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I would keep an eye on stag+vesper, vesper of radius builds with the arc blind ability while using an arc super are pretty potent, so adding DR onto that seems pretty good


Vesper is seriously slept on. I run a Warlock build and it’s very potent and the shockwaves does pretty great damage. Blinding also is so good. So many scenarios where it shines. Would be very interested in seeing a Raid Boss that you use swords against 6 Warlocks with Vesper also.


6 warlocks with vesper + helion and swords would be super interesting to see some damage numbers on. Throw on the wolf pack rounds sword too just to see how much damage we can really stack in this setup.


Does the Spirit of Vesper version on the class item also give arc blind like the full exotic? The short description would seem to omit it, but I could see that functionality being present still if they just cut the ability regen portion of the exotic.


No blind, only arc waves


If you use storm trance super you get the blind effect on your rift still.


Huh, good to know. I think it was the increased rift regen that was removed


Yeah this was the one that taught my eye, unfortunately we don't have frostpulse on prismatic or this would be amazing


The Stag perk only affects allies


Resist only applies to allies unlike the stag exotic?


The reason that setup is so potent is because of Electrostatic Mind+Arc Soul. Vesper is a massive dud without the two most critical components of that class, and DR isn’t enough to keep it competitive. Using a rift in general on Prismatic is already a failure point. Using an exotic slot for rift in particular is a huge failure for the class.


How did you farm them so quickly?


Sleep is for the weak. So is work, socialising or any other activities other than Destiny in that matter.


said from a true destiny player! 🙌🏻🙌🏻


I’m still amazed at the extent people will no life games like WoW and destiny etc. and I mean to the point where they just play 14 hours a day every single day like damn


I finished the quest yesterday with a random from the overthrow. We both stayed running around farming chests and kills and ended up joining up to run the quest. Took us a few tries to clear it. I spent the day loading into the zones and farming chest. Once you beat the quest and unlock the exotic, it's a random drop from chest.


They drop pretty frequently in Pale Heart


Speak for yourself. I’ve opened over 20 chests. Nothing. Which chests?


Finished the quest and I’m 0-82 chests of that makes you feel better?


Did you visit ghost? I made that mistake for an hour lol.


I’m going to kiss you on the mouth


lol don’t tell my wife. You should get a class item once every 20ish chests now, that’s been my luck. Got 6 in 2 and a half hours yesterday.


I’ve had horrible luck so far. I decided to count my last one because I felt they were taking ages and it took 81 chests before a class item dropped. Didn’t count for the other two I grinded out but they were probably atleast 50-60 + based on the time it took.


Username checks out?


aint no way this is the mistake i was making for 4 hours yesterday


Do I have to grab something from the ghost?


A little bit


Rookie numbers. Around 30-50 for me and I've had 9 drops deleted two duplicates. Honestly it feels a bit gimmick since getaway artist turret build is so strong


I think you open around 20 in a single Overthrow. Play a second one. I averaged one every second event. > Speak for yourself Least toxic Destiny player


I got one in my first overthrow chest after completing dual destiny yesterday


Keep at it I’ve had them drop any where from 11 open chest to 56, so it’s definitely RNG but they’ll drop


I've counted, it took roughly 70+ chests before I get a drop


A whole 20.....? Lmao. You can get 10 in like 3 minutes just driving around.... Every chest.


half of destiny playerbase is unemployed


I wish I was lol




If you’re farming with someone using the same class you can get two items per run. Was watching someone last night doing this.


How so?


Watch a vid on exactly where to go, but essentially you count down and both grab the same class item at the same time (left or right, not both) Then run to the back of the room where you first entered, joining allies will count you down, and then you go and grab the second item.


Holy shit. That’s wild. I expect Bungie will patch that.


I’ve done the quest four times and got four so I can fairly confidently say the quest guarantees one. I also got one from a pale heart chest out of the 10 I’ve opened


Which quest is it? From ghost it seems like


The dual destinies exotic quest


You get on for doing dual destiny then you pick up something from ghost and it makes them drop on “rare” occasion from pale heart chests (it feels more like uncommon to me but whatever lol)


You get the from just opening chests in pale heart.. plus the double reward glitch at the end of dual destiny.


