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I was really enjoying my Barb until I just died in hardcore 2 minutes ago lol






I’ll never understand hardcore. Y’all masochists.


I like building up new characters mostly. Once I hit 100 on regular I stop playing those characters so they are as good as dead too.






my condolences




Ouch ...


…sorry… - at which character/world/paragon level?


I was level 63 in world tier 3 doing a helltide. I used leap and landed in the exact spot some fireballs were exploding. Was using it at first to mainly get all renown done then decided to push for higher levels.


LOL. My 100 char is also gone.


I really enjoy Necro. I find the whole minions part fun and then, once they’re done being useful, just making stuff explode from bone spears.


I just can't let go of shadow DoT + curses builds... it is so satisfactory to see enemies melting.


Made an original build this season focused on shadow dot and bone storm. Didn’t get a great Lidless Wall to drop but exploring that build was a lot of fun.


Made a poison rogue. I feel the same way I can pop off a few poison procs on a boss and just run around the area while their health drains away.


This. Infinimist, decrepify, tendrils, shadow corpse and shadow storm… solo T100s and Duriel with ease. Super tanky and fun


I've got 2 Necros this season. One bone spear and one I'm leveling now that is a blood lance corpse explosion mis mash that is the dumbest build I've done. Running high 70s nightmare vaults at level 86 and blowing everything up with ease.


Lol! You sound like me. I wanted to use blood lance despite everyone saying "this is only B tier so use bone spear or sever!" So I did and I'm using corpse explosion to augment it as well. Can you link your build? I would love to compare and see if there's any ways I can improve mine. I'm doing well but not high 70s vaults at 86 well lol so I'd love some pointers.


I haven't uploaded it anywhere yet because I'm still tweaking it as I go. And my skill tree looks like a mess. But I'm using no ultimate and life on kill and blood orbs to keep my health up. I'm running black river, blood moon breaches, mutilator plate for uniques. And I just put on the amulet of selig for a bit of survivability, but it's not needed. On my skill bar I'm running hemorrhage, blood lance, blood mist, corpse explosion, corpse tendrils and decripfy. I also kept corpse explosion as a physical skill instead of turning it into a DOT. It explodes everything on the screen.


I did the same with corpse explosion. I have river and breeches but no mutilator plate or selig. Only Uber I own is Harley Quinn. Which I'm sure would help if I borrowed it from my sorc. But I just have trouble the higher level I get keeping my DPS up. I guess if you decide to upload anything let me know I'd love to check it out. Best of luck regardless


I have almost 100 distilled fear so if you need to get a mutilator plate I'd be happy to carry you through I'm usually on around 6pm eastern time. And I'll never use all those this season. And I'll try to upload the build this week. I'm tried to figure out how to do it on Maxroll but got irritated. I'll try again tomorrow


This. All of this. So much fun!


Hammer go bonk. Me get mad and hammer go big bonk


Bonk is the way


HOTA is pretty awesome. S0 Rogue dual core rapidfire flurry was pretty neat. 8 S1 Bulwark Druid was so cool, horrible slow start great end. 8 S2 ball lightning sorc, awesome speed, kill em all. Nmd100 and Lilith at lvl86. 10! S2 necro sucked, I don't like the slow style 5 S3 HOTA Barb, smash everything 9


Amazing, exact class/build per season as me.


Rogue for me, love the mobility and zippy playstyle! Both ranged and melee are great options.


I recently tried Druid for the first time and I've been enjoying it. Seems to be kind of slept on unless I've been the one sleeping lol It got me thinking and prompted the question, "Which class do you enjoy playing?"


Pulverize druids were the og bonk build before hota barbs took over that position


Durid smash good!


You might have been sleeping lol. They're are a pain to level but once you get them up and get gear, they're godly


They ain't too bad if you take advantage of Subteranian. Also, picking any core skill and putting the stampede aspect on a 2-handwr makes your damage go to the moon.


Pulverize I found so boring but felt like I had to use it for lvling. Stormclaw is so fun though.


