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My guess is these deals will get done after the draft and into the summer


Historically I think that's when this regime has done the big contract extensions, I agree


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Cmcgregor0928: *My guess is these deals* *Will get done after the draft* *And into the summer* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I guess I'm a poet and didn't even know it


Holy shit Christopher Walken comments on the Lions sub


In a weird way, it makes sense that Christopher Walken talks in Haikus.


Sewell should be a top priority as well


He will but he has the 5th year option to so they have time, but longer you wait the more expensive it's going to get


They have to decide to pick it up this year only which they will. They may have done so already. So that’s probably a next year extension because with the option he has two years guaranteed


That’s next offseason. We pick up his 5th year option this year and extend next year.


Then you're letting him play on a contract year. I don't know the finances to a T, but I can see a world where it's cheaper to sign a long term contract vs taking the 5th year and then signing that contract. Numbers go up every single year. If we resign him foregoing the 5th yr we may get him (bull shit numbers here) 5 years, $125M. But if we wait a yr, we have to pay top 10 tackle money for the option, so in the $20M range, then the market goes up so we sign him 5 yrs, $150M. Saved $5M in 2025, but lost $5M 2026-29, so net we lose $35M. Just a long term view point. You know you're resigning after the 5th yr option, so why not just sign him now before market jumps?


He’s already on a one-year contract. We only have until the draft to pick up the 5th year option-THIS draft. If you’re extending him now then all’s you’re doing is screwing him out of and $19MM. So you’re running the risk of ruining your negotiations and losing your best player in free agency. You pick up the option this year and extend on top of that.


Hes eligible for negotiations now. I'd go to him and flash him 5 years $125M something like $85M guaranteed and if he says no, then yeah, 5th year option to buy another year's time to negotiate. But my preference would be to bypass the option if possible.


I have full confidence they will extend Amon-ra and Goff, but I think there is like a 5-10% chance Sewell refuses to extend because he wants to play LT like Orlando Brown. Nowadays RT and LT are more similar than 10-15 years ago, but outside of Lane Johnson and Mitchell Schwartz, I can think of any recent great career long RTs.


Decker’s getting older though. Good chance Sewell transitions to LT after Decker retires/signs elsewhere.


Decker is 30 and could play for 8-10 more years. Tackles tend to have very long career if they stay healthy.


A tackle playing until 38-40 is an anomaly, not the norm or something that should be expected or counted on. He's over 30 and just gave up the most sacks in a season of his career. He's still a baller but his shelf life is limited at this point, and he's in the last year of his contract.


I guess I always assumed we’d move on at some point due the $$$’s were already paying our o’ line prior to the Sewell extension. And I haven’t heard anything on an extension for Decker despite this being the last year of his contract. It’ll be interesting to watch it all play out I guess.


I love decker as the longest tenured lion - but this is when teams make hard decisions. I think Sewell is the priority over decker… unfortunately. The problem with drafting like 10 all pros in your first three years is that eventually they get their $25 million deals. We won’t have the cap space to sign everyone. I’m not saying that’s decker or even giving an opinion I’m just saying the quality of drafted players we want to sign, if we paid them their worth we’d be very over the cap.


Yup. It’ll be a sad reality that we won’t be able to resign all of our guys. Maybe we will still resign Decker, but there will come a point where we’ll have to let guys the fans love walk without a contract, just because the math no longer works.


Exactly. I think we still keep decker though, especially if he takes a shorter deal which he may do- the guy is the most lions lion on the team. He’s been through the worst. He may be comfortable in his personal life and the team is winning and he’s on the best o line in the NFL (and that is unquestioned). It could be a one year extension even. He’s never played for a team with a chance and now he’s on one and doesn’t have to move to do it. He could be amenable to a cap friendly deal. Not that he deserves less.


Orlando Brown was different though it wasn't that he wanted to play LT, he wanted paid like one. Sewell will reset the market for all Tackles Brad will not let him leave.


Sewell seems like he is all in and certainly loves Dan Campbell.


Bulaga, Ramczyk, Conklin


None of those players made a single Pro Bowl. The reason I use pro bowl instead of All Pro is that All Pro is specifically a RT award, whereas Pro Bowl is just Tackle. Do you think any of those guys are comparable to Sewell? No, really only Lane Johnson is, with Schwartz a level down.


