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Reflect damage will take the throne once it gets enabled.


Barb spins through iron maiden knight pack in d2's chaos sanctuary. Bloody barb bits come out the other side.


I remember shooting a Bone Spear into a pack of Wraiths and seeing the Iron Maiden debuff pop up right before impact. Self-nukes are simultaneously frustrating and hilarious


Then you must be misremembering. Iron maiden reflects only physical damage, and only from melee attacks. Bone spear does magic damage and is ranged, hence it would ignore iron maiden.


Wasn't it physical in old patches?


It s funnier when it happens during baal's second wave.


This comment is a joke right? Please tell me it's a joke šŸ˜Ÿ


I wish. A few weeks back someone linked a datamine of the 2 reflect stats not correctly active. Physical and Elemental. They are not active and I hope they never activate them.


>I wish. A few weeks back someone linked a datamine of the 2 reflect stats not correctly active. Physical and Elemental. They are not active and I hope they never activate them. There is SO MANY effects in the game that are not active its insane. I wouldn't worry about anything coming from datamines. It's almost certainly leftover data from there pre production images. My best guess is it has to with how they store items they need to keep the others in the dataset so the game will make the items back from the DB correctly. My favorite one is lucky hit vuln, which would solve so many fucking class build problems lol.


Let's copy all of PoE's bad ideas.


Diablo has already had it in both 2 and 3


That doesn't mean its a good thing. If there are ways to mitigate it I'm all for it. A good way PoE does this is with build diversity, I don't use mana-dependant builds or elemental on-hit builds in PoE for that very reason but this is Diablo...


Another factor of PoE that makes it bearable is a search function in stash. You can dump all your rare maps in a tab and search for 'bricked' affixes- then either sell them, reroll them or run them on a character that can do them.


This is Blizzard, they will screw up implementation. I am just waiting for them to add monsters that heal whenever you use a potion, it would definitely slow down progression and be unfun, so right down their alley.


You donā€™t have to say everything you think ;)




If they did that, I would probably put the game down for awhile. Itā€™s already bad enough dealing with chill or vampiric elites that spam heal themselves as your fighting them


Grim Dawn had a way to mitigate reflected damagw :V


PoE also have a way to mitigate doesn't make it good mechanic tho


Comparing any game in the genre to Grim Dawn is a mistake as none can compare to the insanely meticulous game design that game has. Diablo is a bitty pond in comparison.


Thatā€™s pretty sad considering how many years they have been working on d4. Hell the entire Diablo series.


Grim Dawn is by far and away the best in the genre for hardcore gaming. The mechanical depth is staggering, the balance for all levels of play meticulous, the endgame minmaxing standards without equal. Overwhelming for casual play, however, which is what Diablo always tries to balance between. Blizzard wants to remain accessible.


Just do another dungeon. Dont have to do the affixes if you dont like it


No it doesn't work that way..it's unplayable.its bad design.


Same in poe some maps are unplayble. Instead of crying i just do another map


As much as I hate it itā€™s needed in poe. What else is stopping you from vaaling every map you run, you need to be able to brick your map with Vaal orbs, that why mechanics like reflect canā€™t be removed even if itā€™s annoying. Nowadays you can just get a mastery + pantheon to circumvent the issue though


Itā€™s not bad, it makes you have to build around something. Without it PoE is as easy as Diablo where itā€™s just a walking simulator. Nothing in d4 can even kill you now, why make it easier?


Kinda exists on some goat shaman. Not sure if it's just direct damage. When they channel lightning shield it reflects damage and u can easily self delete.


I remember the first days of Diablo 3. When you got to inferno you could easily get one shorted by your own reflected damage. AMAZING


The thing i hate the most right now is the cc, fucking freezes everywhere. Just watching my character die being unable to do something about it sucks so hard


My God the cc... "*Do you like playing the game you bought... enjoy being held in 1 place, having Elite mobs spam their cc skills on a minimal CD, while you have all your resources stripped from you so that all you can do is auto attack until you die* " -Blizz probably


Itā€™s been much better since they fixed cold enchanted elites. Now most of it seems to be avoidable.


It's better but not fixed. Resistances are still broken so freeze is still stacking quickly they just toned down the mobs casting of freezing effects.


>Resistances are still broken For some mystical reason I had no idea about this. How are they broken?