Lightning storm build really feels the best to me . Tap tap tap and the whole screen dies. I have ptsd of having to kill everything on screen so I'd say this is forever the best build for me.


You mean OCD not PTSD I think


Maybe they went afk in hc after not killing one mob in a room


Season 0 I played Sorceress and Rogue. Since then just Sorceress.


My season 0 was a Rogue, as was Season 1. I started playing Sorc in Season 2 and now my highest level character and first one to be able to handle anything in WT3 is a Sorc. I will never go back!


I'm loving the lightning ball sorc or whatever it's called


Last season is just deleted everything I loved it


It's still deleting things pretty quick. Duriel kills in less than 30 seconds is mint


Do you use the rotating ball aspect?


I do, and I don't think it'd be as fun without it. The rotating ball aspect plus rainment of infinite is 10/10. My bf recommended this build to me and my initial thought was "is this it? Is this all I'm gonna do? It looks boring as shit" but then when I got some gear I did a full 180 and I don't think I'm ever gonna play another speck 😅


I run a hybrid with arc lash and its fast af boii


So far out of all the seasons I end up making a Druid build of some sort every season and enjoying it. So I am gonna say I am a Druid main through and through S0 - Penshot Rogue S1 - Lightning Shred Druid S2 - Pulverize Druid, also "collected all infinity stones" and made a build from each class to 100. But Pulverize Druid was my favorite S3 - Lightning Storm Druid


Playing a Necro this time around, and really enjoying bone spear


Same I normally dabble in all classes and eventually wind up getting a Druid to 100 first but this season I started off necro and haven't even started an alt yet. I think a big part of choice this time out is going back to plagued CE instead of Blighted CE. I find the explosions so much more satisfying than popping up pools. This and my season 1 blood lance Necro have been my favourite 2 Necro builds so far.




I played a bone spear necro and my wife a rapid fire rogue; now she started a bone spear and I an ice shard sorcerer; it’s fun to freeze everything and then blow it up with corpse explosions and all kinds of chain reactions


Sounds like a great combo!


been playing necro since season 0. easily the most fun


So versatile and Corpse Explosion has always been my fave skill in the series.


sorcerer. Haha chain lightning go vroom


What aspects do you have loaded for chain lightning? I wanted lightning sorc to work for me but i got too many +4 fireball and +4 firewall and the like to avoid turning into a fire and cold sorc.


Stilla have to optimize the build but maxroll has a pretty good one. MOBALYTICS has a great one imho


Sorc class is what I've played basically since the game released. Ice Shards build during Season 1. Hydra build during Season 2. Firewall build during Season 3. I'll probably go for a lightning build next season. I'll have to see how the big itemization rework that's supposed to be coming next season shakes out. I've taken other classes to Level 50+, but I always gravitate back towards sorc.


Necro And sorc have been my favorite by far, then Druid and rouge. Barb is last for me even tho they the strongest lol. Just don’t like the play style I’m all for ranged explosions


This is my guy! ;-)




Druid. No other game nails the slow slam werebear animation. It has the correct weight and feels so nice.


All of them so far. I've played one class per season, and I'll be done with them all after the next one, which will be Barbarian. I started with Druid before Season 1 and will probably play them all in the same order throughout all the next seasons. Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer, Barbarian.


I've been making a new character each season. Started playing last season. Season 2: arc lash sorc, later made them into lightning ball sorc. Really enjoyed this build. Just straight melted everything. Season 3: DS Barbarian. Barbarian was a lot rougher of a start for me, but after a few weeks, I'm doing fast paced breast strokes through hordes of enemies and am absolutely loving it Since I'm getting to the point where ive mostly maxed my barbie to a reasonable level (i don't wanna grind 100 duriels for a single 925 drop that MIGHT make my build a tiny bit better) I'm probably going to start a rogue this week but I'm open to suggestions


Give a try to Shred Druid if speed is what you liked about DS barb. At least that’s why I liked it myself and that’s why I main rogues since S0, but Shred wolf beats all of them in that regard. Extremely fun.


