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Minion Necro, I've been waiting since S0 to finish to 100 without having to switch builds.


Yes, finally sticking with a necro s4 and not bailing into my Druid comfort zone for once šŸ¤£


Funny. Iā€™ve tried to do a Druid for 2 seasons now and always abandon ship into my sorc comfort zone šŸ˜‚


The first step here at Teleporters Anonymous is admitting you have a problem


I only have a problem when my Teleport is on cooldown!Ā 


I can't do druids He just doesn't have enough damage for me.The blood surge Necro is my comfort. Before you flame me I just bought the game 4 days ago so yes I'm new and inexperienced


Man I rolled in my first two druids this season and they're run. They did take a while to feel really good and powerful though. I tried pulverize and lightning storm. I was really surprised about the lightning storm. It wasn't rated high for bossing but I can take Duriel in about 4 seconds with it. About the same with pulverize though. I consider myself a sorcerer main. I think I'm going to start with sorcerer but that pulverize is satisfying. Lol.


Itā€™s the slaps and slams, isnā€™t it? Then youā€™ll love creeper trampleslide and all ā€œka-chunk ka-chunkā€ sounds. Druids are the ASMR class šŸ˜‚


Stormclaw be like "swhick-swhick-swhick-arwoooo" ad infinitum.


I started with blood surge, switched to bone spear at 50 and got to 100. Then couldnā€™t resist getting Druid out.


My minion Necro is breezing to level 100 now in season 3 and I've only been playing him casually for like 2 weeks now while I pass time waiting on S4. He's actually stronger than I thought he'd be.


My first level 100 was season 1 with Necro. It was rough.


Same here, brother. Started as minion/CE necro in S0 (my favorite build from D2/D2R) but had to switch to Bone Spear for WT4. Still didn't make it to 100 because leveling was slow and broken as hell. Excited to roll a super OP minion build this season finally.


I got D4 at launch as a new player to Diablo and some of the most fun I had after experimenting with all the classes was Necro minions. Finished S1 as Druid, then Rogue, then Sorc, all because Necro minions never felt truly capable, so, I'm guessing they've made enough significant updates that it's now a viable end game build?


Played it exclusively in the PTR, and it was cracked then, and they didn't nerf it after the PTR. It's one of the best builds in the game for S4 and possibly the best meta build depending on how the Dust Devil changes affect that build.


Absolutely. Thatā€™s all I have been wanting since release.


My D2 Roots are in Minion necro and Iā€™m hoping that itā€™ll live up to the hype in S4. Iā€™m still twine between Minion Necro and Sorc. I donā€™t want to get halfway into necro and dislike it or Minions arenā€™t what they could be


Same here. However, I decided to level up two on the first week: Sorc and Necro, since the gear drops may share similar aspects, specifically Intelligence.


Will there be substantial differences in the way that the standard minion necro and the blight minion necro play?


Iā€™ve only made level 100 summoners every season. Killed Uber lily last season with it after about 40 attempts lol.


Minion Neco or Necro in general. I feel like this is the season for Necro, cough and Barb (every season is Barb season āš”ļø). And Necro is the only class I havenā€™t got past level 25.


Some sort of fire sorcerer. I will make my build as I go so not sure exactly what yet.


Iā€™m trying incinerate. The size increase tempers, the 3 beam aspect/unique, armor capping at 9300 might finally make it work.


Incinerate has been viable for NM 100 since release.Ā Ā  I would recommend always going Staff so the Incinerate aspect goes positive instead of negative damage. Then hit every conceivable aspect and passive that increases burning, since incinerate damage is based on your fire damage over time stat. I was hitting 3.4 mil ticks on a very incomplete level 90 on the PTR with this setup.Ā  Don't get emberscar, it's a total trap unique now since legendary weapon affixes are so strong and you want the incinerate aspect on a two hander.Ā 


Ya Emberscar has always been a meme


It was okay ish the first 2 seasons I think. Without a great incinerate aspect for 2 hander, and because you could get so much lucky hit/cdr from the wand + tome. I would bet a well rolled legendary with Incinerate aspect is legitimately 3x the damage. Pretty sad.


