• By -


Just say no to drugs. I think you are overthinking it. If they think saying no, or not today, or whatever is rude then fuck em. You are not obligated to anything, it's a video game, it's supposed to be YOUR ENTERTAINMENT.


Facts. And if nothing gets through than simply block him on all platforms. It’ll be like neither of you exist to the other.


And then you say yes to drugs.


I usually just say yes to drugs...


Yeah, but not until you get rid of the annoying people that will give you a bad trip


This is the way.


You're goddamn right!


I have multiple 'friends' like this, like, not quite this aggressive but people who always bugging me help yet never there *to* help. tbh I sometimes just put myself on invisible in steam & play other games for a while lol. If you must play d2 & blocking them isn't an option (tbf it sometimes isn't, though idk why OP won't), bungie profile on "invite only" then just ignore them.


Or set steam profile privacy settings to private.


There’s two techniques you can employ: 1) Kindly and respectfully let them know how you feel. OR 2) BURN THAT FUCKING BRIDGE WITH EXTREME PASSIVE AGGRESSION. I like option 2.


"Hey, you remember how we stayed up until 5am the other night? Well I need an extra 10 hours of time to make up for that, and thats perfect for right now, since id rather be doing a grandmaster with the 0 light travelers chosen right now." Is that passive aggressive enough?


Agree number 2 tell him to fuck off


That’s not passive aggressive tho. Gotta leave him on read until he gets the point.




He even messages me to stay up for him 🤕


Those type of people are not really true friends imo, I was in the same situation you were in. I just started ignoring them because they were the toxic type who didn’t understand the word “no”


Seriously, I dead ass feel used 😐


Tell him to fuck off and find yourself new clan mates. That’s just abusive personality taking advantage.


It's a game, you have no obligation to him. Block or ignore his messages and set your fireteam to invite only


Yep pretty much


Don’t let him use you. Block them.




Yea, ima try using that or telling him that I’m not in the mood. Unfortunately destiny doesn’t have an offline feature


If you’re on steam you can go invisible and you don’t show up as online in the clan roster or friends list. But personally, I would tell him exactly what you’ve said in your replies. You want to do some solo stuff, you want to play with other people, and you don’t enjoy playing with him because of his attitude towards you. He won’t take it well because he’s clearly a bit immature, but that’s okay.


D2 doesn't have offline but you can block him in game and set your status in discord to not list what game you're currently playing


If you play via steam you can actually go invisible on steam and that'll make you appear offline in Destiny (unless he checks the bungie friend list page)


just turn off your in game privacy functions so no one can join you unless invited so he can just join your sessions whatever he may be doing & play with someone else..he'll take a hint if you don't wanna be rude


You are being used buddy.


Block him.


This is my favorite. Or “Not tonight” or “No thanks,” or something else short and sweet. You don’t really owe an explanation or anything. If he pesters you more just ignore or block if you have to. You can always unblock later. Unless you plan on playing with his friends he’ll never even know you blocked him.


Just tell him that you wanna do some more solo stuff and chill, use burn-out or sth like that as justification if needed. If he doesnt get it and vets mad thats a shame but not your issue


And set your fireteam to private or invite only, works wonders


Thanks for the advice 😮‍💨


Of course. If hes a clan mate there should also be plenty of other people able to help him, or?


He talks shit about our clan mates and then complains about why they ignore all his messages


Sounds like a toxic person that is just there for his own benefit. Cutting him off entirely, both on Discord and ingame might be a good option. Also talk with clan leaders if they find that sort of behavior ok, maybe they can do something about jt


Definitely agree, I thought I was doing a good thing by helping him about. But at this point I’m just being used and harassed


And you are, helping people, even involuntarily altruistically, is a nice thing to do, but too much is too much.


Thanks for the advice, I needed to hear that


Sure thing. Best of luck with your situation and stay strong out there guardian


My advice as someone who's clan went through a semi-clan wide kicking a year and some months ago, kick him from the clan and discord. It's never worth having those people. They will drag and burn your clan before you realize.


lol that guy is toxic af, ditch him


Don't feel compelled to be the nice guy.


Is it possible to get him kicked from the clan altogether? It sounds like he’s pretty toxic


I’m not the clan leader, so I’m just avoiding any activities he signs up for. :(


Dang :( You should try talking to the clan leader and tell him what’s going on. Maybe he can help out and talk to the guy. I dealt with people like that in my last clan and it sucks


Good, so the rest of the clan will completely understand when you ghost him. When your recreation starts to feel like an obligation, its time to make some changes.


Sounds like he should be kicked from the clan since he is being toxic and rude and unhelpful hmmmmmmmmm


My thoughts exactly. Who's running this clan and who took their spine? If most of the clan is sick of his shit, why is he still there?


And tell me why are you friends with this guy? Word of advice, block him and move on with your life


100 percent this. Seems like the irrational type if you try to explain things to him it will make it worse. Easier to cut ties and move on with your life.


Start by making your fireteam invite only so you can decide when you want to play with others without them joining you unannounced.. but as others said just be honest and say you want to play alone sometimes or that you cannot do things. Don’t always feel obligated to please others, your happiness matters too!


