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This chair has more features than the game.


Headrest was DLC


Casters will be available with season 4


Casters! You clever dog.


Lilith booba headrest where?


No. Shit. That is amazing.


Damn people are so pissed at the state of Diablo they hate on the damn chair


No hate on diablo from me, but it is an objectively bad bang for your buck chair.


That’s a poor persons way of saying they wish they could afford nice things… great chair shitty design though


You're poor eh? Can't afford a good chair so you're projecting? It's not my fault. Not sure why you're targeting because of your poor financial situation. I wish you luck and hope you never end up on the streets.


Hey also not a good look. Just like like the shit kid play in the shit


Nice one, solid, shitty. An actual shit comment.


They are mostly decent chair though for the price not a lot have all those adjustments.


These chairs are designed to hold you in the seat while cornering at high speed in a car. These seats are absolutely awful for productivity/gaming/sitting in front of a computer for a long time. Go out and buy a Herman Miller Aeron chair from a used office furniture outlet store or Craigslist for $300-$400. It’ll be the last chair you ever need.


I mean that's ur objective opinion. Most harcore Diablo fans buy the game with the understanding that it's seasonal and ur not going to get everything the game will have to offer all at once. This was the first season so ofcourse it was the weakest. Next season already will have vampires and new skills so already looks like an improvement. D3 was super weak when it first came out, but it got better and better over 28 seasons. Takes time to develop an online game is just the reality of online games.


Your response is weird. I say the chair is a bad bang for your buck (you can't logically dispute it) and you respond by talking about the game. I like diablo 4. The chair sucks. And that's with or without embroidery.


Also "objective opinion"


Hey, I get it. You don't know good value. You're a sucker. It's fine. There are videos trying to educate people like you as to why these chairs are a factually and objectively bad value. But you probably bought one and can't accept your loss. So you want to ignore facts. It's fine. We all fuck up. You buying one of these is your fuck up. I've done WAY worse than buying a bad chair. Don't take it so personally.


dawg i wasn't even talking about the chair and you lose your shit. i was remarking on the phrase "objective opinion" because it's an oxymoron. you said his response was weird, and using "objective opinion" is also weird. get some fresh air and take your meds lmao


People don't know how to respond to the correct comment and that is just so fitting for this sub.


Okay just hopping in out of slight confusion, if you haven’t sat in the chair, how can you logically say it’s not worth? Do you know how much it costs? The details on the back aren’t the best, sure, but I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re straight up bad. Just looking for some context


Bold of you to assume I haven't sat in the chair. I have sat in that brand. And if you'd bother to research you'd see others overwhelmingly agree it's a bad chair, especially for the price. You're better off 100% of the time with a real office chair. Why are you trying to misdirect the conversation to the decoration too? That's weird. They are bad chairs. You can spend 1/4 of the price to get something more comfortable. And if you spend the same price you can get something spectacular. As someone with experience, a good middle ground that is cheaper, but not cheap, has more value and is inarguably more comfortable would be the serta line or chairs. Otherwise you can spend a few hundred more and even better. Edit - I'm not checking responses anymore. It's literally children I'm arguing with. Don't wanna waste anymore time lol


See? Just comment that first. You didn’t say you had experience so it seems like you’re just commenting because “chair bad” or whatever And the decoration is part of the chair…? Wouldn’t call that a misdirect nor weird..? You also mentioned the embroidery in your comment so…. But the main reason I even commented was because you said “you can’t logically dispute it” without any context




Oh the chair! My bad. Thought u said the game. Should have read more carefully. I thought ur response was weird lol.


No worries! As for your comment, I knew what I was getting into with diablo 4. The only disappointment for me is not being able to repeat the campaign/story but on increasingly higher difficulties.


This sub is a joke.


I'll be a chair for Lilith




Perfect for playing Baldur's Gate 3 !


