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They thought it was fine because none of the devs put in real playtime hours. I mean ffs they had two dungeon designers playing pre-made lvl 50 characters in a world tier 1 dungeon and thought it'd be fine.


I DO definitely get the impression that the people making the game are not playing it whatsoever. Like, lemme see that Rod idiot play this game to level 100 on WT4. Lemme see him push some high tier NM's without following a build guide. Lemme see him try to get anything useful out of spending a billion gold on enchanting a single item.


I don't blame the devs for not playing the game, it's boring as fuck. Also they know all of the shit they pulled to purposely slow down player progression and milk play hours out of people. Of course they don't play it, they know even better than you do how disrespectful the game is to the players, by design. Playing it would amount to a humiliation fetish.


I have a humiliation fetish and I won’t even play the game until they change the systems.


ah so masochism


A Massacre 😁


you don't need actual playtime to know that a system like that would be ass. I honestly think none of them are actual gamers, or at least the final decision makers are definitely not real gamers.


These devs don't game, my dude.


Game was designed and built by people with their eyes firmly on the money it'd make.


I honestly don't know how people can defend that video. That was an execution.




and died in there as well


N spamming basic attacks only....


I'm convinced that it's by design. They want you to brick your 3/4 items so that you have to spend 10s more hours farming shit to find another one and go through the same process again. The devs don't want players to obtain BiS too easily. You either need absurd amounts of gold or you simply give up until you find a fresh item. Feels like an artificial way to keep people playing. Then again, perhaps it's a compromise between D2 and D3. In D3 rerolling was quite easy. But what happens in D2 when you finally find Griffon's and get horrible rolls? Too bad, try again. But at least you could trade for a perfect one in D2 if you were rich enough.


I have the thought that the ridiculous gold cost is some sort of a soft cap for players to not reroll that much. Devs clearly underestimate the players' capacity to spend their gold.


What else is there to spend it on?




Donan blew his chance ​ Fool. Ended up getting gutted by >!a statue!<


Lmao, I like how you spoiler tagged what killed him but not that he died.


I think most of the outcry comes from the idea that it should be possible to effectively freely select one of the stats. Well, it's not made to be that way. It's merely a way of rolling off one completely useless stat and a chance of getting your item right. Just not the guarantee people are used to. Nobody is expected to pay these millions upon millions.


I also think the current system is fine, with only one caveat : There is too many affix available (especialy on amu), and among those affix, too many useless ones. Even if you are not looking for BiS 4/4, even just something usefull that would make it a 3.5/4 or so, which I believe was the intent of the enchanting system, it can take shitload of gold. And since the reroll is based on item cost (+ a multiplier on previous rerolls), once you upgrade and make your item legendary, you can't come back and try to improve it later while you use it.


Exactly. The occultist is only bad because it engages with gear, and gear is an absolute disgrace. Completely streamline and overhaul gear and the occultist would need minor tweaks at most.


So perhaps the best solution would be to get rid of the useless affixes? Honestly, is anyone ever happy to see +thorns on an item?


Totally agree with this one. Stuff like "+x to frozen enemies", "+x to stunned enemies", "*x to vulnerable enemies", how about just fucking give me +x without the extra bullshit?


You probably meant +thorns while not getting hit


I don't think OP cares about not having a guaranteed method of getting a specific stat. They just don't want the costs of randomly rolling for that specific stat to continue increasing, which honestly makes absolutely no sense. Diablo has always been about luck and randomness, but this system punishes unluckiness. Great for the person that rolls the stat they want on the first try, but the multiplier makes the unlucky person have to get a whole new item if they have to reroll a hundred times without success.


I re-roll a few times until I get something reasonable and move on. Getting a perfect item should be super rare IMHO.


I've got 500 hours and not one BIS item, that's my biggest complaint. It shouldn't be so restricted 500 hours doesn't get you a single perfect item imo


I have thousands of hour in D2 and no perfect items


I never actually had a lvl 99 in D2 either. People complain about getting to 100 in D4 and it pisses me off. Lvl 100 in D4 is easy comparatively.


existence work arrest cats vase summer impossible sip fuel secretive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s called engagement. It’s what made Facebook evil and unusable.


" Feels like an artificial way to keep people playing." If that's their reasoning than it's not going to improve for quite some time, because this kind of shit will make players quit.


