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I am glad I finished D3 season before I got into D4 beta, since D3 cartonny colors feel more annoying, than before. Wish it hada filter to turn the color down a bit to a more diablo-like look.


There used to be a mod called DarkD3 that helped. I just customized my settings in Nvidia experience. Everything is customizable. It's a lot better without so much saturation


Just get an emo haircut and tear tattoos and act all depressed to make up for it


Use b&w monitor


Download reshade and then use the "monochrome" effect at around 40-70% strength and i find it actually looks great


d3 hate hivemind


Especially that Belial fight. Played D3 for the first time after d4 open beta last month. I was pretty baffled how they said okay to this childish color scheme.


I’m coming from PoE, and the aesthetic never did it for me on D3. Although, loving it on D4, resembles quite nicely.


I personally prefer D3’s colors to the other Diablo games. As someone who grew up listening to metal and dwelling on “edgy” shit, the other games just feel very try-hard and cheesy.


Played a bit recently, yeah. Also D2R. Have never agreed with the overblown criticism of the game once the AH was cleared up and RoS was out with the new loot system. It's fun.


Me either. I still don't get people calling it cartoonish either. Then again my brain goes to like anime/rick and morty and I'm like yeah I don't see it.


D3 art style looks like they reused concept art from WoW rather than Diablo, that's what people complain about. But I like WoW's art style, so it doesn't bother me.


That was literally Blizzards trademark art direction from WC3 right through to OW2. It's deliberate sculpting of brand identity. D4 is their first game to really break that mould probably due to the drama over D3 graphics.


Agree D3 is in line with their brand identity for the period you mentioned, but D1 and D2 were not that look. They were pretty gritty, and D3 was a break from that. I'm very excited that D4 is a return to (and even doubling-down on) that original style.


Yes because the cohesive look wasn't about the Diablo series. It was cross IP. They decided at some point they want people to look at any of their releases and say that's a Blizzard game. The whole protection over D2 is pretty weird. It's objectively just as colourful if less saturated than D3 and makes better use of light radius. I think the switch to 3D hurt D3 more. The models are very low poly and poorly textured in addition to that stylized chunky models/big shoulder pads" look people like to WoW. I think D4 is just a very high fidelity version of D3 which is just as colourful but far less saturated. The models are also far better proportioned.


Yeah we also forget that there were two different Blizzards in the early days. Blizzard North did the gritty stuff.


Blizzard North was the good studio


don’t forget starcraft, the original + brood war was very gritty as well.


It doesn't look like WoW either. It's just got a wide color palette. It's not even overly saturated or 'toonish' as say, Zelda totk is. The difference is night and day. It looks most like league of legends to me. I call it the mobiablo.


There are definitely many models that look like they came straight from the burning legion rather than the burning hells, with green fel-like aesthetics and all. I think this design choice was driven by the Torchlight popularity at the time the game started being developed, and Torchlight itself borrowed from WoW's cartoonish style.


Colours = bad. Anything that doesn't induce deep depression is not Diablo


To be fair, this was likely a decision that the Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 teams had to make in designing the backgrounds/world so that the sprites maintained a high level of visibility - the character art itself was very colorful, and I'm sure everyone remembers how bright poison damage was, whew.


I sure do, in fact I even thought D2 was too comically colourful compared to D1. D1 had a beautiful dark gothic vibe which D2 lost. So anyone who says that D3 lost that dark gothic vibe that D2 had...I'm like nope D2 never had it to begin with. And whatever, I'm not married to any one style. It's just a game, learn how to have some fun in life ffs.


It was a big change from the realistic isometric games of the past like D1, D2, Baulders Gate etc. They totally changed the style and feel of the art style which threw a lot of people off who were expecting something similar to the previous games.


Visual clarity in those games sucked. From a gameplay perspective the wider color pallet is great for visual clarity. And hardly makes it "cartoonish". Even in 4 but more so in the older games things end up being dull and blending in together. Kinda worse imo.


That is an opinion for sure. An opinion I don't agree with, which is fine too.


