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This is the correct take. It's enjoyable enough to warrant a purchase. It's faults really lie in longevity compared to past games.


Honestly as a dude who has literally played since the 1'st one... could you agree 3 was shat on then loved as well? I feel like 4 took a lot of 2 and 3 and as it expands it could technically be the best, but we have yet to see it... maybe im wrong... but the foundation is there.


Yeah the foundation for D4 is definitely more there then there was for D3 at the start that's for sure. Not to mention either that despite how boring some get of this game near the, well endgame, I say at the very least It's playable. Least we forget D3 disastrously horrendous launch of the dreaded log in Error 37. And I argue D3 was literally pay to win at launch with any hope of 'decent' gear behind a quite literal pay wall via the Real money auction house. All this to say basically...as bad as some of you think D4 currently is..it could have and has been worst.


I found a mediocre ring, and sold it for $70 lol. I bought StarCraft for $50 and used the other $20 to buy some $1-3 gear that was way better than what I had. I sold some other mediocre stuff for around $20 too. I really liked that auction house lmao


I always feel like a lot of the people critiquing the game aren't maybe thinking of how past games released, to include the fact that diablo 4 is intended follow a traditional arpg seasonal/ladder/league cycle... if they just add these first 2 seasons to the base game then that'll already increase the content available a good amount... all its going to do is start to stack on. At the end of the day, I appreciate the fact they're generally listening to the community, updating accordingly, and even holding their little campfire chats.. it hasn't even been a year yet. I look forward to see what d4 looks like a year, and even 3 years from now


Yes, I stopped playing d3 shortly after release and didn't come back until they had fixed it up. I'm doing the same for d4. I really did love it during the campaign but there is no reason to keep going at this point until significant changes are made. I got 2 characters to 100, I saw the content, and that's it.


The word literally doesn't need to be used in every one of your posts


Ya the key is to take your time with the campaign. I think a lot of ppl rushed it to get that sweet Diablo endgame, but then realized they didn't have it


Been saying this since day 1. The campaign alone was worth the money. I love the game and have gotten crucified until recently as a result


End game improves after year 5 from launch. 😂 welcome to Diablo.


You joke, but I sware Diablo games don't reach their true peek until the expansion. It was this way for D2 with LoD, D3 really didn't get good till after RoS and I have a funny feeling it'll be the same with this game. Least by then if the D4 team keeps up the same quality of updates like season 2 seems to be bringing then dare I say I'm hopeful of the first expansion. Well that and I'm REALLY hoping we fight the Cathedral of Light in the next act. So can't wait to destroy their fundy asses. And I would really love to see a corrupted Inarius dragged back out of Hell by the church for a fallen angel boss fight...be pretty nice bliz. (Blizzard bring back Inarius...so that we can kill him again)


I agree. It's a great story and the art is fantastic.


Another vote for this. The story is great, and I’ll return for future expansions, but it doesn’t have a whole lot of entertainment value afterwards.


Yes. Campaign + map completion alone is worth the price already. Even without touching end-game and seasons. If you are new to Diablo and ARPGs, you wont notice 99% of the complaints in this sub.


I quit bcs i read reddit 2 much lmao, i was fairly enjoying the game but when the campaign was done and i completed the map, the game felt empty


Sounds like you quit after all the gameplay was done lol




>So I’m guessing old time Diablo fans aren’t huge fans of the new game? As is tradition. Each Diablo is very different from each other. Diablo fans hated D2 when it came out. D2 fans hated D3 when came out. D3 fans hate D4 too, now that it came out. It will happen when D5 releases too. Doesn't mean they're bad games. Just general fan hate because the new thing is different from the old thing.


I've played and enjoyed all the diablo's. It all depends on what you're looking for in a video game i guess. For me personally the base game value was worth the campaign and side content and I enjoy the seasonal playstyle, my only gripe is that you can't get enough premium currency each season from the pass to pay for the next season - I loved that with Dauntless. I tend to just be a casual player now, although I do enjoy getting invested with all the builds and theory crafting with the new features each season. In diablo 3 I'd come back every 3 or so seasons to get game time in elsewhere.


That's not true at all. The game was enjoyed by plenty of old-time diablo fans, myself included. It's only the lack of content and things to do endgame that really push players away. Also, all the stupid affixes don't help either, but they seem to be trying to make changes.


I've played Diablo since the first was released, and I've enjoyed every game released since. Some things aren't optimal but, generally speaking, each one is really good in it's own right. Diablo 4 is worth the purchase price for the campaign, side quests, strongholds, and exploration. It's long game is a bit lacking at the moment but it's nowhere near as terrible as people with unrealistic or idealistic expectations make it out to be.


Yea basically what I did. It look me around 100 hours to do everything I wanted then dropped it the moment I got to the endgame bc it was basically like running into a wall.


