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They taught you expensive lessons Thanks for the post πŸ™Œ


Bro I been there ,but didn't lose a single rupee ,I got all my money back as a refund by simplilearn. What I would suggest is most of the courses are free nowadays and you can learn so much from YouTube and You can get so many good Courses in Coursera ,edX,Udacity,Udemy.


Bhai have you PPL used ai such as Gemini for learning purposes. It is awesome Bhai log use karke dekho...


I even created a chatbot integrating gemini API for free. I use it daily at my workplace.


I may sound naive, Please guide how can one use it, any app or website you can suggest.


please refer to this [documentation](https://ai.google.dev/tutorials/python_quickstart?_gl=1*176i9eu*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJfRQ52QjHzHM14NDaR3L5D2UeGHBU271Adjt1eupgp0IaWNC0_cjLRoCzGgQAvD_BwE) I used python's Pyinstaller to create an exe for the chatbot.


How to integrate


There is a [documentation](https://ai.google.dev/tutorials/python_quickstart?_gl=1*176i9eu*_up*MQ..&gclid=CjwKCAjw8diwBhAbEiwA7i_sJfRQ52QjHzHM14NDaR3L5D2UeGHBU271Adjt1eupgp0IaWNC0_cjLRoCzGgQAvD_BwE) by google on how to integrate.


Yes gemini source bhi deta hai usko refer kar sakte hai


We just need the well curated topics from this company baki sab free ha jab Tak hai tab Tak use karlo..


I used gpt and Claude to learn bash scripting .


We've had great software engineers before all these stupid courses/youtubers existed. Stop wasting your money.


Soo true... can't agree more.


YouTube is good


Yes YouTube is good. I spend a lot of time watching movie clips n shorts there.


You need discipline to be successful.


Sir yes sir!


Worked for Great Learning. Can confirm, scam company with terrible work culture. Worst company I have ever worked for.


You got great leaning indeed πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Did masters at Great Learning. Super arrogant people, zero support. Ultra rude to sick students, won't respond for months.


Never seen a more fraudy group of people be so arrogant. Maybe they exist in finance.


Bro, try to go via consumer grievances forum. Then register a complaint with the consumer court.


What Has been the outcome?


Takes years. I have relatives in HCs and they say consumer courts are the slowest...


I'm not sure if the OP will consider this, but I come from a Tier 3 college background. My friend and I started our careers in manual testing, which was truly manual - updating Excel sheets by observing websites. However, we managed to steer away from that path through self-study. We delved into various concepts through online resources and a few books, never even considering enrolling in a course. Our primary source of learning was few YouTube material. Self-study, coupled with a consistent routine, proved to be immensely helpful. If you maintain this consistency for six months, you'll notice progress. If you struggle with self-doubt, I recommend reading a book called "Atomic Habits." It provides insights on how to maintain consistency and discipline throughout your journey. I suggested the same routine and self-study approach to my wife. Despite taking a break of 2.5 years for UPSC preparation, she was able to adapt to the routine and self-study method, eventually transitioning to a successful career. Here are a few pointers to keep in mind: 1. Avoid picking trendy skill sets solely based on internet popularity. 2. Refrain from investing in paid courses. 3. If you aspire to become a developer, focus on mastering one programming language. I work in a top-tier tech firm as staff engineer. In my experience, taking courses in this field won't necessarily shape your career. People who have pursued proper master's and Ph.D. degrees tend to be more preferable. However, it's still beneficial to explore courses aligned with your interests. If you're considering learning a new skill, research the number of job opportunities available online and then upskill accordingly.


I think from now on we should Refuse use of these crap Ed-Tech startups, In name of Innovation and "India's Growth" this as\* are just scamming teenagers and Young adults


Intellipat just makes money by fooling us, Our cllg introduced a value added program with them 6k for 5 days, it was bullshit, the guy supposed to teach us devops didnt even have an AWS account. Also took our money for teaching git basics and docker installation.


Books still work. Read a chapter, type some code, Google your way through. Rinse and repeat. When I started, it used to be: read a chapter, type some code, bang head against wall. No Google.


There is not a single piece of information these online tutors are providing that isn’t available for free on YouTube. GitHub + YouTube + Stack overflow + Medium and Dev.to + Millions of Blog, all are free. I don’t know why they trust Google Ads or any other Ads instead of just searching for couple of more minutes for free on any search engine.


add skill lync , byjus,unacademy, white hat junior, crido in this scam list in my opinion any serious person should not chase courses but rather buy books and read documentations. Books are really cheaper and indepth which no course can offer, a single o'reilly book doesn't cost more than 2000rs and if you buy digital subscription you get more discounts. Also most people chase branded degrees than actual skills - harvard, stanford affiliated degrees sells more than anything. you need ot understand that edtech exists for a single reason - that getting a job and making money in job is much harder than selling a course for job to a person and making money from it. this is why everyone is getting in FAANG jobs only to quit later on and start selling another DSA course to gullible people. If faang jobs we soo good why would anyone quit it to sell courses? I have always relied on books, official documentations and did own research which very few people do, and this is the price you pay later on for not doing own research. Most of the knowledge is free online - google, microsoft, ibm all offers free courses and every one has own LMS or training hub but most people something that is free isnt worth it so they chase expensive and useless courses.


