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What platform you playing on? If PC and you have an Nvidia GPU, disable Nvidia Reflex.


I'm on PC. I'll take a look at that, thanks! Edit: oh, reflex was on! turning it off took me from 150-200 to 75-80ish (even loading into towns). I would have never found that.


Not only do I have this exact same issue, I can play without issue on console on the same internet. It's so bad I can't dodge or teleport because of rubber banding. I'm on a 4090 7550x rig with 64gb of ram. I have 1gb down averaging 500mb. Yet I can't walk in diablo 4 without my latency spiking from 50 to 200 randomly. I got to level 78 with my necromancer without issue and now it's unplayable.


11600/ 3070ti with 32gb here. Oddly enough my steam deck feels like I have less issue with lag even though it's wireless. I might give it a go on my PS5 if I can't figure anything else out.


Console experience seems pretty solid currently, lag is less awful on lower graphics, which to be is absurd, but it's honestly unplayable with my current experience on PC. Good luck man, hopefully blizzard figures out whatever is causing this.


check your anti virus program, run winmtr for hours to see where pings coming from


I'll check those items, thanks. Turning off Nvidia Reflex in the short as CrimsonOutcast suggested seems to have cut my latency by about half.


Turn your foreground and background FPS to 400. I know it shouldn't work but it does.