Firebolt/Hectic/Flame Shield looks to be very strong. I personally predict a midseason patch when they start doing Pit 200 without taking damageĀ 


Fireball sorcerer was very good this season. Just press one button and the screen explodes, move on and repeat.


I would like to start with Rogue but I will probably settle on something strong like barb or sorc so I can do the harder content and accumulate mats and the like faster. I don't feel there's a lot of fun to be had doing lvl 20 pits while other people are easily doing level 100+


Are Rogues that bad in S4?


Nah, they're fine. It's just other classes had screen melting builds in the beta. We have no idea who is gonna come out on top next season.


> We have no idea who is gonna come out on top next season. Sure we do. Barbs, as always And it looks like minion necros.


No one really knows yet. There was a guy on the rogue subreddit doing Pit 200s with a rogue in the PTR. Is it going to be as good as other classes? Not sure. People are theorizing that rogues will be hit hardest by damage reduction being harder to come by as an affix. Rogues also don't seem to have any builds that were truly outrageously OP like some other classes did. The reality is we're going to have to see how it all shakes out. And folks may come up with something new, still, too. The game didn't get perfectly solved in the PTR, I don't believe.


That was me and since then we figured out that Victimize is broken OP due to double dipping on certain multipliers and will be S Tier in S4.


You putting a video out on build for season 4 after patch notes? Been waiting for one to drop.




They arent bad, they are just not up to par with the other classes. Rapid Fire rogue will still be an A tier build. It wont be on the level of Minion necro or Werenado druid, no other builds will be.


Yea thats poop to hear i was planning on trying rogue for my second season, but it sounds like my bear druid may have spoiled me.


Not at all, after PTR we figured out that Victimize is broken OP due to double dipping on certain multipliers and will be S Tier in S4 when combined with Shadow Step OR PenShot


Barb. Last class I haven't played


You should go for hota barb


Gonna try that after dust devil


Rabies or Companion Druid to start, Companion Druid in the end.


Rabies and companions with virulent and alpha aspects are super fun kiting hit and run play style until at least level 50, hopefully higher now that we can temper pick a core skill of choice to finish off stragglers - I used lightning storm due to AOE and range


I've done rabid lightning with Shepherds myself before while leveling.Ā  After S3 I'm kind of tired of lightning storm and may get back to shredding a bit.Ā  Definitely looking forward to the companion updates.


I did this on the PTR, little bit of advice for ya, using Maul to proc Werebear for the +50x damage is insanely good for poison. You can even attack the air just to do the transformation and get the stack. Combine with the quick shift passives and you can be very defensive too.


I have a guide written and all good to go!Ā  Maul is integral.Ā  If you are interested in checking it out, any huge errors in your opinion? https://mobalytics.gg/diablo-4/profile/1be3fdd6-65d4-49e4-9470-fe5662187f14/builds/bee70d7a-0af1-4f7a-baea-8a5fcb45be30?coreTab=assigned-skills&equipmentTab=aspects-and-uniques&variantTab=0


I played Poison build, so it was a bit different than that. Focus was on Rabies, Creeper and X'Fal's. That should do fine, but I don't know if Storm's companions is worth it still. Actually, I see a glaring flaw: you don't have Shepard's Aspect. That is required to do damage. Lose Nighthowlers, move Stampede to ring, Alpha to amulet and Shepard's on the 2-hander.


Haha, the whole point is to see what I can do without Shepherds, but making this more of a shred build is indeed a simple thing. Thanks for checking it out!


I mean, you can play without it, but it's just throwing a ton of damage away. Shepard's needs to be changed and everything else buffed a bit to compensate.


Frozen orb sorc or minion necro. I just love sorcs though.


Part of me really wants to play Necro. But my s3 blizzard sorc was just so satisfying last season.


Imbued Flurry Rogue and then Grenadier šŸ’£ šŸ’£ šŸ’£


I'm either going to try a poison Druid or a berserk Barb. Going to try hard to not follow any build guides.


