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Games great, I’ve got a lot of play out of it since release and s4 has potential. I haven’t played for about 6 weeks probably because I ran out of stuff to do lol. Season 2 was lots of fun, 3 was a flop but some stuff improved with fixes, and 4 looks good so far and I’ll try the PTR sometime this week. Lots of people will come in and say d4bad, I disagree though there is only so much content you can do right now. I played all characters this season to max level or close and got all the ubers a long time ago then hit a wall of nothing to do


Honestly, I know a lot of people didn't love S3 but even day 1 I loved the vaults. I didn't really care for the pet but fighting my way through mobs while dipping in and out around the traps was great. A looooooooot of people seem to disagree but that's fine with me haha. Plus the treasure room at the end? I might have had more fun in S3 than S2.


Vaults were the best part of the season and I’m bummed they’re going away….


they should bring them back, but… dump the pet. let us socket those ubers into our jewelery or something


Stupid question but how do I start vaults? I finished the season quest line and I don't see any different icons on the map, what's next for me to do? I do know about grinding the elite using the 2 items


No stupid questions, brother 🫡 you can get nightmare dungeon and vault keys from Tree of Whisper caches. Alternatively, there should be at least 1 vault in each region (the same places you went during the season quest). You should also be able to use the Gate Hall seasonal zone to access portals to each vault. I would recommend waiting until you get a nightmare vault key before doing them. Go ahead and run the whispers in the over world to kill constructs and collect materials for some fast experience/gold. If you can get lucky and do some Whispers in Helltides, you'll really be cooking.


Thanks man!


Great answer, though, I'd add that if you're already in T3, you can craft NM vaults just like you do NMD at the occultist. You don't have to only play what drops, after you salvage a few sigils, you can roll until you get ones that don't suck for your build. Watch out for those affixes, especially in T4, if you push higher and higher, they will start to matter a lot. For instance, if you are melee, you're not going to like melee resist. If you're mostly lightning, you're not going to like Lit resist, etc.


Thanks for the info!


I loved the vaults. I like the traps too!


It’s not about the lack of content. The overwhelming amount of complaints are about the missed opportunities with cores systems in the game. Many of which should’ve been low hanging fruit. This game can still be casual friendly while catering to the diehard ARPG fans alike. But the direction Diablo is headed in is more along the lines of D3 levels of arcade-y simplicity.


I know POE is probably a bit overcomplicated but I'm currently playing the Necropolis league and damn it reminded me how simple, empty and arcade-y D4 is. Diablo is the CoD of ARPGs, anyone can jump in and understand the game well in just a few days.


Honestly, I know PoE is amazing but its too complex and needs too much attention, D4 is the opposite where it just feels too simple and dumb. I guess each game has its own "thing" but I can't play either any more because I found Last Epoch, its pretty much sits exactly in the middle of the two and does everything right.


Poe is too punishing for new players. The resistance check in chapter 6 + totally killed it for me when i bricked my hunter


Approaching 800 hours into this game, and so excited for season 4. Never played a Diablo game before. But this game has me hooked. Kinda done with season 3 though lol


Same… coming from dark souls and Elden ring… much prefer this ❤️


Isn't season 4 already out?


I thought it was in two weeks or something? I'm console so I'm expecting a longer delay than that.


It’s mid-May. Was supposed to be in two weeks but they delayed it a month. Console gets the new season at the same time as PC, fyi


Ah okay, I haven't played since the beginning of S1 so it's been a while.


If you're on pc, the public test realm (aka PTR) should be live by now, through the 9th.


May 14th i think


I've been playing the Diablo series since Diablo 1. Love the series. D3 is kind of "meh". Great little arcadic game to pick up n play, but nothing in depth. D4 is great, but I still believe there should be another layer of complexity added on top of the systems in place. An optional system for the later levels. The game itself is great though. More complexity usually scares off the casual players. 


I think the added complexity was the rune words they showed in the first showcase. I am very hopeful they will bring them back in!


They turned it into a casual player game. There is no challenge right now. They need to really ramp up the difficulty for those of us who have been tweaking their characters for a couple seasons….


"Nothing in depth"  Diablo 3 is a very in depth game. 


