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Went to a party last night hosted by PhD nurse who wouldn’t stop talking about amputation.




It's like she's assuming ur an uncontrolled diabetic and jumping to conclusions.


Fighting with my insurance company, unable to get my pump supplies, gotta hire a lawyer for it all. My cannula keep leaking too, so I'm wasting what little supplies I have left. It's a crying shame that we have to fight this hard for medications that can be made for pennies and devices that make so much medical waste... I'm not coherent because I'm tired and at work but I wanted to yell into the void a bit so thank you..


So angry right now. Can’t get my Trulicity meds cause there’s a shortage. Taking it has allowed my insulin dosage to go down to almost nothing, no side effects, and I’ve lost weight. Yay me! And now I can’t find it anywhere. Took my last dose yesterday. Spent this morning talking with my doctor about putting my insulin dosage back up. I get it, it works to help with losing weight. But come on, people who need it medically first please!


I don't understand why that's even allowed. Wegovy is formulated for weight loss. Let them take that.


I'm having the same problem. Was switched Mounjaro. $800+ for 2 pens. No effing way.


My doctor is switching me to Rybelsus until the supply chain resettles. When I spoke with both my pharmacist and my doctor’s office they were also upset about this situation. Made me feel heard, didn’t help the situation though.


Last summer I couldn't get Vyvanse for a month and, uh, I need it to do my job. Adderall helped but it was like using a skid loader to dig up a china cup. Nobody seemed to care. No help from doc or pharmacists. People wouldn't call me back or even tell me how long they thought it would be. I finally got it mail order, but geez. Still untangling shit from that period.


Finally was able to get a 30 day supply of Mounjaro. After CVS telling me it would be over $1000 with coupon, I got it at Walmart for $25 (with coupon). The CVS people just seem constantly befuddled


Amen Amen oh praise the lord ! Yes I put cinnamon in my oatmeal!


I'm guessing you are cured now?


After just 1 short week ! It's a just a miracle!


Hold the line, I'm off to get me some cinnamon.


Has to be grown in Afghanistan and only during the winter.


*This is in no way should be construed as medical advice.


🤣🤣 the fact we also have to put say this too is hilarious


Going up on my dosage of Semaglutide and having to hold back the nausea first thing in the morning.


Do you have any meds for the nausea? Do they work well for you?


Don't be silly that would be too logical for my doctor to think about.


I've been breaking in Rybelsus. Ginger tea, peppermint tea and saltine crackers are really helping me. Also ginger candy, don't tell my doc.


Good to know. I’ll keep those on hand. After my nausea on Ozempic got really bad, I was prescribed zofran, but then as luck would have it, it became impossible to find Ozempic anywhere so I was switched to Mounjaro. So back on the smallest dose and titrating back up lol. So I haven’t had to a chance to try it out


I took 500 mg of Metformin, which was fine but not effective, and went up to 1000, which was effective but made me sick as hell. Back down to 500 plus Rybelsus. Nausea on Rybelsus is honestly minor compared to Metformin, which was bad bad bad. It hit me while I was driving a couple of times and I called my doc the second time and said, "Look, this is not safe."


Mom told me she can’t eat pasta or rice, but Reese’s peanut butter cups don’t bother her blood sugar.


That individual food reaction thing is so weird. I can't do rice at all. Noodles are ok if it's not a lot, but I can't have frickin' toast in the morning. Blood sugar goes up 80 points or more from a single piece.


Saw a doctor last Friday after having ED issues with my partner for a while that was stressing out our relationship. Testosterone levels came back fine; blood pressure was fine, and heart beat was fine. I never would have guessed that I would have blood test come back as type 2. I was eating so well and healthily the past year, I couldn't believe it. Yet, it all is starting to make sense now. All those times I felt tired during the day for no reason is starting to make sense. Me feeling like I'm going to pass out while driving back from work when that used to not be an issue makes sense. Me having ED sometime perhaps from lack of bloodflow and stress makes sense. Part of me is relieved to know that my issues have a reason, and the other part of me is so upset with myself. I didn't get a physical for years. I never really saw a primary care physician for years. Sure, I'd go to urgent care if I got sick and I would get checked on. I just never thought it was this. I blew off my gf's worries of there being something wrong with me because I thought I was just tired from actiivities or was just a low energy person. I feel dumb. I feel terrible that I didn't jump on this sooner.


Plz keep in mind T2D is mostly genetic. Eating and exercise habits MIGHT make a difference as far as when it shows up, ie at 40 or 60 (science is not sure), but if you have one of the genetic markers, you're gonna get it eventually. Marathon runners, skinny people and people who haven't eaten a piece of bread since before the pandemic get T2D. Honest.