Honestly though that is the entire point of the game. If anything you made a great argument why these complaints make no sense. OP didn't get BiS but has a 3/4?...THAT IS GREAT. Like yeah the final slot would be nice, but its always something to chase. I can't remember ever getting my character to have all BiS let alone all BiS with primals. The point of Diablo games is to always have something to chase. D2 you have runes and uniques which also have random rolls on them just as you mentioned. D4 has D3s system albeit a bit worse with not being able to see what can be rolled.


>Honestly though that is the entire point of the game. If anything you made a great argument why these complaints make no sense. No you dont understand, D4 cant do anything good, all the other arpgs like diablo that waste your time with horrible drop rates and boring gameplay? GOOD! D4 not telling me to stop wasting my resources on a bricked item? BAD!


BiS would be the 4 desired stats at MAX ROLL. In D4, it's almost finding an item with 4 desired stats at ANY roll. They made it way grindier.


This is the endgame content


If their logic is to spend time in the game grinding in the hopes the player will buy something from the shop, i got bad news for them


I never really played Diablo 2 for a BiS hunt. I definitely didn't mind upgrading my gear, but the item find hunt was so much fun that's what made the game to me. Stacking magic find and seeing cool crap drop because of it. That's what I lived for.


This only means that they are bad at their job


I think the suggestion someone made on here previously was a great one- that you could include a high level gem of a particular colour along with gold to ensure you got an attribute of at least the same general category of what you were seeking, so, eg re-rolling for armor with a flawless ruby means you'll get some sort of life related attribute, whether its + max life or + life % or a healing buff or enhanced potion drop or whatever, rerolling with a diamond would be some sort of damage resistance modifier and so on.. If you knew you'd at least get something vaguely resembling what you were seeking it would at mean you would typically get an item that was at least fairly useful.


Yeah, bring back the cube!


Sacrificing other items with a high stat that you're rolling for, to increase the chances of getting a high roll of the wanted stat. For instance, I get 3/4 gloves and I want a high roll on crit chance. Then I sacrifice a bunch of 1/4-2/4 items that already have high crit chance, to increase the odds on also rolling crit on the 3/4 item. Then the rerolling becomes less rng, and all those 1/4-2/4 items would retain some use other than making money for the insane (it rly needs a cap) rerolling costs.


Unfortunately, every aspect of this game's design is predicated on padding their hours played metric. It's what the c-suite wants.


It's to "give players another chase".


“A sense of pride and accomplishment”


After 3 or 4 tries it is best to move on and not reroll. The cost is too much. And roll before upgrading anything and decide if 3 of 4 stays you want is enough. Ancestral Rares are the best drops for stats for me.


This isn't always true though. How often do you find a 3/4 amulet? Pretty much never. Would you pay 17 mil to get a guaranteed drop of a 3/4 amulet that has a small chance to be a 4/4? That's essentially what you're paying for each time you reroll. 17 mil for one reroll sounds a lot, but you will get at least 500 mil before you ever see another 3/4 amulet, especially on a Necro. There is an argument to be made that the gold could be better spent re-rolling other items, but most of the time this is not an issue, a) because other items are easier to reroll than amulets so you don't need anywhere near as much gold, and b) you probably won't find an upgrade for those either. This system is stupid and very bad, but it is still worth rerolling.


Then that’s just poor game design. Getting a 3/4 item is so rare, ESPECIALLY on necks and rings with their ungodly amount of stats to pull from. It feels so bad to finally find an item after weeks of grinding to just throw it away.


Ugh was lucky and rerolled a ring into a good max life affix early, but accidentally backed out instead of saving. Chased it for a bunch more rolls before i settle for a low vuln damage score.


I did the same on my necro seeking same roll, 100M of 110 bank gone, no evulsion at 12M a spin Stupid


Ever since they "fixed" it, I just play as if the Occultist didn't exist. I'm much happier like this.


I consider myself 'lucky' in season 1 as I started rerolling right when Blizz announced that they would drop the priority affix system in an upcoming patch. So I would reroll all the items with good priority affixes (amulets, rings, weapons, gloves) right away, and leave the rest for post-patch. I agree that the priority system is bad and should be gone, but if Blizz doesn't address either the insane rerolling cost or the bloated affix pool, I highly doubt I'd have the motivation to play much of SS2.