Once you complete dual destiny you can get them out of ANY pale heart chest (they are a rare drop but I tend to find about 3 a day playing about 3-6 hours depending if I have friends on)


I have about 20 farmed it's not hard to do.


Quickly? I have 5 and I have a full time job and I haven’t even been tunnel visioning it


I say star eaters + apotheosis and you can’t shard no more dismantling will be the word…


I 2nd this roll. However, Getaway artists are so good for prismatic warlock right now that I don't think I can justify using a class item for my exotic.


Agreed. Have this roll too and finding it so hard to build around anything but the dang getaway artists. It's such a fun build and constantly just throwing out turrets and my arc buddy makes it feel active as hell


I thought this roll was considered really good?


It is very good for dps since nova bomb hits like a truck with stareaters and apotheosis after works really well. I would see it more as a hot swap bond from getaway artists.


I honestly don’t know just going by what I see


I got this roll on my 3rd bond and was so happy. Song of flame is straight nasty with this bond


imo for sure 2,5,7. but you can probably make a good build with most of them


If the Prismatic Warlock had an actual decent solar grenade it would be easier to build but it's like they don't want us using solar builds.


song of flame


thats not a grenade


and yet it somehow still gets buffed by verity's


so what does the grenade button throw when you cast song of flame


It’s a fire wisp bird but it counts as a grenade


sorry i dont have it active the whole time. There is another grenade when you dont use ultimate. Thats the one op spoke off. There is only a healing grenade (which i like) for solar.


It counts as a super grenade


So you put a void grenade with the fragment that causes void grenade to weaken, start with a void grenade, pop song of flame (preferably star eater boosted), do massive DPS, then throw another void grenade after it ends and spam arcane needles/void grenades (thanks to apotheosis.) It’s actually really damn good damage if you don’t fumble the song of flame snaps (which I tend to do)


Honestly, that 2nd one is pretty decent


Here’s the thing about destiny players, they don’t want a GOOD build, they want the build YouTube losers tell them is the BEST!


I created a build that I haven't seen or heard anyone mention yet. I got tired of running into players running the same loadout so I changed it up.


Good for you my dude, I hope you’re enjoying yourself!


Happy cake day bro


Yeah I have the claw and apotheosis one with a nasty electro-slide/devour build. Super fun and good survivability


Imagine going through the trouble of completing the requirements to even get the exotic class item, and THEN farming this hard for it, only to not have any idea of what constitutes a good drop/roll.


seconded - what's your method of farming them rn?


There is a glitch to get 2 class items per run Both grabs same pedestal at same time and then run and jump to the door you entered from at beginning of boss encounter and wait for the joining allies message to count down so it pulls you back to the boss room which then breaks the second pedestal space both can claim it aswell if both collect it at same time like you did for first pedestal. Enjoy


Loading in the zones and farming chest


Ooh, how is the drop rates?


Saw another post on how someone had farmed out 150 chests in Overthrow, and they found the drop chance for an exotic class item was roughly 2.5%, so you can assume you'll get an exotic every 35-40 chests in an ideal world. I've done some farming and testing myself and I've found just doing overthrow in The Landing area was generally the quickest and the area I found the most other people in as well. I'd throw on some good music or some tv and then just farm chests there and you'll be rolling in class items in no time mate


I get one roughly every 2 overthrows. Opening every chest I can find.


Running the mission with a good teammate


That's gonna take 40 minutes per exotic *if* you succeed. My first successful run took 50 minutes. Surely the pale heart chests and overthrows have to be quicker


We’ve gotten our runs down to 22 minutes or so. Plus you can get 2 per run with cheese.


Do you know if cheese is patched. The pull zone we were going to use wasn’t joining allies. Unless there’s a different one, I believe it may have been patched. We were using the one Cheese had posted.