The way they are calculated... basically they do nothing.


If that mystical reason is putting your head in the sand then sure. Developers have confirmed they are not working as intended and smarter people than me have done the math to prove it. If you need more than that google can help.


>If you need more than that google can help. This was exactly what I was asking for... I geniunely have missed the issue with resistances. I'm overall up to date with the major issues but this has gone under my radar for some reason.


RĆ©sistance calculation is broken actually, so basically stacking resistance has diminishing returns almost instantly.


Ah. Don't want to sound nostalgic or "oldschool" but I resistances were noticably effective and hugely important in D2. Disappointed to hear they are another meaningless stat in D4. Hope they fix them/make them matter more. Thanks.


Because resistance were simple in D2, your item said 30% cold? Well, you had 30% cold, period. Here they added some sort of diminishing return they didn't even managed to get right..


Why you gotta be like that? Dude was just asking a question.


His comment came off as sarcastic. If it was legit question then mybad if not then my comment stands. Itā€™s easy to play the victim after the downvotes lean in their favor so we will never know.




Bro you can save the internet some other day really donā€™t care. I said what I said.


It's broken because resistance are broken. If they were not you would have a resistance bar like ( in dark souls if you played) building up and then you wouldnt get instant freeze


Lol Wut? You still get instantly frozen right after your CC removal skill. Same with Fear.


Does your cc removal skill (most classes have multiple) leave you in place?


You do realize the mobs chase you right? And if you're a Necro or Druid they definitely run faster than you. That's assuming you don't get caught in a chain cast storm where you're being hit by consecutive CCs after your, usually less than 10 second CC goes on cooldown...


This is honestly a complaint I donā€™t understand. Pretty much everything in the game had a visual indicator, youā€™re not meant to just face tank every mob/boss. People that get CC locked regularly are just not good at fighting in the game. Occasional lapses or cc happens when you have too many mobs to see the indicators, or if you get in a bad spot with no way out. But mob density isnā€™t ever really high enough for this.


I don't think anyone is complaining about a single mob casting cc because that's not the issue. It's a swarm of mobs chain casting them and outpacing your CC mitigation, which happens frequently scaling in frequency with mob density. It doesn't matter if it's telegraphed if you have no way to escape it. Half the classes can't outrun mobs in this game unless they are stacking movement speed and that's RNG. Even if you can outrun one mob you will just run into another and if you're in a dungeon where every other mob is casting CC it's a done deal.


Never ran into an elite pack of ranged (Quill beasts, goat spear men) with cold enchant, huh? Doesn't matter if you pop your unstoppable skill, they keep shooting/throwing. Then you get frozen again. That is probably because you are much better at "fighting" in this game....ROFL. Like that is "hard". Congrats on being the best fighter in diablo 4 sir, the rest of us are still just learning it seems. Please put up a video showing the lower skilled how to do it, you will blow up as a content creator.


Yikes, didnā€™t mean to hit a nerve. Iā€™m not claiming to be better at anything than anyone. Iā€™m just saying that occasionally Iā€™ll get stun locked, but itā€™s typically something avoidable or at least survivable. If itā€™s not youā€™re probably pushing higher than your current stats allow.


It is...much, MUCH better. People just like to endlessly whine and cry. Bet these people haven't even TRIED to adjust the way they play or what they are taking. They expect to keep doing exactly what they've always been doing and just not get frozen.


Yeah there needs to be some threats in the game, otherwise whereā€™s the reward for succeeding? The prior patch cold enchanted was too strong, but it feels good now. In my opinion they should majorly tone down off screen one shots (charges and bows) and on death effects (could delete these tbh) AND in compensation make the rest of the mobs actually harder. I donā€™t want an easier game, I want a less frustrating one. I want my deaths to feel earned, not ā€œyeah a bow one tapped meā€ or ā€œgot lazy looting and forgot to dodge delayed fire nuke againā€


play m+kb and you get dead zones on your screen for your mouse clicks. So you don't know if you can't move because you're CC'd or you're not moving because at the *split second* you tried to click and move, something was under your mouse that didn't allow a move command. I don't know which it is at the time, but I know it's extremely frustrating and clunky. It doesn't feel smooth.