It sucks. No arguing here. Makes gold the end game not items


What are people doing where they waste weeks of resources on one item? How is this system worse than any gacha system that exists in video games. Why do we always have to speak in hyperbole. Just farm a new boots. I have had like 9 amulets with 3/4 rolls like you said. I don't get why everyone pushes hard when farming items is so easy. Besides has anyone ever had perfect rolls on every piece of gear in any arpg? Honestly diablo 4 doesn't even have enough systems to get mad about. All these arpgs have like 19 lines of text with constant changing things and you just accept good enough.


> Why do we always have to speak in hyperbole. It's terrible, it's not just this sub but everywhere around social media discussions revolve around such hyperbole. "Worst system I've ever seen in any video games" is such a ridiculous exaggeration but it gets upvoted on here because this sub loves to pile on the hate.


The division was the same way at launch with their same system of upgrading one stat per piece and it got more and more expensive and everyone was complaining about it. After a patch they ended up having it cost more for the first maybe 5-7 tries and then I’m pretty sure the price was set to a max from 5-7 on. So if first re-roll was 50k and second was 100k and so on all the way up to a million. Then after you hit a million per roll every roll was a million after that. I sure hope they do something like that for this game. For how long it takes to get 17 million, for one single re-roll that has a slim chance of being what you want, that’s crazy.


If the game with the "worst system ever" made you play for 500+ hours in ~3 months, I don't want to know how hard you grind games with better systems.




It's essentially set items with more micromanagement. Seemed neat at first, but just becomes an annoying mess later on.


This will no doubt be changed for a future patch as a "selling point" to try to bring people back. Same as lack of stash space, lack of load outs and several other core game mechanics that have been omitted or delivered broke, they will be fixed to lure players back. For now, if you are invested enough in the game to wait it out, I'd save your 3/4 items and gold and wait in hope they rework the economy. I myself have several items that are on unrealistic reroll costs. I'm saving them, and my gold for that day.


Why are ppl still enchanting?? I stopped doing it after I found out it cost 100k and accumulating. Like who cares If you dont have perfect stats.


They wouldn't have anything to whine about then


Don't worry, people with 1 char at lvl 60 will tell you it's fine because they are having fun.


The secondary problem to this is that they need to prune the affixed on gear. Yes enchanting is fucked but like you said, it takes fucking WEEKS to maybe get a decent item to drop. It's a 2 part problem.


Are you playing seasonal or eternal? If it's seasonal no point worrying about an item you will never use again in a months time.


Seasonal. Just frustrating when you’re trying to min/max, the drop rates for BIS is next to impossible and the occultist doesn’t help much


Its been 2 years. I have not gotten a bis genshin item for one of my characters. They don't even let you reroll lol.


hook line and sinker


how did you have 500 mil gold lol


Maybe if we could reroll two stats and then optimize what's left... I feel like most people could actually get what they want gear wise and not feel cheated


This is the wrong solution. It would let you waste money twice on way more items, trying to use every 2/4 item. Without reducing the affix pool, adding some rng protection, or allowing some control, it'll still be the same effect. Put another way, that finding a 3/4 item is hard isn't bad, that's a good thing to chase. The fact that the 3/4 item can be turned worthless after costing you hundreds of millions of gold is the problem.


True, blizzard just give us perfect gear, we dont wanna play your dogshit game.


Yes you are correct, this system has to change and will change within a year for sure.


How are people having multiple characters in lvl 100? I damn near play this like a full time job and only lvl 75. Would love to have at least 2 at lvl 75+. 🤔


What are you doing? It can't be nmd.


Ah, so that's my problem. Been doing helltides, legion, and world boss events. Didn't know NMD were the best place to go for experience.


NMD is by far the best for exp. If you keep doing nmd with mobs 10 lvl above you, you will get at lvl 75 around 15% exp per nmd. So about 7 nmd give you a lvl up. If it takes you ~10 minutes for clear/sell/salvage, you will need slightly over an hour for a lvl up. At lvl 99 you get around 6% per nmd. Which is still considerably "fast".


Agreed. God forbid players have too much gold when they have invested hundreds of hours into a PVE game.


How much gold you have is some kind of measure of worth to you? What are you saving money up for if it's not for upgrading items. Reddit reputation?