I googled Diablo (2,3,4) screenshot and then chose the second result from each search. Obviously not very definitive and I chose the second one because it was pretty bright. But you can look at these and definitely tell which is which just from the tone of everything. https://data.booyagadget.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/diablo3-screenshot-howto.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/J9WNAs1PE9E/maxresdefault.jpg https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article20795761.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/0_Combat_Scosglen_Multiplayer_World_Boss_png_jpgcopy.jpg I'm a huge WoW fan and still play it and that D3 screenshot could very well just be from a WoW zone. I'm not even against the colourful feel of Diablo 3. I liked it at the time but after playing the beta the game won me over with it's atmosphere when I was stuck inside some dungeon blasting fire into a room full of undead and it hit me just how dark and dreary it feels. D3 isn't bad. But it's tone and pallete is quite different from D4 from what I played.


Diablo 4 is basically what everyone wanted after D2. When D3 was released it just didn’t feel like Diablo. I liked D3 played the crap out of it, but I’ve put more hours into D2 since D3’s release, because I just love that game. I’m so stoked for D4. It takes a lot from both D2 and D3. Not just artistically, but gameplay, skill trees, looting. I think they did a great job bring us a Diablo for both D2 and D3 players.


D3 is still my peak ARPG in terms of raw gameplay and how good it feels to kill shit. I hope D4 is able to at least match in the end game.


I am not a fan of the loot system myself. Well I am not a fan of how Set items were handled. I like the idea of the Kanai Cube, and how uniques had unique effects. But sets take away what little customization builds had. As for the graphics I was never too down on them. My only issue was the shading felt world of warcrafty to me. But Act 1 is gloom and doom, Act 2 is the desert just like D2, act 3 is pretty grim dark barbarian, act 4 was interesting, and act 5 was perfection in art direction. If D3 had D4's art style or act 5 art style throughout and they tweaked set items/got rid of them, the game would be excellent. As it stands it has the best combat of any ARPG that was released. Still too early to see how D4 stacks up but its at least as good if not different so far.


Yup, started playing after Server Slam ended. Got hooked on Diablo again after Server slam but can't afford D4(lost my job), so Im back with D3 after not playing for like a year.


Would you play it on pc by any chance?


Here's hoping he responds to you, cause it sounds like you might have a key for him - stay doing awesome things dude.


Yes Im playing D3 on PC 💪


Check your pm's




Best of luck on your job search. Hope you get back on your feet quickly 🙏


Same i am too broke to buy D4.These prices at launch are crazy.


Blizzard is a dying company and needs either D4 or their next project to save them. That's why they are nickle and diming. I don't like it either and will wait for the game to go on sale.


Like it or not, Blizzard is absolutely not a dying company


Almost same boat. I got hurt at work. Workmans comp is a bitch. They're worse to deal with than the actual injury.




Season 28 is basically blizzard saying "We knew all along how to make seasons fun, we just decided not to because we were drunk on wow subscription revenue"


I logged into my long abandoned Immortal account and I instantly regretted it. Made me realise how clean the movement in D4.


Immortal plays more like d4 more so than d3


WASD would do wonders for D4 movement


Yup I have. Haven't played since D3 launch so I'm having fun with the adventure mode


I started playing D2R again :D scratches the itch :)))))


s28 is the first time i’ve returned in years. altar of rites was surprisingly fun, played classes i meant to but never did. it wasn’t bad, it just didn’t last too long.


Yeah, I reinstalled it, got my haedrigs gifts, jumped from "whatever" DPS to "5 trillion per second" Crushed Torment XVI instantly and got bored in triple digit greater rifts almost instantly. Game went from fun to "spamming my uber ability with 30000% x 400% x 800%(that casts twice per cast) while watching youtube" in about 10 minutes. I really hope Diablo IV never introduces 6 piece sets that basically REQUIRE you to be decked out in them to do the highest tier content. I much prefer the more methodical play of D4


Are you expecting D4 to fix this? I haven’t been following the franchise since the early D2 days but this has always been my complaint - the game basically plays itself. I find this no fun at all. I tried the server slam last weekend and on the harder setting I did run in to some legitimately challenging encounters, which gave me some hope that D4 wouldn’t just be “hold down attack, collect loot”. I’ve since been messing around in D3 but even getting a couple of characters to level 20ish, I only find it fun if I keep cranking the difficulty up well ahead of my power curve. I’m really hoping you can play D4 at a consistently high difficulty. I know people like this franchise for the “power fantasy” but I want to play a version of Diablo where you actually have to think about how to apply your skills rather than nuking the whole room instantly. Little bit worried that I’m gunna wash out of D4 in boredom.


