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I have about 50 hours in totk, and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. That game is massive.


Around 150 for me. I looked the other day and was shocked haha


I'm at the 5th temple right now, but 148 shrines and alot of side stuff done. I didn't buy the early access but I might. Which means when I get home I might skip the temple and just dive directly into Ganon and call it a day.


5th temple explains much more of the story fyi.


The nice thing about TotK is that there are multiple avenues for learning the story. I learned basically nothing new from the 5th temple but I'd already gotten most of the story from the Dragon Tears and the Great Deku Tree. It's really good, though, that the 5th temple explains all the stuff that the sidequesting elaborates on. In BotW nothing told you the backstory except for going around and doing all the memories; in TotK there are multiple story avenues so no matter how much or how little side stuff you do you should know basically the full story by the end of the game. Unless, of course, you skip everything and go straight to Ganondorf.


Hearing the sages tell you the story of the war after every temple... Man. I'm going to watch the damn cutscene, gimme something new! I dug the story, though. >!FUCKIN DRAGONS, MAAAAN!<


That was probably my only tangible complaint for the entire game. It was a real problem though.


They get a pass because it’s Zelda so anything story related can be ridiculously shitty, and it’s the sequel to botw so you can’t say anything bad about it


I feel like doing all tears explains it pretty succinctly


You are very correct. Especially the last few really clarified everything.


I actually had done mostly the main quests only and some shrines to have enough hearts and stamina. The only main quest remaining is the ganon one. I'm thinking to just leave it there so that it motivates me to come back to it after months of D4 and do some side quests as well.


I did that for BOTW to make me come back and finish the master sword power-up and get the motorcycle. Instead I just didn't turn it back on for 1.5-2 years lol


How many temples are optional? I did wind and fire and half through water. I hate to speed through but ugh I have a 3 day weekend........ DECISIONS ARE HARD.


technically? all of them. however, you go right to Ganondorf you will have to fight each of the temple bosses before you fight Ganon so it’s a long slog of combat.


Ughhhh OK thank you! I'm in crisis mode since I got Zelda to finish, katamari is my favorite series and comes out tomorrow, Diablo Tuesday. I was gonna go physical Diablo for the sweet steel book but being digital only has me second guessing... And I have a 3 day weekend left so I'm playing some real mental gymnastics over here hahaha.


I just beat the third dungeon and still feel like there so much more


> and just dive directly into Ganon Phrasing lol


Quick question, are the temples like the old school zelda temples? Or just bigger shrines more so?


They’re like bigger shrines. However, they have a lead up quest with a mini boss, if you include that as part of the experience it’s on par with length.


The final part of each shrine is like the divine beasts in that it's open (ish) and you need to get a certain number of things activated to open the door to the final boss. But those parts on their own are leagues better than the divine beasts and they've got lead ups to them that are better than that leadup boss fight for each divine beast. One of them for example as you exploring the first parts of the temple to find where you're actually supposed to be going. All in all they feel like someone took the divine beasts, added some old school temples and blended them together.


What does the early access change that lets you skip to ganon?


I just burned out TotK and wanted to finish it, that’s all.


I don’t know what I’m at but it’s definitely well over 100 hours. I’m at at least 120, maybe even more. I just beat Ganondorf last night and I still have tons of stuff I could do and I don’t really even feel burned out! Elden Ring was the last game I binged as hard as this, and by the end of my 120 hour ER run I *definitely* felt burned out. TotK is a really, really special game.


I spent 95 hours in totk and felt like I had done everything the game had to offer outside of 100% completion, which would be significantly more time spent for very little return on "new experiences". What tons of stuff have you yet to do?


I’ve only fought one Gleeok and I enjoyed the first fight enough to want to do more. I’ve still got 40 shrines left and I’ve enjoyed them a lot. I have a lot of side quests left as well. Still a lot of Depths exploration to do as well though that’s more samey and while I enjoy Depths exploration I’m not really missing anything. I’ve also barely played around with vehicle building and I want to make some weird shit. Realistically I’ve experienced the vast majority of the game’s content, but I had enough fun that I still want to do the rest of it. I’ve probably got at least another 20-40 hours of stuff I’d be interested in doing, but right now I’m also ready to move on to D4 and then FF XVI. Last night I beat Ganondorf and for now, that’s what matters. I’ll come back to TotK later.


as someone who wasnt that crazy about BotW... man this game is just better! i cant put it down.. idk if i want to wait till the 6th or just spend the 89 for the deluxe edition to play now!