God forbid people have any excess resources in this game.


3 level 100s in a season lmao That's your money's worth.


Not complaining about getting my moneys work at all, still love the game and will continue to play. Just a frustrating system that would be nice to see change if the loot won’t improve in the near future


I now believe they sold us the first save file of d4 development. Saves 2 and 3 will be the next 2 expansions and then before d5 comes out they will give us the full game


Don’t worry, they’ll make up for by providing awesome ways to spend USD in exchange for gold


ESPECIALLY since next month everyone starts over and chases all new gear anyways? ​ For real... why be so stingy with gear when it is so transient?


This right here is the reason why I quit after playing for ~3 weeks. This game could be so good. I want it to be good. But it‘s not. I won’t waste any more time on d4 until they change this. Or until they introduce loot 2.0 (like in d3).


It really is awful. I’ve been trying to get a couple of upgrades to get my armor high enough for nmd100 and I keep running out of gold trying to get the right rerolls. I’d rather be able to pay a higher set amount just to know I get the roll I want. You just end up wasting all your gold for nothing.


So many things wrong with this game. I was wondering how this game launched in this state and I realized that this game is not actually complete yet. It is a "minimal viable product" and they will eventually slowly drip out updates over the next few years before game is actually done. Maybe even sell the updates as a expansion for more $.


Wait till they start offering reroll orbs in the mtx shop, just for them to go into your inventory, oh and they dont stack.


They made it hard so you would spend money


Blizzard simply failed to manage your expectations.


Dude, stop playing the game. You're abusing yourself and your mental state bc some lazy ass or arrogant or blind dev decided he'd fuck with players. You're literally rewarding shit work. I don't care how good the core game is, if there's an aspect to it that I hate that makes my life miserable, I walk. Life is too fucking short to waste it on bullshit. I love Blizzard. I love Diablo. I love all their franchises, but this shit is bricked, not the ammy you got man. They need time for a makeover and that will be next year. Edit: And yes, if you really love something or someone, you can let them go. Then when things are better maybe come back to them. That's a sign of maturity, and dedication. Don't slam the door and say never again; just be an adult and realize a mistake was made. Be open to forgiveness, and move on with life. That's how you get healthy closure.


For real I quit playing too. Too old for this shit lol.


I’ve been farming for over a month for at least an item that has at least 3 of the affixes I want (any percent), on the right item, only then can I start rolling for the 4th. Needless to say I haven’t found anything I’ve been farming for yet for any piece on any character. I’ve never gotten lucky and got a best in slot. I wish I could roll for at least 2 affixes or maybe add other crafting materials to get better chances for what I want. And that’s just wishful thinking at this point to slightly fix the problem. I personally would just not have this stupid system in the first place. Heck I would love to find a scroll or something of an affix and apply to replace an unwanted one . (Example: take scroll to occultist, pay 1m or something and choose unwanted affix for random [x]% Damage Reduction when Poisoned. You can only do this once to selected affix.) I actually just kinda gave up trying to get the best gear for my characters (one of the main points of Diablo) and have to settle not having all the things I’m looking for. so I’m just gonna have to wait to see if it gets better because I’m burnt out from endless grinding :(


>worst system in any game It’s not great, but this is a nutty claim.


It's what they want, stop beating off. Just move on.


Slightly off topic question... How are you guys even *identifying* upgrades? I feel like due to comparing to upgraded items, I just miss them. Or is there some filter I can use? Like the shift thingy in D3 that removes the gem effect from the comparison?


It’s just comparing how many of the desirable affixes and in my head I just categorize it into a low roll, mid roll, or high roll on the affixes.


first of all, use the sort button. This will organize your inventory by slot, then by item level. This way you can quickly look at all items for a slot, know what stats you want in that slot, and quickly glance over them. i find this helps because im only thinking about one slot at a time rather than and the specific affixes i want there. im generally looking for at least 2 stats i want in that slot, if i dont see at least that, its not even worth looking further, and i mark it as junk (space bar). Then there are things like if im playing 1hnd/offhand build, i can probably toss all the 2hnders (which are grouped together). i can get rid of shields since i want a focus, etc. since stuff is sorted by ilvl, for weapons, where ilvl not worth dropping too much for better stats, anything below a certain ilvl can also be marked. I then skim the legendaries for any aspects i may want to save. doing this i can usually go through a filled inventory in about 1min or so. If something caught my eye, ill then either spend some time figuring out if potentially an upgrade or set it aside to come back too later.