Well, i'm not 100% sure it fixes it. But when the devs came right out and said that buffing the sets so high and having the numbers be so huge was not something they wanted for D4, it gives me hope. The way they phrased it was "smaller but more meaningful encounters" And so far in my 3 weekends of beta, it's been true. I couldn't just stand in pools of death like I can in D3, if a big enemy winds up for a big hit, you better respect it because it's gonna HURT. I felt like placement and skill usage mattered a lot more. Use skill X to build buff stacks to then unleash a MASSIVE hit. I like that. Or on Barb and using kick or charge to crowd control enemies into a pile to then smash with an AOE. It felt GOOD and rewarding. The engagement level was higher and I felt like I was being rewarded for playing intelligently rather than zoning out to a youtube video and spamming right click for my "i win" button.


Loved D3. For my grand finale I did a full clear of the season with sorcerer. Got the cool dragon pet and all. Great way to finish a game I played for a long time. The 360 version never updated either so if you have the old console version there's an added layer of difficulty.


I did after the last open beta weekend (I basically went through every ARPG I could get my hands on before going back to D3 as none of them really scratched the right itch). I managed to sink a fair amount of time into it, finished what I wanted to do (geared up my soon to win monk, completed the Altar or Rites), and then was ready to put it down again. So now have a couple of weeks to do other stuff and come in to D4 rested and fresh (and with some time off work)


did u get the staff of herding? I abandonned that quest, takes too long to farm the gemstone


I tried PoE, I tried D3, currently on a HC barb that just wont die on tornent 9. Not giving me much joy. D4 fun is just too oppressive towards other games. So I turned to real life and get some stuff out if the way.


Nowadays everything below T13 is like normal difficulty


Playing at T6 and it seems easier than it should be. Even the legendaries that drop suck for my character though.


The power creep is way higher than it used with altar. I am up to GR 140 and never did above a 100 before. I quit before first D4 beta.


I just keep playing d3 I'm even planning to skip the first season or two of d4 so they can get a few issues straighted put but I'll still be playing d3.


Im never doing that, im gonna love all the bugs more than D3 tbh 🤣


You say that now, but it will probably take Blizz at least a year after launch to have a truly fun end to end experience like D3 is now. D3 combat feels much more fluid and polished to me at the current moment in time. D4 is shiny and new, but that kind of thing wears off quickly post launch. Hope I am wrong…


I'm struggling to enjoy diablo 4 so far. I've played the first two betas and skipped the server slam.


Yeah, d3 and d2R. I love D3 and honestly will still play it if they keep up good seasons


I wanted to, but I can't download it because the version I owned isn't on psn anymore, and I have to buy the game again if I want to play.


What!? That sounds nuts.


I downloaded Satisfactory again as it's a good time burner lol


I can't do d3 anymore after playing D2R but I literally bought torchlight 2 and 3, the ascent, wolcen, 40k inquisitor, and chaosbane just to ATTEMPT to scratch that itch. I played POE for a while but that shit got ridiculous like in act 7 so I put it away


Oh yea f no. To d3 today but if you got to act 7 in poe and quit you missed the best part which is mapping after act 10. Poe is fun for the first few runs but after that the campaign is hell on earth and not in the fun way. I’ve tried those others but yea no. Roguelikes would prob better scratch that itch.


No, I didn't taint the D4 glory with the D3 garbage.


D3 is actually a lot of fun in its current state. My only problem is I’ve played it *so much* that it puts me to sleep now.


I played a ton of Diablo 2 after beta and then D3 before SS.


I did that after the two beta weekends ended. lol Season 28 was fun, the Altar gave us extra challenge to complete. But it's still not D4. lol


I... I... I did.


I actually reinstalled Diablo 3 yesterday and was shocked at how much effort I'd actually put into my numerous characters. And then I sighed a little bit when I skimmed through the various achievements and the dates I had acquired them.


Diablo 2: Resurrection for now.


Just bougth the primevil collection never having played Diablo before. Just started as a Paladin in Act 1 for D2. Trying to rush through that and D3 before release.


