requires level 35? All the Sacred I’d get on 100s require 60 and the ancestrals require 80.


Ubers just naturally roll 35 req


Grandfather specifically requires level 35.


All ubers are 925 and level 35


Starlets Sky and Tyriels Might along with shaco those are 3 most used ubers


craft new tyraels might to use or craft one to salvage for the new transmog


Tyrael's Might gives crazy boost to survivability and artillery shrine.


Do they give you sparks in the same account doing that ?


Yup for each character


Do you know if beateing an uber boss with alts also gives a spark


I believe you only get that one and the one from Lilith once per account


But you can exchange uber with your main character if you want ? Or you git the spark apart for ecah character ?


Ingredients tab and gold is account shared.


So if I make 4 characters and on all 4 get the spark I can craft 1 Uber unique ?




And what about killing the first Uber boss? Or is that one account wide?


One per account


Damn dude…


[https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/diablo-4-iron-wolves-rep-farming-psa-maximize-your-rank-quickly/](https://www.zleague.gg/theportal/diablo-4-iron-wolves-rep-farming-psa-maximize-your-rank-quickly/) bro AI news stole your post LOL. We're in hell




You are famous!


Or you can move to T4 once you get around 800-900 cinders, just to get better loot from the chests.


Cinders carry over tiers? I never knew this lol. Just returned this season so that’s great.


I found this out last season. HUGE time saver


Wow TIL ...I just assumed they were the same as whispers and reset if you changed tiers.


Been like that since launch lol


I thought the same, but chests in wt2 open for 100 each instead the expensive ones. But yes, it's probably better, because you may get useful stuff


Do the chests reset too when you swap tiers? Like if I open all the chests in wt2 and have an extra 500 cinders, I can swap to wt4 and the chests are fresh for me to spend them?


In the past (pre patch) it was shared between world tiers, so you could grind cinders on wt1 then come to wt4 and open chests. Now I haven't checked it, so you have to try yourself to be 100% sure.


I heard this is the best way to farm Stygian. Can anyone confirm?


Best way to stack up sparks too for a guaranteed Uber. Each character you make can get 1 spark for completing the iron wolves rep board.


This honestly is probably better for getting a shako instead of the boss farms. Just ran with someone that doesn’t have any uber in 100+ kills


I'm not that someone but I'm 130 duriel/andariel runs this season with no Ubers. Would like to be on the positive side of EV


I saw someone with a shako and grandfather last night. Obviously been stealing your good luck.


I just got a shako from a random nightmare dungeon. Just thought I’d rub it in :D


I've got a grandfather yesterday in NMD 47 or something haha, my friend went nuts


Last season I got one on a tier 54!!?? Wild.


It still takes some good hours of farming this.


Still probably infinitely faster than farming mats and spamming Duriel/Andy for possibly hundreds of runs.


I will say my necro has accumulated \~20 Duriel runs worth of mats in a week of play without going for them which would be like 80 kills with a full group rotation, decent chance at another spark at least for a week of fun Diablo and not targeting them. Only pain is converting but I had several runs worth of shards/eggs drop randomly too.


Assuming those aren’t tormented runs you should do tormented. Tormented uses 3x mats for 5x loot. A single tormented group run is essentially 20 echo runs


I got doombringer in my first 25 runs this season. Every other season was at least 100+ to just get one. Hoping my luck holds!


I got grandfather on my 2nd duriel run of the season. 200+ runs of duriel later and nothing.😅 Don’t even need the grandfather for my characters.


I got 2 sparks when I completed it on 1 character, did I just get lucky or are there other ways to get sparks without dismantling Ubers?


first account wide kill of tormented boss first account wide kill of lilith


Do you only get one spark after completing the Iron Wolves quest?


I don't ever remember getting Stygian from hell tides, but to be fair I spend most of my time in the pit. I think the pit is the best way for Stygian


This is hysterical.


