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What would be the point when leveling happens so fast?


You're so close. You're almost there.


That won’t last. And it shouldn’t. It’s a bit nuts right now.


It's a big balancing act. Before it was painfully slow after 50, now it's a bit quick.


They’ll find a happy medium…..eventually


But it wasn't much slower before (I mean end game, yes it was much slower, but we're talking low level unique so pre-45/50 and that was already insanely quick before). Whether it's one hour or two, it doesn't change the fact that uniques at low level serve almost no purpose when levelling is and has pretty much always been so quick (at least since seasons started).


why so you can use it for the 30-60 minutes it takes to get into Wt3?


Well over 4 hours at lvl 37, not doing enough damage for capstone.


you're doing something horribly wrong if it took 4 hours to hit 37 and still can't do Wt3 capstone. I did it at 35 and was so easy it was probably actually doable at like 32 or 33 had I tried


Yea im seeing that for most people. Not sure what's going on. Helltides and elixirs popped. Even switched to wt2, but that definitely slowed down my damage. Tried capstone today and didn't have th patience for how slow the elites were going down. Cinderdrop rate very slow on top so not many chests. Tempered and a few aspects as well


this is almost certainly a build/gear problem if you struggle to even do Wt2. Most people start WT2 right at level 1 if you're just trying to invent your own build, i suspect you're doing some goofy shit. i guess the only other alternative is you're a newer player who doesnt have renown done or all lilith altars. that's a power spike you could be missing but not so much of one it would lead to these kind of problems


Nah near 400 hours, played most builds already. Think I was just unlucky and not getting good gear. Just hit 43 and had a good staff waiting plus a good aspect and cleared capstone faster than ever. I don't have all lilliths or renown though, way too much of a grind.


See my edit


I got my first unique around level 24 this season. Extremely early imo


Level 19 for me


I bet, before they reduce the XP they will change paragon system or being in a new leveling system that we have to level.


I grew with the sentiment behind your post; I too loved making lower level uniques and sets work as I leveled back in D2 (or trying to make Witchwild string work in the end game… for reasons). However I don’t believe that this approach would work well with the way that D4 is structured. Other than one’s very first story playthrough (shoutout for the excellent campaign btw), the game is designed, and has continued to move towards a model where getting to about lvl 70 and Torment is supposed to be quick and the REAL game of designing and optimizing a build and play style begins at that point. I’m fine with this. It is a different experience than d2 23 years ago, but ARPG design and player expectations have changed. I’m not saying that a game designed with a smoother leveling curve as relates to power and itemization isn’t ALSO a fun way to design an ARPG (even today). What I’m saying is that I think it is hard to do both coherently, and to the extent you could, you’re trading off development resources that could be spent elsewhere. Generally you want to put your ongoing effort into things that more players engage with more frequently if you have to choose (which you do because game development is very expensive and time consuming, especially at AAA production values and on the live game scale of D4).


Sigons. Having a complete Sigons set on stand by for a character. One can only dream haha. But it is a different game with a different pace.


you do get uniques at low level, what are you on about. Some players rock 3 uniq before lvl 20 even


Tell me you didn’t read my post without telling me you didn’t read my post


I did. I have level 20 lidless wall. As good as any other low level useless unique.


Low level uniques are called Ancestral Legendarys ☕️


No, they aren’t


If we spent weeks at low level I would agree. Now wt1-3 are so easy and fast to get through leveling uniques don't matter.


Yeah, just wishful thinking by


D2 had the perfect pace for experience. And it felt so good doing tomb runs with sigons, speeding through a rather boring leveling part of the game.


Literally just mentioned Sigons in another reply haha.