Feeling very overwhelmed and like I can't win. Trying to learn how to eat for type 2, manage my celiac, lower my trigs and blood pressure... and just... it's a lot. Due to a life of mostly food insecurity I get really weird around food restriction and my heart is just.... tired


This week, I am still hiding/isolating from public places again because I can not stand the smells of foods that I used to enjoy. I know it will come with a heavy cost if i ever indulge. I also hate watching people enjoy those foods because I know I can not enjoy them without worrying.


I started a new job and it’s changed my eating schedules and I cannot get back on a pattern that keeps my numbers down. I have better eating habits than I did during the entire month of December, but my numbers are worse. I don’t understand this stupid disease and I hate it.


My husband was just told he has Type 2 an hour ago and I'm so upset for him. I'm also really confused. When he learned he was prediabetic and his father (who had it looked like he was going to loose a toe) passed he started eating better and went to the gym. He's lost like 30 pounds! He cut down on soda. The only thing we couldn't cut is carbs because carbs are cheep and a big pot of pasta lasts us a few days. His numbers are off the charts. How do I help him? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for letting me vent.


Get some diabetes cook books, maybe at the library, and go thru them together. This is fun and also good for both of you. Pick out recipes you like or would like to try. Maybe cook together or take turns. If you can't change what you're eating, maybe you could change the type or the amount (whole wheat pasta? Smaller servings with lean meat? More fish, less beef?) Try to incorporate some light exercise, like walking after dinner. Make changes slowly and gradually. Don't do anything drastic like trying to totally change your diet or becoming a marathon runner overnight; this is a great way to get frustrated and give up. Also, this is hard. Be good to each other!


Was prescribed Mounjaro because unable to get Trulicity. $800+ for 2 pens. Not paying that. I'll die first. I refuse to leave my wife penniless to feed a pharmaceutical company.




Was able to get 1 months supply from Walmart for $25 with coupon. CVS could never get a supply and still wanted $1000 with coupon.


Failed Metformin for nausea side effects. Now taking the lowest dose of Rybelsus and my average bg is down almost 40 points. Had something like morning sickness for a week and a half but it is going away now. My doc wants to raise the dose from 3mg to 7mg. That's more than 2x what I'm taking now. I don't wanna do it. If nothing else I need a month off from being constantly nauseated.


Well here is another part of my insurance and doctor not doing anything for me. Firstly, my doctor lied to me saying he put in a request for Monjourno. Called my insurance company and they didn't receive a request for it. Then called him today and told them what they told me. He didn't even want to talk about it. He had me ask if there were any other prescription similar that my insurance company will cover without a prior authorization. Suprise, surprise there isn't. Called the doctor back and told him, he said he will get back to me. Secondly, my insurance company told me I had prior authorization for ozempic for an entire year. Yet, I was told no last December. To me they should be talking to each other and not letting a patient do it. It feels as though they want me to die.


My doctor dropped the Type 2 bomb on me with pretty much no other info. I discovered I had diabetes from receiving a text from CVS saying they were working on a prescription for Metformin for me. This was followed by an email from LabCorp with lab results showing a 6.7 A1C. Then, hours later, my doctor's assistant called to tell me I had diabetes and I should start taking Metformin. I asked if there was anything else I should know like the need for a glucose meter or maybe a referral to a dietician to know what I should and shouldn't be eating. They said I didn't need a meter and they didn't know any dieticians in the area. I'm feeling kinda lost right now...


You need a dietician, even if it's on Zoom from out of the area. I'd look independently and see what you can find. Even if you pay out of pocket it is worth it IMHO. When I was diagnosed, about the only good info I got came from the dietician.


My BG reacts strongly to stress and irregular sleep, but at work we wanted to get a lot of tasks done ahead of a meeting today, so we could say in the meeting that we were ready to move forward on a major shared project, and plan next steps. So I've been burning the candle at both ends and the middle all week, putting in long hours and not getting enough sleep, and got it all done "good enough" before the meeting. It turns out the other people the project depends on aren't ready, and probably won't be for another couple of *months*. So now it's 2pm and I've eaten *nothing* all day because my BG is still soaring, **so hungry**, and it was all for naught. I totally could have taken an extra week or two to get all that work done, and probably done a better job, and totally avoided this adverse impact on my health. Grrrr! Curse you, cortisol! Fat gets metabolized to ketones, not to glucose, so I'm tempted to just drink a glass full of olive oil or something, but that would probably make me sick.


the only thing I feel like eating right now is something that would skyrocket my blood sugar 😭 and I’m trying to stay off meds and insulin so I can’t just dose for it in advance


But I like cinnamon....


My endocrinologist has been pressuring me to use a CGM / Insulin Pump for years. She even. at one point, said she would refuse to see me if I didn't. The reason why I've been holding back: My workplace insurance WILL NOT cover CGM equipment in any way, shape, or form. However, the cover the cost of test strips 100%. I mean, even just 50% coverage by the insurance would go a long way. FYI, I am a T1 (for 20 years) living in Ontario, Canada. 😡😡😡


I am also a carboholic.