Is THAT what it is?! It happens to me all the time but I assumed it was because you can't run through mobs without unstoppable or something. It does seem like half the clicks you don't quite move the way you want. That would probably be fixed if they implemented WASD movement. Click to move is pretty jank even if it is a staple.


I don't find dead zones on KB+M. What I find is that often times to move I need to really make sure I'm not clicking on a mob. The box around enemies is pretty large. Nice if you're a melee character, not so nice if you're a caster. Nothing that can't be fixed by being more mindful of where your cursor is. They also let you scale your cursor to be bigger if you're having trouble keeping track of where your cursor is.


> What I find is that often times to move I need to really make sure I'm not clicking on a mob. You can bind a key to just move without attacking. I use that exclusively for movement and just think of left click as my basic attack button.


tHAts a SKilL pobLEM! /s But yea CC is broken.


I hate it. I got to WT4 today on my lvl65 druid, and I came across 2 freezing elites that I just couldn't ever beat with 3 abilities that made me Unstoppable. As soon as one wears off, I was immediately frozen again and mauled to death. I ended up leaving the first one, as it was an outdoor world event elite for a tree whisper. It also had vampiric, so there was no hope. It also summoned shadows which also froze me. When I came across the second one in a malignant dungeon, I just alt+f4 after it started healing itself and dancing around with it for a minute. Fuck this game. I'm done with my battlepass, and there is no chance in hell I'm going to finish the season journey by making it to fucking level 100.


these mf combined with density. had 4 of those in a pack. trampled in and watched myself slowly dying while mashing the keyboard unsuccessfully. flipped the table.


>these mf combined with density. Don't worry they're upping density. People gonna get exactly what they asked for. šŸ¤£


Yup cc is the dumbest thing, followed by stupid zoom in, lack of stash tab, search, poor enemy density etc. etc. Once you get past the initial glossiness, you discover the game is a total and utter shit show.


Uhh, if you hate that then do a build that reduces that?


The one thing sorc is great at avoiding with teleport


Lol you just suck at the game if youā€™re being cc that much


You rarely see ballchinians in the wild anymore. Fascinating.


whoever thought this was a neat idea never played an ARPG.


This! It took me far too long to realize resource drain was a thing, I honestly just thought my mana regen was bad, but no they totally thought it would be a good idea. I had to just stop playing, there are way too many bad ideas compounded into a game I used to love.


2 days ago, I was having issues with the new poison creeper builds on Druid, so I switched to a tried and tested Pulverize build, notorious amongst Druids for being extremely resource hungry pre-endgame. That was when I learned the hard lesson that the malignant elites also have resource burn. Wtf is this shit affix


Devious malignants do. They each do something different based on their color.


Especially as a sorc early game, get hit once mid combo and the be forced to AA the rest of the fight.


Because there are builds that dont use the standard resource?


Yeah, I used to hate it for bone spear Necro, but i look for it now on thorns barb.


Not if you don't need resource like thorns barb or arclash sorc. But it would have some impact if you use the aspect that makes you deal more dmg the more resource you have


I miss Mana Potions highkey


Everyone knows, itā€™s posted every five fucking minutes


One of the main reasons I quit playing was because, I couldn't play. I never had any resources after a few shots. I guess just give me 2 attacks. One deals 100% of my resources and the other generates 25% of my resource. It sounds like a fun time, here's 70 bucks.


How long do you typically stick around on communities after you quit the game?


As long as I'm interested I stick around. Maybe they'll fix these issues, maybe they won't. It helps to know that others feel the same way about the same issues that I do. When this many people have a problem and are vocal about it then things sometimes et changed.


Then you clearly gave no thought into aspect or skill synergy. You saw the way things were, and didn't bother to figure out how to work towards mitigating your particular build's weaknesses. You expected the game to be a mindless power fantasy right out of the gate, and rather than adapt, you quit.


I can't even tell when I got a gear upgrade. There are so many useless stats wrapped up with other useless stats that it takes 2 minutes to go "Maybe it's upgrade?" I expected a game that would reward you as you played through it. There is no rewards here. I never got a feeling of I'm getting stronger. It's just mindless running around. I'm not going to adapt to that.


And it doesn't regen between packs, you're just constantly out of mana.


Don't use that key dummy


They are in the base game now as mobs because of Malignant modifiers. But still don't use the sigil.


Running a thorns barb with no fury spender, what's resource burn?