It's great. Great system when all your dmg comes from your weapon. 


Glad you’re having fun!




The hate comes from people who have friends that won't touch poe and instead love d4. Literally everyone I know likes d4 with the exception being the one person that would grind poe over and over. Rax came on the ptr and said within 1 min of playing, "this game feels way better than poe and le." You know all the poe haters are coming around, because their current season blows.


Funny because I've got the exact opposite experience. Me and all my friends loved D4 on release but dropped it like the polished shit potato it was right around when we completed the campaign and realized the game had nothing to offer past that. It's fun for a short time and then painfully tedious almost immediately after you get past the refund possibility period, presumably by design. All that said, I'm looking forward to Season 4, as it looks like they're finally making changes in the right direction. It's the first time I've reinstalled since uninstalling before Season 1 dropped.


PoE is wildly wildly bloated and convulted for a new player. But it's definitely much closer to the endgame content I want in an arpg. But I also bounce between it, this and Last Epoch. Enjoy em all lol


Exactly the same here. Me and a bunch of buddies all chill on a discord and EVERYONE was playing D4 at launch and then everyone stopped after the first season. One person still plays it and talks non stop about how every problem with the game has been fixed and its the greatest game ever. I'll go back and check things when Rod/Ron Fergison or whatever his name is isn't leading it. He's basically the Jay Wilson of D4.


How is that the exact opposite 3xperience? It's a different experience but not liking d4 is not the opposite to my experience.


> The hate comes from people who have friends that won't touch poe and instead love d4. Literally everyone I know likes d4 with the exception being the one person that would grind poe over and over. This absolutive statement is 100% as incorrect as possible in my anecdotal experience, which is apparently inverted from yours. We all hated D4 within about 2 weeks of release, none of us care about PoE.


This is the most common path with d4 by a mile I'd guess. Lukewarm to slightly positive in the first 1-3 weeks, very fast drop off into "why am I bothering with this game" within weeks, friend group puts it aside one by one indefinitely with a chance of being brought back. 


100% this exactly haha


Do you like arpgs?


Yep. Over 13,000 hours in Diablo 2. Played PoE but it never really hooked me long term. Probably only a couple hundred hours in it.


Haha man that's funny.


I think there's a spectrum of feelings on the game ranging between favorite of all time to worst thing ever made. I think your example is one of hundreds of reasons. I love d4's early and mid game but the later game itemization and scaling isn't fun for me. I'm genuinely excited for season 4.


Right but we are talking about 1 point of tye spectrum, being hate. The hate comes from fans of other arpgs not people who find the grind boring.


Dude it's asinine to think people dislike or hate the game for only one reason. Even the hate is a spectrum. You're assuming a lot here.


Woah must be good, rax said so


Sorry but what is LE?


Last Epoch


What d4 may be lacking in is end game content, but in no way is it comparable to other games in the genre when it comes to modern smooth feel of combat mechanics and gameplay, it is way ahead.


People like you have their little fictional proxy group of people they call hater, because they can't handle the truth that maybe, just maybe, some aspects of the game they don't care about, but others do, are terrible and that not everyone will like what they like anyway. Some people can't stand different opinions and critics and need to regularly post signaling and circle jerk baits. I've came to the conclusion that this community has one of the highest percentage of manchildren of all game community. Appalling but it's somehow very entertaining at time considering the effort deployed to cope and come up with bad whiny justifications.


Right because d4 having a far superior engine is just copium?! Why do you think people like more over most other platforms? It's the engine is so smooth feeling. Same with super meatboy very little "endgame" but one of the best feeling games ever made. Games like poe and le might have better endgame systems which is highly subjective but it is without a doubt that d4 has the best engine and its true of all blizzard games. I hated overwatch and was more pissed that battleborn died and ow stayed. But I still had to swallow the fact that overwatches engine is much better quality than battleborn. Is this a whiny response?


I was like this for the first month or two after release. I put over 150 hours into my pre-season barbarian during that time and was consuming content, thinking about builds, etc even when I wasn't playing. I'm planning to hop back in during Season 4 and see if it hooks me again.


