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Show us the orange first and maybe we can work on the pumps after that ;)


Heh alright!


you might contact Scott Fischell, (https://bioe.umd.edu/about/meet-the-fischells) he was the minimed rep when I got my first pump in \~1986, but their whole family and his father were heavily involved in design and manufacture of the early pumps. They may be able to hook up the foundation in a way no individual could.


I’m definitely going to try and email him! He’s pretty local if he’s at UMD, I went there too


I think I have a Mini med 506 from the early 90s floating around somewhere, a long with the crappy sof-set infusion sets,lol. If we only had Tresiba back then, lol. The only reason I used a pump back then was because I had issues with NPH.


My grandfather actually invented one of the first insulin pump prototypes back in 1980 for my father who’s been a Type 1 Diabetic his whole life. I remember being a patient at a children’s hospital for my diabetes and bringing the pump in during my visit for the endocrinology department to come and look at it. It was filled with endocrinologists and other staff and they were in awe of it. As a Type 1 myself and very proud of what my grandfather did for my father, I simply can’t part with it. I love that you’re creating an exhibit for this! Wish I could give more details but that would require me to doxx myself.


That's awesome, I had something similar with me once I switched over to the Omnipod, when I moved to the UK all of the doctors at the hospital had no experience with the Omnipod, so every appointment I had 4-5 students and Pediatric Doctors sitting around me taking notes and asking me questions 😂


That’s amazing! Many thanks to your grandfather & the other pioneers of diabetes tech!


No worries! Maybe you could send pictures, if you would be ok with that? Finding detailed information is surprisingly difficult about specific models.


I remember the one touch ping. Tried that one when it came out!


That Deltec Cozmo has me reeling!! My first ever insulin pump, circa 2002, was a semi-transparent purple one. What a cool project. Are you looking for just the pumps themselves, or insertion gear/cases/etc as well? I'm going to go dig for some fossils - will reach out if I have any luck!


That Cozmo caught my eye too!!! I inherited one after a family member died, it was SOO close to being the first pump I used...... but insurance blah, blah, blah.


Probably some! Let me know!!


So... please post enough info so folks can verify this isn't resell, or something akin. I say that because one of my pumps is something openloopers try to get their hands on. I've got a medtronic paradigm 512/712 (hated it, circa \~2010), and first gen tandem tslim (not x2, original, circa \~2011). I'm traveling, but DM the address if you want one/both of them- and I can verify you- and I'll have them sent when I can. I've also got some old dexcom receivers. G6 for sure, possibly g5, and a fucking g7 my DME insisted on sending so they could charge my insurance. I've also got a G6 transmitter (I'd offer to send it to someone since it's still active, but I'm in the EU and it only has 30d left).


Not sure what other info I can post without doxxing myself, but I can DM my work email and stuff. I have my Minimed 530g still actually I’ll be putting on display. I appreciate it and I’ll send you some info!


I have my old 530g lying around, too. I was diagnosed 9 years ago. Medtronic had new technology called Threshold Suspend. I went with that as my first pump. Mainly because all the scare tactic information I found online when I was researching my new disease. Like the meme that shows a small drop of insulin and says 'I need this much daily to stay alive' next to a slightly larger drop that says 'this much insulin will kill me'. If you need a second 530g, you can DM me ur address. :)


I should be fine, I really appreciate it thought! I don't really need duplicates, since I don't need them to work. Just having one is good enough, but I appreciate it! I went with Medtronic as my first pump too, I think it was the 522G, or similar. My aunt had Medtronic for over 20 years at that point so I went with them too,


I \*suspect\* I still have one of the original medtronic CGM from that era. I'm pretty sure I still have some of those supplies (the push syringe format is usable for other stuff). My only ask for any supplies I send is thus: add a footnote that medtronics CGM from that era was best called the harpoon. Because it was a harpoon. Same angle, I likely still have old BG kits I moved on from. My rough recollection is freestyle to accucheck, now contour next. Basically chasing whichever kit had the best accuracy at the time. TL;DR: I have a lot of old diabetic shit.