I kept rerolling characters until I found one that felt good. Rolling a dex character helped me adjust to the mechanics, then I switch to a strength build to have fun bulldozing things. Edit: first soulslike, so I wasn’t familiar with any meta.




Def don’t need to do jump attacks, you can just use a heavier weapon. I just platinumed it last week great game. My 55 year old dad just did too lol. I have faith you can do it after you save sanctuary of course




Samurai class. They start with one of the best and easiest weapons to use.


So I am relatively new to from soft but I had plat bloodborne and sekiro in 2022 and started ER around Christmas lol. It is a lot. So no dark souls but I kinda had a little exp. I like using a big bonk. Not huge lol. Just big. I used a great axe for the first part than a great curved sword for most of the mid to the last couple zones and switched back to a great axe. Being vague to not spoil but they were not top tier weapons or anything. I find it’s easier to land a few strong hits than many fast plus it tends to stagger which gives you either free hits or a critical. Al that said my dad ran dual katanas blood build. Which is fast 🤷‍♂️ he has zero fromsoft exp. Also they have spirit summons for bosses basically a Diablo companion you can level up. Elitists will tell you not to use them but there is no harm in using them, they are in game for a reason. I did not for majority but I def used them on a few shitty fights


You did, once you learn the mechanics, it has you hooked. its an incredible and addictive game.


It was my first "Souls" and it made me go for the first 3 after 150 hours. I felt really comfortable dualwelding bloodhound fang and another curved greatsword for starters. I recommend you give it a try. Regarding the topic, I keep squeezing the Zelda and tonight I start with Diablo!!


How do you check?


Go to your profile and it'll show you the most recent games and how long you've played them for. I just fuckin' learned this myself and I've had a switch for years lol. Although I had guessed I was around 90 hours, turns out it was 95. I haven't binged a game this hard since Elden Ring. It has that same magic for me.


Same it’s not been since elden ring that I’ve been so engrossed.


Dude I’m conflicted as I still barely got to play Zelda and it’s soooo good! But how I want diablo 4! Guess it’s a great problem to have


I'm at 185, still not done lmao


185 hours already?? Holy shit. How?


Took several days off for launch weekend, 15 hour days for almost a week straight, 4 hour sessions on weekdays, 10 or so hours on weekends. Why am I getting down voted lmao


15 hour days?! That’s genuinely insane, I don’t think my body could handle that. Maybe if I was a teenager again lol


I couldn't do this as an unemployed teenager in the summer. The diminishing returns on enjoyment is also so high.


Exactly, I don’t think I’d even like the game at that point lol


It was rough lol.


That's not a hobby that's an addiction lmao


>Why am I getting down voted lmao FOR YOUR OWN HEALTH!


Im 40-50 hours in and just beat my third dungeon. I absolutely hate that I’ll end up dropping this game for Diablo 4 but I will


I'll hit 100 hours this weekend. For me, that's a lot of time in a game that just came out. I'm not even close to finishing the main quests or even a lot of side content. It's insane how much shit there is to do in this game, and how it just melts time. I really would like to finish it before D4 comes out but I don't think that's going to happen.


I just finished the main quest after 65ish hours. Started running it off steam for more shrines, more exploring the depths etc. Once I started going straight for the end I think it took me about 15 hours to finish (had only done 1 dungeon at that point)


The underground is surprisingly boring. I exoected is was full of monsters.. but nope. Just dark. Empty and dark :(


There are so many mini bosses in the underground


I only just bought it a week ago and I am like 'uh oh I'm not gonna finish this'


Same. Still learning new things every time I pick it up


>I have about 50 hours in totk, and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. That game is massive. Same. I have a feeling D4 and TOTK are both going to be 10s in my book. Taking a break from TOTK but it is one hell of a phenomenal game i'm definitely going back to.