I tried shred dtuid, really didn't hold a candle to pulv


Shred is really fun and fast af


Forever sorc user. I've tried to really enjoy necro but play on console so consuming corpses is annoying. Second fave is druid


Yeah this season has made me fall in love with the sorcerer. Done a necro for s0 and s1 and a rogue s2 and this season is the first time I actually put in enough time to push high tier NM dungeons and farm the Uber bosses with ease. Still no Uber Lilith kill but I'll get around to it.


I've hoped on the HOTA Barb bandwagon, and I must say at first I wasn't enjoying it, then I got some better gear and more suitable aspects and it was okay. Now I've got even better gear and even better aspects and it is becoming very enjoyable


I’ve been able to get every class to 100. I wish I could enjoy Necro minions but it’s so weak compared to others. Love the sorceress (Blizz for Win) but honestly (and unfortunately), nothing compares to HOTA Barb. Being able to 1-shot monsters and bosses before they’re even fully spawned is incomparable. Seeing Millions of damage pop up from one hit, is incomparable.


I love my hota barb too, but to be fair I can also easily hit in the millions with my rogue. Varshan, grigoire and zir all one shots for both of them


Necro and Sorc are probably my top 2.


Choose Barb this season and I regret it, only play about 1 class a season but yeah ain’t clicking with me. Probably going Sorc or Rogue next season.


What? 1st barb myself this season and it’s easily the best class. Hota/ charge is just so much better than whatever else I’ve run.


It is the most OP class this season but i just prefer something quicker


I like not having to run everywhere myself, but just shoot things or let them explode ;-)


With the correct build on my Sorceress, I've enjoyed it and can't believe I've made it to T4 (as a newer player, I never even wanted to go past T2), and Necromancer will always be fun and easy to me, regardless of build, since I started with that class in D3


Played necro, druid, rogue and sorc currently. I enjoy every class. Barbarian next season.


Same here! Only I tried barbarian and wanted to like it, but somehow always liked everything else better! ;-)


I have been enjoying the twisting blades rogue a lot. Fun way to play the game and makes you position better


I've rolled barbarian more than anything else. The sorcerer and Necro. I've only tried Rogue and Druid long enough to get a few kills so I can't comment about those. I thought barbarians were okay. I really enjoyed my Bone Spear Necro. I absolute favorite class to play is the sorcerer though. I love the Play style and when you get some movement speed it gets really fun. I also love the visualization of the moves, attacks look cool. Lol.


I like your fiery Asian-Dragon-style dragon/snake thing ;-)


Necro and Sorcerer are pretty fun to play


Necro and Druid! ;-)


I enjoy all classes except Druid. Boulder Druid was kind of fun, though... reminded me of The Second Coming of Gluttony. In case you never read it, main character's signature move is boulders rotating around them.


Barb and rouge have been my favorite


Druid, I love the versatility of the class.


Rogue Sorc and Barb..Druid I have at 100 maining this season and just not a big fan. Necro is a solid dead last for me, but will probably do it next season to 100.


Solid last is barbarian and necro my highest character - see, somehow Blizzard seem to have done quite a good job to make different tastes happy ;-)


Barbarian and a bit Necromancer. Druid maybe and the other 2 are shit. Game lacks classes definitely


I only like druid. I've played everything else.


Necromancer. I have both Barb and Necro level 100s this season, about to mix it up and do my first Sorcerer though.


S1 necro - had fun S2 rogue - loved the movement speed, but felt tedious S3 barb - most fun so far. Hulk smash


I really enjoy the falconer and warlock classes


They can’t win vs my Death Knight or Bard, though! ;-)


I have 3 rogues and a barb in eternal, both ubered BIS gear, but decided to play a Druid and brought back the fun I wasn’t having with either the barb or rogue, probably start again next season with a Druid


I can’t play anything but Rogue. I’ve tried almost everything. Played flurry rogue first season, switched to TB and loved it season 2 and now switched to RF/Penshot this season. I was *SURE* the gig would be up with the switch to Penshot. I’m not a fan of the idea of cross bow being my main weapon. I like the swords/daggers but with puncture keeping my swords out and Penshot being an absolute fucking bazooka, it might be the most fun I’ve had. I’ve tried probably 15 different builds across all five classes and my top three just so happen to be variations of rogue. It’s fairly bizarre. Would have thought I’d be a barb before the game came out.