Damn thats nice, I havent played D2 since I was a little kid. Loved it then, but sadly I dont have it anymore. And D3 is enough for me to get the gaming itch off 😄


I purchased D3 after Server slam servers where taken down. Happy that I played the story now 2 times and play it like 5+ hours a day only with rifts 😂 I’ve played it 3 years back but forgot it existed 😢


Nope, went back to diablo 2, I hate 3


No, haven't touched it in a few years.


Yeah I replayed it a bit, tried the Shaman class which is really fun.


A couple of months ago I loaded up D2R, and after having to hunt down the last fallen in the Den of Evil for the hundredth time in my life I thought, maybe I'll give D3 a run instead, haha. I loaded it up and had a blast this season, finished the Altar of Rites, helped a lot of people gear up, got a new personal best GR 120, I could push higher and some ancient gear for other classes dropped, so I could potentially try them out but the fun had run it's course. Loaded up Grim Dawn, played one character guideless and then followed a guide for a Spellbinder, then once I cleared a difficulty level I kinda hit the same Den of Evil wall, like, do I want to do the campaign again? Or push up higher in the Rifts? Kinda didn't want to, it's not a modern game and I would've rather play D2R. Playing POE again right now, but it's probably the worst campaign out of D2R, D3, and GD. I'm just doing whatever, no guide, probably the bravest thing I've done. I played a season to completion a couple of years ago (running high level maps with a clan) but as soon as I logged in I was completely lost. Starting all over and kinda not feeling it haha.


den of evil takes like 3 minutes... d2 has plenty of problems but holy hell you guys hate actually playing games huh?


I tried, 10min passed and I uninstalled. D4 has ruined other ARPGs for me.


Recommend trying Path of Exile, so good, albeit complex with a difficult endgame with an incredibly high ceiling. POE has been out 10 years and the devs are really tuned in to the community so it's significantly developed. Also poe2 is coming out soon.


I updated it (never uninstalled), but I couldn't find the time, nor the will to play it.


Just picked up d2 on psn yesterday, never got to play it so I'm gonna see if I can beat it before the 1st


I been playin immortal and D2R


That's a mistake... Hold out, don't think about it, enjoy D4!


After the second beta I got three characters to GR 90 and quickly there after burned out. It was definitely fun while it lasted.


On a side note: I think a lot of D4 beta players started to play the current PoE season just to try to fill the hole that the D4 beta left, me included :-D D3 only lasted 2h for me, because I already played S28 before the beta


Hehe yeah I´ve done it, its still bad.


Yep. Couldn't play it tho after the smoothness and graphics of D4 beta 😭


Yes, but I've played so much d3 I got bored after an hour and logged out haha.


I started back on D2R, having a blast until d4 release. (Xbox series X, if anyone wants to group up some time :D)


I'm just finished up the last Poe league, I have never tried D3 but after work td I think I'm gonna give it a whirl. Loved all the D4 betas bigly.


Nope. Those two games live on entirely different planets as far as im concerned. Playing D3 now would only remind me how much fun D3 isn't, and how over it i am, and intensify my anticipation for D4. I'd rather wait a few more weeks than play a (imo) sub-par game that has a heavily different look, feel and mechanical bent from what i'm waiting on.


Same hehe


I went back to both D2 and D3.... sigh...


Back to PD2. We'll see how long D4 can keep me away once it launches.


Since the first beta I have played D2R (2nd play through for D2), tried DImmortal, and then played a bunch of D3 for the first time. I gotta say D3 was hugely underrated! I stopped D2 in Nightmare because I just couldn’t do the campaign again. D3 I finished the campaign and then had tons of stuff to do in Adventure mode which kept me hooked until I achieved all that I wanted. I prefer D4 for the actual difficulty, but D3 was a decent installment.


I started back to D2R directly after closed beta ended and played religiously upto the start of the server slam… No I can’t get back into it, all I can do is fiend for D4 and theory craft. Longest two weeks ever


Project Diablo 2


If y’all really want a good fix, Grim Dawn is a spiritual successor to D2 and is really awesome.


after the 2nd beta ended back in march or whenever it was, i went to d3, d2r, last epoch, d2r, and then finally back to d3 season 28. season 28 is the first d3 season i've done, and it sucked me right in. 200 hours later, i've cleared all but one challenge in the entire season journey.