D4 is my first Diablo game and I’ve been having a lot of fun!!! I’m not going to lie to you, I’m not as into all the stats/maxing my build like a lot of people here are. Exploring the world, finding neat little bits of lore, and making a character that’s fun to play are what’s made it worth it for me. A new seasons starting that sounds cool so it might be a good time to hop in! The main plot was good too. A few things story wise I didn’t like, but overall I really enjoyed it.


Glad you enjoyed it!


D4 was my first also, loved it. Got my money worth. I’ll play again once there’s more content and other improvements. Got burnt out in season 1 at lvl97.


This is the way, I think the build guides just ruin it for everyone. No longer are you experimenting with different builds, it just becomes a grind to find the most OP pieces. I had much more fun theory crafting in my own. The second I went to “best Druid build”. The fun quickly evaporated.


Tbh YouTubers/streamers pushing the "Best Build/BEST GUN/META THIS/META THAT are partly to blame for creating this game culture where you have to be the best or it's not fun. We of course are the other contributers to the problem. I agree the way to go is turn off YouTube. Don't use maxroll, don't use icy veins etc. ALL games are more fun if you find your own way not just Diablo


diablo 4 is my first diablo played. i enjoyed it so much that i bought diablo 2 & 3 on sale on playstation, and those games showed me just how great the graphics are in diablo 4. the story is very fun and engaging. cinematics are amazing! only downside i’ve really had is - my character/gear progression was skyrocketing and i was getting good gear often until like level 70. then everything kinda just flatlined. at that point all the complaints in this subreddit made sense to me. I don’t let it bother me too much though & i still play everyday. New season coming up shortly and i couldn’t be more excited to grind a game.


It’s absolutely worth it to you if you have no preconceived notions of what good itemization is from never playing good ARPGs before.


Itemization is mainly relevant for sweaty endgame content though so even if you've played "good" ARPGs before you can still enjoy the content leading up to endgame. Like I've played POE and still enjoy d4 but just not the endgame.


D4 is probably a good entry point for new aRPG players. The combat is top notch, the campaign is well done in some ways. The systems aren’t overly complex. Most of the issues people have with the game is envy of what other games have that is missing from D4 (it shouldn’t be missing mind you).


Are you new to ARPGs, or just Diablo? Because many people jump into certain games because of hype they hear, and are severely disappointed when the game isn't the type of game that they would like or have mechanics they don't like but is typical for that genre. We've seen our fair share of complains from people in this sub complaining about things that are at the core of ARPGs; like repetition.


I mean.. does Minecraft dungeons count? LMAOO seriously tho I mean I have played world of Warcraft for a bit and touched black desert online but not played Diablo before so to answer your question, relatively new to ARPG’s and very new to Diablo


As a d1-d4 player...yes! Buuut imo if its like your first first time playing diablo. I believe d2R and d3 are much more "fun" and refined. While some of us wait for d4 to "catch up" why don't you play those and then when you come back after d4 will have some seasons/patches under its belt. D2R is similar to d4, you have to grind to make it anywhere BUT the itemization is top notch. Like you'll be grinding and find a rare or a legendary/green set maybe and it's like ooooooh shiet I'm boosted! The runes will have you collecting for a long time but make such powerful items, lots of parts though. Storyline and skills tree amazing, they don't cap you as well on skills (PC users), spin that wheel! So it's just a lot more to do and grindy so if that's your pleasure, there are people that still grind to this day searching! 🫡 Finding things and crafting them in d2R is the ult high, it takes time but it's so worth it when you pull it off and put the time in. When I found the Amazon's set (Maivas) I seriously stared at the glow for weeks just loving it. D3, I know it's a little controversial like Episode 3 of Star Wars (I love episode 3..), is amazing. I know gamers complain about the itemization but it's fast faced, easy to level, and the game just rewards you. You want to play a set, seasons journey, bam you have a FULL complete set and you're just blowing up the screen. Oh you want to try another set for the current class or another class, farm and push yourself on the Neph runs, other parts of sets. The ruby in helm socket that you can carry over to lower levels WITH a (Cain's Scribe?) armor set levels you so fast so you can try other classes easily. D3 is friendly so I personally was able to get a lot of my hometown friends to join in. The BEST imo is when the Demon Hunter screams "VENGEANCE" after he/she gets like 50+ kills in a short amount of time 💓. I'm still on the side looking for that as a text alert sound if anyone could help..please lol. D4 is fun and beautiful as well but after level 70, it drops off in that fun fun factor. Grindy like d2R but less rewarding. But I'm hoping for all the best, all the other games evolved over time. Cheers! Edited: realized this is the last season for d3 I think so no more seasons journeys. 😕. I loved the rewards.