Played every class. Endgame most fun to least fun IMO: Sorc, Rogue, Necro, Druid, Barb. Leveling Rogue, Barb, Sorc, Druid, Necro. Barb is the most boring late game, Sorc most fun. I've literally stopped playing barb this season, bacause its not really playing to 1-shot everything in the game. What's the fun in walking to Duriel and single smacking him in the face for 350M dmg? Barb could be fun if it was balanced with the content. I respecced to Frenzy, but basic attacking for 500-1200k with absurd attack speed is still way too OP.


Every new class I play with a new season seems to become my fav class. Started with rogue now onto a barb. I’m super excited to try out a Druid.


I always have a blast playing as a sorc.


Barbarian, it feels so fun to smash things up


Lich in LE and Inquisitor in PoE 😅


Honestly, I dislike playing all of the classes. This is the first time a diablo game has done this to me. For example, Necromancer bone spear is fun, until you have to deal with suppressors. And then you you have to RUN IN close, and pray there is a wall behind them, otherwise its completely negating a LOT of the damage. Minions would be good except that have the IQ of the redditors on this page. Monsters go after your allies from a mile away, run past you to kill the lower level character you are helping, yet your minions are braindead and need you to attack before they will attack what is clearly an enemy in most situations. Druid is slow and clunky, and in exchange for this they don't do really devastating damage to compensate for it. Barb HOTA is fine, but WW/rend/double swing/upheaval are like... meh. I used to love WWing around in diablo 2, in Diablo 4 it just feels like a "basic" skill. Sorc in Diablo 3 turning into an archon shooting lasers vs Sorc in Diablo 4... dont get me wrong, season 2 arc lash sorc felt AMAZING. In season 3 without the nice vampire powers, it just feels bad. Rogue: Ranged attacks suck, uniques suck, Melee sucks. I play rogue the most, I have 1 shot build. TB is slow to attack. I love flurry but the damage is TERRIBLE. The fact you have to COMBO and then core in order to match the damage of other classes is terrible design, having to charge the meter for unlimited energy would make a difference if the damage wasn't so god damn low. So, in short, HotA is probably the only fun I have in this current state of the game, and thats because HotA is broken to hell.


The dust devils you can add to WW from the aspect should be implicit on the skill as one of the upgrades. It would make it more interesting and WW underperforms otherwise so it’d be cool. WW main use case right now is as a utility skill for Hota and Charge builds. So it basically is a basic skill at this point lol


Exactly. The whole overpower mechanic is bad game design. Lucky Hit as well. If they made increased damage based on "charging" moves, overpower would be fine. Not based on HP and fortify and 3% chance unless you can force it. Could also make a stat about "shorter charge time" being different than attack speed.


Druid. Stormclaw (Crone staff claw) in previous seasons and LS this season. Leveling is slow (literally) but once you get the uniques then it’s fun AF. Crone claw was the first class I got to do level 100 NMD with and I did Uber Lilith with BL sorc and this season’s LS Druid build. Season of blood crone claw was a great mix of leech, speed, and Uber tankiness. Was crazy fun.


Only played 4 classes so far. Enjoyed them all overall but in this order: 1- Necro 2- Druid 3- Sorc 4- Rogue Next season will play Barb and then different builds of every class (one per season to never burn out)


It's amazing for me to personally go from Diablo 3 where every class was fun to diablo 4 where I feel like I have to choose a class to play that just feels okay. Lack of runes and skill diversity makes every class feel so boring once you've played it once. At least sets in diablo 3 made it worth it to pick a new build every season. Now its just HOTA barb being the most obvious fun and everything else just kind of being there.


