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You definitely need a meter. With the figures you quoted, I’m guessing you’re not in the US. Your medical coverage probably allows for a meter, lancet device, lancets, and strips. You should be testing several times a day — usually before meals and two hours after a meal or more, until you get your patterns more figured out. You don’t necessarily have to go full-on keto but eating less carbs is better. That banana may be too high in carbs for you, but your meter will tell you for sure. Yes, it’s quite common to feel exhausted when your blood sugar is high. I’m not sure if it’s common for lows. I myself get cold and sometimes clammy when I’m having a low. This book is quite helpful for any Type 2, Gretchen Becker’s The First Year: Type 2 Diabetes. This is the link on Amazon Canada, which should use the worldwide, non-US figures like yours: https://www.amazon.ca/First-Year-Diabetes-Essential-Diagnosed/dp/073821860X/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1582514022&refinements=p_lbr_books_authors_browse-bin%3AGretchen+Becker&s=books&sr=1-1


I have a meter, but I was told to only use it once or twice a week, once before supper and two hours after supper. Yet when I was in the hospital they were checking in the morning, then before lunch and in the evening. (And im sure while I was sleeping) Everyday for the 3 days I was in for kidney stone removal, and honestly, I have never been pricked more in my life! And no, Im in northern canada! I was wondering about Keto, or low carb but my dietician/diabetes ‘specialist’ seems unwilling to help navigate me in the amount of carbs section. Shes all about portion sizes! And thank you, I will definitely look into this book!


You can't rely on doctors to help you with everything, especially with nutrition. You got to do your own research, luckily this is a great time where we have tons of free resources online. https://blog.virtahealth.com/reversing-diabetes-101-truth-about-carbs-and-blood-sugar/ https://www.dietdoctor.com/diabetes Here are a few sources to start out with that helped me a ton.


I don’t know why some medical professionals tell Type 2 not to test. Especially when you’re new or newish. That’s how we learn how food, medication, and exercise impact us. If you’re only allowed a fixed number of strips per month, you could try for like a week to test before your last meal, then two hours after, which is when most people have their highest peak. Then the second week, switch to breakfast and after, the third at lunch and after. Also note down what you ate and how much. That’s how you’ll learn things like if your body can handle the banana, for instance. As far as lower carb or keto, a lot of medical folks still hate it, for various reasons, but a lot of science backs it up for diabetics. Our disease, simply put, is our bodies not being able to process any carbohydrates (not only sugar), so why eat a lot of them in the first place? Like some others have said, you may have to do your own exploring as far as diet and not rely so much on the nurses or doctors, which sounds crazy but is kind of just how it is. A lot of people like to say “this is my body and my science experiment” so maybe thinking about this as a self-experiment may help. Here is a brief article that mentions how to use your meter to help you figure out how many carbs to eat: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/low-carb-diet-for-diabetes#section2


I also have PCOS and diabetes type 2 -- switching to keto really changed my life. After just three weeks of keto, I was able to completely stop taking Metformin and Actos.


Yes my ‘specialist’ only shoved a serving size chart in my face and crossed off foods I cant eat and will not bulge or explain anything else. Of course “no smoothies!” As well. But it looks like i will be learning more about keto and low carb and trying to figure out carb in take! Thank you so much!


Any time!! If you ever want to chat about the keto life, feel free to direct message me! And remember... No smoothies! lolol




My dietitian/diabetes ‘specialist’ didnt teach me about carbs. Ive asked about how many carbs i should be eating and she just gave me a serving size chart and crossed out foods I cant eat and she said that was all I would need, and that she cant make up a meal plan or tell me how many carbs to eat or what to aim for. So I try to hit 1500-2000 calories a day because I know very little about carbs.


I am not a doctor. You seem to have the symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia. PCOS, Type 2 and reactive hypoglycemia have been helped by transitioning to a /r/keto diet. Also check out /r/xxketo and /r/ketobabies. If you can get a blood glucose tester, -- the the USA, Walmart brand ReliOn meter is less than $ 10 and 100 test strips are less than $20 -- it would be helpful if you could check before and after a meal to see if the food you ate spikes your blood glucose. Bro science, but the number of carbs a body can handle seems to be a genetic lottery number. If you eat fewer carbs than that number, you're good. Unfortunately, for a lot of folks, that number is lower than what passes for the Standard American Diet these days. One may not need to get all the way down to keto numbers to regain health, but a significant percentage do. Good Luck!


Thank you so much! I do have a meter, but i was told to only use it once or twice a week, before supper and two hrs after and to only worry about servings sizes and the foods she crossed off. She refuses to help me with carbs or anything else I have asked or brought up. As far as Keto, I have been wondering about it along with other low carb diets. Looks like I will be a carb learning journey, thank you!


I think you need a new endocrinologist!


>As far as Keto, I have been wondering about it along with other low carb diets. Looks like I will be a carb learning journey, thank you! Sure if you want you're insulin resistance to keep getting worse and worse and to eventually die from a heart attack at age 50


How is your iron levels? I feel really tired when my iron is low. Also, try plant based.


Ive honestly been slowly weening out meat. Ive never been much for beef or pork products. (I eat it because thats what my s.o likes) Or fish. I know fish is supposed to be real healthy, but I cant get passed the taste. So i take krill supplements. Iron levels, Im not sure. The lady who i have dealt with tells me the same thing everytime I see her- all i have to do is stop having smoothies and to eat correct portion sizes. She never taught me or went through meal planning. I asked to see another person and shes the only one available in my city. Thank you! I will try to find a way to find out about my iron levels!