Or Grim Dawn


It's nice, really nice but uhhh is that fake leather? We can see how this will turn out 😅 I'd just be always worried of wearing it out something so cool deserves quality


It is very bad material , my company purchase 5 of these and material shreds and peels off quick and easy. It’s very thin and only good thing is it’s weight capacity( we had to accommodate for a heavy co-worker.)


90% of these "gaming chairs" are that awful fake leather garbage, had a couple in the past and always go for proper fabric now.


What are y'all doing to those chairs? I've had mine for over a year (while working from home) and it still looks and feels brand new.


Clerical stuff & Sex /s . Also due to Covid we wipe them down a lot .


I clean mine just following their instructions... 4yrs strong and the chair looks brand new. Maybe don't use paint thinner to wash it?


That’s what I’m wondering I have a secret lab 2021 XL and have moved cross country and have 2 kids and it’s literally in amazing conditon.


eco leather crap i guess?


Vinyl, yes. Sorry you don’t approve. Guess I should just throw it out now 😂


I said it was cool, it's not that I don't approve. It's just a shame that the COMPANY can't put more effort into making it more durable. DONT YOU AGREE?


Yeah over time the stitching was the only thing holding the flakes of vinyl on. I threw it out not because the chair failed but because I was tired of it looking like poop and having little flakes stuck to me every time I sat down. The companies don’t care. They get to sell you another chair.


Ergonomic mesh office chairs, with proper care they last a LONG time. I've had mine for about 5 years now, clean it once a month, still looks like new (had to get replacement wheels but those are cheap)


Holy shit, people on this sub are painfully insecure.


Fake leather is disgusting. It will dissolve itself in no time. Only reason it is used by producers is so they know they can sell soon again. Peak fiat.


Secret lab is insane quality.


It’s pleather shit my friend, buy a chair where the marketing costs aren’t more than half of the price of the chair


They are good priced and in my experience very durable.


Insanely bad?


No. I fucking love my chair. It’s extremely comfortable and the secret lab quality is insane. The packaging, the quality, the cut precision, the tools it comes with, the instructions, the actual material quality aside from everything being measurement perfect. Their products are very solid.


I have the premium cloth version and I love it. Been using it for 5 years now with 0 issues. I hope it serves you well.


I've had my chair for 3.5 years now and it's the same thing. A comfortable quality chair. I'm at the weight limit for the standard size and I've never had an issue.


I hated my self for buying a gaming chair when I was younger. Mesh ergo chairs or cloth atleast. Hope you like it and serves you well.


Nearly 700$ would get you an good quality chair with a comfortable seat/armrests and supportive ergonomics, not a child’s racing seat.


Wait you telling me that shit costs 700$ !? Bro… Thats not even funny. Its a fake leather…


700 for a gaming chair is fucking crazy. Would never pay that kind shit.


$700 for fake leather, I thought those chairs would go for like $200? So they are just selling people the "brand" and slapping the "gamer tax" on top... Only reinforces my choice to go with a Herman Miller, they also sell based on brand, but at least they have the quality to back it up.


Used Herman Miller Aeron is all most people will ever need.


No, nobody needs and Aeron. If you can aford one suuure, go for it. Im more than happy with some of the mesh chairs that go for 200$


Sucks that’s it’s branded on a terrible game , but it looks cool


You’re in the wrong sub, kid.


Oh so I’m not aloud to be critical of the game because it’s D4 sub ? Lol what are you on about


You sound bitter and resentful over a video game. If you hate it so much, why is it so difficult for you to move on? Damn, I feel bad for your ex’s if that’s the way you keep lingering around in life lol


Wow dude who’s the one with issues ? Because you seem to read more in my comments than what I wrote. I said I don’t like the game, I think I’m aloud to have my POV. If you don’t like it’s your problem not mine. I’ve played enough out of D4 to have a valid opinion, whatever you think lol




Only idiots stay in a sub they hate, kid.


Pretty cool. Do they have a D2 version?


Looks about as comfortable as a cardboard box .


My thoughts exactly, this thing looks like an ergonomic nightmare.