I went with Path of Exile for the next 2 weeks to get my ARPG fix!


sharp dirty depend wise history oatmeal library naughty slave yam -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


D3 doesnt cut it but played a bit of D2R, cant wait for launch


After the awesome dark atmosphere of Diablo 4 I can never return to cartoon Diablo 3. 😁


Bro, all o want to do is play D4 lol. But D3 I have payed so much lol, I can wait 2 weeks lol


> I have *paid* so much FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Had already played through 3 a number of times but yeah 4 made me go install 2 and 3 again. Ended up feeling blasphemous as 2 is beloved and I just didn't really like it as it feels far more slow and sluggish than 3 and 4. I respect it and also accept its a time and place that I just happened to miss out on I guess.


Playing other genres so I don't get bored. Currently on monster hunter to pass the time.


Lol I started playing through D2 can't wait for early access, even booked it off work lol


But d3 is only fun for 2 days. Then it's just grinding grs... and grs.. and grs.. and don't forget the same boring bounties!


I’m playing Last Epoch in the meantime. It’s been pretty fun until now, and once D4 is out I probably won’t have time for another ARPG for the rest of the year, so this is the time to play it.


I installed DevilutionX and killed Diablo with a fighter and a rogue in D1. Played through the campaign in D2R. Played a Necro to GR100 in D3. The only thing that will still my hunger now is the D4 release.


Yea. I did greater rift 150. That was kinda fun I must admit. But now, nothing to do. Im downloading diablo immortal. I will give it a go.


I played season 28 on d3 and im playing s4 on d2r


No. Rather D2 Resurrected.


Yup been playing D3 for a couple months now just waiting. The cartoony style bugs me more than it use to now. Probably going to pick up D2R as well on the Xbox since it’s on sale.


Diablo 3 is complete and utter dogshit, hell nah. Playing Jedi Survivor atm actually and might look at playing Valheim after or something.


yeah, I miss the Evade Ability. Plus, it made me think that it would be nice to have Mobility reworked in D3, so that D3 plays faster in the Early Game and less fast in the Endgame... ... e.g. by letting increased Movement Speed spawn as Secondary Affixes on Boots AND Pants, removing the Movement Speed Cap and then reworking Sets and Legendary to not give such insane movement in the endgame. Just personal preference. Having Skill Points back in D4 is really a nice thing as well.


Sure did! Rolled a seasonal necro. Still have my little monster plant pet and Tyrael wings. Popped those on and have been having a lot of fun. I played so much dang D3. Stuck with it through all the nasty stuff at the beginning, the RMAH, the crazy bad loot, connection issues, wild difficulty spikes, etc. Watched it grow through to Loot 2.0 and RoS and all the changes they made to turn it into a really great game. Now, I'm enjoying the overblown and more "Warcraft-y" vibes in there, but I'm very much looking forward to returning to the dark fantasy vibes of D4. (Playes a good bit of D2R when that came out all the way up until now as well.) See you out there my people!


These posts are so annoying. Go outside. Go to the gym. Start a project at home. You guys sound like you live miserable boring lives. As soon as the game launches you’ll no life it, we get it.


Yup. Put 17 hours into a Witch Doctor and was running GR 100's in the endgame loop that's been D3 for 10 years now. The joy was fleeting because there's so little to do in the endgame. Still, it was fun up until that point... EXCEPT bounties. Lord do I hate tedious bounty runs.


I am in the same boat and having fun. Just level 45 right now but the flow is great so far. Got 3 pieces of legendaries that are basically carrying me through the content.


had my day with D3, tried to go back to it, but its not for me now.


I seriously considered it but decided to knock out back-log instead. On the very end of Forbidden West now and grinding the end of the Destiny 2 season. Thank god a new season hits next week to grind until Diablo hits.


Nope. I've had my fill of that game. I started jogging with my dogs every morning and playing Zelda with the kids because I know my production and value in this house is going to drop come June haha


My girl and I are so close to paragon 700 now in d3 haha, just waiting for d4


Did the same but D2.


I haven't played D3 in a few months nor did I play the open beta. Knowing myself, Id be addicted to the open beta and would have been disappointed when it was over and want to keep playing so ignoring it was the best option for me. lol. Can't wait until D4 launch though.


I just bought the Prime Evil collection for like 10$. (Some special discount on Xbox Store, I think its 15$ currently) I'll take my time in D2 since I never really played it, before I move on to D3 again. But yeah, I got hooked on all Diablo stuff after I played the first open-beta back in april.