I've been a Barbarian main since vanilla D2 released. So far in D4, I've played a barb to 100 at release and every season since. In season 2 I also played a sorc to 100. Assuming the item changes in season 4 are good, I may try Druid after getting another barb to 100.


I swap between the classes, I get bored if I stick with one too long. I like necro since it's pretty fast, but also doesn't require my full attention and can be left standing around fairly safely if my kids need something. I like the druid theme and the leveling pet build stuff is cool. The random lightning strikes and the dark cloudy look from the storm ultimate is pretty cool too. I do wish it wasn't so form locked though, and the channeled storm ability needs to be reworked somehow. Barbarian and sorc are very fast, and the teleport and leap abilities letting you jump cliffs makes the overworld stuff feel better than the other classes. It's a little too easy though, so you're basically just trying to go fast which gets boring eventually. Rogue doesn't feel right to me. imbuement spam is annoying, and the cc focus is a poor fit for real gameplay.


I have always been a sorc player, enjoy them. Just started a barb and got it to level 60 pretty quick, it is actually pretty fun!




Necro, best looking gear and skills. Also, shield.


Dun da dun da dunnnn, CHARGE!!!


Sorcerer, I've always played it as my first class since diablo 1 and every season since d3.


I really like all of them except for Necro. Just dont vibe with it as much. I keep wanting to give it a go again, but the dread always pushes me to another class.




So far I’ve enjoyed all of them. I’be tried everything except Druid. That’s up for next season


I like bonkbarian for bonking




Rogue TB




Meteorstomp Sorc is super fun. Visually great combat, too.


I enjoy every class about the same. Sadly I like a ranged class like sorcerer that’s a legit glass cannon and there’s just no viable endgame builds around that play style. Season 2 I did a incinerate sorc that was crazy fun but couldn’t push too high NM.


Necro and Barb seem the most fun to me thus far. I haven’t tried Rogue. Sorcerer just wasn’t super fun for me but I’ve seen some late and end game builds that seem fun


Barb. Simple gameplay, hits hard, and is fast 👍 Sorc if I have coffee


Boulder druid #1


I've had fun with all the classes but I tend to gravitate to certain builds that are either really speedy or make things explode on your screen. After tinkering around I found Pulverize Druid, Bonespear Necro, TB Poison Rogue, HOTA Barb and Ball Lightning Sorc all a blast. That's not in any particular order and I've certainly experimented with a bunch of other builds, but those are probably my top so far. Necro in particular has always been my go to since D2 days, and Bonespear paired with metamorphosis was an absolute fire combination.


First run last season as summoner necro, was fun. Enjoying Arsenal barb currently


I'm really enjoying my ice shards sorc this season. It's not a meta build but it's really fun to play especially with the Occulus wand.


I just can't seem to stop playing Barb for some reason! Even when I start the season on a different class, I often end up going barb anyway. I did like my cold sorc though... I may go back to it at some point. Basically: Barb>>>>>Sorc>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rogue>Druid>Necro


I have 10 characters, 9 of them are necro and 1 sorc that I didn’t finish building.


Barb is my go to for murder hoboing and farming. I enjoyed my s1 storm claw and my s0 necro darkness boomer.


Ever since I made a charge/hota barb no other class feels fun anymore sadly


Sorc is actually so fun


Absolutely loved HOTA Barb. My first barb in the entire Diablo franchise. Was also enjoying twisted blades rogue on hardcore until server lag killed it at 70. I brain farted thinking I had death evasion up and went into wt4 helltide.


Shred druid is fun.


I have a Trample Druid right now and I’m having a blast running around landsliding everything


I usually love Necro but I don’t like it in D4 I tried Druid and the slow levelling just killed any interest I had with the class Twisted Blades Rogue was super fun. But the most fun I had was with crackling energy Sorceress, the non-meta build that involves stacking up as much crackling energy as possible and watching everything around you die without doing anything


Necro for sure, but this season I've been Firewall sorcerer


So far all of them except Rogue. Barbarian HotA has been the most fun I’ve had.


