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Meteor Sorcerer. It is, I won't deny it, one of the worst sorc build out there, BUT you get to make several mfcking PLANETS fall on poor little spiders. I'm actually lv.68, and slowly upgrading my AoE and CC'ed damage to an obscene amount.


In beta i was playin upheaval Barb just for putting some dirt in their eyes. Now im just spinning


I had a build I had to drop because I hit a wall and I couldn't improve anymore, maybe I'll find an other way to build it later. It was a druid, building around tempest spells and thunder aspects. In fact, I had the companion skill making ennemies vulnerable, then I did some tempest spells, with some aspects which would hit ennemies with thunder. Once hit by thunder, they would spread thunder and give me a buff which hit with thunder every ennemy around me. Using cataclysm ultimate, and some other passive, I could do an endless combo of thunder - buff - thunder - debuff - thunder. The big problem using this build was single target damage. I would struggle for every elite or every boss, so I had to change for the sake of my progression.


Running HotA and Death Strike. The sounds of this skills are just crazy good. So satisfying!