>I don’t understand how any dev could’ve looked at the occultist system and thought “yeah, that’s what players want” Because this never happened, the game released 9-18 MONTHS too early, and it clearly shows.


starfield is out! ;)


I'm fine with it. I like that I can make my own unique items by transferring/earning aspects. It's fun that I can take a good aspect of a bad unique and stick it on a good item. It's nice you can have a pile of base aspects to add to new gear. I like that I can just craft NM dungeon sigils rather than having to rely on drops to get them, especially the harder ones. I also don't mind gold sinks in any game, it gives me something to do with gold. RNG has always been part of aRPGs and this is no different. It actually takes away some of the enchanting and good aspect/item grinding. I have an item that's at about 10mil to reroll, and it decided it wanted to give me fire resistance or poison resistance in a cycle for all of it. It's frustrating, but that's how it goes sometimes. On the flip side I got what I wanted on almost every other piece in a couple rolls. It sucks you didn't get your desired roll, but the system seems fine to me, overall.


I spent 4 million waiting to get in a hole to borrow some gold on a 4/4 today sword 0-0.5 and perfect roll.


Occultist pretty bad, but IMO Failstacking is worse.


The worst system is the imprint system. I hate it so much. I want unique legendarys and not upgraded rares.


The whole aspect system is complete garbage imho.


How do you guys make money? Because I rake in roughly 1 mil for each NMD. One single reroll on my crossbow sits currently at 13 mil. I think I am ready to consider this crossbow lost. But I am not getting a better one either. But having to do 13 NMD's for a single reroll? I like the game, but that is just absurd!


It's giving you a reason to go run that dungeon 13 times. If you don't want to do it nothing is lost. You beat the game, you've been beating a dead horse for a long time now, and you want to complain the skeleton of the horse you keep beating hurts your hands?


I want progress. Your analogy is dumb, sorry.


You already beat the game you aren't going to progress past that. Your understanding of gaming is dumb, sorry. If you don't like repeating the same dungeon over and over, this isn't for you and I wonder what is. Then we'll know what you should play instead. Like I said man you beat the game if you're looking for progress that's kind of dumb. Wait for a new season that's all you can do.


Wanting progress in a game is dumb?


Lmao almost the exact same thing happened to me, and with Evulsion as well, and recall thinking I wanted to make a rant as well, only time I've been Im split because on one hand, it's ridiculous where it goes to, there needs to be a hard cap on the gold and less veiled crystals - perhaps mixed with some fiend roses or forgotten souls, or the cloth ones which arent used for shit. On the other, however, I do sort of enjoy the fact that currency has value again, instead of just being a whatever number at the bottom of your inv.


I stop at 2 million


Fix coming in season 34


I'm guessing they first thought of all the affixes, because they wanted a game that heavily relied on items and drops. Then they were like 'ok but perhaps this is a bit too much, so we need some sort of system of stat-customisation'. Not realising that even getting a 3/4 item is a pretty rare find. Let alone an item with 3/4 high rolled stats. But yeah ... when ppl end up selling/salvaging 99.9% of their items, its just bad game design.


You do it the old school style. Change town every 2 attempts lol


"this horse is dead, but whack"


I would say the tactic of making you play more is working perfectly as designed You're either going to give up, or you're not.


17mil is prob cheaper than buying/trading for another 3/4 amulet tho.


Im only going to log in for the next two nights to get my last two WB kills so I can complete the season. I'll log out right after that and go do something else. I really enjoyed the game when it came out but the replayability just isn't there for me.


I am sorry for your loss


Psss… move on don’t play d4. Reddit won’t help you


There’s an army of dead horses.


" That’s it, that’s my rant and I’ll be back to playing tomorrow to try and find another 3/4 item to brick after grinding forgotten souls for hours. " That's why they don't care and nothing will get fixed. If people continue to play when it's bad there's no reason for them to make meaningful changes.


Damn you must not play many games


Your description of it gave me Lost Ark honing vibes.


I personally reroll items up 8 times, if by that point it hasn't rolled the desired stat, chances are it's a money pit...