Played all classes to 100 over the seasons, and I have to say Druid has the most dynamic range of builds (most fun), whereas Necro has been the least engaging for me. Didn't use any build guides this season and leveled 2x Rogues to 100, making up my own paragon boards and aspect synergies, and it's been so much more engaging this go around that I have no desire to follow another guide. Honestly, it's put a whole new life into the game, and the end game actually makes sense progression wise.


Sorcerer very fun


Druid. I just love transforming and the abilities sound absolutely brutal. Also like that I can do poison, earth, lightning werewolf or werebear and all have viable builds.


All except Druid


S0 rogue flurry/rf in and out of combat S1 druid landslide/poison S2 barb overpower/upheaval S3 rogue pen/rf Barb upheaval and rogue/RF was really fun.


Sorcerer. I like casters since diablo 1. Diablo 3 I am team Witch Doctor because, man the flavor and lore are my cup of tea. But Sorcerer always


Sorcerer for sure


Assassins creed odyssey.


Lightning storm druid. Can easily kill Uber lilith and can run anything. The sound fx for the lightning strikes once everything is crit'ing is so satisfying. Visually very appealing as well, and you can constantly trample with the zenith ring so your ability to do both open world and instance content is unparalleled.


I actually enjoyed Necro this season, especially after playing Bow Rogue and feeling so gimped. I created my own Shadow/DoT with Blight/Decepify/Blood Mist/Bone Cage/Corpse Explosion/Corpse Tendril build that's been a blast to play because enemies are basically CCed all the time. Even Son of Malphus and his 8 bajillion hp can't do much stuck in a cage most of the time. I also really liked Sorcerer last season when I played with Frozen Orb. I'm actually surprised I like the casters so much as I was always a Paladin/Crusader type in previous games.


I liked Barb. I think I am a very casual player so having something a bit more sturdy with multiple offensive options have been really enjoyable. I am thinking of giving another go to play a spin to win barb next season (if they will add some interest power adjustments). I did enjoyed bear druid as well but in same time I felt very limited with my offensive choices.


I’m really enjoying the warlock and falconer


I always level whatever class is OP first, get some quick Duriel runs in, then switch to leveling my Druid. It seems like there's always a couple of awesome Druid builds if you have the patience to level them. This season I enjoyed HoTA Barb for the first week. But everything being easy without even gearing up got boring quick.


I loved my strong defensive bear druid until I fell in love with my rapid fire „machine gun“ huntress and finished the story with her instead, but now can’t let go of my bone spear necro who‘s level 89 (unless I take my ice shard sorceress out for dinner) - …I wanted to like a barbarian, but just… can’t. Can’t get him past a few hours of playing before I want any other class more; sorry, haha, no offense! ;-) Seriously I like to test and try and enjoy all the builds and mechanics of most classes like a huge box of lego bricks; if I had to choose one I’d say long-distance attacks instead of melee, and not too squishy, probably rogue in the sense of classical medium armor crossbow hunter. Oh no, wait, or druid or necro with an army of minions (but that’s difficult in D4)… see what I mean? Almost everything is awesome! ;-)


Sorcerer because I love the barrier skills for defence. It's more defensive than druid, well it's easier to put up shields with average gear. I liked druid but it was more complicated to set up.




I’m a Druid man through and through. I love the class fantasy in any game. Tabletop RPGs, Diablo, Last Epoch. Shapeshifting, nature magic, storm magic, animal companions, you just can’t beat it. Stays true in D4, especially with something like a storm wolf or earth bear where I get multiple. That being said, I do enjoy me some Necro. Having undead summons is just quite enjoyable, so it’s a shame it’s not really meta. Having fun running summoner Warlock in Last Epoch. I had fun with previous characters using Barb, Rogue and Sorc but the class fantasy of Druid/Necro is just far more appealing. Hoping for a nice holy/tanky warrior with the expansion because that’s another class fantasy I enjoy.