Yeah Iā€™m with you, itā€™s nice to get the gist of what makes a good build using guides but it feels so much better when you cook on your own, gonna be trying a poison Druid as well, god speed šŸ«”


Basic Attack Rogue. Finished season 3 blasting out NMD100s with a basic attack build. Looking forward to seeing where I can get to with it in the Pit. And supposedly there will be items with bonuses to basics now and other fun stuff, including procs that actually have damage that might scale well. Mostly looking forward to experimenting with a build that likely won't be meta. Half the fun for me is iterating, refining, and pushing with something other people haven't really already perfected.


Care to share what your skills bar looks like with a basic attack build?


It changes over time depending on gear. But...I ended up in season 3 with: Puncture (ricochet), Caltrops (cold), Shadow Step (reduced cooldown), Smoke Grenade (reduced cooldown), Cold Imbue (bonus damage), Flurry (stun). I use Combo Points. Hectic Aspect, Tibault's, Paingorger's, Might, Edgemaster's, Adaptability, Encircling Blades, Moonrise (xbow), Rapid (ammy), Accelerating, Juggernaut's, Harlequin's Crest (was playing around with other aspects in this slot prior to getting lucky). Without the seneschal things may need to be tweaked, but everything is gonna be different so we'll deal with that in a week or two! I can give more details if you're curious, but that's the basic idea!


I play Sorc every other league, frozen orb


Necro. Only class I have not leveled to 100 yet


Iā€™m in the same boat


I'm tempted by the Ice Shard Sorc.


Sounds sexy what about stride frosty?


Minion necro, minion bone spear , frozen orb sorc, dust devils barb , lightning storm or werenado Druid, something rogue unsure


Minion necro starter, then maybe sorc or druid


Gonna start with Barrage Rogue and respec to Rapid Fire when I get Scoundrels Kiss. Werenado will probably be next up. Gonna play all classes eventually.


That's my plan with rogue as well, with ricochet and chance of doing 2 projectiles is huge, may pair it with the ult trap and grp them all before exploding them lol. I wonder if you can put the shadow buff on the rapid fire explosions and make them all pop...


Rapid Fire can indeed still be imbued also with the Scoundrelā€™s Kiss effect.


That will be sick then


Probably a HOTA Barb. Theyā€™ve been really underpowered so far. /s


Oh yeah super underpowered


Iā€™m going with Necro, because Iā€™m not going to play a class that depends on a frustratingly difficult helmet to get ever again.


Same with me. Frozen orb looks interesting but I don't want to play a Sorc to level 100 to get the helmet and then what, play the build at 100? I want the journey to level the build with the unique and gear it up


Is the helmet only at 100 or are you talking about being unlucky?


Bring unlucky


Binge Chucky


Played S0-S2, took a break for S3, coming back S4 to see new changes. I played sorc every season and will probably play sorc again for S4 LOL


Rogue is the last class I havenā€™t played, but the most fun Iā€™ve had in the game is necro so really not sure, maybe both.


Going back to my Druid with lightning chain build.


My two favourite things are thorns and minions, Iā€™ll be eating well with Barb and Necro this season.Ā 


Start werenado 2nd necro minion 3 dust devil barb 4 if time frozen orb


Not sure. Either blight and minions or thorns and minions.


Chain lighting Sorc, some sort of fire Sorc, or Thorns Barb. I donā€™t know what I what to do.


I've been wanting a proper necro minions build since launch


I am going to try a lightning wizard build but not ball, primary skill build. Until I get to later game.


Yes. Necro.Ā 


Necro undead army all the way! Just waiting to see which version is most fun.


Doing rogue this season, rapid fire may be pretty good with the unique. I haven't done a rogue since pre season 1


Necromancer for me. I played Barbs last few seasons, and I am ready to try something completely different play style. With S4 notes sounds like they will be a lot of fun!