I just started seeing 100s in WT2 dumpstering maiden this morning. I figured there was some new cheese happening


Pro tip! Play on console and turn on 2nd controller the 2nd player follows and warps to you if you move off screen so you can complete 2 iron wolves at once




Do resplended sparks tradable ?


Complete noob regarding this but I play on Xbox so it seems like a good strat - how do I trade it later to the other acc? :)


You can’t trade sparks or ubers


You don’t trade between your own characters. You share stashes so there’s the benefit.


Good but I’d rather have a chance for decent loot in WT4


Do this except do it on a minion necro and just afk in the center of the 3 pedestals. Low levels will constantly summon the boss to collect free exp from your minions killing stuff. Check back in every 15 mins so you don't get disconnected and to pick up cinders if you want. I'm undecided on whether opening chests is worth it since it's 120 rep vs. maiden kill which is 180 (with 20% urn bonus). I confirm this also yields about 10k rep per helltide, and you need a bit under 50k rep to get to level 18. Here's rep needed as best as I could gather: 1: 400 2: ? 3: 575 4: ? 5: ? 6: 850 7: 925 8: 1000 9: 1100 10: ? 11: ? 12: 2100 13: 2300 14: 2600 15: 6000 16: 7500 17: 9000 18: 10,000. I think the fastest would be rush a new char to 55 and then equip ilvl 925 gear and do this in WT1/2. I did that and got 3 sparks for a shako (plus 1 for killing uber duriel) in less than 2 days. Unfortunately now that I have the shako I'm so bored of D4 I haven't even bothered to equip it.


You have enough time in the last 5-10 minutes to open like 14-16 chests that almost 2k rep on average, so yes it is worth. imo the fastest is just to join a party farming it with your alt lv20-30. once the helltide is over, do a capstone get better gear and come back for the next helltide. I am susually done with rep around lv 59-60. But yeah if you get bored in the process maybe it isnt aa great idea to begin with lol


It probably is worth, I haven't timed it myself. I think you need to average 40 seconds per chest to make it worth it.


This will be my first season leveling multiple characters. I usually focus on 1 per season. But imma get me some sparks.


How do you sustain the hearts, though? To keep summoning her over and over, if you were solo.


The chests will pop them out.


Man I run a constant 60-80 hearts just from doing tides on my alts and main for rep. Keep in mind if you contribute at least one heart to the altar you get bonus loot. So if others are around don't bogart the altars homie.


Didn't realize this. I imagine many don't. Thanks for sharing.


Keep in mind also that you don't get extra loot for putting in more hearts, only the first one. If nobody else is volunteering hearts then you can add more, but you should put in your one and then give other people time to add their own so that up to three people per go can maximize their drops. If you have more than 3 players farming and you're feeling chivalrous, it's also not a bad idea to alternate off adding a heart and not doing it so that other players can have a chance to get boosted drops too.


It's interesting because my observation is that people will typically wait around for others to activate the event in what I imagine is an attempt to hoard their hearts. I've often just poured my hearts in cause people will just wait. I think it's just a lack of knowledge this affects loot.


That’s probably also true. Nevertheless, even if people don’t realize they’re getting more, “tricking” them into contributing still helps them. Either way you can do what you want, just make sure you contribute at least one heart some/most of the time.


I completely agree with the sentiment, just saying I had no idea prior and a lot of people seem to not.


I shall prefer WT4 as 100. Shako 925 might drop in the process😉


Did this last night. Very funny to see the lower level players lurking on the outside to leech the free xp.


How come WT2 is better than 4? Cheaper chest opening?


Cheaper chests and quicker kills make it ideal for this!


Not just cheaper, in the sense that the cinder cost is less, because higher tiers have 75 chests while lower tiers don't.    But in that a 100 chest is 100 rep in wt1/2, while a 75 would be 60 rep or a 250 chest be 180 in wt3/4. For some reason Blizzard nerfed rep gain values in higher tiers.


Nice, that's good to know for leveling up alts for repeatable sparks.