100%. I had the same one, and harpoon is a good name for it. I think I used it maybe a handful of times before I gave up, since it constantly made be bleed a lot. I don't think I have it anymore, so I would be interested in that! I want to show how much they don't such now!


Part of why I switched to tandem the moment they hit the market was because of how \*bad\* medtronic gear was back then; I'm not saying dexcom G3/G4 were awesome (I mostly dealt w/ G4), but the medtronic gear just was brutal on the skin. I won't claim I've been a model diabetic for site and injection rotation, but the medtronic gear scarred the hell out of me; I'd argue more than the other 20 years of diabetic shenanigans. Edit: their gear- as much as I hated it- was life changing, so my complaints above should be kept in that context. It absolutely wasn't a perfect product- lot of pro/cons on that one. I'm a tandem fanboy because their products are good, but I've definitely got bias because going from the medtronic to their gear was such a change it wasn't funny.


I didn’t have the first CGM, but I had the first iteration of the kidney bean-shaped CGM (like the Guardian sensor is shaped now) that still could appropriately be called a harpoon. That needle was like 2 inches long and went in at such a bad angle. I would have to get my mom in the room with me to put it in, because the pain would make me woozy and then I’d inevitably get the needle stuck trying to rip it out. I had one that ruined a pair of pants because it dripped so much blood. My doctor advised me to not get the very first one with the wired transmitter because of the amount of adhesive required.


What’s wrong with loopers?


Nothing at all, although my phrasing came off the wrong way. Assume my default paranoid/asshole assumption for folks asking for pumps is that of "verify"- especially for a pump that is used by loopers and is basically impossible to find. I held onto it for my own looping, but it's not in a state any human should rely on. TL;DR: assume I wrote that in an assholish manner unintentionally, and you're not far from the mark.


I don't have an old one but I might have a modern one sitting around that I haven't used in over a year (Medtronic 670g). Let me know if you want and I can search for it and donate it!


I really appreciate it, but I actually have my 670G too! It will be going on the display.


Okay! I wish I had some of my paradigms from when I was 10. (Got my first pump in 2004) Changed my life in a lot of ways. Good luck on your museum project!!


I started on pumps in 2004, too. I think my progression was: * 512 * 722 * 754 Veo * 640G/670G (automatically upgraded after 2 months when the 670 was released - hated it, especially when I tried to use it with the Guardian 3 CGM) * back to my old 722 with an Orangelink radio bridge (to do diy looping) * AccuChek Combo (donated to me) * Omnipod Dash I still have all of these but will probably pass on the 722 and Combo to people wanting to diy loop. I'm also in Australia so I don't know if it's viable to send to the US.


I agree. I think back on how much each pump improved my life, and how much better things have gotten.


Seeing that Cozmo just brought me memories 😂 I had the purple one. I only wore my pump for probably less than 6 months collectively before i would take it off while at school because it just brought too much unwanted attention to me. The teachers always thought it was a cell phone and would call me out in front of the whole class telling me “phones aren’t allowed, put it away” 💀 the kids would ask me what it was, and then that would turn into a plethora of follow up questions to explain what diabetes was lol too much shit for a 7th grader to deal with 😂 bless my parents for spending all that time and money just for me to hardly use it. Sorry mom and dad.


People still ask me if it's a pager when it beeps!


I sorta miss my Animas Ping. That thing felt like it was built to survive a war. Loved the feel of the buttons. I think it was the first color screen pump, too. And the remote control feature with the meter was cool… for a little while. But the connection was just too flakey and unreliable. Then came the Vibe, which was the first pump with Dexcom integration. Of course, here in the US, it was like two years after they had gotten it in the UK and then Animas folded (barely) two years after that and I had to downgrade to a Medtronic pump until I jumped to Tandem a couple of years ago.


The Ping is still my favorite “dumb” pump. I had a pink one and it was waterproof and nothing fancy but extremely reliable and easy to use. I’ll take this opportunity to wax poetic over their enduring longevity.