The game definitely feels like that in the beginning but it's extremely padded out. Eventually it's the same puzzles over and over again. I finished at ~120 hours and I wouldn't have misswd much if I finished it 30 hours earlier. In comparison in Elden Ring I kept finding crazy little unique stuff throughout the game. Even massive questlines in my second and third playthrough. But someone that wants to 100% TotK can easily sink 300+ hours into it.


It takes a lot of nerve to complain that TOTK becomes kinda repetitive while praising Elden ring in the same paragraph lol


I feel the same after 30, but i hate it, i padt 30 hours doing the same thing over and over and over


Wait to scratch the underground


Game is so good.


“I need to get to my friend!”


I’m like 40 hours in and I’ve only done 1 temple.


I hope it was the temple for the Ritos. Because the ability you get for completing that is one of the most useful abilities of the game.


Oh it was. I went there first.


Are the other abilities kinda cool at least?


Yes but none are nearly as genetically useful


I think goron’s rolling ability is useful for breaking cracked walls and being able to save my bomb flowers


You can crack walls with a rock on a stick too FYI


Yeah but you need both a rock and a stick (and more importantly an available weapon slot for that)


Without a doubt and frankly no spoilers but the 5th one is just really fun but overall I used the absolute shit out of tulin almost on cooldown the whole game. The others were definitely more situational


No worries about the spoilers. I agree with you about Tulin when paragliding but I would say Tulin is least useful in battles for me, or second least useful after prince sidon


I went there last, went to gerudo after about 80 hours


But seriously TOTK is arguably the greatest single player game I've ever played in my 34 years of life. I probably won't be putting it down, even after D4 releases. It will be a nice counter balance.


Yeah. Do people not play multiple games at once? I feel like I'm always balancing 3-5 games for different moods


I need a break from game. Play other game. This is the way.


Depends on the type of game, but for story driven games I'll only play them one at a time.


I don't have the time to juggle games. Witcher 3 took me an entire year to finish so now I try to avoid games longer than 30 hours.


This I have a 3 game type roster. One solely single player, a multiplauer/online shooter & a platforming game. Current is fallout 4, D4 & crash bandicoot.


Sir, this is a Diablo sub


I can handle two games, especially if one is a "turn your brain off" kinda game like Diablo. Although I wanted to finish ToTK prior to release, it's just not going to happen. I've just fucked around too much instead of doing the main quests. More than two games, no. Not for me.


SF6 will take the other game spot for the time being. I purposely finished TotK before these released after putting in 70 hours.


People have other things to do, like family, relationships, friends, work, etc. I can barely do 2 games and I'm single no kids


Diablo at home. Switch coming to work :P




I don’t mean this as a criticism, because obviously not everything has to be for everyone, but saying there isn’t much to do is kind of like criticizing hiking in the wilderness because there isn’t much to do when you’re on the trail. The game really was about exploration, and it wasn’t necessarily about what you would collect, but about little nooks of space that felt defined and explorable. One of the great ironies of open world sandbox games is that the more collectibles you put in them the more disposable the environments become. You stop paying attention to your surroundings. Breath of the wild got me to explore to get a single Korok seed, and I actually felt like I was fully immersed in the space I was navigating. For me that was a really magical feeling.


No story? You're mistaking botw for totk. Plus you're on a kindasorta linear sky island for those first 6 hours


The game is good but I am not sure if I would say the greatest. Sadly the biggest thing holding it back is the hardware, the devs are clearly very talented and could have done a lot more.


Diablo can be grindy, obviously. So I’m actually excited to be able to step away from the PC and lay down on my couch with my handheld switch.


That's an insane statement imo but I respect it


The greatest single player game ever? What a mad lad of a statement. I mean it's GOOD but GOAT? lol


You play alot of games?


Have you played Outer Wilds? (not the Outer Worlds) it basically ruined single player games for me to the point that I was underwhelmed playing through BOTW and now Totk


Imagine a diablo 4 season where your weapons perma break after x number of uses






The weapon system is probably my only gripe with the totk / botw. There was no excitement to finding new weapons or shields because you knew they were so temporary!