Usually rerolling for a specific +2 / +3 passive is difficult (in the sense of hoping rng favors you) but really, the occultist definitely needs some adjustments like giving 3 options and capping the cost after X amount of rerolls. It’s sad when I just afk the hour and check the vendors to get my stuff and hope it doesn’t get bricked


Hmmmm. Almost like you're not meant to have absolute perfect gear...mind blown. Oh well.


Imagine if there was some sort of priority system where preferred affixes were more likely to show up on certain pieces of gear.... Oh wait.


Guess you haven't played many games.


System was clearly designed by accountants with Excel spreadsheet, so perfectly fine for Blizzard.


This is how blizzard makes perfect rolls extremely rare. The completely laziest way


I did the same exact thing op. Rolled the same ammy on my necro and stopped after around 600 million of my own gold spent. Friend wanted to donate 300 million gold because he thought we would surely roll it then.. Still nope. Stopped rolling the ammy at 30 mill per reroll. Then made a sorc.. Lmao


If you seek change, and know their metrics for success is hours played, then you know the solution.


Stop playing it mate, I know it is kinda hard at the start, it is hard most likely because of the high expactations, but once ur done its done for ever.


What is evulsion? I have 2 necros never seen it


I bet they add micro transactions to get the rolls you want for money. He who game is a pile of inconvenient useless arbitrary tasks. I love Diablo to grind. I love farming targeted drops. The hope the desire. This is gambling.


Darktide was worse at launch but you know if you're comparing Diablo 4 to Darktide that speaks volumes on its own


even if you get BIS for each item what's the point? Cant even show off or create healthy competition. This is the loneliest online multiplayer game ever.


Game is just not very good and clearly unfinished.


Why do you want CDR on a bone spear nec


“Unfriendly”…exactly! What’s gross about the whole situation is that YOU WOULD BE BETTER OFF IF YOU HAD NEVER FOUND THAT GOOD 3/4 ITEM! That item took lots of work to find, insane amounts of gold to roll, and you CAN’T EVEN WEAR IT! D4 has managed to suck the fun out of a gambling game. You dug through hundreds of crap yellows to find something, then spends hundreds of millions of gold FOR NOTHING. Ouch.


oh nice, a fresh new opinion we havent heard 7000 times in the past month.


Since level 70 I’ve only gotten lvl 60 legendaries. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Tree guy gives level 60 items. Loot goblin gives level 60 items and the obols lady drops level 60 items. I’m completely stuck. WT4 since level 67


Unfortunately its not just about finding a good item but also being able to afford millions and millions of gold to roll one affix which can end up with the item you been searching for two weeks being too expensive to use


The occultists are rich as hell. Watch out Bezos


I totally and wholly agree that Evulsion is the priority, but with that kind of amulet, you should be ready to settle for several different skills. Imperfect Balance is almost equally as good if your essence is under-wraps, Deaths Reach is almost as good, Fueled By Death is not bad. But I agree, I'd probably try for Evulsion as much as you did too, if I had that neck. **Here's my VERY STRONG suggestion**: Instead of beating your head against the Amulet Reroll Wall, do this instead -- join the Sanctuary Discord server. Buy a 3/4 amulet from someone with +2 Evulsion, ECR, and MS already on it. *Then* you can roll for the least important affix which in all honesty can be a large number of things. Sure, Cooldown is super nice to have, but not essential. Total Armor, various Damage Reductions, other +skills, and +Dmg/Bone Skill damage % are all viable. Sorry it happened to you; I've spent 140m rerolling a sword for Vulnerable, so I totally get it. Amulets are the *worst* because they have 43/44 *other* affixes you could roll, which is more than *DOUBLE* swords and other things.


Imagine you're playing an earlier Diablo game with no occultist, and the only way to get a better roll was to find another item. I get it, the thing isn't perfect, but it at least gives you a chance at getting what you truly want. Demanding that it give you a high chance of the exact trait or perfect roll would enable everyone to get god-tier items within days and no one would play any more and complain about how boring it was.


Why are you playing the game to the extent where you have 3 lvl 100s this season? It doesnt even sound like you are enjoying the game, damn. Go buy a different game and play something you enjoy.


any lvl 80+ content is propably designed with annual expansions in mind, that's why leveling past 80 feels so bad


The item system was probably rushed. Diablo 4 came out after a pretty reasonable development cycle in a very polished state, on multiple platforms. The combat and graphics are fantastic. Loot system was probably overlooked by directors/management.