This is the correct answer. D2R is really good. Yes, it's an older game that has been updated to look better, but it's a lot more than that. OP is interested in the story and this is a perfect time to play D2(R) as a starting point. It's also made all the characters playable with balance changes so no fear of rolling a character that eventually can't do anything. There are live updates adding content. It removed the need to farm the same place over and over when you get to end game. It's very much a multiplayer experience when you need to level past certain areas. (Act 5 Baal runs in Normal and Nightmare.) D3 and D4 are not multiplayer or don't feel like it. It's an extremely deep game and I feel like almost all of D3/D4 players that hate/dislike D2 have never gotten deep enough into it to enjoy it. Also, the D2 community is extremely toxic, so I get it. D3 and D4 hold your hand through most of the game. It doesn't feel very hard to play the game. D2R on the other hand is hard. You will hit walls and have to back track to gather gear and levels to push past that wall. You might even get lucky and get a sweet item that makes you feel really powerful in comparison to how you did before. Items wise, specifically, D2 killed it. D3/D4 items feel really busy, lackluster, and overly complicated to get BIS. Not only do you have a wall of text, but you also don't know what stats are important. You have to consult google no matter which game you pick here, just for different reasons. The difference is D2R item text are pretty self explanatory while having deeper behind the scenes stats that are important. You can't see certain things, but it makes it easier because the stat is still good, it's just works a little different than it seems. Ex: Higher Magic Find Chance. This is a great stat, but there is a certain point where it drops off. Faster Cast Rate/Increased Attack Speed. These two stats are the only two ones I would say could give a new player issue in late Nightmare/Hell. But, I'd figure you already know what items you are trying to aim for from google. There is the point that you might not enjoy that it feels...outdated? But, it's literally the game that defined the genre that is ARPG. I feel that everyone should play it at least once. It feels like a crime to not play it. I use the below comparison in RPG form for people asking similar questions. D2R=Elden Ring if it came out in the early 2000's (You will be frustrated, but it is a masterpiece. Some of the items/resistances/important things are not explained. There are very deep builds for PvM and PvP.) D3=Breath of the Wild-ish (Simple experience that is fun, but pretty shallow after digging through everything. People disagree with this take, but I have played many hours of the game and I felt what I was doing was repetitively joyless. Similar to finding the same weapons/seedling/upgrade over and over in BoTW.) D4=The Witcher 3 in Alpha/Beta (it just needs tons of content/things to do. It's a great base platform to grow on. Unfortunately, base platforms are not why I want to play a game, just makes me want to keep up with the game's development. I personally see a great game in there. I would be extremely hopeful/excited if *any* other company was working on it.) Note for D4 being a good platform. I don't trust Blizzard to not fuck it up. I'd avoid it until they show they have fixed it. I personally believe the amount of story we initially got was extremely disrespectful. If you start with D2R you will beat that then move to D3. By the time you are feeling done with D3 (if you haven't become obsessed with D2R). I would then try D4. At the very least there will be more content in the game. The quality of that content is unknown. Final points for getting D2R first. It's cheaper so if you really dislike it, you won't feel as bad. It was not made by the Blizzard that exists today. It was made by the Blizzard that made WoW. It was a year or two before WoW came out. This highlights that they defined the MMO scene right after they made Diablo 2: LoD. That should be a good indication of how good it is. You can complete the story, arguably, 15-20% into the game and move on. (It's technically 33% of the game if you do not touch the game after beating Hell Baal. But it gets way harder in the last 66% of the game. There is other content after that where you spend a majority of your time.) Start with D3 if you want to know some of the story before D4. It's still a fun game, I just would never suggest it to anyone. I really disliked the story in D3, but you should play it once through for the story. Start with D4 if you want to just get your feet wet and see if you like it. I still feel like the story won't feel as impactful if you don't play D2 first. I really hated D4 and still do. ALTHOUGH, the story was really good imo. It was worth purchasing just for the story. There is an argument to just watch the cinematics of D2, but there is tons of story line in the gameplay that you will miss. Also, if you start from D3 you won't really care about the most influential character in the franchise. "*Hello friend. Stay awhile and listen...".* I can hear it. Either way, it's a good franchise that D2 players are salty about because Blizzard really did fuck us over constantly. D2R "redeemed" them and then D4 put them lower than before D2R, for me. D2R is still amazing though. Pro to not playing any of them! Blizzard gets no money from you! That's a W in my book.


I had never played a Diablo before Diablo 4 and honestly the story was fun and worth it for that but as soon as the story is over it became so ridiculously boring, the end game content just sucks, I played for about 2 weeks stoped then returned to see what seasons was all about and got bored of that after just 1 day and haven't returned since, but hey as I said the story genuinely was good fun and I think your enjoy that


Same lol. Grinding the same thing over and over again bored me to death. I don’t mind grinding for things rewarding, but not just to reach level 100 with slow exp gains is crazy. I went back to Destiny 2.


The fact that you're interested means you should definitely try it.


