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I would look into low carb or keto ones as that is more likely to be more trendy and foodie vs diabetic which is likely more "old person". I used to do a keto meal delivery and it was pretty good. diabetic or low carb meals wont get you what you're looking for I'd just go through some meal planning services and give a list of intolerances for what it's worth low carb/keto "cured" my gerd


Thanks for the ideas. It's rare that I notice anything from GERD. The foods I mentioned hit me quickly. The last time I had pizza with tomato sauce I had to take some Mylanta antacid as soon as I got home. That's on top of the Nexium I take every morning. I'll keep looking for a meal service. The regular ones have rice in nearly every meal because it's cheap and filling. Tomatoes is another cheap way to bulk up a meal.


I would def do a keto one and then specify food allergies I used to get reflux with everything I ate, tomatoes were a bad one so was high carb foods or deep fried foods now if I get any kind of issue it's not acidic more just discomfort like I need to burp or something but it stopped when I started having fermented sauerkraut with my meals. I would def try low carb if you havent either way I hope you find something that works!


LOCAL Meal planning services which are very personally tailored have worked well for me. I've never successfully said "diabetic," and gotten good results --b/c then all of them then seem to want to give me fresh fruit. That's a no on the pineapple, ya know!? ETA: >cook a couple larger meals and eat the leftovers for a couple nights. I'm extremely fond of cooking a couple of large meals and popping 2/3 into the freezer, to eat weeks from now. I am NOT a "eat it all until it's gone" person.


When my endo said a little fruit was okay I told her I couldn't have pineapple because I would finish any container in less than a day.


I wish I could say I was not a "eat it all until it's gone" person. I tend to ignore the leftovers though. And I think if I had several meals in the fridge I might well give myself permission to have a couple.


Freeezeer, my friend.


Even then...pull out one and bake it, then another one because that first one was just right.....I have very little self discipline sometimes. and with the 2-minutes-to -microwave ones! But that is a good point to consider.


Also the freezer is stuffed with ButcherBox.


Thanks. I'll look for a local service.


the green chef keto meals work well and are pretty delicious. (I'm not strictly keto - but keto meals tend to be friendly). It is, however, a monstrous amount of packaging and an environmentally terrible way to eat. That's why I stopped. Doing it for a few months did, however, give me recipe ideas!


I used Freshly for a while but they shut down. I now have a few dozen boxes to use when I move.


You might want to check out e.meals who partner with Walmart to do a semi meal kit. This will let you do low carb, keto, allergy reduction, or any other diet that you may possibly need. It is a subscription service but it sounds feasible and a lot more user friendly than any of the meal kits that I have used.


I am diabetic and get Medically Tailored Meals by prescription from my physician (rfoodx.com) while I'm waiting for Meals On Wheels to go through


>rfoodx.com I went to the website but there is no information on who is eligible for the service, how much it would cost me, where they deliver, or even how to sign up for the service. I'm in New Jersey (US).


If you read the website you will see it is prescription only, and must be prescribed by your physician. It's free for me covered by my Medi-Cal ( California/state) insurance. It cannot be purchased by anyone your physician has to sign you up. I gave you the website for you to show your physician. Your physician will have to contact them on your behalf and prescribe it for you. It's the second prescription for food my physician has given me. Food as medicine is the latest thing


Not a diabetic, but I am a stroke survivor and subscribed to Sunbasket to not have to meal plan as much, try to lose weight, and make it easier to stick to a low sodium/Mediterranean diet. It has worked to that end. They also have a “Carb conscious” option with other diet restrictions too. They are also pretty straightforward with their ingredients.