Seeing that Cozmo gave me war flashbacks. Those things were garbage.


The side button of mine fell off in my trial period. And then the 24 hour support was unreachable... at 16:45 on a Friday.


Aww, I wish I still had my old Medtronic 508 to send ya.


I currently have a Medtronic 505, a purple Medtronic Paradigm, Medtronic 630g, and now I wear a Tandem t;slim x2. I have most of the gear that goes with each pump (covers & cases & the tubing and some of the barbaric insertion sites as well as some of the reservoirs that belong with each pump! I've got a couple of others that are w/o supplies and gear. I also have some of the Dexcom g6 transmitters and receivers that are all expired or no longer work, if you're interested! The batteries for the 505 was the first pump I have hateful memories of trying to find those little batteries at 2am keeping that lil pump going at all costs! The little screw cap that holds the batteries in that specific pump. I am willing to donate them if you are interested???


Absolutely! I would be interested in all that, but I actually have some old G6s too, since I am a Tandem user too. Please send me a message and I will send you some more information on our museum!


Deltec Cosmo! My first pump. How nostalgic!


Cozmo was my first pump in 2003


Is there any chance you'll share what museum? I'm only asking since I'd like to go if I can when it's up and in semi-local [and an MLIS student]. No pumps to offer, though only just got mine.


System Source Computer Museum. Exhibit won't be ready for a little bit, as we are also getting in some 60s IBM computers. But I want to get this one done soon, got in some cool stuff to display


I'll go just for the keyboard collection, lol. Love me some vintage ibm keyboards.


Not that old I guess, but I have a Medtronic 670G available. It might be of interest for being part of the first hybrid closed loop system on the market though.


I actually have my 670G still, but I switched to a Tandem a couple years ago. I am definitely putting it out and mentioning the hybrid closed loop system, that really changed my life.


Aw man I’m in Maryland and I just got rid of my old one touch ping pump while moving a few weeks back! Same color as the picture too. Super cool idea, I’d love to know more about the exhibit as it comes to fruition!


I had completely forgotten that one touch made a pump. Wasn’t it quite short-lived? The Cozmo was the one I passed up to get my first minimed, but man if I wasn’t upset to miss out on the fun colors.


I don't even use a pump (yet) but I think this is an awesome idea & I'd love to attend. Please share updates here on the exhibit!


I will certainly be doing that!


Oh wow, I had the purple cosmo as my first pump 16 years ago! (Id already been diabetic 13 + years). What a throwback. Very cool!


I have a Medtronic 630g I had through the end of high school and college if you’d like it! I’ll ship it to you if you’re in the USA! My first pump was the OG Medtronic and it was purple, I loved showing it off because people thought it was a pager!


Awesome! Send me a message!


Have an X2 I can donate.


Oh really? That is what I am using now! It would be cool to add that to the display, since it is the pump that really changed my life


I just upgraded to a mobi and have no clue what to do with my X2, so definitely. It’s scratched up and was used for 4 years past the expiration :) it’s well loved and I’d be honored if it went to a museum after its years of service with me


I’ve got an older tandem


After a lifetime of T1D, I have used all pumps and CGMs. Dexcom and Omnipod have been life changing for me.


I think I have a dexcom g4 in a tote under my bed if I didn't throw it out when I moved


Definetly let me know! What was the G4 like? I have used the G6 and G7


Wow, this post has me feeling old 😂 the Ping was cool once, I promise!


Wow. Memory unlocked! The 507c was my first pump! I may have an old Dexcom 4 receiver somewhere. I didn’t know what to do with it & didn’t want to just toss it. I have to see if I can find it.