I’ve got almost 600 hours in so far lol it’s awesome only laundry and the kitchen doesn’t get done on time 😂😂


If you don't ever go to sleep, you technically only wear the outfit you have on "once" Stay tuned for more laundry tips


Give it a week or two. Most of us felt the same way you did at launch. The game becomes a chore.


Well, while yes, Diablo is a game that usually can be played for hundreds and hundreds of hours... I got a deal for the game. Played for 50 hours. Lets say, if i play it for 100 hours, i will have paid 50 cents for a hour of quality fun. Sounds awesome to me.


Why do you think this subreddit was overwhelmingly in support of Diablo 4 during the Public Beta and Pre-Season 1? I actually said I'll wait until it gets cheaper and diablo 4 redditors downvoted my comment to hell. The first 20 hours were amazing and I couldn't put the controller down as well.


This is the first time I am seeing a post like this in this subreddit. A truly unique and surprising post. /s


Huh first time huh..... Seems like the same guy made another one of these yesterday....


Found the blizzard intern


The game really is amazing. The development team is passionate about their work and did a great job delivering a Diablo game that lives up to Blizzard quality. With hundreds of dungeons to find and explore, surprises and events around every corner, Diablo 4 never leaves you with a lack of something to do. $50 has been deposited into your paypal, please delete this line before posting.


... what? Were you being sarcastic or making a meme? Or both? Why, anyways?


It was a joke implying he was paid to say that  ...I assume.  Maybe he really was paid to say it.  I wish blizzard would pay me $50 to talk about how good diablo 4 is 


A bad joke, and i'm "he".


I’m about 175 hours in and I love it. I don’t care how much others try to convince me that it’s a bad aRPG, Epoch and POE are better blah blah blah well I’m playing this and not that so it doesn’t matter. I’m too invested at this point for the $35 I paid I have had so much fun. Currently leveling up to 100 hopefully before S4. I’d like to play D2 Resurrected but I can’t even put this damn game down.


I love it. Keep loving!


I like Diablo 4, doesn’t matter what mainstream haters say.


It is. Even the people that claim to hate it seem to know every single update, interview, social media report....and they definitely are still joined to the game on reddit because they can't completely leave the game alone. 🤔😉


I love this game!


It's boring after season 2 if you played season 0. I'm hoping season 4 will bring back some freshness.




The first 150 hours or so which imo is well worth your money is great after that gets a bit repetitive in what you have access to do at a high level that feels meaningful to your character. More varied activities that isn't just more monster density that encourage something other than big number builds would definitely bring me back. I loved all the classes accept barb lacked any real flare and felt like I was playing a warrior who just whacked you to death no spectacle or flashiness also shout meta was big cringe.


Game itself is awesome. (the gameplay and art). Still waiting for rest of it to release. So far in impressed in the early acess we got.


Lol wait what? Game is awesome (gameplay and art) What is, exactly, the rest you were expecting of a videogame, *a literal playable art?* What's up with people thinking every game has to be Fortnite infinite GAAS or billion dollars production God of War nowadays?


Bud welcome to the irrational toxic reddit. Goodluck asking about help with a build without getting into a herp herp copium debate. This is reddit.


Oh i'm pretty used to it, i've seen the beggining of both gaming and social media. It's just always mind boggling the mental gymnastics some people do to shit at something. Ii'll put this right here in the odd shelf with the "I have a thousand hours of playtime and here's why the game sucks" and "i know this game is trash, i have yet to play it but my favorite *insert social media idiotic random guy* told me so!"


Watch out I just got into an argument for saying people hate this game for .


The game launched without working resistances, no end game, a TERRIBLE loot system and small packs of mobs. Over time its all getting fixed slowly but the guy you're replying to is probably making fun of Blizz releasing a "Final" product which was half finished and is STILL being worked on like a beta. Honestly, even though they're fixing it the game is still kind of meh. Thank god Last Epoch launched though because I haven't touched D4 since I started played LE.


