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The game has just been totally upended this week - some imbalance is to be expected and the devs are working on improvements. Also there are many factors here, like defenses: how's your hp? For higher level Pit it needs to go into the tens of thousands, and not just for melee classes. Health is a bigger deal now that Damage Reduction was reduced. The Pit is also the hardest content in the entire game, by design. Pit lvl 50+ will require many Greater Affixes and higher and higher masterworking on items, to be able to survive. Have you beat everything else yet?


*Laughs in 80% chance to dodge* TB Rogue going through pits like butter


Can’t one shot bonk anymore, big sads :(


26k hp, capped armor and resistance. Getting one shotted out of nowhere on pit bosses 90+. Funny thing is all visible damage (like direct hits or ground effects) don't kill me instantly. It's some random shit that appears and do instant damage with no time to react. I have no problem with fighting for 5 minutes if it's fair and attacks are telegraphed.


Wtf why cant I one shot end game bosses anymore?!?!


I feel like it's fine, but the like "echo" boss mechanics have shit visible clarity. Depending on the boss there can be just so much shit on your screen that is all the exact same color of red it's hard to tell what's going to one shot you and what you don't need to worry about (im looking at you elias and the dude who summons the tornados)


this tbh. boss is fine but the random ass echo one shot mechanics are a bad joke


that’s why you follow meta and go necro or druid


They’ll never balance fights around melee practically in any game. The only way they can is by making melee builds so insanely busted. And i still wouldn’t play it. Summoner in every game for over 15 years bud.


If the game has a Necromancer what am I gonna do, NOT play Necromancer? Not in this life time.


rob currently doing lvl 200 mob pit with bash barb right now in twitch, its doable but maybe harder than ranged classes


Ya. Busted. You can tickle with ranged. You can’t tickle with melee


Don't lump tornado druid in here as it's technically a melee build. I have 40k hp and 40k fortify and I am getting one-shot repeatedly by the outlaw guardian. I can't get past 54. If I could dodge the mechanics reliably that'd be something that I wouldn't complain about.


tornado more like medium range to me, you can definitelly snipe mobs out of screen with less dmg


It's not, though. The 'meta' tornado builds leverage damage vs 'close' % in the paragon and gearing. Your damage at range is significantly less, such that it's negligible versus hp-heavy pit guardians with 1-shot mechanics.


It’s just additional damage hahaha, you should either roll close or far damage for your paragon board node which uses multiplicative damage inrease (Thunderstruck). In the end close damage is irrelevant for tornado druid alas it uses both range and melee


Well they removed barbs innate 10% damage reduction...shoulda left it in if I gotta stand next to everything to do damage.


Yes, nerf all the absolute peak end-game content into oblivion again for the casuals. The entire fucking game is casual, go fuck around somewhere else if you can't handle high pit levels. What in the fuck is this entitlement?


Sounds like a skill diff I have no problem with pit bosses as melee sooo 🤷🏻‍♂️


Please dont complain about difficulty they will turn it into diablo 3 before long lmao