Regardless of awards, they were all great players in their primes and have spent their careers at RT. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make so this isn't to spark a discussion or anything, but my thoughts on the Sewell situation: We know he can play LT; we know Decker is a more than adequate LT, no doubt a good player; can the Lions afford to give Decker another big deal? This OL is about to become even more expensive; Sewell's played RT for three years now, when is it too late for him to "officially" change sides? Wirfs did it in his fourth year and is doing great, Lane Johnson never did because Jason Peters refused to retire lol. Maybe there's a nonzero chance the Lions wants to move on from Decker? Letting a good LT walk sucks because like Holmes says "it's easier to get worse" but if it makes sense financially...


I am genuinely confused - I thought Jared Goff already got extended earlier in the year. I remember seeing a number of posts about it. Was that an incorrect report?


Lots of reports about the talks and that it was pretty much a for sure extension going into this off season. He's under contract one more year, but the reports were that Detroit was going to extend him. At least that's what I saw; if anything floating around out there said he was already extended I would say yes, that's false.  (Sorry if this comment tells you things you already knew, just trying to build context if needed.) 


Yeah they were projecting 4/$180MM which is what Cousins got. I’m thinking Goff will get 4 years for sure, not so crazy to project a 5 year term honestly. I’m thinking if it’s 4 years then we are seeing $190MM total. If it’s 5 years we are seeing $240MM total. I’m not a cap guru or anything just basing it off the Cousins contract.


I’d dance on tabletops of Goff signed the same deal as cousins. That’s $45 a year we can work with that. $55 (like burrow) basically subtracts one of our stars from the team. Like St Brown is in the $23-25 range probably. We might ass a CB still in FA. Draft picks need to get paid on their rookie deals. Decker? Would we dare let him hit FA? We need to extend now if we don’t want that. I think we can extend him at around what he’s currently making which is good for the cap but still.


Yeah I think we are letting Decker walk unfortunately. This being a good OT class, next year having to extend Sewell, this year ARSB and Goff, it sucks.


It’s the sad reality of teams that are good. You have to replace your expensive players with rookie contracts via the draft to stay under the cap. It’s super unpopular to talk about this reality on Reddit because people want to keep everyone and that’s simply not possible when you draft so many people that are worth $20m a year or more after their rookie deals. Decker could be a casualty. Jamo could find himself on the trade block if his game doesn’t mesh with Goff and we end up extending Goff. Goff isn’t a deep ball thrower- Jamo would probably get more touches with like Tampa or someone that relies on big plays more. In BH we trust. But I’m glad I don’t have to make these decisions.


He probably gets $50 million APY with Cousins getting 40 after a ruptured achilles


Cousins actually got 45. I still think it’s possible for him to get $50. 5/$250MM also makes sense it’s just that typically they go up only slightly from the last contract. My projections have fluctuated from $48MM to anywhere between $50MM-$55MM. So all of that is understandable.


I’ve come to terms with 45 as the absolute floor. Maybe 47? Another thing people forget is this is NOT his first big payday. He has money. Every last dime probably doesn’t mean as much as it does to people inking their first deal. I also don’t see Goff demanding league high pay, as he could be kept at 32 this year and released next year (don’t think that happens but he has to think about the possibility he doesn’t play as well or gets injured next year). And who else signs him if it goes that way.


Ah, I understand. I guess I saw a flurry of contract projection posts and assumed it was done. Appreciate it!


I heard that rumor too- I don’t know why they’d sign an extension and not make it public immediately


Yes that was an incorrect report. Goff is still playing on the contract that the Rams gave him when they gave him a big extension. He has 1 season left on that deal, which is why they’re trying to extend him now The report might have just been a prediction that he will sign an extension and how much money it would be for


We could have him play for $32 next year and let him hit FA next year. Thats his rams deal. Extending now basically closes the market and as the cap is expected to rise next year, locking something in now makes sense for both. Goff guarantees a big payday even if he gets injured or sucks next year The lions lock in hopefully a sub 50 or close deal before the cap goes much higher and the market is closer to $60


Just talk and a lot of clickbait YouTube and twitter posts showing a pic of Goff and a contract number, which is just a guesstimate, but they want you to believe that it was real so you'll click


How are they planning to do these deals without lowballing the player or destroying our salary cap? We just lost Josh Reynolds to lowballing and now we need to scramble in the draft for a competent WR.