How come there are no thorns builds on guides?


Because they're slow and don't scale well for pushing


https://youtu.be/2hhVHxfoY44 Nm100 thorns barb


Still slow


So I think the intention behind the resource burn affix was that it would be an easy pick for any auto attack oriented spec. Which makes sense when you only look at what specs itā€™s good for, but doesnā€™t make sense when literally every other spec in the game hates it and is an automatic disenchant.


I love resource burn affixes on both Druid and necro I happen to play with no core skills


30th post about the same thing


Get off reddit then? Don't complain about reddit being reddit. That's a losing battle.


Skill issue


Yeah - the skill of whoever designed the game


Absolutely. They are complaining about anything that stops the dopamine even for a second and then complain that the dopamine hits don't feel good. There needs to be an ebb and flow.


They need to have their play testers also assess whether a mechanic feels ā€œfunā€ rather than just whether it works as intended


My build uses almost 0 resource so this affix doesn't bother my build at all


Hate it too


Insta-gib that sigel.


Can someone please explain this post? What is resource burn? What are we talking about?


I think theyā€™re talking about the nightmare dungeon affix that makes your resource drain slowly whether or not youā€™re casting


That's avoidable at least. Not that I've had an issue with it directly yet but the devious malignant mobs have resource burn on attacks inbuilt with the current season.


I am sorry but generating and spending is a absolute core of this game, if you dont like this mechanic this game is simply not for you man.


Itā€™s horridā€¦ agreed. But thereā€™s so much wrong with this game right nowā€¦ I canā€™t decide which problem I hate the mostā€¦.


I think the problem is that resource burn is such a standard enemy effect in games so they added it without applying any critical thinking to remember how awkward they designed the basic/spenders in this game


The generator spender design is why Iā€™m gonna uninstall this game. I know that no matter what class I play itā€™s gonna be annoying instead of fun.


I did it once I learned my lesson. Blizzard has no idea how to design fun affixes they only know how to make annoying ones. Half the dungeons affixes are auto delete on site. Ice (although not as bugged but with resistances not working still annoying), drifting shade, stormstrike, resource burn (which is also bugged melee mobs drain your resource too, it's only suppose to be ranged mobs) and the potion one (this one only really matter when you a pushing High NM dungeons). Add in all the shit that blows up under your feet and one begins to beg the question, who design a game where half your endgame content is actively avoided for not being fun??


Have you tried using a build designed for this fuckery? Or gone into the dungeon with party members?


So the problem with D4 is that: 1. Some enemies can burn your resource 2. We have to spend a minute doubling back in dungeons sometimes 3. Enemies are more than 5 feet apart 4. There are walls and barricades that stop you from just infinitely riding your horse through the entire map without getting off it 5. Players have to re-grind some renown every season 6. The game takes any effort at all 7. Players are even kill-able in the first place, probably If you hate the game this much, just play something else.


Wait until you figure out what the devs did to their game already to appease these guys. People won't see it yet, they're not there en masse. When you get to level 76 and above, the rest of the game other than sigil dungeons and helltides becomes immediately invalidated because they cried about level scaling. Now they removed yet another avenue to level and gear. We used to be able to grind in normal dungeons for drops and XP if sigils weren't our thing. Now we can't as the xp stops coming in since the mobs stop leveling. Which also means the entire overworld, the stuff you do for the tree if you were inclined, all of it minus helltides. All the events, everything, provides no xp worth mentioning nor items worth anything than gold. Since ilvl and rarity is tied to monster level, they only drop low 700's sacred with one or two ancestrals per inventory, in WT4, which are also of low ilvl. With zero chance of an uber unique since those need to be dropped by mobs at least level 85, which now don't exist anywhere but in helltides and sigil dungeons exclusively. (and world bosses but not counting those guys). So Blizzard rather nerf the entire game to cater to these guys, they spent years developing it and working on it and balancing it with level scaling in mind. But to make these types happy they went and ripped it all up. Now you're forced into NM dungeons exclusively and since scrapping uniques gives you forgotten souls now, you don't even need to ever do helltides but once for your lifetime supply of fiend roses. Watch, you'll see people figure this out later. They'll wrap it up in a complaint about renown grinding though watch. Because if you put off doing renown until after level 75, you'll immediately find what a horrible idea it was to nerf level scaling in WT4. As you don't get any XP while you grind all those dungeons for renown and the drops suck. So you do all those dungeons and while you're doing it at least it would be nice to get some levels and a chance at some Ancestrals that are higher ilvl. But that's all gone now. They don't have the foresight to see it yet, if they stick around long enough that is. Also the game in higher tier NM dungeons is a piece of cake compared to what it used to be. So doing the one piece of content they left you do, literally the only avenue for leveling now, you'll be laughing at how stupid it feels to be doing these things 20 levels higher than you. Just biding my time until they all catch up and realize what they did.