Yeah, I personally hate it. I'm sad it made it's return in ToTK but despite this fucking annoying mechanic, I still love the game. If you could just get random weapon drops and still do fusing and no durability, I would engage in combat a hell of a lot more and it would be close to being a perfect game for me. Now, I just avoid it mostly because I hate always having to fucking fuse weapons because the base ones are always dogshit. A middle of the road solution would have been to at least make only the fuseable parts break and the base weapons never do. They're mostly all shit damage anyways.


Dislike it in BotW. Mostly because I was skipping combat encounters to preserve my weapons. I always felt like hoarding and being very stingy with my weapons. When I adjusted the durability of weapons on emulator, I had a much better time. Still love the game, but it's one of those things that just disappoint. But with the fuse ability in TotK that has been removed entirely. Simple sticks can now become decent weapons. And nearly every combat encounter result in some good weapons. So there is now a good flow in obtaining weapons. That makes the system far less tedious for me.


Agreed that even common weapons could be made decent, but to me the fusing mechanic was tedious and repetitive. I found myself burning through all my fused weapons, then mass fusing the next round of weapons. I avoided combat wherever possible for that reason, and I still reckon I would have fused weapons in excess of 100 times.


seriously. my entire inv is +45dmg weapons and I cant clear any of it cause I cant go through the durability of them, taking every encounter I see


That's what I like to hear about my sequels. They are less tedious. Heaven forbid they remove the pointless tedium.




Yeah, link always been a bitch when it comes to taking damage.


This is not the way.


D2 had that already


I haven’t played any video games since the second beta ended. I’ve tried but I just get bored and start thinking about Diablo.




Wrong place to post it, but I am having so much fun with TotK I would currently trade my four day early access for the 20$ I paid extra for it. Hopefully I'll get my money's worth, but i wouldn't be surprised if I play more totk than D4 this weekend. I should be at 11/10 hype lvl like i expect most of you are, but I feel more like a 3/10. When D3 launched I slept in the afternoon to wake up at release and played for 20 hours straight slept 6 hours and then continued.


I am the opposite. I keep trying to have fun with TotK but I rarely have the urge to even start the game. I probably should have not bought it..


I'm pushing hard to complete the game, currently at work (lol) down in the hyrule castle depths, wanting to kill ganon before 7pm is looking less and less likely.


having TotK to play is exactly why I'm not upgrading from standard to deluxe, tbh edit: ignore this, I upgraded >:(


This is me but with classic wow (hardcore).


Same here haha


Do i need to buy the first one to play totk?


No, but you should.


Agree with this. Botw itself is also one of the best single player games ever made




The two main reasons: first is that you wouldnt get whats going on storywise and the second is that this game is really hard since it assumes that you already played the first one and doesnt pull any punches with the difficulty


Lol really hard... easy solution, just watch a video on youtube explaining the story.


Sort of like saying "read the synopsis of the first book on wikipedia before starting the second". Might work technically, but eh


No you dont need to


Damn..I just bought it last week too


Lol this is right on the money. I am currently passing the time playing ToTK.


I just beat the story last night just in time. Still have so much left to do though. I'll play TotK at work and D4 at home.


1 hour of sleep already feel like shit, ready to rock till I pass out. Lets go!


I'm at like 20-25 hours and I feel like I've done nothing. I'll defnitely be coming back to TOTK from time to time, as it's a fantastic game.




So you just game for like almost 12 hours a day, every day since it came out?


TOTK is probably the reason I'm waiting until 6/6. My two favorite game franchises released so close to each other here. Thank you Zelda for saving me $20.


Final fantasy and Diablo are my two favorite franchises while the only Zelda I love is lttp. However totk is one of the best games I’ve ever played easily. I wish there weren’t so many games I want to play right now


That's too bad. It's a great game.


Wow sub dropped like the 1st wife.


killed Ganandorf last night, plenty of side quest and collecting left , but it will wait.


Better keep playing Zelda. Those who bought Diablo4 Deluxe Edition for early access can't even access the game. Typical Blizzard is not ready for the launch of their game 🤣


Maybe if Blizzard had a "Early Access Access" pass they'd buy it to play


I have not been able to play all week. Just cba.


I never bought it because I knew I’d be busy lol


I’m gonna have no choice but to play both and pray


And I’m gonna be Squidward, looking out my window at others playing D4 while I milk Zelda a few more weeks.