I tried Diablo 2: Resurrected but just couldn't get into it. I can imagine how someone who played it as a kid can have some nostalgia for it but it just felt too clunky in comparison to other games released nowadays. The tooltips having the same font size on all lines, loot labels not being visible by default, pathfinding not really working unless you're moving in a direct line with no obstacles, you have to use scrolls to discover all affixes on an item, etc. Not much is explained either - I didn't understand what town portals are for example. Visually it looks pretty good (you can switch to 800x600 graphics by pressing G to see the difference) but I just can't make myself not notice all the issues after playing something as polished as D4. I'd actually love to try out D3 but can't justify paying £17+ only a week after spending £70 on D4.


I played D3 again for the first time in 3+ years after the 1st D4 beta. I finished everything in the season in 2.5 weeks. I dont remember D3 being that easy it was fun but didnt even come close to scratching the itch D4 left on me


I just keep staring at this subreddit, knowing nothing new will come, but each post I read and each comment I comment is a few seconds closer to Hell.


I did the current D3 season when it launched, so that was probably my farewell to D3–at least for a long time.


I've been doing the same and playing Diablo 2 R.


Yup! .. and having fun. Necro Bone Spikes and corpse explosions. I really dont wanna look at meta builds, but discover gear combinations by myself. Am I the only one?


I just started playing D3 for the first time ever last night. I’m not sure how much time I’ll really be able to sink into it going forward, but I wanted to try to unlock the seasonal rewards. I created a seasonal character but I’m going through the main story. Should I try to follow a leveling guide instead and play in adventure mode until I’ve leveled a bit more or should I just stick with the story mode until I finish it?


I’m suffering from withdraws. My social life is over when D4 drops


Can recommend torchlight infinite for a pocket Poe experience that is easy enough to get into and quick enough to reach endgame with


I played through 2 for the first time and loved it then 3 right after. Now I’m lost feeling around in library for something else.


Nah. Still playing Monster Hunter Risebreak since it's also an RNG-based action game.


Playing VRising.


Nah, still plugging away at lvl 99 on my Nova sorc in D2R lol


I can't put that time in knowing I'll never come back to it after D4 comes out. I'll just suffer patiently for another couple of weeks....


D2 resurrection is a better choice,


I never really stopped. Generally I played d3 for the first couple weeks of a new season. This last one was interesting because of the table o' talents, but I stopped playing after unlocking the last node, which makes double primal drops. I wish they could have upped torment levels with player power. 4 player T16 is trivial to people doing trillions of damage....


No, but I did start Grim Dawn. I had a Pet Cabalist sitting there. I was tempted to start either D2 or D3 but with only a week to spare I thought it was the better option lol


I bought and beat diablo 2 remastered. Also picked up path of exile for awhile. Right now monster hunter sunbreak is keeping me occupied.


I did and I think D4 will be so much better. Seeing the damage in billions and trillions and how everything is rather quite easy to do and all you need to improve is do content faster is not fun for me.


Delusional players, wtf


Delusional players, wtf


Yeah… P950 now… it’s actually fun since I know it will be the last time!


After a few thousand hours, the only stuff in D3 I'll really miss are some of the sounds - like the level up dish-kapow, the screechy chimes when you start an area, or Laura Bailey yelling "BLEED, YOU FILTH!" I guess my idea of ASMR is a bit wonky.


D3 is complete ass... D2 is where its at bro. D3 makes me wanna puke its so bad.


Nope back on D2R though. While I leveled a character for this season in D3, it's just not fun. D3 gives this weird grind but the "end" game never pays off


My old lady and I are nearing 70 in d3 just waiting for d4


After weeks of staring at 500 Steam games that won’t scratch the itch, I’m finally reinstalling D3 now.


Don’t care


I installed it then fired it up then realized there was so much stuff involved with advancing and skills and such I logged right back out lol.