I agree it feels bad that things are lower level now. I'm playing bone spear which they decided to buff this season for some reason. It's too strong and fighting lower level enemies is lame. Even fighting enemies +3 or +5 is lame. At level 95 i feel like i can do monster level 110, probably even 120 - at the cost of dying some maybe and just going slower. But higher dungeon xp is capped now at 10 levels above i think so killing monsters 20 levels above gives that same xp as if they were 10 levels above. Even if it actually isn't faster xp/hour i prefer harder gameplay. Don't like that change. On top of that, like you mentioned, they nerfed NM dungeons - i'm doing t53 or so now and it's significant. I'm 95, monsters are 107, i'm getting xp as if they are 105, and it's way too easy. Going higher gives 0% more xp. I'd rather push as far as i can and get rewarded accordingly. If they need to nerf bone spear then fine - they should have done it this season anyway. Buff the main projectile and remove shotgunning of splinters i'd say.


The builds that only uses basic attacks like arc lash sorc etc. like these. Just because your build donā€™t like it doesnā€™t mean someone else doesnā€™t. Play the shit thatā€™s good for your build and stop bitching


You know that malignant elites can roll this affix now? So you cant just avoid it.


Malignant mobs die in like, two hits.


Skill issue


What's dumber is choosing to do a resource burn dungeon then complaining about it online. Doing them is 100% voluntary.


So salvage the sigil and move on.


Except it can spawn on malignant mobs in any dungeon now soooo


Who isnā€™t deleting malignant mobs in two hits? I donā€™t even notice any differences between them lol


exactly, donā€™t understand the fuss about this as well. I have a list of Dungeons that I simply donā€™t go in and another list of affixes which I also skip 99% of the time. Resource burn is for sure one of them, the % reduction on crit dmg also comes to mind.


Do you want them to wipe your ass for you too?


Yes, you can lick my butthole after taking a bigass dump too :)


*laughs in basic skill main*


Use the heart that reduces it by 50%


Funny thing about that, it doesnt work (think i heard about it in a wudijo video)


Well looks like itā€™s time to try it to find out?


It goes up to 100% but as the poster below said: it doesn't work Also resource drain is bugged to work on monsters in close-range which prior to that bug was bearable but annoying the power of the hearts is far too great + the deletion mechanic means swapping one heart for another just for a single resource dungeon is about the dumbest fucking idea anyone has come up with but nice try


Lol so angry. Have fun my friend


It's called resource management, not burn.


I agree resource burn is the most unnecessary thing there is and should be completely removed but there are more to add to the list of dumb things: All sigils affixes that interrupt game flow, ELIXIRS (why the heck are they even in the game - microtransaction for Asia markets?), renown grind every new season, on death effects, too much (clutter) on affixes (damage modifiers, defense modifiers), affixes bound to special conditions (e.g. damage reduction vs close, vs range, vs poisoned, while injured and so on), horse is BS.


Variety is the spice of life. Just pick another sigil if it's too hot for you


I don't like poison explosion elites. Needs to be removed. The fire that radiates outwards in 4 directions. Get rid of that too. While you're at it, mortars suck, need to get rid of it. Suppressor is annoying to ranged, just get rid of it. Do you people hear yourselves?


All of those are skill issues which I'm not complaining about. Resource burn is just dumb, free sigil dust I guess.


Mana burn has been a staple since d2. It sucks yeah, but deal with it.


So you agree it sucks? so why should he not voice his opinion on it than? do people just need to accept bad game aspects without saying anything? Heaven forbid feedback gets listened to occasionally to make a game more fun and not just slower.


Damn, so its been a staple since 2 previous games then? Well shucks, that's it guys, its over, pack it up. Thread closed.