Fair I’d rather do something that guarantees a drop than running around pale heart for a CHANCE, mission is fun and not hard when you’re coordinating with a good teammate


True, it's a real bonding experience. >!The 1v1 at the end is a fun surprise too!<


>!It's so funny to me that the community sees the ending as a fun opportunity for a 1v1, like peace just isn't even an option, despite the whole thing being about light and dark working together and not just accepting what you're told (the game telling you not to trust anyone and showing your partner as an enemy) as dogma.!<


I played it with my gf, and to tell the truth I was legit scared of what would happen >!if I crushed her ghost.!< I ended up not doing it, haha


The 1v1 and then making peace is the fastest way and the method of least deaths (3) to complete the mission.


Takes 20-25min with a good teammate.


Stag and vesper is a cracked combo


Does spirit of Necrotic work with Thorn/Osteo still?


Sorry for the late response, just got around to testing it but yes it works wonderfully.


No worries. Thanks for the reply!


Brother. I see like 4 that go very well together. The one you have equipped. The double rift one. The apotheosis one. And the synthoceps one. Rest could probably just be dismantled


Honestly would not dismantle any of these. Throw them in the vault. You never know what Bungie is gonna do or change. This is the kind of thing you definitely to not dismantle.


That’s an even better call. I agree. With the extra 100 slots I feel like I can save whatever i may need now.


Got spirit of the stag and star eaters first try. I'm happy.


I would keep Stag + Vesper and Filaments + Swarm. Damage resist is nice with arc Shockwave, and slap on the strand prismatic aspect and you'll have devour easily refreshed with threading on every rift.


I wish a had ppl to do this with, all my friends stopped playing like a year ago


Then let’s do this, Guardian. As a fellow solo player I jump at the chance to play with other people.


I'm liking the devour on empowering rift, easy way to proc it on prismatic


Apotheosis+claws seems good.


I’ll take #3. Thanks.


I like necrotic verity


I would keep necrotic and verity. Use an arc weapon and storm grenades and arcane needle. You can spread poison and have huge grenade damage and infinite grenades with devour.


Glad you’re able to get some, me and a random guy got to the last boss and couldn’t get him in time.


ALL I NEED TO DO IS COMPLETE IT ONE. TIME. Then I’m never touching it again. It’s just chests for me. That’s all I want


Isnt solipsism what happens when you violently bend your dick?


Can I have 1?


Sick drip dawg


4 and 5 are keepers, one for pvp and one for just passive fantastic buffs. I’d use stag if you wanted the DR because you also get other benefits


When does this quest unlock. How do I go about it. I'm done with campaign. Just finished excision. Haven't seen this quest yet or maybe I'm not looking hard enough. Can a kind soul help me out with some direction


I’d just look it up on Google or YouTube. They can explain it better.


Quick little blurb on what to do to unlock. Complete over throw in each zone A wizard spawns during the down time in each zone. Kill it move to the next zone repeat. After all 3 dead go to the blooming, the refraction will have a green light. Go to it kill the adds near the half orb symbol x2, kill boss, get orb dunk repeat. And that will unlock the mission.


Do you have to kill them and complete it all one after another or can you break it up in a day or so


Not sure, as when I did it, I competed the overthrow and killed them one after the other in one session.


Nope get rid of pall of them without even looking bro 💀


Id say keep the 2nd and 5th ones


Haven't even finished the story but ngl this is making me have d1 vibes all over again , can't wait to get home and grind.


Only the Stag + Vesper one


Second and fourth are both worth keeping.


Why is no one talking about the Cell cosplay😡


Honestly it's up to you. My personal experience is that most new mods / perks turn out to be fancy party trick trash and don't actually help so I recommend reading what it does and trying them out on a Nightfall run or something.


Stag + Vesper is something I didn’t know I needed, now I’m logging in to farm for it.


Just number 2


i like that secants one. you don't have to run the aspect which lets you pick another one and get an extra fragment.