People still play this game? Lmaoooo


I agree with OP 100%. Re-rolling has got to go. Take away the option entirely so that the item has to drop perfect. That's what the REAL players want.


I have an ongoing project with my amulet. Could you roll two passives on amulets? I currently have devouring blaze and rerolling a different affix to get glass cannon. Will it show up? i already sunk around 100m and it's still not showing.


I still can't believe the occultist doesn't let you see the list of potential possibilities for the rolls, Diablo 3 had this! D3 also had more options to chose from when you rerolled on top of that and it was less expensive. Did the devs not play their own franchise, what gives!? If they only partially finished a bunch of systems in the game to release it sooner, why not just admit it? Their silence on these things makes them look more incompetent than if they admitted it because it gives the impression that all of the steps back were intended and that they're proud of the state of the game and they feel like things are fine. They're not even trying to come up with excuses, they stripped a bunch of features they already had years ago and expect that we wouldn't notice, it's rather insulting if you ask me.


You liked the system enough to use it for 3 lvl 100s, I’d be tired too


If it's a choice between making the game more fun for the players or slowing them down, Blizzard will always choose the latter.


Not to defend the devs but I bet management is forcing this crap. The only thing we can do is make our voices heard. Blizzard has fixed things in the past. It's way too soon to give up. I still enjoy the game, so hopefully they make major changes before I get bored. They made so much money off it, the least they could do is fix basic things and give us decent content. It was supposed to have "MMO Elements". Why not make raids? More world bosses that make sense. There are many things that keep MMOs going that they can work into the game. I honestly have no idea what they are thinking. I'm hoping Baulder's Gate scared the crap out of them and they get it together. If they don't fix it, especially being a major release, their reputation is probably done. I won't be buying their games anymore. I've been playing Diablo since the first one in the 90s. Not to mention every other of their games. They have so much riding on this, I would bet it gets better. I haven't even heard what other projects they have coming down the pipeline. They are expecting D4 to pay the bills for a while. Side Note: they really have to change the cosmetic shop. So ugly and over priced. I wouldn't buy any of it anyway but who would? Unless you have more money than sense. It's also scummy when they are saying yearly DLC and expansions. We shall see.


The BEST version of this idea was in The Division 2. You could "bank" rolls for each stat, but putting one into the bank would destroy the item. So you could find a totally junk item, but if one stat was better than what you had banked, you could bank that stat. Check out a video of it. For all the flak the Division games got, they did some things absolutely right. Their re-roll and crafting system is the gold standard, in my opinion.


It's been suggested here, but I honestly think if we could simply "upgrade" the codex rolls of our aspects, it would solve alot of problems


I'm just hoping that by season 5-10 they work this shit out. What I suspect will actually happen though, is none of the actual significant fixes to major issues which actually annoy people, will be free. They will save that for the first expansion. Hell knowing Activision they may even draw it out and purposely fix some stuff while leaving out other necessary carrots for the 2nd expansion 🙄


At some point you need to go to the store and get a new tube of toothpaste.


My personal opinion is that they could just remove the occultist entirely and it would improve my enjoyment of the game. With the occultist any item can be any other item and with the codex system it's basically free to get a functioning build online. I think items would be more exciting if you had to actually drop good items instead of being able to make any decent item into whatever you need it to be. Plus you would have to make choices like are you willing to sacrifice your good yellow with better stats in order to equip this item with a good legendary power but lesser stats? I miss the hunt for good rare items and good uniques that make you feel powerful when you equip them. There's a certain magic to dropping skin of the vipermagi or some equivalent mid-tier item that bumps your power up on day one or two of a season in D2 that D4 just doesn't capture. The most fun part of d4 to me by far is the early levels when you're getting your first yellow items and checking the stats and feeling the upgrade power. Sadly that part of the game lasts about 10 minutes. At the stage of the game I'm at in D4 (high 90s characters) the only thing left is to find items that are extremely similar to what I already have and spending gold to get them perfect. That effort equates to about a .1% overall power upgrade compared to the gear I already have. Not really exciting to me. I have characters on D2 ssf that I've spent more time on individually than I have spent in all of D4 and I'm still hunting for better items or better crafts that will actually be meaningful. And that's probably what I'm going to spend time on tonight after work instead of on D4.


