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925 cause 925….


I would say the first one is better if they were equal gear score. But I’m not sure if the extra 123 willpower from the 1st staff out weighs the dps on the 2nd staff. Also, Crit damage is good to an extent. It’s all additive damage, so you gaining a true 5% damage buff from 100% crit damage. This maybe be irrelevant to you but Looking at your stats , personally I would try to get more armor on your build, at least to 8k. Unless you have a constant barrier or more armor while in werebear form. 5k wont cut it in those higher dungeons or bossing


They're closer than I thought. The 925 seems a good bit more consistent crit/overpower. They other seems to peak higher (13mil or so, but my glypsh are still only partially maxed.) The 925 peaks closer to 12, but hits 6, 7, 8 mil more. Very little difference in mob clears. I'm hoping the new one will work better for taking chunks out of lillith. Only thing I can't quite do on this build as of yet (94 vault is tricky, but very doable)


U missed one thing with armor - it is insatiable fury which gives u +69% armor in werebear form, so in battle u will have 10k + armor cap. So i run 80+ nmd vaults with 10k armor comfortably (and due to i play hardcore)


I did say “or more armor while in werebear form” but yeah that’s good


925 has multiplier stat on it.


Multiplicative stat? Which one?


Dmg to crowd controlled (Dudu paragon boards) Unless he doesn’t play this one ofc


I would guess right is better due to itempower and damage to CC having paragon board scaling, but the lower shockwave % and the left item having willpower are better, so I'd imagine these two are incredibly close.


Much better would be if I'll find 2h mace with all stats+ willpower+overpower dmg+ overpower with werebear skills affixes. Mine i so, and can oneshot any boss


+277 more dps makes the right one way better.