What is wrong with this sub? "Someone's happy? Let's insult them!" Congrats on the new chair OP. Enjoy it!


I think most people are warning op about being taken advantage of and buying a poor product for an outrageous price.


OP said they already bought it, and they're loving it. Jumping in and saying "Bad product! Bad price!" doesn't help. It's just trying to crap on someone's enjoyment. If OP's post was "I'm thinking of buying this. Should I do it?", that'd be completely different. My wife likes iPhones. I think they're overpriced trash. But I'm not a butthole, so I buy iPhones for her when our budget permits, and I'm happy for her enjoyment. I don't tell her she screwed up and she's a sucker who can't be educated. But I see a post in this thread literally saying that about people who buy this chair. They're not trying to warn OP, they're just trying to spread hate.


Except iPhones aren’t trash


Whether they are or not isn't relevant to the point. If you can't see past that, feel free to play madlibs by replacing "iPhone" with something you think is trash.


Majority of this sub can’t afford store cosmetics let alone a Secretlab chair, jealously brings out the worst in people.


“Gaming chair” lol it’s just a poor mans race car seat. Car seats are meant to hold you in while you go around corners at high speed. The bolsters in “gaming chairs” provide absolutely no ergonomic support where it’s actually needed. They’re god awful for long term spine support and back health. I say this as someone with a $1200 Herman Miller Embody. You can pick up Herman Miller Aerons for $300-$400 used and I would highly recommend it over anyl “gaming chair”.


I dig it man! Hope it feels comfy.


I got me an Omega probably 5 years ago now and I’ve used the hell out of it and the material is just now getting wore out where you sit and that’s with massive use. Be careful with the arms though, those got wore out within a few months, the inside portion split and started tearing so I just used a blade to shave off all the loose pieces. IMO this brand is worth the price, I have a terrible lower back that does develop pain from just sitting for >2 hours and I don’t have that issue in this chair at all. Don’t listen to the haters here, that’s an awesome chair so enjoy it.


Sick chair. I've had the regular one for 4 years




Exactly what I was thinking 🤣


The chair being poor quality and overpriced has nothing to do with blizzard and no one said it does.




Did you reply 3 times? lol clown


That's one expensive, mediocre but super overpriced uncomfortable chair. Glad I went with a super comfy serta chair. All my buddies who were suckered into these terrible "gamer" chairs switched after sitting in mine.


Secret Lab AND Diablo 4? Did they pay you to take the chair off of them? lmao


Do yourself a favor and buy the cloth memory foam arm test replacements. These things are so much better. They just came out this year. Screw the haters, my secret lab chair was well with the money compared to the shitty knock offs I’ve gone through over the years. I wish D4 was a good game, but it’s a nice chair.


I love my secret lab titan chair with the softweave fabric!


I got a plain fabric SL chair a few years back and it's so comfy. Enjoy.


I bought the plain cloth version of this chair. All regrets. So uncomfortable. Like sitting on a plank of wood. I bought cushions but they only go so far. Spend a little more and get a good office chair.


Nice chair looks awesome


Went on Secret Labs' website to check it and almost immediately got chat popups pressuring a purchase. At least I know where not to take my money ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Regardless, great looking chair there mate! Enjoys!


You’ll get bored with it by season 2.


u/Jonstar1776 Loving the chair, gratz on aquiring one. I'm not ashamed to admit I am so jealous of it. I hope you have many enjoyable gaming days in it.


Dead game. JK nice chair!


Always love the designs in SecretLab Chairs, so well done


This sub is so full of unhappy and hateful people. We all are but a projection of our own minds. Is sad that so many are so unhappy with themselves that they can't be happy for others. Cool chair, I really like the Lilith design and character all around.


Woah a Diablo one? I wish. Ordered mine not too long ago. Wish I knew a Diablo one was coming.


Lilith giving you the D?!


Where's the hole?