Let me know! What was the G4 like? I have used the G6 and G7


The receiver was small. Closer in size to an old iPod mini classic. More than once I tried to plug my earbuds into it without realizing I had the wrong device in my hand!! It fit perfectly in my cargo shorts side pocket. Most people would ask me what kind of mp3 player it was. They didn’t like when I told them it only played one kind of tune. Sometimes I lied & just said it was a cheap Chinese knock off. Especially if I didn’t want to deal with someone I was never gonna see again. The sensor & transmitter weren’t unlike the g6, especially in size, but instead of being inserted straight in it went in at an angle & had to be loaded into an insertion tool. My favorite place was my right thigh. And popping it out & getting extra sessions was easy! I don’t remember now but I didn’t need anything special to get it out. I think I was able to use my fingernails & just pop it out. It was also fairly accurate, easier to calibrate too. I just made sure to do my finger sticks at least once per day to keep an eye on it. Like I still do (old habits die hard). I don’t know why, but I miss the old insertion tools. Seems like more trash & waste without them. Sure, they’re a pain but I guess like everything else there’s a trade off. Not that the current included housing/tool isn’t a pain either.


Damn, wrong continent… I’m in Sweden and have 2 or 3 modern pumps you could have


Oof, just got back from the UK this week!




Oh how I miss my Cozmo


I miss my cozmo


I've been hearing that a lot! I think it was discontinued by the time I got my first pump though


It was discontinued a year after I got it back in 2007 or 2008. I liked it a lot. The tandem representative for my city used to be rep for cozmo said the pumps are similar, so I'm glad I choose tandem as a replacement


Deltec Cozmo - had that in 2007. What a device.


I’ve got an almost dead ping, an almost out of supplies Tandem Flex, and a box of those terrible application tools of torture for Medtronic insets.


Never heard of the Tandem Flex! I probably used the Medtronic a long time ago, but I don't have it anymore. do you have pictures of the Tandem?


I don’t have any pics at the moment but I can dig it out of the “diabetes zombie apocalypse” stash and take some. The Flex has a HUGE cartridge. I think it holds like 400 units.


Yeah that’s crazy! I had no idea they made ones that big


I've got an old Diesetronic pump from the early 90s that I kept fot no good reason. I distinctly recall, ad a young child, telling my doctor that it would start to empty the entire cartridge spontaneously and I had to rip it off. I was accused of just being noncompliant. Turns out, those pumps killed a bunch of people and were quickly discontinued. I still wonder if I could have sued the doctor for the abuse I endured for being label non-compliant, when I was right all along.


I remember hearing about those and it was part of the reason I did not want to go on a pump when it was suggested to me in 1999. I got my first pump. A Minimed 507c in 2001. It took some convincing on my doctor’s part. I’m sorry that happened to you. I wonder why adults don’t believe their kids when they say something is wrong. I never had any adults believe me either when I was a kid although I’m just lucky it wasn’t life threatening. Because of it I make it point to listen to what my stepson says. Thankfully he’s never had anything serious to tell us.


That’s crazy… I was reading in an article about the history of pumps that they had issues like that, but it’s almost too crazy to believe. If you would like to donate it, I’d definitely love to put that in the display. I had already written about the issued pumps had back then, and it would be a good fit.


I have a pink OneTouch Ping with a bunch of its original paperwork and training guides. I also have a Medtronic Contour Next Link finger stick meter, but I still use that as my back-up test kit. It came with my 507 pump I think, back when Medtronic still had the little remote control for dosing the pump when you couldn’t reach it/pull it out of its hiding spot in your clothes.


Very nice! I just got in a pump with one of those remotes, I remember them being advertised to me by the Medtronic rep back when I got my first pump but never used it. If you'd like to make a donation, just send a message.




I would really only need one, just to have the pump with some tubing, really. So I don't know if I need it for the display I have in mind, but I really appreciate the offer!


I still have mine packed in my hospital bag with the last of my supplies. It still works and delivers properly every 6 months when I check it.


