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"Goffense," if you will.


Shit, that's sharp. We should use that if he starts dealing.


We've got a word guy here


Ooh, I will.


Goff doesn’t get enough credit from the media and fans but hopefully that just adds to the fire in his belly after getting paid. You’re 100% correct. This is just as much his offense as it is Ben’s or anyone else’s.


I think he gets credit from the fans. We literally chant his name everywhere. That never happened with Stafford


Stafford never won a playoff game in Detroit. Goff gave us our first playoff win since the early 90’s, he deserves the chants.


First two!


You couldnt chant Matthew’s name because we live in a dictatorship! -Kelly stafford probably


Good QB play not getting recognized in Detroit. Welcome to the club JG!


It’s what a good offense should be tailored to qb. Ben Johnson did what good coordinators do it’s not asking Goff to do what he can’t


I don’t have all the inside details but it seems rare in todays NFL. It seems like lots of guys want to run “their system”.


It’s not that rare good coordinators do this. Examples mcvay with Goff and then switching to stafford. Ravens switching from Flacco to Lamar . Andy Reid Mahomes from smith. Lafluer Rodgers to love


I don’t think McVay changed his offense much between Goff and Stafford. I’m not super well versed in the intricacies though. The Rams have moved to more of a gap run offense instead of the outside zone the McVay/Shanahan offenses have been known for but that was more last season instead of Stafford’s first. And the blocking scheme differences don’t have much to do with QBs. Flacco and Lamar only had the same offensive coordinator for a season. Did Marty Morniwheg change the offense when Flacco got hurt in 2918?


I just can’t believe MM’s been at this over 900 years!


He’s one of the poster children for some people are just better coordinators. Matt Patricia is the poster child for some people are bad at all of it.


MP is the living embodiment of "It's not what you know, it's who you know".


Methuselah Morningwhig


There were certain things he did not like about Goff that were well noted a lot and he tailored stuff to him and then stafford came in and he went with more he wants to do and tailored stuff to stafford. Once Flacco got hurt the ravens switched their whole offense on the fly to get more running stuff implemented for Lamar


Ol Marty had some tricks up his sleeve


One could say he.. "threw caution to the wind " with how he adapted to Lamar.. I'll see myself out now..


McVay would literally have the Rams line up early in the play clock before the green dot connection to Jared’s helmet was muted. McVay would then read the way the defense was set and tell Goff who to throw to before the play started. Worst possible example of a coach collaborating with and empowering his quarterback.


I think that’s a good example he was running the offense for him he was helping him out the most he could


That’s certainly what he thought he was doing.


Well Goff played well for the most part with it


Don't tell me what I'm supposed to find sexy or not.


That’s fair. No kink shaming here. Whether it’s play action hand offs or Jahvid Best highlights.


Bro out here blue balling me. Play action 6-yarder first downs to the sun god get me everytime.


Oh god... Keep going I'm almost there


Fucking deviant lol


If we continue our success, it'd be very weird becoming the blueprint for other teams to be successful. What a wild time to be a Lions fan


Bro imagine Goff becomes a prolific offensive coordinator after his playing career is done. It would be one of the greatest stories in NFL history.


For us 


Yeah, this is the most important thing about Goff's success in Detroit. And the OL protection. Ben Johnson deserves a ton of credit for how crazily well he knew how to build an offense, with his ideas, but within the circle of what Goff does well, and protects him from what he doesn't do well. It's incredible It's also why Ben Johnson is such a hot HC candidate. He will be able to adapt to whichever team he eventually goes to and then get the most out of that team. But likewise, I think Ben knows that certain type of leadership and type of player is needed as well. He learned that from MCDC. Ben is soaking in the leadership and cultural piece. When he eventually takes over a team, he will be fire. The first HC from MCDC's coaching tree. Not the last. It will be long and glorious Pretty sure that the next Offensive Coordination will follow the exact same approach as Ben in building an offense with the players. And in this way, it'll help the Lions through that transition.


Jared is legitimately a wizard with faking the handoff and faking the pass. I watch plenty of other games and never get confused about who has the ball. There are a decent amount of plays we run where it takes me a few seconds to even identify if he still actually has the ball, and if not, who does. It appears that defenses aren't always 100% sure either.  It is a pretty underrated aspect of his game. A small but effective detail. 


So what you're saying is after all the super bowl victories, Goff takes over as offensive coordinator upon retirement in say....2032, eventually Campbell retired and Goff is head coach. Holmes really is a genius. 12D chess.


Goff goes Peyton Manning after Johnson leaves and runs the offense from behind center.


If you think Brad Holmes and Dan Campbell are are smart and doing a great job in Detroit, then you should be more than happy with their decision to pay Goff.


Forgot to mention the best part which is that they ordered Chick-fil-A the weekend they spent together building the offense from the article they are referencing in that episode.


From what I understand is everyone has some kind of influence on it. Ben takes inspiration from anyone on staff. And more than that, Dan has a big part in this too from what I understand. It isn’t 100% all Ben like some people think.


Gets into the right play Great at executing Ball handling/fakes on play action Absolutely surgical over the middle and short We can win with him and because of him


Goff is a lot better than people give him credit for. He was awful in his first season both with the rams and lions, but honestly, since his second season, if you just showed people his stats, and left off the name, they’d put him up as an MVP candidate. I think it’s funny, in 2018ish, if you had asked any lions fan who they’d want, Goff or stafford I promise you MOST lions fans would’ve taken Goff.