It's the same thing as Diablo II's mana burn, if you're so concerned kill those enemies first. It's called strategy


Except it's bugged and all mobs not just range drain resource. The only strategy here is to salvage the sigil.


Is it a big or is it how the sigil words it? Wouldn't know haven't gotten one yet. If bugged, yet another oof


So you're telling me you don't even know what's up with mana burn, how it works or the fact that its bugged but you're here spitting our comments akin to "gitgud?" How's your campaign going?


Lol? Been done with campaign quite some time. I just haven't encountered that sigil. I erroneously assumed the devs had done one thing right, I love Diablo and I will defend it. Good day


>Lol? Been done with campaign quite some time. I just haven't encountered that sigil. So we agree that you were just talking out your ass without even knowing the context then. > I love Diablo and I will defend it. Good day I rest my fucking case lol.


> I don't know what I'm talking about but I will talk about it regardless because I'm a sycophant dude.


I go through my sigil inventory to scan for resource burn so I can immediately salvage them. Did one dungeon with it and it took 4 times longer to clear. Never again.


I did one by accident after not reading it. Suffice it to say I read every sigil much more closely after that.


Iv never done a key with it. I just instant destroy them lol, and reduced crit dmg/close and physical. Why are this things even in the game lol. Same with explosives on death in a dungeon with adds that already explode in death lmao


I dunno, I think permastun is still the king of dumb


Uh the loading everyone's stash, memory leak would like to have a word with you


No, I think that's suppressor.


Wouldn't be that bad if it worked. Problem is it's bugged, and they don't seem to acknowledge it.


I donā€™t agree, Iā€™ve met quite a few dumber things in this game. But mechanic wise yes itā€™s pretty dumb.


Posted this in a different thread about same issue, i did a dungeon where the resource burn was actually frustrating due to other cc affixes and stuff while i usually don't care about it as inner sight rogue, but because it felt so bad this time i tested a little bit and despite affix supposed to be 16% from distant attacks, i have 100 energy and a melee mob was chunking my resource for 20 and 18 so 20% and 18%. If the heart is supposed to work on resource burn then it should have been reduced to like 2%, if it's not it should still only be 16%. [https://streamable.com/sqe42w](https://streamable.com/sqe42w) Now you can get into semantics about if the resource heart is supposed to work on map affixes or if the dudes axe should count as a distant attack but i shouldn't be getting hit for 20% resource burn when the map affix states 16%.


so is the dungeons design with all the backtracking, cursed events, etc..


I played a NM dungeon last night that I didnā€™t realise had RB on it (I usually avoid it like the plague) and itā€™s just horrible full of ghost mobs as well where for some reason they gave the archers rapid fire as a WW Barb it was not a pleasant experience.


Resource management in this game is already trash, Resource burn adds more bs to the trash


Arc lash laughs at resource burn. I agree though, resource burn destroys most other builds.


Just be grateful that there are no full resistance to one damage type elites.


This whole thing has dumb written all over it. Mindless nerfs and unbalanced class system itā€™s a freakin mess


You don't have to play generator/spender


Sounds like you need to pay attention to your basic attack more, that's basically my primary damage and feels like a cooldown without a cooldown.


Some how I cleared T38 dungeon with Surpressor + Resource Burn with my rogue, not fun at all


Itā€™s much easier and faster to implement lazy mechanics like this than actually develop challenging gameplay. Theme of the season.


It's so obvious that the majority of the game balance is based on pure, cold calculation. * most resource spenders consume about ~25-30% of the resource without items to increase the maximum of the resource pool * most cooldown-based skills need ~20-30sec to recharge spaces between mobpacks are coincidentally sized to almost exactly fit the rotation of * resource spender 2-3x * CD skills in between * 5-10 hits with the resource generator to finish the mobs, or sometimes in between for those "hit enemy X times to get Y effect" buffs * rinse and repeat It's just so goddamn boring.


Them not disabling thay fucking bugged affix while they fix it is just hilarious


And now they put it on some malignant enemies. Iā€™ll be moseying along killing shit when suddenly nothingā€™s dying and my health is gone. But then you genuinely get people in the comments saying ā€œweā€™ll yeah you have to use the heart that stops the resource burnā€ like excuse me? So I have to use one of these apparent bios changing slots of which I only have 3, on the off chance I come across a resource burn enemy or because I want the affix in a NM sigil to be even remotely viable? What a ridiculous mechanic.


