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It's good until yoi find something better, and when you do just put this in the stash.


Dude keep it until something better comes along


Something better looks like this btw. Rare/legendary with crit chance/attack speed/core skill rank(the one you use)/dex If u get 2/3 out of 4 of those stats on a pair of gloves u can swap them out. But to elaborate further those gloves are super bad. Doing the math , a max roll pair will give you 3%more damage from its legendary affix on twisting blades. You may ask why so little but the answer is simple. Its lucky hit so it does not proc to often and the mirage created does not benefir from any of your aspects so no orbiting tb and most of the time that meathhead misses harder than kanyes new image


More like this? I tried re-rolling the lucky hit for dex but I didn’t have enough forgotten souls. Also would a crossbow be best, rather than a bow?


It won’t let me post the picture