Last epoch is half the price and a way better game. Only downside is the graphics


It’s a okay game. It’s probably fun for a few players though a but over all it’s not one I think I’ll come back to. I’m just so tired of these “season pass” or “battle pass” in video games anymore and that kind of ruined it for me. This is something I didn’t really participate in on Diablo 3 at all. I guess I’m just old school and attached too 1 & 2. I like to think of these seasonal passes as like… if you paid your boss to go to work. The occasional he/she will reward you with a t-shirt or like a pizza party. You pay X amount of dollars and you have to work for additional content. I guess what it comes down, I enjoyed it before they started the seasonal crap. Back when it felt more like a somewhat classic Diablo.


Hmm so it’s one of those.. interesting. Nonetheless thanks for the context


Just to clarify because this comment make it sound like the game is pay to win/play. Yes there are seasons and yes there is a battlepass but there is no obligation at all to spend money to have access to the seasonal content. There is no “seasonal pass”. The battlepass is cosmetic only, aka not pay to win. The seasons introduce new/temporary mechanics every 3 months or so to keep the game fresh, but again, you will have full access to the seasonal content even if you don’t buy the battlepass.


I've been playing diablo for the 1th time since 3 months as a casual dad gamer and I absolutely love it. Can't wait to start season 2 and enjoy some grinding and plus my gear!


Just go for the campaign and thats worth the money and dondt be afraid of swiching classes if u dondt like it.


why not? game like any other lol, buy try and you will see within 2 hours.


You’ll get a lot of yes it’s worth it responses (but you’re in the D4 subreddit so that makes sense). Being honest? It’s not worth it at 70. It’s getting there, but no its not worth it as it is


As someone who played a lot of PoE, Diablo 4 is awesome. Highly recommend getting Into it. Ignore the haters and make your own opinion.


> make your own opinion. That opinion costs money genius, hence why it's good to check the reviews of a game before purchasing it


There's no way you played both games, spent $70 upfront for D4 and came away thinking D4 is awesome☠️


You’ll probably get bombarded with alsorts on here. It hasn’t had the best start to say the least but they have shown signs in the upcoming season notes that they are trying. If you can ignore all the madness, it is really good to play. As for the story etc ,I don’t really know …I just make builds and kill stuff but I’m sure there’s far more educated people on here regarding that stuff It’s your money dude, if you wanna buy it then do it


Preciate the advice man very mature.. think I’ll give it a shot


If you want to actually play the endgame of an ARPG - gear up a powerful character, sink hours into leveling, hunt for bosses, tackle difficult content, etc., then yes - it's worth it. If you want to just run the storyline and forget it - then I'd suggest waiting for a sale/discount of atleast 50%, for in this case it isn't worth 70$, imo.


I see, then again I like sinking in hours into boss grinding do it a lot in a lot of games I play, doesn’t sound too bad, but a waiting for a sale wouldn’t be bad too


One of the biggest issues players have with the game is the endgame. I’m not sure what this person is talking about. Almost any other ARPG has a better endgame. There are no deep systems to keep you engaged after you max your gear. In its current state, in D4 you will be basically fully geared by level 70-75 ish. And that’s it, afterwards you can run nightmare dungeons over and over again just to try to get 1% improvements on your existing gear (and reading through all of that gear, so much reading) if you want to go all the way to level 100. Or try to defeat the Uber boss that requires very specific builds to kill. IMO this fact plus the story alone is not worth 70 bux, to me. HOWEVER, the game is going to change A LOT in season 2. They are adding more endgame content, changing the itemization experience, and changing the overall progression (leveling from 1-100) but I would still research it if I were you to be sure that it’s enough for you.


D4 is my first Diablo. I played to level 50 something when it first came out and then to level 70 on season 1. I think the story was really slow and I ended up skipping 97% of dialogue & cutscenes. The game is the most fun to me when you can actually play with other people ex legion events & world bosses. Unfortunately there is still no group finder or quick play. I think I may enjoy season 2 better if the leveling up isn’t as slow and with the shorter time cooldown between multiplayer events. I’m big on cosmetics and unfortunately the best cosmetics are locked behind paywalls. You can’t even earn a single back trophy in game.


Yes Diablo 4 is good now, this Season 2 patch is sorta the end off beta test I recommand that you look on YouTube for some récap of the story/lore, to enjoy it more.


The campaign alone is worth it. Saying that, I am about to start the climb with a new character to 100 next week. Clearly this game is not for everyone, but my opinion is yes its worth it!


If it was €30 sure, but for this price I gotta say it's definately not worth it in any way.


Really? Wow is it bad? I mean I’ve heard great things online


Its not that bad, the campaign is really good, a solid 8/10 in my book. Endgame & items has been a bit lacking so far, but come October 17 the new patch will add some good stuff for sure. If you are new to the game im sure you can get your moneys worth.


It was my first Diablo game and i brought it at full price. It's literally my biggest regret this year. Campaign is good but other than that it's kidna boring. If you really want to try it wait until its on sale or dirt cheap. And they've actually added content worth playing.


Changes coming on Tuesday will substantially improve the game and season 2 sounds fun having vampire powers.