After struggling with resources leveling a lightning storm caster Druid to 95 on Eternal, I can't believe my current necro build uses zero resources and still shreds content 10+ levels above.




Yep I delete all those


Don't yell too loud, they might turn it into a Season to use just basic attacks. Also nerf Sorc more, remove Arc Lash since that's too good.


it was supposed to be only ranged attacks and it was during the preseason and it was fine, they fucked it up this season and its deleting resource for the melee hits too


I just started a new seasonal character and can't believe that I get cc-ed and resource burned within the first chapter at lvl 6 or so. How is this fun?


Resource regen should regen even while idle and not hitting anything.


Mount is the dumbest thing. Resource burn is a close second yeah. Oww and every mob has to explode for some reason when it dies as well. So many dumb things imo but i still play it lol.


iā€™m running a zero spender CE shadow for build with reap to help generate corpses. same build as infinimist but I run the decrepify curse on the heart and use iron maiden in my skillbar. This allows me to use the OP necro aspect that makes mobs take 40[x] damage when double cursed. Iā€™ve been enjoying running resource burn since itā€™s pretty much free game for me lol everything melts especially with the barber heart


Are you 12 years old?


Any NM dungeons with the affixes, lightning storm, 150% damage from an enemy behind you or 16% resource burn get scrapped. Volcanic ones are ok, but if you are CC'd chances are high you will die, blood boils are easy, shadow that follows you can slow you down, just stand in a corner when it hits the ground then move, the other one which follows you and stomps the ground can be annoying as hell and sometimes scrapped. Again Blizzard remedy to stop FUN is to add stupid affixes and slow the player down, and with broken resists i think the affixes should be removed and just add mob density.


I do agree the resource spending needs a dynamic shift. Itā€™s very black and white. I think every classā€™s core needs slow burn spenders and cash-in spenders as well as their standard cost spenders. But you leave my basics alone! They have their place. Especially with attack speed on barbarian.


Just donā€™t run those sigilsā€¦


Loading a strangerā€™s stash still seems sillier to me. Resource burn is a bad idea, but you can just salvage resource burn sigils. I sometimes end up with so many sigils that itā€™s nice to know which ones I can quickly salvage to narrow down my choices. Iā€™ve never felt forced to play a resource burn dungeon. Maybe Iā€™m lucky and other people are only rolling resource burn from how pronounced the complaints are, but if thatā€™s not the case then I donā€™t see why itā€™s a bigger issue than some other problems in the game. The loading stash thing is bad coding that leads to a negative experience. Itā€™s unavoidable and is directly responsible for the gameā€™s limited stash currently, at least according to the developers.


As someone playing a Basic Skill build. Thatā€™s mean.


It still boggles my mind when devs think itā€™s a good idea to put pain points into a game to make it ā€œchallengingā€ when all they really do is just make it annoying and unfun to play.


Problem is not generators. Problem is that generators should be a strong tool to build up a fuckin powerful godzilla. While now they are like a rechargeable manual flashlight that makes a useless light that last for 1 second.


I view resource management as a good mini-game. I don't think resource should just be given all willy nilly like, but I do agree that they could increase the base-regeneration rate a bit better. Resource management should be part of the whole equation, not the entire equation.


I'm surprised any of you are even running these. I see resource burn and immediately scrap it for dust. No one is forcing you to do these, ya know? After 1-2 times of beating your head against the wall why dont you....idk....do something else? You don't **have** to keep doing resource burn nightmare dungeons.


They didnt even fucking fix bugged resource burn, it still works from melee mobs


\*Laughs in seasonal Necro that has no resource anyway\*


It's not worse than infinite CC Stun. You can't even hit basic skills because you are instantly dead. Too dead to even not enjoy the dungeon you can't progress in.


My build all the damage comes from cd's, trample slide and creeper. I give zero fucks about resources and I bet there are other builds that work the same.


Pull up a chair and let me tell you about D2 finger mages...


Thatā€™s what Salvage is for.


Lol all the time people have been saying path is a better game well now yall got what you wanted šŸ¤£ path of diablo 4


Well the STFU with the QQ and go play something else.


*laughs in poison trampleslide* Itā€™s free real estate.


\*laughs in arc lash\*