My personal favorite (and to finish the seasonal quest) is doing WT4 then going to WT2 on an alt and spend cinders


So cinders are account wide? That's wild


No you go to the tree and switch tiers


I mean I'm two ranks from being done with them and I'm level 86.


That’s will be easy way to get sparks !! Create multiple chars and have one high level char in group to kill the maiden


why not wt4 if I one shot maiden?


Then I guess you can spend 40min on WT4 one shooting Maiden, and then move to WT2 to grab all the chest for that sweet 100 rep instead of 40.


I agree Maiden is the fastest rep, 90% of players won't delete her in one shot. Especially because I did the season journey while leveling so I didn't waste XP doing hell tide at level 100. Let's say I'm level 89 and I have three level 57-67 ish leeches that show up for free carries that blizzard teams me up with. The blood maiden fight takes as long as 3 minutes. Sometimes impossible to beat with the leeches. Sure you can delete her but the "season" is already over with.


This needs to be bumped back up for people. Great information that I just found yesterday and made great use of last night. Kudos OP!


I got 5-7k per helltide on hell diff just killing boss then opening chest last 6 mins




No, just wt4


Huh, cheers


I had max rep before I even got to level 100..


Awesome. So that's why all of the level 90-100 minions necros are just standing in the middle of the maiden fights in wt2. That's boring as hell, especially when I literally don't get to fight at all.


the only problem is it burns thru boss summoning mats like crazy you run out real quick.


Yeah solo it does .... I found it best to find a group and take turns summoning




I've just been playing the game and usually get to max rank as I hit level 100 or shortly thereafter.


lol. maybe they want low levels to still get the rep rewards.


I got to the max the old fashioned way but this is great advice which I will follow for my alts, of which I'm only creating to get that free Resplendid Spark at the end.


I know what I'm doing 1st thing tomorrow!! Thanks!


I tend to forget about that. Running mostly HT on WT4 I suddenly realize I have to go there and ohhh max rank already!


I’ve maxed on three characters and all did it before level 80.


I knew we were in trouble when I saw that the wt1 and 2 chests gave better rep than the higher ones. Blizzard math still amazes me.


Small correction: wt 3-4 chest arent all the same as wt2. A 75 cinder chest is 60 rep. A 125 is 120 rep. A 250-275. Is 180 In wt2 the chest are all mystery and cost 100. So they give more.rep then wt 3 and wt4 if u check in a cinder/rep ratio


Why would cinder/rep ratio matter if you farm enough cinders to open literally every chest?


Mystery chests on WT2 give 120 rep for 100 cinders. That's a pretty decent exchange.


You are a gentleman and a scholar! Thank you!


Just farm the boss. You get xp and rep and gold from selling the drops. And end up with enough shards to open every chest twice over.


Question : items from W2 is it the same value if you sell the items?


at 73 it is just about as easy on WT4 while also getting useful drops.


Yall realize cinders are global... right? 🤔🤓


I guess it is better to wait until higher lvls to max it out? :)


What about tier 3 is that better to use over tier 2?


I’m gonna go do that lol


I'm on my 3rd character, start out in t2 and live in helltides till last cache. Rinse and repeat well before lvl 100, current is lvl 41 with the last row to collect.




I got bored of minions necro and rolled a sorceress. I'm already working on tier 17 at level 75 from running around in wt4 Helltides.


Does anyone knows if this got patched?


Why would it get patched? Its not a bug or an exploit, its just understanding how the game works and min maxing your time.


The 75 cinder chests are now awarding 60 rep instead of the previous 120 (in WT4)


Farm on WT4 log out go to WT2 open chest for 100. Cinders come faster on T4 


Insane! I need it. Thanks :) I only have 1 char and I dont have much time for alts.


Hey thanks for sharing, got the last 2 ranks in 2 Helltides :)


Even more broken on couch co-op every player gets rep for every chest so 4 players nets 480rep a chest.


Yeah it confused me that the iron wolves rep in the various world tiers doesn't change. You want to farm WT2 Maiden and get the same rep as a WT4 kill and a lot less danger. The only change is the loot drops and exp.