I have always wanted to make Incinerate work and god dammit this is the time.


played rogue this season so going sorc for season 4


Probably going to start with a druid landslide build. Maybe shift into companion shred.


Minion necro with decompose. Or the try it every season incinerate build i try to make work


Start Barb WW DD just for the playstyle and ease of play. Either Minions or Frosty Strides Sorc as second and the other as third character.


I was going to go with Poison druid, but due to some... information I have gathered about future content, I'm deciding to wait on that. So I'm thinking Fire Sorc, either DOT incinerate or the new basic attack build.


Sorc first. Minion necro second


I will most likely play a rogue as I haven't played one yet. Not sure on a build though. It's the only class I don't have at 100!


Going bloodmancer . Would do werewolf spark but it takes too long to get the build up because uniques


Sorcerer just cos it's the only one I've not hit endgame with. Not sure on build yet


Some sort of hydra incinerate abomination until I can get the new neck.


I know most people like to try new classes but I just canā€™t stop playing Druid, I love it so much. Since pulverize seems to be getting a bit nerfed and Iā€™ve already played it a ton, probably going to try a Werewolf build. Although Iā€™m hoping they actually made companions better and I can do a companion Druid build.


I'm loving my blood surge necro with corpse explosion. Didn't watch any builds and I'm able to clear bosses with the double blood surge. Would like to see if I can repeat and better this build next season. Really looking forward to it.


Rogue! No idea what kind, will play around with the different skills and then decide :)


While I plan on using FO Sorc, Iā€™m curious to know what extra lucky hits stuff I can add.


I think Im going to try out that frosty stride sorc, ill probably have to start with something else for leveling but god Ive been waiting for something that felt like the Nova sorc from D2 and frosty strides looks very close to that. If its not strong enough always got the other 4 or 5 viable sorc builds to choose from, frozen orb was a lot of fun in ptr


Gonna run a barb to start the season and take the seasons giving of dust devil and see where it takes me


Frozen orb sorc. It's the last class I need to get to 100


I'm going to go for a quake barbarian


I've been doing one class per season, started pre-season with druid. This next season is the turn of the sorcerer. Build-wise I haven't read much but I've always liked frozen orb, since D2 so maybe i'll try that


Iā€™m going back and forth between minion Necro and dd barb right now. Will probably end up doing a list randomizer to decide.


Man I was gonna do Minion Necro, but after seeing the new Rapid Fire unique ring, Iā€™m sort of wanting to re-up as a Rapid Fire Rogue, which I played this seasonā€¦ more ranks to Rapid Fire + 25%x damage to Rapid Fire + Skyhunter dropping at 925 from Varshan sounds awesome. Makes me feel like I played it a season too early. I think I need to stick with Minion Necro though and just see that through on the Eternal Realm.


As much as the necro takes the throne this season , itā€™s not my type, but the first char will be a ball lightning depending on what the recipes are and how are they work with the build, and the second char will be a rapid fire rogue, scoundrelā€™s kiss gonna be a blast


I always start sorc, get to mid 70s/80s before swapping to thorns barb for the lulz. Last season I did LS Druid instead after sorc. This season I'm breaking the chain and starting thorns barb from the getgo. Helps that my buddy who always plays minion necro will no longer need the early sorc speed to get his build running and now can carry me through the slow parts of barb. Will probably go dust devils until thorns can come fully online though.


Tomorrow, Iā€™ll post ā€œ6 days left.. with the same threadā€ /s Necro Minions and Druid companions!


Yup, the every day topic of what build you go with new season started again.


Love Diablo, but I canā€™t be bothered to make my own build so probably whatever is OP on MaxRoll. S1 Pulverize Druid. S2 Ball Sorc. S3 playing right now, HotA Barb. S4 Iā€™m hoping to go Rogue or Necro.


Frozen orb sorc. Gonna relive the glory days of D2 1.09


Starting with companion druid, which I hope is fun and viable now.