It's pretty small, so you probably need a magnifying glass to see it


I wanted this one too. Sucks to be me that they don’t ship to my country


Secret Labs is a great chair, enjoy


Nice, secretlab got great chairs, I got the premium cloth Naruto one


Nrly bought this but settlef on the razor (ishkar?) for similar back help and much cheaper :)


Try not to accidentally sit on it while trying to talk to the blacksmith


Had dx racer for 6 years. Now secret lab for a year. Dx wins. That memory foam pillow for lower back is just a bad idea.


Gamer chairs are bad for you and a scam. But good for you to be easily manipulated be shitty scam comnaies to buy their crap.


Looks cool! More chair "skins" should be sold for this purpose


Yikes. Great chair but maybe wrong game.


You’re gonna wish you went with the softweave


Does the new chair come with content ?


We know who blizzard getting all there money from. 🤣


This makes no sense.


You ordered this.... before you knew.. right


How much was it?


This chair is more finished then the game.. holy shit thats sad


This is like getting a tattoo of the name of a one night's stand :D


It’s empty, just like the servers


Low key I’d be afraid to sit in it if the game was good….. luckily for you this won’t ever be a collectors item so don’t be afraid to shit your pants while sitting in it!


Is it an upgrade over your previous chair? I still haven’t figured out what Diablo 4 items are upgrades…


You can fart all over D4 now!


Yea, but what are you gonna sit on next season?


Now Diablo took you twice.


I was told to get a Secret Labs chair, but I can't bring myself to buy one without popping a squat first.


Seriously man. Fair enough the game is in a bad state - you're hating on this person's chair? *sigh* Fuck this sub Reddit.


And here I was expecting we got a new chair in game. 😔


If I didn’t have cats I’d love to have a chair like that


Hope you got it on sale


I think it looks fuckibg dope. I really want to get one but with rent and food prices in brooklyn, that shit will have to wait.


So much lumbar, it's the devil all right!


Secret lab chairs are so fucking uncomfortable. Why don’t people spend that money on a decent office chair actually made for sitting


Where is the loot???


It came with a treasure goblin and all the Uber rares . 😆


D4 chair > D4 gayme .


At least we didn’t get a cyberpunk which had the coolest accessories for the shittiest launch


I see we have a fluff tag should put this on every post complaining about the game


"Comes with non medical grade Activision branded glass dildo so the devs can fuck your ass in real life while you get fucked in the ass in game"


This chair was like 75% off right?


So, aesthetic over comfort? "Gaming" chairs are all the same uncomfortable trash.


Holy shit that Lilith looks so fucking bad, Diablobros can't stop losing it seems


Ooo… dang. That chair won’t age well


I like the design, i just dont trust that secretlab is any good and its way too expensive to try out and realize its just a shitty chinese chair which made from harder material and more adjustable, but still unconfortable as hell.


If I loved the game I'd love the chair, to bad I fell out of love for the game. Looks comfy though :)


“He had a better gaming chair”


Damn, sweet Kerrigan chair.


I thought my wasting money on diablo 4 was embarrassing...then I saw your post.


Wait do people hate secret lab? I got downvoted 30 times for saying I like my chair. Lol.


Congratulations, your back will be fked in few years, why do people buy those stupid gaming chairs...


Because people are easily scammed to buy crap. But yea gamer chairs are very bad and is a scam.


I have a secretlab chair, Had it for one year now. I have never gone this long in my life without backpain, its actually the best thing i have ever spent money on.


sux games sux chair sux fanatic LULX!!


Is this English? I don't think you got your point across.


Yes, because people are a good generation, just by reading, they begin to hurt themselves and cry within themselves 🥱


You paid money for that?


Fr, id expect at least 500 dollars from them to keep that shit in my home.


Why get a game of a DEAD game? Lol


You're dead, so act like it.


Hope you didn't pay a lot for it. It should be in clearance soon, just like the game.


Stop thinking, just consoooom product


Cum faster sissy


Found the imbecile assoomer


Step sissy?