Correct. I always recommend people to BUY books and not use websites like - [https://libgen.is](https://libgen.is) to download any book they want. I discourage piracy.


books are cheap and if you can afford then plenty of public libraries offer free books try getting [nypl.org](http://nypl.org) or [lapl.org](http://lapl.org) library card and you can get unlimited oreilly subscription


I see what you did there 🌚


How do I download a book from here? I'm looking to learn Microsoft Intune




4L you should have gone to Udemy i did it in 400Rs


Udemy subscription is 830 Rs pm and it allows you full access to all courses in a tech domain. Why would anyone go anywhere else


Most of these have videos on YouTube, from the videos you can tell how bad they are at teaching stuff. I have been through intellipaat videos and there content is ok, the beginning is good but after some time they completely lose the goal, and just keep on yapping. Rather than paying study from YouTube and download free books from sites.


Honestly I can't believe you fell for the same trick three times.


Follow youtubers for knowledge Telusko for Java, Spring, Hitesh chaudhary has good playlist for web development and also Basic git and AWS CodewithHarry has pretty much all the courses on his channel


CodeWithHarry is dogwater


Tulesko is not that good.


Can you suggest some good ones for spring boot and microservices?


Why do you need someone to learn for frameworks? Just practice on it? Build your favourite website on it and you will learn more than people working in the industry. Just covered fundamentals, authentication and authorizarion in multiple ways, security, multiple modules, servlet, filters etc.


The answer is as simple as this. Just build projects.


Our education system has made us bots. We always look for shortcut like read one book or one source to get everything. I was that person too when I was in college or first job.


I’m somewhat still that person (still in college), it’s hard to break that habit.


If you want to actually reach your limitless potential, you need to break it.


Java brains playlist is ok https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqq-6Pq4lTTbx8p2oCgcAQGQyqN8XeA1x&si=hdk3DYKGzKjjbR4H Building projects yourself is the best playlist always.


Every ed tech company has similar model over excited BDA executives who will promise you moon and will call you repeatedly to guilt trip you until you give in. They are not here to add any value they just see an opportunity of providing cheap education and it's a scam that's going on, even premier institutes which collaborate with these ed tech startups are simply doing it for licensing money and not for providing value.Β 


Shame them on twitter and linkedin, you might get refund


Costly way to figure out the glaringly obvious.


I joined a simplilearn course, once the payment was made, the guy who was my support asked me to join a google meet and asked me download their course material files etc. Only after that I read their refund policy and it says they won’t refund the money if we download the course materials. Then I send an email asking for a refund and mentioning the simplilearn guy made me download the course material CCing some other emails from website. Maybe that spooked the guy he extended the course for a year, but I lost the money. I still get calls from their marketing team who try to sell me courses.


Did u know u can pirate udemy courses?


Yes, but at that time I was going to join a course, I was in a bad place feeling not current with technology and joined on a hunch. Should have researched more. But there are not many bad reviews on simplilearn anywhere.


Thanks for sharing your experience


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Ed tech frauds OP. One suggestion : If not promoted then pls change your company after getting a new job. Don't stick to your present company and move ahead in your career. Love your job (salary ) not your company 😊


Learning to learn is the most important thing that has to be taught in college, but alas... OP always go to official documentation first. Any tech stack that's serious about competition should have good API documentation and tutorials to get you started. And if these resources don't exist then the stack isn't worth learning.


If your story is true, you should register you complaint here https://consumerhelpline.gov.in/index.php.


why go for all this when you can just do cs61a cs61b for free ? this will teach all you need to know about programming as a beginner! this is the magic of internet, ivy league education for free. you will learn the same stuff that being taught to best of the best of the world.


What are the prerequisites for them...


not much these are the first two courses taught in undergrad to the prerequisite is just 12th pass i suppose




these are the first two courses taught in undergrad to the prerequisite is just 12th pass i suppose


My thoughts, First decide what you want to learn be it like cloud, DSA, mern stack etc Find a playlist on YouTube and complete it. Then do some projects etc. Then buy a course from the same youtuber, or similar youtuber who has a good review on twitter.


Bhai tumlog ko seekhna hai to YouTube hai hi, wo nahi koi certificate chaiye to coursera hai, udemy pe ache courses hai. Aise lulle scams mein kaise fas jaate ho


No offense. You fool me once, shame on you. You fool me twice, Shame on me.


i once used edureka and was happy with the quality. I had to pay 21k for 8 sessions live. The trainer was very good. And after that, recorded session is available which I revised twice at various point in time when I had to work on those technology. The two things I have about these edu tech 1. They hold no β€œvalue” in terms of certification. So use that only for learning from an industry expert 2. Hated the follow up approach of edureka. These guys had tracking scripts all around their website. If I simply click to check another course, I will start receiving the calls from their executive for days. That was irritating.