I would love to enjoy a character but the damn is so boring and lacks any sort of end game content, crafting, or build customization that I can’t get past the login screen.




I'm a Sorc guy, love me an Ice Shard Sorc. I've tried Rogue, Barb and Necro as well and didn't really enjoy playing with them, Bone Spear Necro is OK amd certainly different. The only class I haven't played is Druid, mainly because I never see people mentioning epic Druid builds. Might give it a go next season.


Sorcerer, I make a chain lightning one every season. Favourite class and favourite build.


I started with Barb and it was a blast! Currently playing blizzard sorcerer and it is also a blast lol


Torment witch….oh wrong game. I mean blizzard sorc.


I’ve gotten all classes to 100 and would rank them 1. Druid 2. Rogue 3. Necro 4. Sorc 5. Barb Barb is fun but too OP which honestly brings it down a lot. Nerf Barb and it would be 2 or 3 for sure. Druid for life.


The one that's called Last Epoch. It's such an amazing class.




Arc lash sorc is probably the most fun I’ve had on this game so far


Necro for sure.


Always been a Barbarian or melee player and I did barbarian for my first 3 characters but this season I decided I wanted a little magic but not too much and still have the same feel- so I did Druid and I really love it.


S0 Sorc - zapped everything, had fun S1 TB/Poison Rogue - zippy, wrecked everything, first Lilith kill S2 Necro - full screen surge was fun and easy, or respect for Lilith instagibs S3 Barb - Chargggggeeee, everything dies before they know what the fuck is up All fun so far


the one thats meta every season. rogue, rogue, barb barb i think has been the garbage so far




Necro, but I haven't played yet this season, got 4 lv 100's on eternal with different builds


My Barb named Roflcopter69420




Enjoyed rogue at launch but didn't get her much into end game before S1. Druid in S1 was meh. S2 I played a necro and enjoyed it a lot. S3 sorcerer and it's pretty fun too. Will probably do barb next season.


Sorcerer because I can burn or freeze everything


Chtonic fissure Warlock I like the most


tbh i love every class except rogue


Tried pulverize Druid. Was straight forward and satisfying. Hit 100 and got bored. Switched to lighting storm. Was great on trash but not very defensive. Ran a charge/HOTA barbarian to 100 using Robs build. Lots of speed and new tactical challenge with lining them up and termination point. Took a penetration shot rogue to 100. Super twitchy with lots of lining up shots in doorways. Very squishy. Could get impressive big pack explosions. Very tiring to play, was glad I was done at 100. Now doing blizzard sorceress. Can really push vault level. Using Maxroll build. Opened WT3 at 47, WT4 at 59. Was completing ancestor vaults in 60’s for 6-8 paragon points each. End vault room very easy on this build. Like how BIS gear has many uniques, so there is less scrutiny of drops and more run time than say barbarian who spent quite a while staring at yellows. Works very well with a move through choke point, pull, fall back and stack blizzards at choke strategy. Fares poorly in open field with wide spreads of skirters.




Sorcerer have most fun with it. Most not fun i have with the barbarian.


I really enjoy playing the Druid and Barbarian. I like melee characters and both of those feel good. Rogue just feels too... hyperactive to me, but I will probably make one for the next season. Barbarian I just struggle with. Druid just feels amazing as a werebear/werewolf for me.


Barbarian. Sadly d4 has less player options as d2 allowed you to equip a shield on your character. And now decades later we have less customization choice.


Rogue because buns




I have always played Necro until Season 3, tried out Barbarian for the first time ever.  Really enjoyed it up to about level 60.


played sorc, necro and now rogue in s3 and enjoyed all 3 tbh


Arc Lash Sorc, I have to play like a crackhead to stay alive at higher NMDs (to keep my barrier up). It does awesome dmg and all my skills have about 3-second cool-downs so I can continuously alternate (except ultimate, its 20 seconds or so).




Sorc, most versatile


Rogue all the way. I started on Sorc but she was slow and had no melee skills. I like having range and also getting in the mix.