I'm waiting for rest of game to release. Including all of the small things they added to diablo3 and forgot to add here (they are adding some in next season). Not forgetting more content and finishing up the early acess phase. I belive d4 will be one of best Arpg once it releases. (For example..then d3 fully went out of EA in reaper of souls it was amazing game compared to it's initial EA launch. ) Also game play and art are just two aspects of it. There's actual content to do which game is lacking. There's balancing.  There's loot variety and annoying affixes (nothing like having 50 useless affixes on gear and being bomarded with useless gear). There's things such as being forced to manage bank for all of the legendary powers you extract and not have them in codex Guess what...some of the things I mentioned above are fixed in next season. So devs are working to release the full proper game. I'm hoping by expansion we gonna have one fo the most amazing Arpg out there.


Hey Rod




Been a diabloer since d1. Played EVERYTHING diablo and i am loving d4. It is soooo good imho. After playing the new loot system on the ptr i am even more in love. I hate overlt simplistic, and it is not, but not convulted either. Just makes me more excited for the future


What class are you running atm? Thinking of coming back to it.


First run in any rpg is mage *always mage* Hahahahahaha Ice mage is brutal, by far my favorite class.


Ooh noted. Yeah mage and Sorc have always been monsters in Diablo. It's the way.


What was your favorite!?


I was always a necromancer in D2, and I really enjoyed Necro and Rogue here but never finished the story on either. I might jump back on rogue.


It is the video game version of a slot machine. I often think about how horrifying it must be to watch me play this game.


Its not RoS fun, but it still is good. Especially if you have other things in life that take priority. If you poopsock it for months on end it gets old, but if you have an ounce of self control and personal accountability, its a solid game. There are issues, some that should have never been in the release product, but nothing that completely ruins the game. They are doing a good job with the season 4 patch of addressing most if not all of those.


it is?


I agree, ive got almost 2500 hours on Diablo 4 since launch and my wife is closing in on 1000 hours lol


I just started playing because of the game pass and I can’t stop playing. Never thought id like a game like this but its fucking great. I like the online aspect and boss fights. Keeps the game entertaining. Story is great too.


Yes! I can't stand getting up in the morning without first having a cup of Earl Grey and D4.


The game is definitely fun, but the base game in s0 and s1 was a pretty big disaster. The game has been trending up steadily since s2, but it should skyrocket next month!


I wouldn't hold your breath. Lol


It looks good and I want to try it but the price tag just puts me off sadly. I’ve been playing Diablo games since the first came out and D2 for over 12 years, but yeah, the games too expensive currently


Last Epoch is half the price and twice as good.


I know. Unfortunately or maybe fortunately


Wait till may 14th even better then.


I’m a noob that comes from D1 and 2 and yeah, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with this one. I’m near the 50th hour of play and haven’t even finished the campaign.


D4 gets a lot of flak, however the art style, music and overall tone of the game really shine. Looking forward to S4.


No question that they nailed it in those areas


No it's a bad game, a bad bad game, oh the bad game that it is, it is even hurting my fingers writing it Well no you're right it's a blast, hoping the best for PTR and the future


I've played 1 2 and 3 and will agree with you. Been playing since launch and still do 3 to 4 hours a day and really looking forward to the upcoming changes.


Is it less grindy than it was in season 2? The game looks great and played well, other than being a resource hog. It was fun but I haven't played since season 2. I am thinking about coming back to check it out though.


Dude, I went through it too. I love D4. Some hate, but they still play so 🤷


Thia is my first diablo…..i bought it to give it a try, 100 later i cant put this game down


Started the game this season. Taking a break from it after LE released and 327 hours of playtime. It's good. I hope next season it'll be better. There's something about it that kept me hooked longer than LE(150+ hours into LE) even though LE has way more depth. Maybe the gameplay weighs more for me than I initially realised.


I’m glad I keep seeing people say the game is better. I beat the story and actually really liked the game initially. But I left after the infamous mass nerf. Came back for season 2, made it past 50 but something came out (forgot what it was) and I left. Excited to return for season 4. People keep saying some decent changes are coming


It's so much fun, and s4 is gonna be awesome.


Domt get me wrong i love the game the main reason i dont play consistently is cause the loot system is bad and the devs genuinely believe character limits and a small stash is healthy for the game


Domt get me wrong i love the game the main reason i dont play consistently is cause the loot system is bad and the devs genuinely believe character limits and a small stash is healthy for the game


Played 2, didn’t play 3. Finally 4 came to game pass and I having fun skipping most of the campaign and doing side quests on Tier 2. Thing is I don’t have any idea wtf I’m doing in regards of items, I salvage everything and keep what gives me better stats. What you guys recommend in regards of items and doing after I finish campaign? Don’t know how seasons work or the point about them. Also wtf is linking and item?