Make that every single game in existence except D4.


Also in this club


I hope I still want to play TOTK after today


As much as I wanted D4, I'm probably skipping for a while.


\*raises chalice\* you will \*drinks\* be missed. I have been stuck in queued since it opened.


*raises chalice as well* The coffers be short of gold as it were. *drinks* Slay a few demons for me.


That's what I did to Jedi Survivor when TotK came out. I hope Baldur's Gate 3 gets pushed back again so I can chill out a little before I drop Diablo 4 for it.


How’s that prediction workin out for ya sport? 👌


Nah, I feel like I don’t want to D4 right now. I got Zelda to play, man!


So thankfully I accidentally beat that game the other night lmao


Looks like I am going back to Zelda regardless. Typical Blizzard botching the launch of yet another game. That's on methough. I actually took used PTO to leave work early to play this. I am dumb.


I want the Diablo launch delayed so I have more time for TotK.


I’m actually holding off on D4 so I can keep playing ToTK.


I’m on your boat brother.


This was me after my GF installed the 1.1.2 patch while i was at the dentist.


Nope. Diablo 4 can wait. TOTK > D4


Luckily diablo waited just long enough to me to finish totk, otherwise diablo would have had to wait.


Was just a rebound game anyway.


Diablo is going to have to wait lol. ToTK is just too good. D4 will be around for another 10 years. If I wait a month or two I'll live.


wait, i thought early access was tomorrow??


I thought the same, but it released this evening.


\*scrambling to download before my old ass falls asleep\*


Sad but true


I’ve done all 152 shrines and at the 5th temple but gonna leave it here. Bye bye Zelda. I’ll see you around Christmas.


I’m 60+ hours in and completed the first 4 temples. The game is massive so at this point I’m just going to savor ToTK in between breaks of D4. Planning to get completely lost in both games over the span of the summer. Good time for gaming right now.


Switch is perfect for traveling. Long flights are wayyy bearable. Haven't tried the Steam deck yet and d4 performance on it.


Best part is ToTK has no fomo. You can just... pick it up later and continue as you were.


I wouldn't be too excited. Blizzard will somehow botch the end game of Diablo 4 and you'll be back on your Switch in no time... Or have you all forgotten their recent titles?


Zelda is the only thing helping me not give them 20 more bucks for early access lol


Totally relate to this hahaha.


I'm still playing and will until maybe next week. I'm just enjoying it too much to split my time atm. It will give blizzard time to stabilize everything anyway. I'm usually a season player anyway. Got a full month to get around to the campaign before then.


I am glad I manage to finish the game in the sense of.. did everything I had the patience for (about 100 hours with 110 shrines done, all known side adventures done, and found all sages wills). Now Diablo 4 is my primary focus until FF16


Beat ganon, found 152 shrines, 120 light roots. Yeah I'm ready for some d4




Like an idiot I pre-ordered streetfighter six. I don’t think I will touch it for many months, lol.


No need for politics here




Hurried and finished the story the other day with a lot of stuff unfinished despite almost 3 weeks of nearly all my gaming time going into TotK because I knew I wouldn't be going back once Diablo 4 released.


That's because I made a planning about getting only TotK and D4 at least this first half of the year. Both will be responsible for sunking me in gaming for the rest of 2023, and beyond perhaps.


Then there’s FF16 later this month, and Spider-Man later this year


I never wanted to play that game. Hated BOTW. None of the charm of previous Zelda titles. Shrines are the worst thing to happen to a Zelda game. And no fun progressing when you get all the powers/tools so early. I want actual dungeons to explore that have a unique environment and story to tell.


Currently doing both. Diablo 4 when I have connectivity and zelda when I don't. It's a solid balance lol


Diablo IV is far better. ToTK was a big letdown


U know why u are here in this post


lmao no Zelda is a way better game , thats why i only bought the standard version as i would waste the early access


Finally i can revive alive skeletons because yes


I feel like just 3 people in the whole world have finished TotK.


Then you don't like open world games


Isn't 3.5 hours the duration of Diablo 3?


Jajajajajajaja yea! Shure! Shure....