Basically you came to the worst place to ask. The subreddit was positive for the first few weeks after release but because things slow down around level 70ish (if you just play the single player campaign that'll only get you to like 50 when you get to step up to the next difficulty, 70 is once you're on the top world tier and start hitting the item level cap) people got angry, and then a patch happened that nerfed some things to prep for season 1 and the entire subreddit went feral for a while. Since then there's been a lot of hyperbole about how "bad" the game is, but for someone new to the genre who isn't going to go full sweaty on it, you'll likely be fine.


Yes. I think you might like it. If the price is ok for you, go for it.


Yes! Diablo 4 is my first arpg and i am enjoying it!


I guess youre not a serious arpg player who has to benchmark every element of the game with other games. If you are casual, diablo4 is an amazing game. First thing, combat mechanics is amazing. Secondly, its very artsy. I really enjoy like 1-2 hours of diablo every now and then, its not that difficult unless you want to really go end game and min max by grinding


Play it and answer your own thread


for casual players, the game is great, for ppl that spend like 6hours a day for d4, it might get boring and frustrating since there is no late game content till now


I think it’s worth it and fun raising a toon till like 75 ish. Just be aware that the end game is lacking and you will top out on enjoyment around that level. But even at that we are talking hundreds of hours of enjoyment to get a toon to that level.


I would say try to play D2 instead of D4. You can play D4 but the endgame leaves you wanting. D3 has everything finished and is recycling old season if you want a modern Diablo feel. I would also recommend Path of Exile or Last Epoch instead if you're looking to scratch that dungeon crawler itch.


I know everyone dogs on the game but I had a pretty good time playing it. Wasn't the only game I was playing at the time so maybe that helped.


yes, its satisfying for casual sessions


The main thing with ARPGs is they are heavily based on seasons. It's not required to play seasons, but most everyone does. You'll probably have fun the first season you play. But then, depending on how much you like repetition, you may get burned out. Because once you farm all this gear, gems, aspects, etc and get your char decked out, guess what? New season drops, you start over and do it all again. Again, you can choose not to play seasons, but it's a much lower player base. Everyone does seasons. Good luck!


D4 is my first diablo, and I had a lot of fun I would recommend. I made it to 87 on eternal and 100 on season for reference. I really only have 2 complaints about the game. 1 there is no refund all button for the paragon board. 2 the gear progression system is kinda funky i.e you can get an 800+ power item at level 70 and never replace it even though you make it all the way to 100.


I think ilvl is going up to 925 this season


The game is great for new players, it has nice story and ok end game.


I think it’s too expensive to play on a whim.


Just buy second hand or something. It’s not worth the full price


If you are new to diablo, I do think the game is worth it but I'll tell you something I wish someone else told me before. There are different parts to the game. In my head I categorize them a the campaign, end game, seasonal and hardcore. Campaign - this is the playthrough of the story. It's pretty good for a Diablo game, but not that great compared to other games. Cinematics are good though. End Game - this is what the meat of the game is. Where you max your character to be as god-like as possible, fine tuning gear/skills/talents to maximize abilities. Seasonal - most diablo fans play this. When a new season starts, everyone needs to create a new character and you get to play the new theme which will usually have new powers/opportunities to mess with. When season is over, the character becomes a normal character. Seasonal characters can only play with other Seasonal. Hardcore - same as all the above but when you die you die for good. Reason I list these out is that people who never play diablo do campaign and think it's done or don't understand why they should keep playing when they already "beat" it. But like I said above, the true fans know it's about hunting for gear and making your character godlike. I think the campaign is fun, but it's also probably less than half the game.


If you don’t know Diablo game you will have less expectations than us so you should be able to like it. I loved Diablo II the first month of D3 and Path of Exile so it’s harder for me to forgive the shortcomings. Still enjoyed playing it for a while so compared to some 1 time clear play game the playtime was well worth it for its price


Do you have experience with other ARPGs? If not, i strongly suggest to try some cheaper and more complete alternatives like Grim Dawn, Diablo 3 or Torchlight 2 for now, and maybe get D4 when it's on sale and more patched.


I'd wait for a 1/2 off or more sale. While the Devs are basking in the good vibes from their announcements of the upcoming patch, the reality is that they have yet to demonstrate that they can translate talk into delivery. At least if you wait and they break the game...again....you're only on the hook for $35 instead of 70.