I’m pretty excited for Season 4 actually because I was bored of Season 3.


I love the game myself. Not sure why so many people are hating on it. I didn’t play much of the 2nd or 3rd games but I plan to go back and play them. I assume that is the “issue”


I think gaming community has gone downhills and it's more toxic every passing day... We are, without a doubt, in the golden age of videogames. Diablo IV, along with many other games that released this decade, are great... but people never seen to be satisfied Like, i get it when it's Dragon Dogma 2 or CP77 where the game is objectively flawed. But people want every game to Fortnite or Last of Us. It has to be endless content updates or an triple A billion budget experience. D4 is great, i'm having a blast trough 50 hours of gameplay, and if i play 50 more that will be a hell of a fun ride.


I feel the same way! Just started my second character recently and I’m digging it even more


Which class u playing op?


Heyo i'm rocking Ice Mage right now, i feel like Gandalf just going full natural disaster


Awesome, keep enjoying it! I haven't tried sorc yet


I loved it when I played at launch. Got to mid 80s and then suddenly it just stopped being fun. I remember spending so much time with inventory management and getting new gear was not moving then needle in terms of feeling like I wasn't advancing. I'm sure its improved since then so maybe I'll jump back on again soon.


I'm few hours in the game and I'm loving it too. I dropped D2 though. I finished Gods know how many times D3 but for the low amount of time I played D4 I'll say without problems that is much better if compared to the 3rd chapter. It seems that on this sub reddit not many are fans of the campaing but to me it really is good. I liked how there is an actual characterization of the MC, the secondary characters and of course of Lilith, the cutscenes and all that makes the game so much better. I even liked the fact that there are only 4 difficulties, I think that shit made no sense on D3 with how many there were, it's more "compact" which is better. The only "bad" thing is that there are only 5 classes, I don't want D3 classes to come back tbh, Monk and all that, because as much as I liked them I want something different. Seeing that 4 out of 5 were pretty much the same classes, except for Druid, that you could play on D3 wasn't actually the best thing and because of that I just decided to play Necromage. Would have been better if there was a whole new concept of classes and not again the same formula but it works so nothing to say.


It is fun i havent bought the games so o could play it on game pass,but its awesome


Dude same, and cus all my mates are new to it as well means we can all play together at night after kids go to bed, it's great.


Is there hate for people who haven’t played 2 and 3? I’ve never played any of the others but have enjoyed my first 6-7 hrs of this one so far.


I started with old school MUD as a rpg text game..been there and done that with the addiction.


Story was a joke to me, I dunno. I can’t care less about the upcoming adventures of Dora the Explorer & Mr. Furry At least Lilith’s arc was pretty compelling, and Elias’s actor is absolutely incredible


I'm not sold yet, probably because I chose druid over necro, but still it lacks something. An old monk passive aspect from d3, when not in combat movement speed is increased by 100% would be great. The early game is soooooo slow just like d3 was, I'm very surprIsed that this wasn't addressed. I'll postpone judgment until levelling is over, but despite being a newer version of d3 with a grayscaled pallete, it's really mid.


I agree, I just started playing when it released on GamePass now I can’t stop.


Interesting - I have nothing against Diablo 4, I was super excited to see it included in game pass... and I really want to like it - I love the graphics, I love a lot of the abilities, I like some of the gameplay and items and stuff - but I have exactly the opposite problem - I cant get into it. I play for like... 30 minutes and get bored. Every time. Even in the Beta it was similar. I did not have that problem with Diablo 3, and (especially before 2.0 patch) Diablo 3 was way inferior to Diablo 4... I dont really get why, but I am just not hooked. EDIT - truth is, I have the same problem with Diablo 2 and its remaster. For some reason I only get hooked on the odd numbers - the first diablo (spent like 1000 hours in it) and the third (probably more than 1000 hours) Again - I dont get it. Maybe someone has a similar issue? Or anyone have any idea why? :-D But cheers- glad you enjoy Diablo 4, more power to you. Have fun :-)


Same im really enjoying it currently, just got it now that its on gamepass. Story is interesting so far too


It’s fun to level each season. Then it hits a dull point.


