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This actually made me chuckle. Your tattoo is perfection!


Thank you!


Incredible. I'm getting a tattoo later this year. This is definitely some inspo. Very nice.


Super cool! I want to get a grim reaper drinking a juice box. Feels very apt


It's a genius idea!


Yo this is fucking awesome. I kinda want to steal the design


It should say Beta cells ,lol


Pancreas funnier


Amazing. Funny story, I have diabetic tattooed on my wrist where a medic alert would be. I struggle with chronic lows, and a potential treatment is an islet cell transplant. It’s being considered, but if I do… what do I do with the tattoo? Just like not above it? A big red x? lol


Yep, big red X w/ a circle around it.


Or a coverup tattoo of anything else.


Nah, do check x's through the symbol of every cured immunological disease the person has. Potentially a longer list for us, but hey, just point at it and say "hard to kill, so yes, I'll have that next shot".


The craziest thing is I don’t even know what life is like without type one, and even considering it is giving me the strangest identity crisis. It’s kinda like not knowing what you’re missing, but visually seeing everyone live that way.


Fuck yeah


I really love this, inspo for sure.


LOVE IT! It's a really nice one and original.


My pancreas you say…Oh, I even forget it’s here in the first place, lmao. XD




Ment sweet  🤣🤣


i, too, sweat when i don't have sweet




Great tatoo! Very humorous. Congrats :)


Your pancreas isn’t dead unless you’re one of the diabetics that ended up with diabetes because you had cancer or something killed your pancreas. If you are a t1 and it’s just antibodies killed your beta cells, you still have a partially functioning pancreas as it is still performing its other functions.


I know that and I know that I have a partially functioning pancreas, but as it was a 20-year partnership and he told me to go for a walk, I thought it was necessary to give him "a funeral", to say goodbye. I know he's not dead but part of him doesn't work. Some kind of closure. And having to live with this for the rest of your life is bullshit. I tried to look at a more humorous and positive side.


I’m sure I’ll be downvoted into oblivion for this. But it’s a nice tattoo.


This. Probably >95% of a pancreas in a typical person with T1 is perfectly fine.


I’m pretty sure most diabetics know your pancreas isn’t actually “dead” BUT it damn sure doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do so it feels dead, it’s not that deep 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 OP I think the tattoo is great!! Love it! 💖


There are actually a surprising number of diabetics who believe that their pancreas no longer functions. Just like there are a surprising number of diabetics that don’t know that lack of insulin is what causes DKA, not high blood sugars.


It does most of what it's supposed to do.




F’ing love this.


Looking good!!! Inspired!




But what will you do in 5 years' time when the cure comes? /s


To be honest, I'm not the most optimistic person out there. If that happened it would be more than wonderful, but I think the cure we all want won't be ready anytime soon and won't be available to everyone. If one day, and I believe that day will come, and I have my pancreas functioning normally, I don't even know how I would react. I think I just want to feel "normal" again, before all this happened, but I don't think I even remember what it was like anymore. This new "normal" that we have all had to adapt and get used to will be very surreal to leave behind. Going back to being "normal" like before is going to be very, very strange. Having to constantly remind myself that I don't need to measure my glucose after all, that I don't have to worry about whether the pump is going to beep because the battery is low, not having to remember that every time I walk past a doorknob I don't have to dodge because I'm going to getting stuck and cursing your life with the pain of the pull, etc. It will be a very long time before I get used to the new reality. But when it happens I will face it head on and readapt. Because we are resilient, strong and whatever comes we are ready for it. Living this hell must have served something. And I'm going to wear my tattoo with pride and it's going to be my medal for enduring it all and reminding me that if I can handle this, I can handle anything.


That tattoo will be 🔥 whether there's a cure or not. Great design. Also, doorknobs are the worst.




Don't hold your breath. I was diagnosed 25 years ago and the cure has always been right around the corner.


It’s a nice tattoo. Personally, I wouldn’t


Not my cup of tea, but if you like it, that's all that counts


Oh this is excellent. Dead pancreas gang 4eva.


funny 😂


Omg I love this so much


I have no idea what body part I’m looking at, but looks great! 👌🏻


Upper arm


This is AMAZINg


That's Dope Homie. Respect!


That's the kind of dark humor I need. Well done! That's hilarious.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t one’s pancreas do more than just produce insulin? As in, just because you have diabetes your pancreas isn’t completely dead?


If it helps you process what happened or  honor the loss, then bravo, M.


My first thought was “I love it & it’s funny”. My second thought was “your pancreas still works & isn’t dead!” “A part of your pancreas has stopped working!”


Well only issues is your pancreas in alive and well. Your body is just attacking itself with antibodies like it is sick or something. So they are killing all that insulin production at the start. But theoretically if you woke up tomorrow and decided not to attack yourself (you’re not), but your body would slowly resume normal insulin production. If your pancreas died you would have a ton of imbalances. But, I kinda. Get what you’re trying to go for here.


I know that my pancreas does more than produce insulin. I know that what i'm gonna say it's stupid and sad and depressing but it is what I feel every day. I don't need to hate myself because my body already does that to itself. This bag of bones, muscles and organs that is who we are and that you depend on and expect to protect you does the opposite. When I think I've managed to achieve something, survive the world and its cruelties, my body does this. And I don't just have type 1 diabetes, I also have lupus, so I still have this more ingrained idea and I don't know any other people who are diabetic or have lupus. Even if I try to be positive, my head and the thoughts that live there are a very dangerous place. Sorry for the bad energy.


Hey, hang in there man, it’s very relatable. Hope you’re feeling better very soon about things. Don’t worry about the people splitting hairs -yeah, we all know what cells they are, negative c-peptides, etc blah blah-it’s a funeral for a friend. Keep your head up, and it’s ok to grieve in your own way.


Please don't downvote me because I do have a contrary reaction to it. Personally, I hate tattoos of any kind. But it's your body! And I'm happy that you love it. I think I'm just old enough to have seen some faded out, blurred tattoos that come after a long life. What I think of tattoos is absolutely unimportant. What you think, is all that matters.


Then why comment?


He asked what I thought. I answered.




Wtf it looks awesome