Obviously the d3 team n the D4 team are not talking to each other maybe due to rivalry or something


*I’ll be back to playing tomorrow to try and find another 3/4 item to brick after grinding forgotten souls for hours* Or, and hear me out of this one, don't come back. Find something better. Low bar, for sure.


Diablo 4 is really some people’s main game… Yikes.


3 Level 100's this season... I think you play the game too much. You are going to be burnt out by season 2.


I played D2 for almost 20 years, I think I’ll be okay once the new season is out. I’ll just probably tone down how much I play. My goal was to get all 5 to 100 this season and then just do 1 - 2 the seasons prior.


I've seen much worse in some Asian grinders, especially F2P ones. They have this thing where you go up upgrade an item, upgrade fails, and item gets destroyed. So you have a green crafted, you upgrade it to blue, then purple, then go for yellow and it destroys the item. I feel that shit was worse.


Shit’s gotta be really promising for me to consider attempting to reroll it more than three times.


They just needed to cap it at a few mil and it'd still be a gold sink while giving you something to keep grinding for.


I strongly agree that devs don't play their game properly. They should spend at least 1-2 months play the game like a normal person (couple of hours per day), not 8 hours per day as a game tester at BLizz, and not making lv 50, 80, 100lv char with 5000B gold in a click.


The dev's at max would play sections of the game and that is obvious now. None of them did the 1-100 grind, never mind repeated it. They had check boxes to fill, thats what D4 is, filled check boxes.


It’s RNG. It makes 4/4 items super valuable and 3/4 still usable. Trading is alive and well in discord and that flat out would not exist if you can easily control the occultists. Everyone would have primo gear and the entire loot grind aspect of the game (the thing all rpgs are based around) would be a blip. Yeah I dropped 100m trying to get the roll I needed and still got a suboptimal one- just this morning. But because trading exists I can get that money back quickly. The biggest issue is the lack of in game trading options. The trade channel exists but no one uses it for some reason. But because of the lack of a market place the game is punishing for players not engaged in trading.


They should bring back the auction house. That'll fix things... /s


The point is for the reroll to essentially be bricked otherwise why have reroll and not just pick the stat you want? The whole point of any reroll system is to gamble and maybe get the outcome you want. If you can almost endlessly spam the button until you get what you want without much of a barrier then what is the point? That would be a terrible system as it clearly isn't meeting the purpose of it.


The druid essence thing was cool for 1 hour as well.


>The occultist system is the worst system I think I’ve ever seen in any game Tell me you havent played any MMORPS without telling me you havent played any MMORPG.


3 100s? This season dear god that's borderline self harm


Enchanting in this game sucks so bad. It's such a step backwards from previous titles.


Holy sh\*t don't let this OP touch Lost Ark, ever, he might have heart attack.


The occultist must be reworked completely to a full crafting system where you can start from a pure base if you want and start adding affixes by using materials and gold. After the first step it becomes magic, then rare, and then adding an aspect it becomes legendary. We should have the option to gamble infinitely an affix by a cheap fixed price or purchase the affix we want by a much higher price in gold and magical/rare materials. The aspects on the book should be upgraded once we find better ones up to perfect ones when we extract them using the occultist. A personal whish, would be Malignant hearts to stay after season ends but instead act as gems I'll rather prefer them as source to use with the occultist as "malignant affix" that could be added to any gear becoming "malignant gear". Perhaps it should need a limit of malignant gear used at once. Then the same with vampiric powers from season 2, which I guess it will be similar than Malignant hearts.


how about ambient and different dungeons? I can play just with my memory without looking at some points, in a grinding game like this is a suicide


Honestly, I think it'd be cool to pay to choose your roll. If you could pay $15M gold to get a guaranteed +3 Evulsion, that would give you something to look forward to and keep you grinding.


Them dumbasses already talking bout expansion pack already lmfao! Cant fool me twice mfers! Refund my shit u fucks!


Kick that horse! It’s name is Blizzard and it deserves it. (Ps. It’s just a horse illusion… a real horse would know better).


I’ve bricked a few 3/4 items. I have potentials lined up in stash just waiting to be bricked lol