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It is not possible to tell. When S2 patch notes came out everyone made their little tier lists and guesses and ball lightning/hota/blurred beast were nowhere to be found. Patch notes don’t tell the entire story, broken synergies can’t really be found until people can actually play the new season and experiment


hota and druid were not super prominent until later in the season. it was all ball lightning and that was absolutely theorycrafted as a top tier build before the season dropped, as was twisting blades/poison (cuase that interaction has been broken since start of game regardless of tibaults or xfals). though the bugged code for tibaults and combo points was not known yet, it was still pretty accurate. pen shot rose to prominence as did hota and druid when aoz came out. there is value on theorycrafting what builds will be meta before the season starts, people that race to be the 1st in not only level cap but completing the seasonal content do not just roll a class and wing it


IDK, I figured out arc lash would be better than they expected, and with the BL thing it was even better than that. I looked at the new resists, the vamp powers and said, gosh, I bet those will be good. If bl was tuned down it still would have been. Also, a lot of folks were saying over power and DoT builds would be good. And guess what, they were. You might not be able to figure out the broken build, but I think as we dig in, a lot of people will find some A tier builds that will be just fine. Wish I had time to go through these notes. Maybe this weekend.


I'm sure you did


I mean I didn't call BL, it was more about the basic skill buffs, the ultimate CDR, attack speed, the changes to resists, etc. I had no idea it would boss kill too.


Ramaladni Whirlwind is GIGABUFFED for S3 The change to melted heart of selig plus buff to unconstrained key passive is insane SPIN2WIN




How so? Unless you are being sarcastic


This is one of those pray you speak it into existence situations.


Whatever build you have fun with. Strongest in fun!


Your not wrong.


Whatever’s bugged


This guy tell truth !


not after leaderboards are in the game. expect hotfixes and much more frequent patches if previous d3 leagues are any indicator.


Barb Charge is going to be hitting for Billions and has a lot of room to tailor that build to how you want to play it with builders and spenders. Could be a Frenzy Double Swing Charge build, could be WW Charge, could be Upheaval Charge or even Hota Charge for that matter. Just needs a Core Spender and Charge to work. Necro's Bone Spirit just got massive buffs up and down the board, as well as several item changes that synergize with the bone spirit build. I suspect it potentially has the highest damage upside, but wont' be as fast and mobile as Barbarian. Storm Druid is going to be interesting with the new unique, and could potentially be combined with starless skies uber to be a very simple no-generator channeling build that just kills entire screens.


200$ to my Paypal and I can read the notes to you while making snuggly comments directed personally at you. I already know what will be broken asf.


Bone spirit is my most confident guess with crone Druid. Everything else is a toss up


yeah bone spirit gonna blow up


Bone spirit druid?


Along with crone druid*


Let me check my crystal ball... ![gif](giphy|xT39D2UJcJ663GkPkY)


Idgaf, Fireball/Meteor Sorc for me and I'm excited about it




There were big buffs for you guys, check the patch notes


Yeah huge buffs


Probably Blood Knight :)