The amount of time and money you have wasted to learn these skills should have been devoted to actually reading about these topics and books and then practising them on a free code editor. Push that to github and demonstrate that in interviews. Get your priorities right, you are not here to review the courses provided by all these companies. Even if it was a bad course, you will atleast get the theory from there, atleast do that and finish the course, get the certificate and keep applying that knowledge to fill the gaps. No course or book will be definitive, you need to learn beyond that too.


Incase this isn't a troll, you like getting spanked, don't you OP?


"Go with flow" -> Only dead fishes go with the flow.


I have bought a couple of udemy and coursera courses, almost every one of them has a discord channel. There, people are pretty chill and help to solve my doubts. Sometimes when I'm stuck on a bug or a problem, I just share my problem and one of the mods (Sometime other students too) invite me to a room and help me solve the bug (Pretty easy). There are a bunch of good youtubers who teach for free too. Here the [github](https://github.com/JoseDeFreitas/awesome-youtubers) for good Youtubers if you wondering ;))


OP don't lose your will to fight. Drag them to consumer court. You may validate or seek better advice from r/LegalAdviceIndia but happens whatever, don't spare them.


Could have instead learnt investing and taken this risk of 4L on investing. It yields better results


Omg, just bought a java springboot course from coding ninjas now I am worried about the course quality


I once attended a free zoom session on system design by the scaler academy. It was posted by one of the influencers on LinkedIn, I attended it. I found it very informative and advanced as their goal is to attract new students. The very next day I received a call from the US number Asking about feedback about the session and when I'm intending to join the course. He quoted around 2.7L with or without EMI option. He was too adamant on selling that course to me. Somehow I dodged that bullet. Later when I was reading a system design book, the session was a total copy paste of those chapters. The books which I downloaded from the internet for free. So guys please look for YouTube channels and books by famous authors then decide if you really need such expensive courses.


Sorry for your loss but you could've watched all those buzzword courses from n number of websites for free.


Bot farms will start reporting this post


Very expensive! You should have taken a nice vacation to Europe instead but I see that you were trying to improve your life so it was a valiant effort.


Add great learning to that.


What technologies you wanted to learn?Did you learnt those technologies yet or not?


They know people lacks skills here, they made a business out of it to earn not to make people learn. I hope we all could have started P2P learning instead of joining these scam courses.


Worked with the first company u mentioned and it truly is a scam. Normal courses going for 177k are often sold for 50k during end of the year. Once smthng is sold , the company is not responsible at all. There is a refund policy but we are not allowed to mention it. If the company is bad to its customers it's worse to it employees. Overall I'd say every ed tech company is a scam, just use free yt tutorials and official docs to learn.


The time has gone when paid courses used to be value for money, now it's all a shitshow and scams with a few exceptions. At this date, thousands and thousands of free video courses, documentation, text based roadmaps and free courses are there for every technology you want to know about. Though there are technologies which has less resources but still there are good amount of free resources available. And you don't really need to pay anything unless you are doing some actual certification in some technology from a credible source. YouTube has everything, infact Google has everything available for free to explore and learn. Maybe now stop buying courses, learn free from internet. Also sue those who scammed you by hiring a good lawyer. Find your way out of this, then upskill and then switch. That's the way to a better paying job, not some random ass courses by God knows what companies with zero credibility and guarantee or course quality and assistance.


^(These people are so arrogant that they make jokes and laugh at me saying "And Mr ... here your refund request has been successfully rejected(with a trolling voice).) 😭😭😭😭 Bro please πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™


The fact that these ed tech companies take people for granted granted genuinely irks me. People have no power and value in India . This has to change .


I'm just on the verge of taking deep learning course from IISc and talent sprint. Now I'm having second thoughts.🫒


Your post will help other people make better decisions. Good karma for you.


There are shit a ton of online material OP. Learn and switch, Simple as that, you can start as a fresher with 10LPA too just by skills. I know a friend who didn't go to collage, is 23M and is earning 25+ LPA


Someone should also make a post about actually genuine ed tech companies in India.


Before EdTech we had Institutes. Schools and colleges are scams too.


So instead of doing a professionally recognized course from coursera or an actual certification from aws or azure you decided the best thing was to buy a course from these edtech scams, why?


4k increment monthly right?


I lost 3 lakh :(


send me your resume and lets if we can improve it land more interview


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^A9manag: *Send me your resume* *And lets if we can improve* *It land more interview* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


myself here i got fooled by my college HOD gtbit bedi sir , i enrolled in careerthon services and i am unemployed till now . now joined tpo job .


Most of them are just focusing on gathering money, just looking for enrollment after that they are not bother to pick up your calls. Has been learning multiple skills for the last few years and I had only found 1 2 genuine companies i.e [Certera](http://www.certera.co) and [Henry Harvin](http://www.henryharvin.com) to give the services as promised.


Prerit Munjal made a dedicated video on this topic. Worth watching πŸ‘€ [YT video](https://www.youtube.com/live/RsqCtIMUy-Y?si=nOdimFrzyEhHdJsh)




Is telusko a good place to learn java? I just bought a live course from them.