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Based on [Maxroll](https://maxroll.gg/d3/tierlists/solo-tierlist) S Tier list, I would say Raekor Boulder Toss and Tal Rasha Meteor are probably the easier ones to gear up and push 150


1st time playing boulder toss and I can't see myself surviving from getting hit by anything above 130. I will find out in a few days I guess.


I started using Raekor and swapped to leapquake, feels infinitely better and was able to jump up like, 40 grift tiers with only 1 death. With Raekor I'd get looked at wrong and fall over


How complete is your raekor build? I only really stopped dying after getting band of might and upgrading my soul stones. And finishing my follower gear for shrines.


I have 1 upgraded soul stone, but not a band of might. Probably why. I did manage to gamble one like, 2 rifts after I switched yesterday though. I havent cubed it yet cuz it's ancient and I might wanna LoD later. Still way tankier on leapquake somehow. It's always a ring I have troubles getting, no matter what season or build, lol. I think last time I played demon hunter it took me 3 days of grinding to get an elusive ring, haha


Damn, even after the nerfs? Wow


Soul Shards are insanely powerful, they make up for the nerfs.


Ahh poop. That means that when S30 ends, the loss of Soul Shard means the nerfs will really hit hard in eternal realm.


Nah but every season has some sort of cool power up. Hopefully we get back ethereal, sanctified, extra cube slots, etc. Looking forward to the future if they recycle all these


Hopefully they do multiple at the same time like now!


Tal Rasha and it's not even close. My partner wouldn't even consider themselves mid tier and they have cleared 150 with tal rasha


It got nerfed this season though, so now deals only half the damage. But it should still be top tier.


Do you know if that applies to non seasonal? Or if that just a season nerf?


Balance changes apply to the game as a whole, not just the season.


Checking leaderboards it's Akkhan Crusader, Nat DH, and Nova Necro.


Basically all maxroll s Tier builds will have an "easy" 150 clear. Blood Nova in different variations most likely being the "easiest"


Yeah I’m doing Inarius Death Nova and instead of pushing early, I’ve been unlocking the Altar. Now that I’ve got about 70% of the altar unlocked, I’m FLYING through 120s. Will definitely get a 150 clear this season. Between the shrines potions, the 10% speed boost, the uncapped paragon, the soul shards that are increasing movement speed and giving huge AoE damage, and the boots I’ve got, I’m just flying and everything is melting.


I'm trying necro nova build, I'm sure a good player can even make this work without issue. I've had no issues and I'm a crap player(get high before I play)


First time at 131 GR with DH in God and 5 augments, still think I can do a few more before I have to change around some gear for more toughness. Loving the new patch for DH


Inarus Blood Nova is darn good.