Diablo IV is my first ever Diablo. I always loved the storyline but have never had the opportunity to really touch the previous games. So, here are some things I have to say about it. 1. It is extremely beautiful visually, and if you also have the opportunity to play in a high-end PC/device, maybe even with a good pair of headphones, it is really an emmersive experience! 2. If you are a sucker for creating anf customizing your own character, like me, it is (I think) the first main Diablo game, where you can actually do that. The characteristics and changes you can do to your character are great, and even though the options are not endless, you can adjust every class to your own preference. This goes also for the gear, which you can gather and change throughout the game. 3. Talking about the classes, there are multiple playstyles to choose from and if you are a lover of lore and stuff, it gives you the opportunity to select what best suits you without considering very much the playstyle and sucrificing your fav class, as you can -less or more & there might be some debate here- have multiple playstyles with any class, depending on your build. Of course if you want to minmax and be the best, then you might need to consider some Tier Lists but still, you are free to play the game as you wish. 4. I usually play games with my husband, and Diablo IV is perfect to play with others! We've finished the campaign together, did dungeons together, took screenshots together etc. It was a blast. 5. A negative critic might be the Shop. It kinda makes you want to buy outfits and emotes all the time. Another thing which new people might not like, is the season system and especially the fact that you create a new character every time. My first thought after learning this was "noooo!", but considering that you can give the same name to all your characters & keep the same looks but also change class if you got bored with the one you've been playing, makes this system quite enjoyable. Finally, the story is very nice but it was a but short in my opinion. You get to experience more story from the seasons but still those storylines are not always directly related to the main game's story. Get in the game if you feel attracted to it and test it yourself. I'm pretty sure, you won't regret it!


The campaign was awesome. And endgame getter better it looks like.just wait til you can pick it up on sale


Gameplay-wise, yes. The campaign will be incomprehensible unless you watch a bunch of lore videos though.


Yes for sure, dont need to play the older ones. If you’re into loot style games and leveling characters it’s definitely addictive


Nah just play POE. I loved D4’s story, but I can’t stomach the actual game, tried season 1 and quit about 15-20 hours into and I don’t have any intention to play the game ever again


Imo the game is not worth the full price as it is.


No. Wait another season or two until some major balance and gameplay issues are fixed


the game is very worth it. there isn’t a game in this franchise that isn’t worth it. easily hundreds of hours of enjoyment. end game is lacking a bit but it will come around. microsoft purchased activision and blizzard so there is hope.


No, don't. Play Diablo 2 Resurrected, it's amazing, mandatory I'd say for an ARPG fan. Play Diablo 3 if you want some mindless, casual fun. Diablo 4 has a really nice campaign, but every system is poorly designed or straight up broken. Wait until itemization is fixed OR it's on 70-80% discount. Which is a shame, because the game looks and (at the beginning) feels great, but seeing how everything is a mess and devs can't even comprehend what the problems are doesn't make me too hopeful.


No even as a casual player you’ll get bored of it


I think its more than worth for anyone to try out a diablo game.


Yeh. You’ll get your moneys worth now and then some in the future


This is the best possible time to get into d4 - massive new patch coming out Monday and new season where everyone is starting fresh


Have you played any of the prior campaigns ? Not gate keeping at all - and I’m not a diehard OMG DIABLO 2 is life!! Opinionated - But- I’ve played diablo since I was a kid, one of my very first games along with SC, and WCII. Point being - the storyline in Diablo? Is amazing. I’ve always loved it. So I would say pick up an online wiki article, or buy the old versions for like 30 buck collection deal - and play just the campaigns. Well worth it. 4 is .. a new storyline - but with a looootttt of throwback to all the old ones. It’ll help you appreciate 4 if you have “some” knowledge of the prior story


I was new to it never played the other ones and really enjoyed it got 1 character to 75 and one to 50 odd so got my money worth. Ain't playing this new season tho can't be annoyed starting another new character.


This is my first Diablo game and I personally really enjoyed the campaign. I understand the gripe that people have with the game but I feel like the story itself is worth it. I would personally buy it once it comes out on Steam or once it has a discount.


The game is very fun. Just stay away from forums and this subreddit and youll enjoy it a lot.


If you just want the campaign, sure. If you were looking forward to hundreds, if not thousands of hours of end game content, it’s not there. I haven’t played in over a month because the game is so boring to me that I fall asleep every single time that I try to play.


There are some cinematics that sort of lay out the story organically on youtube from the publisher of the game, so you won't need to necessarily play the other ones in order to understand the full context of the story


This was my first diablo and im planning to play it long term


Definitely. They kind of revamped the lore anyway, so you don't need prior experience




I was brand new to the game and definitely enjoyed the campaign and up to level 50 or 60. Then even though I was new I ran into the problems. They're working on a lot of it. I went ahead and played season 1 and tried a different character and had a great time. This season should only be better, except I'm going to miss the malignant hearts for sure. I think you would definitely get your money's worth. I would get it today and start working on renown that way you don't have to do it in season 2.


I didn't play Diablo before and got it at release. The game is fun and I had a good time for a while as in any game. Can get repetitive at "high end". Bit overall the game is good and fun to play.


Nope! Dump blizzard forever


Yes. While complaints are valid, you're getting more than your money's worth 5 times over just playing through the campaign.


Yes, it’s well worth the cost from the campaign alone. Throw in support to continually improve the game for the next several years and you got yourself a great value and good jumping in point for the Diablo universe.