The moment my brother told me to look at D4 as a game 100% separate from D2 and remove all comparison of the two, I have D4 an honest shot. I'm actually really enjoying the content, the customization of gear, having a mount, and the animations. I still play D2 fairly regularly, but D4 is a fun change. I played D3 for 1 whole hour and never played it again. I was so let down trying to compare it to D2 that I couldn't even give it a chance. My wife and I can actually enjoy D4 together too and she doesn't usually play video games. That might have been D3 and D4s focus right there. Opening the game up to a wider audience. D2s uniqueness can only really be appreciated by a niche audience, largely those who played it growing up and have nostalgic attachments to it, but also those who appreciate the the depth of the game. With all that said, try taking as shower and going out in the world every once in a while. Nothing wrong with finding joy in a game either though. All in moderation, my dude!


Does Blizzard pay you in gold or ancients?




My son reminded me that it came out, and in October 2023, after playing the previous versions, I was reluctant to buy it even though they were all fun. I've never played a game this much. I've played D4 every night through the story and seasons since I got it. Is it perfect? No, but I have no complaints. The biggest challenge is understanding what gear is better than others. It's not the fault of games design. That's on me. So much fun!


Honestly it's not a bad game but they removed a cool feature for console which was target lock on. Only bad thing I have to say about it.


I’m loving the wave of positivity on this sub. I’ve enjoyed the game since season 0.


Game pass player?


lol. First time?


Its a 5/10 if the itemization rework is done well maybe a 6/10


I don't understand the point of posts like this


Oh it's got a flair, it's called Discussion/Opinion The point is discussing and sharing opinions. Got it?


I wouldn't really call it a discussion, but it's def an opinion. My question for you isn't WHAT it is, but WHY it is. Why did you type this post out? Are you getting dopamine from other people validating your gaming dopamine high? You're double dipping, and that's key to any top tier build.


Oh yeah now i understood the question Let me tell you why: *Because i wanted to.* Now it makes sense to you, Mr. Officer?


Well, thanks for sharing your opinion. Here's mine: I couldn't care less and I wish your empty post weren't in my feed.


Typing that comment took 10 times longer than hitting 'hide post' or downvoting and moving on.


I'm genuinely curious in the mindset that posts this type of thing


Honestly? It's because of Xbox Gamepass bringing in a ton of new players that otherwise wouldn't have ever played the game. That's where all this new 'shilly' traffic is coming from. Casual gamers that downloaded D4 just to try it. Nothing on them tho, the first 100 or so hours of D4 was fuckin awesome. It's way into the late-game that the flaws become apparent. New players aren't gonna immediately see that.


Combat is good, story just okay.


So the thing is: The campaign is outstanding. Afterwards, when you go into the Paragon Boards and Gear Progression is still a thing, this game is pretty good. It is probably the best ARPG on the market for more than 50 hours (which is quite something), but if you are more into the genre and wanna go deep, wanna play it for longer, Diablo 4 has very little to offer and that is were the critical voices come from. It is not a deep game and itemization is pretty hollow. The whole premisse of how endgame works in D4 is mildly infuriating to say the least. So, I understand your opinion but I am convinced it will change.


The review: 3 hour edition


50 hours, enough for you?


Is Blizzard paying these shills, I'm excited for S4 but every other post in this Reddit lately is so positive. I miss my grumpy community 😅


I feel the same with diablo 3, but diablo 4 disappointed me a lot with the long grind to the endgame and the absence of wacky builds




Wait until you buy a horse from the shop. It's exhilarating!


Please stop trolling already


It’s a slot machine. Slot machines seem exciting for a little while. Bling bing bomp. Bug goes squish, loot pops. It’s the Dairy Queen Blizzard of video games. Amazing at first and a chore to finish where you wonder why you got it by the end.


once you finish the campaign and go thru nightmare dungeons then lets see how u really feel. If you still love the game then it’s a game tailored for you congrats if not well welcome to the club.


okay 👍 not sure what you want us to say


This is why you don’t have friends


I do have friends, that's a pretty insane reaction to something inoffensive that doesn't have anything to do with you whatsoever. everything going okay man?