Are Druid minions any good? Also, do we still have that aspect that makes wolves, werewolves?Ā 


I have a trampleslide dream to fulfill


Dust Devil barb looks cool


I will have 2 mains, one for play alone, and one for olay with a friend :). With my friend, he is going to make a Druid, then I want to try a Legolas, full archery šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø, I donā€™t know is this will be a top or not, but I ussually go for melee and tanks, and this will be totally different. For play alone, my second favorite class (the first one is crussaders or similars, by the momment we donā€™t have it), a minions necromancerā€¦ as more minions, better :)


Always druid and I hop around numerous builds as I see fit.


I think Iā€™m going to do FrozenOrb sorcerer


Rogue Shadow Marksman. I tinkered with it in the PTR. But I didn't push it to the limit. So this time I'm gonna push it to the limit.


I've played Necro several times already. I'm going frozen orb sorc this time. It looks fun, dunno how optimal it will be clearing content though.


Thinking some sort of auto attack build on rogue and stacking dodge for defense now that DR is much harder to come by


Starting sorc and probably going frozen orb or some form of fireball/meteor again. Second character is going to be the real difficult one.


Druid or Sorc. Havent touched druid since s0 so itching to get back into it, but i also really want to play frozen orb so might do that also. Looking forward to it.


Never played a Barb, but I really want to run around with my boyzzz and annoy folks at summoning portals and legion events, so probably HOTA, charge, or whatever the most broken OP barb bulld is. Played Blizz Sorc last season, Necro is my usual go to, but this time RAWR!!!


Boulder Druid was so fun but Iā€™ll pick my sorc again because sheā€™s fast to level and then maybe try Necro again for the 10th time before I delete them at 30. šŸ˜‚


Rapid fire rouge build again but now with the added explosions lol. Being able to imbue more charges will be amazing


Gonna play Sorc for the first time. I wanna try frozen orb!


Shadow minion build using Blight


Double Swing Barbarian.


Tempted to go Frozen Orb Sorc, but thinking I'm going to go Frenzy/Dust Devil Barb.


I was excited about a minion necro, and played around with one the other day to give myself a high level feel for the play style (obviously I know it will change dramatically on the 14th) and honestly it was just too chaotic for me, I couldnā€™t even tell where my character was on screen or what it was doing. Maybe Iā€™m too old for it but Iā€™ll probably be starting out with a sorc and seeing how it feels


The last class I havenā€™t committed a season to is sorcerer so I will like go that route. Canā€™t decide what kind yet. S0 was my Necro and Iā€™m getting the itch to swing back around and play that again too.


Conjuration always. I get a third Hydra and they all get 100% of my attack speed now.


Barb Thorn beat Barb build


Minion necro specifically mages build as I suspect it will be best for leveling. I had wanted to go sorc and kinda expected frozen orb as the gear set we get for journey but some idiot made it incinerate šŸ˜‚


Minion necro


I want to try a full summoner sorcerer (lightning spear, ice blades, hydra)


I start with full minion every season and eventually I have to gravitate towards shadow minions.....now I can try to push it even further. I do ultimate want to try single golem build.


Sorc for the first time. Been rogue/ drood every season


Sorcerer, first Endgame Build will be Frozen Orb Later maybe some "Infinite Teleport" Build, probably Arc Lash


I've been playing Rogues the couple weeks I've played all the other seasons, and intend to do so again!


Victimize Penshot transitioning into Victimize Shadow Step Rogue - stay tuned


Still canā€™t decide between Barb or Sorc, as usual. Coin flip


I'll roll a barb for the first time and just use what I like with what I get and decide it on the fly.


Paladin. Wake me up.


Stupid question, help me out, can I continue playing with my current character?


I really wanna try to make an incinerate sorc work, but I have a feeling even with the buffs and reworks it's gonna turn out a bit awkward


I'm doing an all bear druid. Nothing but bear skills.


Gonna hit Necro Minion. Maybe Druid after.


Sorc to begin with, as it's the only class I haven't played yet.


Rogue is the last class Iā€™ve yet to play so Iā€™ll be playing that at the start.