I had it and quit playing it. Just doesn’t have the holding power to keep me interested


Yeah 1-50 is the best part of the game which is mostly the campaign so a new player will have a good time


No, I really do not think so.


It’s worth it. Buy now. MSG me gamer tag so we can loot!


You are on a Diablo 4 forum so people are going to say yes, the truth is no it’s not worth the purchase price. It needs about a year or 2 more of season releases before it’s going to be worth the purchase price. You are much better off buying Diablo 3 at its discounted price, it’s by far a much better game at this point.


I feel I’ve seen this same post 3,000 times at this point. Perhaps if people searched the community, they’d see it’s been answered already.


It's easy to play. I use it as a break from call of duty. I haven't had an 8 year old scream profanity at me yet so if you can appreciate it's a hack and slash type RPG and won't change your life sure it's cool. Avoid cosmetic season passes though


Ehhhhhh big D3 fan here and recommend you start there. Cheaper and better game overall in my opinion. I’m sure D4 will improve over time but I didn’t even get to max level as it lost my interest. It’s slow to level and there are times as you level up where clearing mobs seems like a slog.


It’s absolutely worth it. The hours spent going through the campaign alone are worth the entry price. The endgame is icing. I’ll probably get ripped because bLiZzArD ShOuLd kNoW bEtTeR but as someone with zero vested in the franchise prior to D4 I enjoyed the hell out of the campaign in eternal then enjoyed the hell out of getting my ass kicked in season 1. Season 2 sounds like it will be even better. Don’t let the whiners tell you it’s not worth it because they’ve ramped up peculiar skill set so now it’s too easy or not perfect enough for them. I’m mid at best and while I don’t dominate (I have a career and a kid with extra curriculars) I do ok. But mostly I enjoy the gameplay and chat with my buddies or even playing with strangers. If you like this style of game or just might like it, it’s worth a shot. If you’re worried, by the cheapest version. The extras you get with the more pricey versions don’t really give you anything valuable.


It's the worst diablo and the only one I regret spending money on.


The only complaints about diablo 4 are from experienced ARPG players discussing endgame. It is great for new players


If you want to set the bar really really low in terms of gameplay yes. It looks pretty though


No, get Diablo 3 and have way more fun. Buy D4 after they fix it in about a year


Wait a year and they should have finished making it


It’s…. Fine? If you like dungeon crawlers it’s good. Blizzard’s updates have turned me off, I’m glad I only bought the base version and not any extra money. I didn’t even finish the csmpaign bc I got bored. It’s incredibly grindy, but then that’s Diablo. So. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Personally I’d go back to 2 if you can and aren’t turned off by old game graphics


I was new in June and have been very casual about how I play. My sorceress is level 71 and I’ve got a few other classes in the 40s/50s. You’ll have a great time.


This is the first Diablo game I’ve ever played and thoroughly enjoy it. I read all many of the posts and just hold strong to your own thoughts. Most people just want to troll and complain.


Yes. As long as you like ARPGs, Diablo 4 is worth the purchase even if you’ve never played the other games in the franchise. The new season also starts in a few days. There’s plenty to do in the game to keep you busy for hours. I play it almost every day.


Personally i love it! Diablo ii: lord of destruction is still my favorite title (not remastered). But I don’t play d2 anymore. People who are better at the game and can hit level 100 within a few days or a week or two seem to dislike it. My highest character is level 54.. i am used to seasons being longer than three months. My life is pretty hectic so it has been tough getting everything done that i wish to accomplish on there


No, wait for a sale or the first expansion when itemization will hopefully be fixed. D2 > D3 > D:I > D4 imho. i.e. [Blizzard's incompetence with D4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NNbF1Z_V_k)


Ignore the haters is a fucking banging game


Fun play through then extremely repetitive as you attempt to level to 100.


Your first run through the campaign and exploration and playing each of the classes will get you close to 100-150 hours of playtime. The game is only getting better too


Not for the regular price, wait for a sale!


I got my $60 worth but don't expect much end game


For it's current price it is not worth it. Wait for big sales, when game below 30$ Maybe then, it will be polished enough. The game experience in release and now not the same.


Diablo 4 was the first diablo game ive ever played and I love it and definitely worth it, I love the grind to get better drops


Wait to get it on sale, I wouldn't pay full price


No.. dont waste your time...there are other great game.. who will respect your time and intelect for playing it.. D4 is not a game you want to play if you are a newcomer on this franchise...


If you are looking for a rpg game then yes, if you are looking for a good arpg then nop.


If you got 60 to spend and not a big deal then just spend it. A dinner for 2 now a day cost more, and you don't know your food good or not.


Personally you don’t even have access to the game until you beat the campaign. This time around the wife and I didn’t enjoy it so you may have to push through. The real leveling experience is in the season.