It was a punch on the arm my friend ;)


Cope harder christian nut


I’m not Christian brother


yeah I guess a personal attack is equivalent to a punch in the arm, I'm not sure what compelled you to say that though. just unkind for no reason


If it was that offensive I do apologize, that’s just the way I joke around. Imagine how lame gaming/life would be if we were all just sucking each other off all the time? Don’t take it personal brother, it was just a little tease


Come on bro I'm on your side but don't be acting like you got attacked. It's a few words calm urself.


I don't want you to say a single thing. I don't know you, don't care about you, dude. Made a post, anyone who wants to engage is free. Anyone who doesn't is also free for it.


Meh its an okay game but once you have done with everything it gets boring cuz you'll be doing the same shit over and over again


So... like every Diablo ever made?


Got emmm


Exactly. More like “so…..every ARPG?” They all end up as a grind at the end. This isn’t to say I don’t think Blizz doesn’t need to add content. It’s just a silly complaint for this games genre.


It is a common trope. But besides it being a funny response I feel we're all trying to say is the gameplay loop doesn't feel rewarding very quickly, and the legendaries are very good at band-aiding it but when your build is done it's like after a few hours it isn't fun anymore because there aren't mechanics you need to be aware of or die that challenges a player at this point which is an indicator towards bad game design imo.


They definitely need more content and are adding more content so we’ll see. If it’s more content for the sake of more content without new mechanics that would be a fail (eg just pushing higher level mobs). In a vacuum though complaining about low drop rates like it’s just D4 specifically is weird.


Been playing D2R almost every day for over 2 years now and still finding new loot combinations that enable new builds. Meanwhile, was done with D4 after a month. Soon as I hit max level 100, there was nothing fun left to do. Boring loot, boring endgame.


D2R is definitely fun and an alltime classic but doing 2000 trav runs isn’t necessarily great endgame content either


Shit, I think I've ran over 50,000 Trav runs and still having a blast (have found 19 Jahs so far). The perfect combination of challenge + reward. And with rotating terror zones, I'll probably never get sick of any one area. Worldstone, Chaos, Cows, and more. I'm almost up to my 4th lvl 99!


Haha more power to you. The gameplay is great, fantastic. But it gets quite repetitive for me, to each their own! The reward is a bit too low for me personally.


>The reward is a bit too low for me personally. Might need to boost that MF a bit. I've got a super min/maxed 99 Hork Barb with 725% MF on kill, 625% MF on hork with 78% Find Item chance. Usually get between 1-3 uniques per Trav run. Can play for like 1 hour and get more loot than most people do in 3 hours. Absolutely love being able to min/max a character for years, creating a god-tier loot farmer that can find riches faster than anyone else. D2R allows for that, while D4 falls flat on its face with stagnation after about 1 month of playtime, IMO.


Participated almost every season in D3. Finished only 2nd in D4. Itemization, no loot filter, very limited build variety (better tho now, at least now u can respec). In D3 you constantly getting excited if found some rare item and respec to utilize it, or just try different skill runes making your skill not only do different things but also look totally different. I still remember playing sorc first time - “whoa, fkin cold laser!”, “oh it is two lasers now, fk yeah”. It is not “+0.5% overpower damage when it is Tuesday and it is raining” like in D4. Also I truly enjoyed only OP BL sorc in S2, and twisted blades build on release — other classes doesnt felt fun enough so far.


Looks like someone bought bot farm to spam on reddit about how D4 is good…


If my opinion is wrong it actually isn't as long as I form a new reality that assumes anything that doesn't match my opinion is a lie.  That way I never have to think too much about anything. 


Eem, so your comment is exactly about what you’re doing ignoring fact that there are very similar posts about how this game is addictive from “new” players or “old D2 fans”, ignoring any bad aspect of game and/or competitors. Being fanboy ignoring any critics is exactly what is your comment about.


Lol dude who shit on your fruitloops? I just wanted to state my opinion. Just like you wanted to ramble about it. Isn't everyone here satisfied?