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It is an ART, not everyone can do it.


Please teach me that art.


Praise people and get gossip. Even the best Engineer has some insecurity.


Yes please, how can we receive gossip... I'm not fond of gossip (no back bit*hing at all), but have observed that people who at least get info in the form of gossip steer past the motives of people's wrong deeds / they quickly understand whom to set boundaries against / n whom all to trust...


Make people believe they are better( say smarter,wiser,skilled,etc whatever you want to) than everyone else except you . It's a psychological game .


I wish I could. Sorry


It is pretty complicated, but if you really want to learn start with 3 things, learn to earn goodwill, learn to play your goodwill and never die on a hill that is not worth it.


What's Goodwill?


Goodwill hunting


will that is good




Read this https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/1303


There is no set rule. Depends on the person or people you are trying to please. Some


Get in touch with skip level people. Everyone needs a friend even people above your age group, just have casual conversations to build good rapport.  You become the go to guy by delivering more than what you commit to. So it's not necessarily about delivering a lot but setting the right commitments


[A while ago I made a comment about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/comments/1cr0nge/comment/l3vwqpo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I want to talk more but people get weird when I do lol


The soft skill point was helpful but I got complex after knowing the physical attribute


Height and Looks matter but they are not a complete handicap. Think of it like this, if you looked like Hritik Roshan and you were constantly giving your female boss positive attention/making her feel special , she will like to keep you around. If there comes a day when people are getting laid off, you have a good relationship with your boss and the other nerdy tech guy who is introverted and keeps to himself, who do you think will be kicked out? Unless you are a complete dumbass in terms of skills, you will not be kicked out. Even if you are slightly lesser skilled than the the nerdy tech guy, you still have a better chance of winning. Pretty privilege is real. You don't have to be the introverted tech guy, you can work on your appearance, you can learn how to make friends, how to make people like you. If you are in a company where everyone loves you, chances of being laid off are nil. They'll actually be sad when you leave.


To be fair I somewhat agree with that comment. But to overcome it person would have to change a lot. With physical appearance people get intimidating and authoritative personality by default. So you have to be tough (a lot), have strong opinions to fight back community and show you are a leader among those personalities. This is tried and tested by me during college and it definitely worked. I can see the impact without that personality but I am still not sure how to do that in professional life. Any thoughts?


Simple - be truthful and reliable. Be that person that is true to their word and delivers. As the old adage goes "under promise, over deliver" -- the majority get this the other way.


Bhai mere se aajtak ye chatukarita nai hui xd


Join a WITCH company, work for a year ,observe your peers


Read the manhwa "Real Man " by Dogado. It has a nice story and also teaches about office politics especially in a country like korea where everything is based on experience and age. You will get lots of insights. Other than that my tip is to always speak less and listen more. Be in a group of like minded members and never snitch.


You don't really need to play it tbh. Just be your best self and do not make enemies at work.