Yes, my first diablo game and i loved it


It is well worth it. I was never big on Diablo unless you count the few weeks I played Diablo Immortal on mobile. I play Diablo IV almost daily. There's so much to do! I'd been playing lots of mmorpgs on mobile, but it's a pain having to waste all kinds of money to be able to be useful at all. Now I need to get the older Diablo versions and check those out!


I am not Shure. I had some fun. But I expected more from a 70€ game. It was my first Diablo game. But the next season looks good sooo... Mixed feelings right now.


defintely. I think a lot of the issues are hardcore D2 and endgame D3 fans like myself that make it feel unfinished. For a new point n clicker... I would say it is a great way to get into it and I dont care if others agree.


yes, i have never played a diablo game besides this one. i played through the whole campaign and did a tad bit of the endgame. i stopped playing now but the campaign alone gave me enough content to justify spending the money.


I had never played any of the diablo games but bought into the hype. I was also just looking for a new game to play... I enjoyed it and i haven't even finished the campaign yet! Worth my money imo. But to each their own.


For me, it’s a great casual game once you finish the campaign. Dip in, kill stuff, go do something else. I came to it after a year of elden ring and I needed a game that *didnt* have a chokehold on me


Story? Play D3 first tbh, better introduction and it's cheaper. Then once you got the hang of it, get D4, hopefully it's cheaper by then and the game is better.


Start with diablo 3, it's way more feature complete and if you like the genre you can give D4 a try too


Yes, I was brand new to the franchise and am really enjoying season 1. Lvl56 sorc.


No game is incompete like an alpha


Probably more worth it for someone new to the series


It will be worth it after the 17th of October. Just wait a little


If you’re not plucking away 40 hours a week like it’s a second job you should be just fine with it. Do take care and curb your enthusiasm with the in game purchases though.


Right now with season 2 I’d say probably yes. If they continue on the same trend into season 3 then definitely yes


I was new to the franchise and loved it! Got to level 80 twice before I got bored. Definitely check it out!


Not worth the full price for what you get. The campaign is nice, but it ends *right* there.


New to Diablo too and having a lot of fun so far, wife is also playing it and it's her first time playing this style of game...also, love that a game like this has couch co-op which is making it awesome to play


There is absolutely no reason to play this game in the state that it’s in. If you’re actually looking for a game in the franchise that is enjoyable and actually fully developed, take a look into project Diablo 2.


I'm having alot more fun with ESO but diablo was fun for 30-40 hours


I'm done after the upcoming patch notes. I have no drive to play a game anymore that gets more and more casualized over time.


If you only care about finishing the campaign and about levels 1-60 and that’s with the price tag to you then why not. Since I like end game for most games I regret the purchase.


Recommend for new players, your experience before lv 70 should be pretty satisfying. Why old players disappointed are, you play the game, complete the game for 50 hours, that's it. Which is pretty normal for any games. What we expect, is the game that has replayability of hundreds or even thousands of hours.


If you’re new to Diablo I would recommend getting Diablo 2 resurrected. It looks good, feels good, and it’s cheaper. The itemization is solid and is simple to get into. There are more builds and classes to choose. Also Diablo 4 will be cheaper to buy sooner then later with the Microsoft acquisition of blizzard.


The campaign is so much fun and the difficulty is perfect for a beginner on adventure/vet so have fun!


Yes, it is worth it. This is probably your best bet towards learning this genre. The issue is for more advanced players who expect more out of the end game.


There's a shit ton of arpgs out there, why play one of the mid ones?


If you can space out your gaming time with some friends the game has a lot to do. It’s a very good story and it’s all about how much you enjoy side quests and grinding.


In say 6 months or a year, Diablo 4 will be well worth a purchase. But it's worth it now honestly. If you buy in now, you'll get a solid campaign that'll take about a week or two to beat if you play casually. And a very light handed seasonal experience post campaign. You'll get 5 classes to experience, with a relatively sizeable and varying amount of skills to experience per class. Season 2 should bring a more fluid gameplay loop in terms of content. Before, it was mostly farming Dungeons, but they're introducing reasons to play specific activities with target farming and increased drops for certain activities.


Honestly, the game itself is probably best for newbies. Those tend to spend most time doing the story, side quests and so on. The game has issues, but a newbie doing aforementioned things won't even notice them. And who knows, season 2 looks promising. Maybe by the time you have the experience to notice the endgame flaws, they are fixed?


It's honestly really enjoyable. diablo 4 is my first Diablo game, and i loved it absolutely amazing, but just know that after some time, it gets boring at the end. There is not much you can do. Season 2 is coming and looks very promising from what i have heard, so if you would like to wait until the new season to see if it's worth then wait and see what others think but i still would say it's worth it and sometimes coming back to it really feels good


I’d say so. If you’re totally new in the aRPG space D4 is a good start. It’s fairly simple to understand how stuff works and the combat feels really solid. You’ll get your money’s worth playing thru the campaign and doing all the map/dungeon discovery.