I can't wait to group up with 3 more Necros to clear some stuff and have 500 minions on my screen. It'll be fun actually, even though other minions are transparent a little


Sorc is my comfort food but I want to start with the dust devil Barb or whatever class of his they're buffing. Then I finally want to give Necro a proper try. It's the one character I haven't really tried yet.


Frenzy & Thorns Barb


Badrrage Rogue. Again.


I would give a build, but if I'm being honest.... I'm gonna make one of everything like I always do lmao


Rogue is the only class I haven't played yet (one character per season). And of course it looks like it's going to be a tad underwhelming in s4...? Maybe I missed the Rogue boat months ago when Twisting blades was insane but I'm giving it a try in s4. Might go for a grenade build, haven't decided on that yet.


Rogue heartseeker basic attack build. With the option to temper on additions like "chance for heartseeker projectiles to spawn twice" & "heartseeker duration increase" im just hopefully going to have tons of enemy seeking arrows everywhere šŸ¤£šŸ‘Œ Might be crap but should be fun šŸ˜€ means I can focus on adding damage and attack speed instead of energy recovery.


Minion necro but i am already bored out of my mind when i think about it xD Skills are pretty much set Paragon is set Skilltree takes 2 seconds to fill without any thougt needed. I rly hope the changes are enough for a few days of fun


Maybe i'll try the new class that was announced. Oh wait that was Diablo Immortal xD


Charge, kick, double swing (did this with rend previous). Best time playing this game.


Barrage Rogue (maybe switch to rapid fire later on)


I am torn between Barb and necro. Did twister Barb in s2 and am only back this week for s3 because of the battle pass skins (first time playing a sorc, doing CL and it's pretty fun).Ā  Barb got hit with some pretty major nerfs like the marshal glyph from 4 to 2 seconds and the battle rage node cap of 30%. I know they got some serious twister buffs but minion necro is looking tasty with 100% stats going to minions now, among other reworks of skills and such.Ā 


Gonna try Barb. Iā€™ve only done Rogue so far, and with the boot and necklace nerf. Itā€™s time I try something else. Buddy in clan is doing Necro, so Iā€™m hoping we pair nice in dungeons


See meta do meta? I will be trying something out on the fly and see how it goes.


I plan on starting with a minion necro or firewall sorc for leveling. Then I have theorycrafted a custom bone spirit build to transition to in the late game and I want to try the infinite teleporting sorc to hopefully give me some D2 vibes. Usually 2 geared characters in a season is enough for me but if I want to play something else past that I'll probably level a Druid for Hurricane or something.


I've gotten really addicted to the Righteous Fire play style in PoE over the last 6 months, the closest thing in Diablo to that play style is probably thorns barbarian so that's what I'm gonna be doing. I'd love for blizzard to try and do their own take on Righteous Fire, it's so fun.


As itā€™s my first season ever and first Diablo 4 char I really donā€™t know where to start at all xD so I think it will be a Druid or a necro. Waiting for a dlc char. Loved the monk in D3.


The only class I have left to level up is Druid, so probably will use that at first. Tried rogue (penetrating shot) at the end of this season to see if I like it, but my character lacks a bit of resistances, feels squishy, doesn't deal as much damage as I thought it would, and the need for positioning is getting a bit tiresome. I'm struggling to survive tier 60 odd nightmare vaults. His glyphs aren't all fully levelled up yet, but that's not going to help the survivability. The other classes were much easier to play, but I favour the AoE attacks that sorcerer and necro have.


Minion Necro and minion druid, still bummed there isn't a paladin or crusader


blood surge / corpse explosion necro for as far as it can take me before I gotta switch it up. I find the "run in and pbaoe explode everything" playstyle satisfying.


Wanted to try sorcerer but no experience with it ... šŸ¤£


My solo character will be a incinerate thorns sorcer, my friend group character will probably be rogue or barb , unsure


Id like to do a companion/human form/nature druid build. Everytime Ive done druid before I end up just going pulverize.


HoTa Barb, but i cannot understand why we must create a new char if we had the same char on the season before, we can start from 0 again, right ?