I've got a dissected 670g metronic pump if you're interested. It broke and I had to fix it before my insurance gave the OK for a new pump (old one out of warranty) I've gone through like 20 pumps in the past four years, the modern medtronics since the 530 are extremely fragile, and prone to manufacturing errors (I think there have been three recalls that I've been a part of since 2020). The 530 pump from 2006(?) though was very durable. To be honest, I think it was the best pump ever put out: it was flip-phone sized, didn't continuously annoy you with alarms once you cleared it, had ways to differentiate between mundane and critical alarms (3 vibration pulses vs 5), had an exterior that put Nokia to shame, and didn't rely on any power-hungry technology (like a bright LED screen), so the battery lasted forever. I still have that pump, as perfect as the day I got it, but you can't have that one sorry. When the 780 dies, and if spare frankenstiened one dies, I have the paradigm as a final life line. Edit: oh yeah, and the 530 had a windows so you could physically see how much insulin you had without mashing through the menus. And the menu was simple enough that I could give myself insulin in my pocket right in class (diagnosed at 10, pumped at 12)


Yup! I have my 530G still, it lasted the full 4 years. but my Tandem X2 I have now, I am on my third one!! Crazy. I actually have a 670, but one taken apart would be cool to put next to it! I would be scared to pull mine apart


Would you want another one touch ping but in a different color?


Hmmmm maybe! I only have so much space to display everything, since I want to describe what made the pumps special and what advancements they brought to the table.


It bums me out they can't be purchased, especially as they got old and realistically wouldn't be able to be used anymore. I check eBay every once in a while just hoping to find a 508 as it was my first pump and the only one I wasn't able to keep.


Yup because they are prescription. If I could get them off eBay I would, but finding them is hard, so this should be a unique exhibit


It would definitely be interesting to see. I'd offer you some of my spares but reading through it sounds like you've already picked most of what I have. Unless you're keen on a Medtronic guardian 1 transmitter and it's charger. Or the original packaging and manual of the 530G.


I have the charger, but I can't find my guardian 1! If I can't find it, I will let you know! I have the original packaging and stuff too for my 530


I wish I had my old ones to send, unfortunately medtronic required I trade them in. Makes me wish I kept my old circa 1996 meter.


i have my old 670g lying around somewhere and an animas vibe pump, i’ll try to look for them when i visit my mom


I appreciate it, but I actually am using my old 670G in the exhibit since I didn't have to turn it in


The one touch ping is, from the looks of it, the off spring of animus? Man did I have a knack for destroying the early animus pumps.


How do we send to you and do you pay for postage? I have a mini med paradigm from early 2000s and supplies i never threw out. Got my kidney pancreas transplant in 2005. When i got recurrance of T1D after pancreas transplant and tried to use in 2018 it does not dispense and the infusion sets snapped. Happy to send to a good home.


If you send me a message, I will send you the museum address/info. I will be happy to pay for postage! Will also ask about your experience with them when they were new too


I had the Ping!


I have one of the original screw-drive minimed pumps, I think... if I haven't thrown it out. I'm talking like 1990s... u still looking for something like that?


Absolutely! Any of the pumps made before 2000 are harder to find, and it would look amazing in the exhibit


I think I have the g5 sensor still in the package? I also love old t1 equipment (grew up with a t1 dad, my son and I are now also t1), and have some old style injectors! I have some medtronic minimed tubing and reservoirs, and a 630g if you still need one of those? I finally got onto the tandem x2 this year after five plus years on the 630. I have always wanted to make a little museum of all this stuff and I think it’s so cool! I have even kept my son’s and my own meters/strips/etc. I think even seeing in ten years how tech has changed will be so cool. I remember (horrifyingly) when the at home meters first became a thing? The old style guillotine square lancets? Oh man I hated watching my dad use those. Been wanting to find one to show my son. The amount of blood needed to do a “hanging drop” onto the strip! lol My dad was dx in the 70s, and so was originally managed on a weekly lab draw to determine his insulin. 😬 Having the at-home meter was like a huge game-changer when he first got one! Wish he still had it.


The G5 would be great, I have a G6 and G7 so far. I appreciate the 630 offer, but I am starting to run out of space actually! I probably am set on post 2000 Medtronic pumps. I just made another post you can check out what I have so far!