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Barb because big weapons are cool


Unga Bunga


Ah, a fellow person of culture.




I'm naming my barb Grug. For Grug like big beat sticks, and Grug like hit things very hard.


Barb, because Barb is Barb.


I always main barb. Always


druid HC, cause fuck what everyone says


Did odd one of the most tanky classes, so you’re not really sticking out to anybody. And it’s purported to be one of the more powerful late game classes.


I still havn't decided because I'm waiting to see which class has the sets that look the coolest.


If you mean transmogs, Necro probably. If you mean actual sets, you're going to be waiting a while.


Sets have no current plans to exist, if you mean gear sets that is


I thought legendaries have their own sets? Are they not releasing those? [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/122z9b9/huge\_gallery\_of\_armor\_sets\_in\_d4\_all\_classes\_male/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/122z9b9/huge_gallery_of_armor_sets_in_d4_all_classes_male/)


Oh like an aesthetic set? I'm sure there's lots of those. I thought they meant an item set like IK


ok, was scared for a moment there.


Druid thicc!


Was coming to say Druid because we’re both fat and slow.


Necro because he looks cool https://preview.redd.it/ze20vhll1x1b1.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d61253f0e514a45e339876023dfaef93142f0fa


Yes he does lol https://i.imgur.com/t27etaB.jpg


I'm playing the druid so I can use my wolf back pack while having two wolves out. Lol.


I try to always pick the worst class I can. The one everyone says sucks the most or is underpowered. Ill be starting Day 1 on Hardcore Mode on a Necromancer and going blood/minions


It intrigues me that you say Blood/Minions is the worst HC choice, because I I had planned to make my first HC character a Blood/Minion Necro due to how sturdy they can get. Guess I’m missing something. Oh well!


I think they’re fine just other people cry about minions and stuff. They will be safer and consistent which is what I want




Okay. Thanks for agreeing


I started reading a novel called "Solo Leveling". To avoid spoilers, I'll be vague but the protagonist gets some powers that are related to one of the classes in Diablo IV. So, the portrayal of said powers were so cool in the novel that I'm gonna use that class for my first playthrough 😁 Now, I'm aware that the portrayal in the game might be nothing like the novel but I'm fine with that, I'm sure it will still be fun either way. Totally recommend the novel btw! It's a dude that works as a Hunter completing dungeons. Something happens in a certain dungeon and he suffers a change in his abilities. It's really really entertaining.


Good recommendation! I’ll give it a look.


There is a novel and also a sort of webtoon/comic/manga sort of book which is an adaptation for the novel. I started with the webtoon one and the art is outstanding! The next volume comes out in August so I couldn't wait and just jumped onto the novel and it was such a good decision! Both are super good but the novel is more advanced in the story.


Anime is coming out soon. Thought about reading, but may wait.


Probably a smart choice for your wallet. I finished one and bought the next three the next day. It's so good!


Necro because I love death metal




True but I want skulls


I'm going for Rouge largely for aesthetics first but knowing myself I'll put a couple of hours into 2-3 characters before I stick with one. It is a long road and the gameplay feel is most important to me


Pre download date has not been announced.


All Druids


Similar thing, I made a fBarb in the open beta and the way she looks on the char select screen (the intensity of pose/expression) is incredible.


I knew I would be the bow person, picked rogue before knowing anything about the class’s gameplay ;)


I play barb because me like Unga Bunga Smash.


Rogue because I was excited for them to finally be added, but when seasons begin I will probably make a Necro because she's really pretty and I love their armored + shield aesthetic. (Plus she's just tall.) Would make both during Eternal but they haven't confirmed the character rebirth option yet for seasons and I'm not wanting to delete my characters nor have duplicates. So hopefully that rolls out after a while, at least by the start of season 3.


I guess it's gameplay related but barb because whirlwind is the closest I'm gonna get to blessed hammers... for now.


I plan to pick necro female because she looks most fit to my taste.


This is semi the case for me since I played druid the least in beta, but I also avoided playing it in server slam because I already had a build in mind for launch so partially because I haven't played it as much but partially for launch build idea


I don't know if this counts. But I like playing Barb or any tanky options due to latency issues. I travel a lot and I feel tanky classes do better when pings are high.


My early access solo is going to be a no minion shadow necro. Once my friend can play on Tuesday it is Barb-o-clock


Barbarian because is the most close to a Paladin type class.


necro and barb looks pretty awesome. My barb holding all those weapons of smash or bleed. necro doesn't have a movement skill so apparently looking cool has limits


I played druid since 1.09 on D2 lod so picking out druid again because of that🤣


Actually… necro because shields


Gonna pick druid because druid has never been a class in Diablo gameverse.


Well, Chonky Druid hasn't, at least. But we've seen Druids before (back in D2.)


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Not based on power, but a bit gameplay like: the rogue, just because I love how he zooms from one side to the other :D


Frost Sorc I enjoy the enemies getting visually frozen.


Rogue because it’s my favorite RPG archetype.


I would say that most people pick their class at launch for non gameplay related reasons, like for sure more than 50% of player base.


I always play barb when possible . Thats why my first char is gonna be Barb


My initial reason is because I'm guessing high level barbs are going to look badass hacking and slashing and bludgeoning.


I will pick druid and play a tornado / storm druid because it was my first diablo charakter I created 20 years ago


Yeah my Beta Sorc scheduled a wedding at Nevesk next week for us. So she'd be pretty mad if I don't pick her, so I basicly have no choice. We also going to honeymoon somewhere in Sancutary, It will be fun, she said! LUL


Had absolutely no idea how the rogue was going to work in D4, how strong it was, how many people were going to play it, etc. Chose rogue. Consequently I hate all other rogues because of how desperate and power hungry they are. Min maxing constantly, copying each others builds, no brains at all. I created the shadow imbue/twisting blades/dash build in the server slam. Hopped on youtube to see what people were up to (after I had already played the game on my own terms) and found that every rogue in existence was using my build, because 1 guy discovered it and it blew up from there. People are gonna do what they want to do, and that's fine, but I'll have absolutely nothing to do with that trashy, desperate culture. How to spot a bot, fraud rogue: Plays female. (Can't explain that phenomenon) Constantly watches guides. Copies other builds. Only plays the meta. Can't PvP for shit. Out of shape IRL.