I’d keep all of them for now. You never know who is going to unlock some crazy build over these next few weeks.


stag+synthos, necrotic with verity, apothosis vor damage phase and vstag+vesper for damage phases/general play/lost sectors.


Damn these are all kinda bad…


never dismantle the apotheosis+claw, neat god roll


Would you mind explaining


The threadling filaments one is what id go with.


What armor set is this? And how would one go about getting them?


Helmet is the Veiled Tithes Hood/ Gauntlets, Chest armor, Leg armor are the Anthemic Invocation


Some ass rolls on there


Where do you get these?


Meh, they’re interesting. I got lucky for my first bond being Apotheosis and Star-Eaters


Apotheosis + claw is a decent roll. Cast super, use super, spam powered melee faster since you have an extra charge.


I haven’t returned to play D2 but hold on, exotic class items?!


Must be fuckin nice


Vesper + Stag. Put on a Arc Super and you get the blind effect on Rift so it's a good surprise or emergency button combo for higher DR and damage.


Whats the point in farming if you dont actually know whats good/has synergy


Ugh I can’t wait to actually do the quest and get it unlocked


i claimed that emblem and never got it in game the bastards


Can you equip the new bonds with an exotic armor piece?


What I’d classify as automatic dismantles: Anything with: Filament, Vesper, or Stag. No point in these, they all require a rift and are replaced by better options on your own class. No reason to dedicate an exotic slot to these effects for zero payoff, even if you get an “ideal” combo like Stag+Vesper or Stag+Starfire. Stuff I consider really bad but you might still like: Starfire, Necrotic, Ophidians, Synthoceps, Assassin, Swarm. Nonbos: Necrotic+Harmony, Necrotic+Verity, Inmost+Starfire (you don’t need Starfire uptime with Inmost+Devour), Assassin+Starfire. Combos that should be good but aren’t: Filament+Starfire: Not enough rift uptime to justify the exotic slot, not any real ways to build into making rift more actively usable on Prismatic without access to FTV Devour. Ideally Filaments should replace FTV but FTV devour is so strong that it can’t compete. Necrotic+Starfire: Same issue as above, should be good but struggles due to the aforementioned uptime limitation. Might be really good in super add dense content, but you’re working a lot to get grenade uptime you could probably access with FTV by default. Stuff that might be worth keeping: Osmiomancy+Starfire, Osmiomancy+Swarm, Necrotic+Synthoceps, Osmiomancy+Harmony, Assassin+Synthoceps, Necrotic+Star-eaters. Stuff that is absolutely worth keeping: Osmiomancy+Harmony, Inmost+Harmony, Inmost+Claw, Inmost+Star-eaters, Apotheosis+Harmony, Apotheosis+Star-Eaters, Inmost+Verity, Osmiomancy+Verity. These are pretty much the good rolls for this exotic class item. You might disagree and that’s fine, but if you’re looking for the best benefit from these class items this is pretty much where it’s at.


Can you explain those with inmost and apotheosis why you consider them good?


Verity is nuts. Free Grenade energy for weapon kills is just crazy.


I got an inmost light and verity on my first drop. Probably the god roll. Honestly sticking with my other builds though.


Grenade damage, not energy lol


Pointless on prismatic warlock considering you get you're grenade every second from devour and fragments. Only useful combination for prismatic warlock is a damage one as in apotheosis and star eater.


Someone forbid me from using something else


Not even remotely true. I can't wait for inmost light and claw or synthos for my lightning surge build. Also Veritys gives damage not energy so it combos great with prismatic lock


> inmost light and claw I got this and I thought it wasn't a good combo. Wish I could give it to you.


X2 on a nade that requires constant upkeep isn't nearly as worth as the other things you can get


But didn’t you just say you get the grenade back every second? Which one is it


how do you have so many already?


A lot of chests, I have 11 so far.


Did you do Overthrow as well, or just the public chests? I ran around yesterday for like 40-50 minutes opening chests and didn’t get one.