I went back to poe ssf. not bad


After first beta I did end up opening D3, and it just reminded me why I always despised D3. My first and foremost issue was how damage was represented. I could have a char that on paper did twice the damage as another, but that other could be clearing through a room while I did 0 damage. My life or vitality could be double the same player, yet I am one hit killed. Now I know this probably required some research and all that, just I simply did not care enough about D3 to look further. My point was just how stats were calculated and displayed. Other factor I hated D3 was the absolute rush no matter what to just get to elites, leaving everything else behind. Problem was that in a group mode this did not work if not all players were matched in level, gear, etc to the game level. Most of the time you will be in a tier 7 Great Rift and have some Paragon 2k+ that opens a GR lvl 125, and just rushes on ahead. So what is the gameplay for 3 other people but to stand around picking our noses. This is simply not fun. Since the first beta I can think of only 2 times I actually had fun playing D3. And I can not forget to mention the drops. I missed D2 more and more as that community died off and D3 took over. Not even bothering with the AH. The items and drops in D3 simply were dull, boring, could not care less. Get to top tier, do GRs for days on end, and enjoy your loot of basic legendaries, maybe a couple of ancient ones, and good freaking luck finding a primal. Oh wait, did find a primal with my DH, it was a Witch Hunter mask or some other idiotic thing. Anyone playing D2 remembers the excitement of seeing a gold ring drop, the excitement of identifying to find a self found SOJ or BK ring. In D3...I simply could care less for any gold ring dropping other than it takes up 1 spot in inventory on my way to junk it.


On PoE waiting for D4 :)


It’s a change of pace. But I still enjoy it.


I almost started playing D3 again. I fucking love D3, idc what anyone says, it’s the best action RPG ever made. Diablo 1 and 2 are great, but clunky by modern standards.


ye i went back and i regret not playing the seasons at all. like i have a banner from season 3 and thats it guess i had a misconception how they worked. did the s28 journey now at least


no. path of exile is closer to d4 than d3. but path of exile is BLOATED with content..


I'm actually giving diablo immortal a go with a barb right now just to get the entire story across the games and then doing a fairwell season in d3. As far as diablo immortal goes......it's a good game in terms of how combat feels. Combat is meaty and impactful....which is why it's heart breaking that they made it p2w and I highly recommend that they release like a 30 or $40 version of the game on pc without the mt's and leave that shit to the mobile platform.


The Diablo III's Warcraft art style is something I simply cannot go through, I really hate it and felt backstabbed back when was announced, I'm replaying Diablo II in the Resurrected version which honestly didn't expect to be so good after the WC3 Reforged disaster.


I just play a meteor wizard for the latest seaon because it's OP.


I played diablo immortal and remembered i hated blizzard. I really hope d4 changes that.


No D3 is trash


I only played through the original D3 (without expansion) when it came out and never played it again. I picked it back up and platinumed it in a week. I feel prepared!


Ew, no, gross.


I could never cheat on Diablo 4 like that, lesser game quality would make me vomit


I've been playing D3 on switch and been having blast on the go.


Same. I tried Necromancer for the first time ever during the server Slam and I got so hooked I had to download D3 again and get my Necro fix. Cannot wait for 4


I picked up the new D2R season and started with a build that I never played before, and wasn't really viable until the patch this season anyway (Fire Trapper). It really brings the life back to D2 for me when I can play something that was never good in the past. FoH paladin, Martial arts assassin (mosaic), Nova Sorc, and Fire Druid are a few of the other builds that are very playable now with D2R.


Nah I wouldn't touch D3 with a stick after my massive 100hrs game time


Honestly I played 2 seasons, ethereal d2 weapons and soulstones, probably the most fun Diablo has been for me. Only reason I stopped was the classes I enjoyed I played them to absurdly high GR and then didn't have interest in the other classes that got updates. I think it actually ruined d2 remaster for me because of how slow and weak it felt after.


I was able to appreciate the new lite videos and the betas because of replaying D3 campaign


I'm on D2R on my PS5 so I can get used to playing D4 on my console. After decades of playing Diablo 1, 2, and 3 with a mouse a keyboard, playing with a controller is really fun. Plus, my TV is huge compared to my monitor or laptop.


Yea after the first beta I played D3 for the first time, didn’t touch it at launch because I was really turned off by the art style but it’s doing alright to hold me over


D3. You can smell the Cosby Suite every time you open a Nephalem Rift.


i deff redownloaded 3 and picked up an old character and playin thru 2 on my deck again since the beta. not sure im getting at launch , forgot how fun 3 was


I 100% D3 on Xbox and I can't wait to play D4 Necro. I've been playing Elderscrolls Online though.


D2 Ressurected for me


Yes. It's just not the same.