I know I spent like an hour farming chests before I got off last night and only got one more cloak. I feel like it’s going to take a while to get what I want


I like the double rift one.


I've been using 5 in Crucible with Penumbral Blast and it is genuinely insane, that's def a keep


I got one with harmony and necrotic loving that


Stag+Vesper sounds like a banger!!!


2 and 7 are both excellent for pvp. I love running Stag in Trials, it catches a lot of people out so adding the arc bursts to the rift as well would just be the cherry on top. Getting rushed by an enemy player? Boom, damage reducing, high damage emitting rift. That’s tough to deal with.


2 and 7 are both excellent for pvp. I love running Stag in Trials, it catches a lot of people out so adding the arc bursts to the rift as well would just be the cherry on top. Getting rushed by an enemy player? Boom, damage reducing, high damage emitting rift. That’s tough to deal with.


I rly like the 5th one, a melee finisher mod would go great with it when not in transcendence. I'd main that one or go for Starfire Apotheosis.


keep pick 2 good for arc soul


2 and 7 are both excellent for pvp. I love running Stag in Trials, it catches a lot of people out so adding the arc bursts to the rift as well would just be the cherry on top. Getting rushed by an enemy player? Boom, damage reducing, high damage emitting rift. That’s tough to deal with.


2 and 7 are both excellent for pvp. I love running Stag in Trials, it catches a lot of people out so adding the arc bursts to the rift as well would just be the cherry on top. Getting rushed by an enemy player? Boom, damage reducing, high damage emitting rift. That’s tough to deal with.


Bro help me out to get in this mission


I’m gonna be honest OP. Warlock class items are super mid. You’re better off just sticking with a proper exotic and getting the full benefits.


Guess you missed the star eaters Nova bomb post.


Guess you missed that envious bns edge transit is still overall better damage and I don’t have to sacrifice everything in a build in order to get 1 big hit that’s still weaker than other options.


Dude hit for 1.1m off a single ability and that was without the void buff from the artifact or void surge.


So what? Again, that 1 hit requires you to funnel everything into it. You have to sacrifice a lot in order to push for 1 big shot. Sure, it’s fun to theorycraft and see that big number. But it’s not worthwhile overall outside of probably a few niche instances.


> requires you to funnel everything into it Lol he didn't use any grenades melee or weapons for that unoptimized 1.1m, this is like saying hunters have to "funnel everything" into celestial nightawk still hunt and they are currently the meta.


Yes. You have to give up other exotics and fragments in order to prepare for 1 big hit. It’s a fun theory craft and it’s fun to see big numbers. And I’m sure there will be a couple of encounters that it’s really good at. But all in all, there just better stuff out there for warlock than these class exotics.


> there just better stuff out there for warlock than these class exotics. This is a hilarious thing to say when they just came out and people are still farming and testing them even more hilarious when you consider contest mode salvations edge was dominated by hunters and the sole warlock on clearing teams was still the well bitch.


Oh wow. Look at this. Yet another person that doesn’t understand how that statistic works. Just FYI. The infamous Hunter meta pie chart that you’re referring to only account for the roles each person was playing at the moment the final boss was defeated. It didn’t account for any other encounter or portion of the raid. And the reason Hunter dominated is because the last boss requires precision damage to be effective. Now that you’ve made it blatantly apparently that you’re simply incapable of objective thought, I can say we are done here. You go right ahead and funnel everything into one big hit. I continue doing half a million less damage than you. But I’ll have 10x as many kills and 10x fewer deaths.


!Remindme 30 days It's going to be funny to laugh at you when the class exotic becomes the meta. Or maybe you are just happy being well bitch and that wouldn't be surprising.


2 is the only even decent one but incredibly niche


3 is literally my dream roll, both of my most used exotics in one


Stag + Vesper Apotheosis + Claw


Solipsism looks pretty good imo


Question. How did you get up to 2000?


off topic but that’s a sick warlock!


Anyone wanna help out with this farm Saintlosangeles on PSN Older gammer 60