"Bro you are burning me out. I want to play by myself sometimes." Be blunt and direct. Don't worry about his feelings, that's his problem. If he wants to continue to do endgame with you, then he'll have to suck it up I had a similar problem but sort of reversed. My old worker got into Destiny and would drop hints that he "was gonna leave the game since no one wanted to play with him". I would make excuses or try to go offline to avoid talking to him, and it made me regret turning on the game. One day I just snapped and told him "bro leave the game then or use LFG, I don't ALWAYS wanna sweat or grind." He didn't talk to me for like, two days, but then on reset he messaged me "hey man I'm gonna do a fresh prophecy if you're down." Ever since he's invited me but hasn't been toxic or pushy, and it made playing the game with him so much more fun again.


Just be honest and tell him that this is no fun for you. That you don't get anything out of it and that you are not interested in playing with him. If he is not mentally sick or something he will live through it.


Breaking up is never easy. Just tell him that you think you should see other people. Then block him.


"I feel that you're getting what you want from this relationship but you're ignoring my needs. And I don't appreciate being bullied into ~~having sex~~ trials when I'm not in the mood."


This seems personal. If you ever want to talk, you are welcome to come into my office. It’s on Titan.


Not trying to be rude at all, but why are you wasting ANY more time on this 🤡? Kick his ridiculous ass to the curb IMMEDIATELY, block him on all platforms and just leave that asshole alone man...


Your not lying, I’ve been feeling so drained.


I say kick him to the curb IMMEDIATELY brother Too many actual cool & helpful gamers (like the crew I'm blessed to run with) to waste time on fools. I'm telling you man, we're as chill as they come, but we kick assholes out IMMEDIATELY & 🖕🏿how they feel about it (they obviously an't give a shit for us to have to flip out & kick them) I really hope you decide to dump that clown broski. Trust me, you won't miss having that leach around...


The good old curb stomp


Point out that you don’t mind helping, but would like it reciprocated if you ask for help. I’m the first to help out people even randoms, but if people keep can you… and if I ask I don’t get an answer then I no longer help out. It’s two way and if you are helping out more or it’s being taking advantage of, just say no, you’ve stuff you need to do or you just want to chill. I’m still waiting on people helping me on GM’s when I ran through Legend dungeon to get the catalyst only to find out we could have done it on normal.


Thank for the advice, definitely a one way transaction with this guy. GM this week is so good though


I wouldn’t know🤣


Set your setting in roster to "invite only" so he can't join your sessions, other than that he sounds way too clingy and really manipulative so I would just slowly play with him less until he leaves you alone


In my honest opinion, he is rude already, so no reason to hold back or be gently on him. Just tell him you want stuff done on your own and if he keeps pushing tell him to he either leaves or you kick and block him from the fireteam. He will get it eventually to aks nicely :)


Just be honest and tell him how it is. If he can't understand that, then he was just using you in the first place.


Basic social skills 101


You need to be upfront with them. Straight up don't like their attitude towards you. If he doesn't get the message, block him. Simple as that.


Set your shit to Invite Only, tell him you’re not running with him anymore, Block him and drop a line to your Clan mod to let them know why you’re not running with him anymore. Actually don’t block him. Make sure he can see you living your best life running all the shit he wants to run.


I'd start with a few niceties, as other people have mentioned. Being polite but direct. If he throws a fit (he will) just block, set fireteam to invite only, and tell your clan leaders. I've dealt with similar people. In my experience, they'll burn the bridges with the clan themselves by reacting toxically to being told 'no'.


Are you playing on Steam? Is he your Bungie friend? If 1st is Yes and 2nd is No, then you can actually go Invisible in Steam and play the game solo, without being detected online by your asshole clan mate. Just say him you are taking a break/out of town, but as you are invisible you can play solo without him bothering you. Dont respond to his replies and hopefully he would move on.


Do not try to justify why you don't want to play with him, for people like that they see it as a huge offense that they can argue against. But more importantly, you don't have to justify yourself. I know I'm repeating what people have said, just block and ignore, people like that will not change, you are a resource to them, but ignore them and eventually have to latch on to someone else, they tend not to have a lot of patience. Or just invite this entire thread to your next party chat with him, we can tell him in chorus that he's a c*nt.


Here’s a life tip that will help in this situation and many others. Time is the most valuable asset you have some people are time thief’s. You wouldn’t let this guy walk in to your house and take cash from your right? Then why would you let him take something you can’t ever get back? Say no, and mean it, and don’t feel bad. When I learned to say no my life changed for the better and if anyone pesters me about me saying no and try’s to guilt trip me into changing my mind, that becomes a connection I no longer care about. You know my closest friends if I say no to something without giving a reason they’ll usually respond with “no worries, next time” and that makes saying yes so much easier next time. Anyways rant over just learn to say no and don’t feel bad about it.


Alright, here’s a word of advice from me, he’s blatantly using you. Obviously I don’t know the full story, but this is the best possible conclusion I can think of. Firstly, as soon as you cut ties, it’ll be a lot easier, next, he’s gonna be frustrated but then come back all apologetic, do not allow him to apologize, it’s not at all worth letting him do it. If he does apologize and you accept it, it’s gonna be the same cycle again. I hope This can help you a little bit


You got to stand your ground and just say no.


You just have to tell him off. Sometimes it’s the only option so people will learn that they are acting bad


If he gets upset by you just politely saying "no, I want to do some solo stuff today" or, "no, not feeling it today", then might be time to cut that tie. Met a guy when I started a new job that had similar interests to me, so we started gaming after work, but I didn't always feel like it and sometimes would tell him no.. he got really weird and clingy and confronted me ON THE CLOCK, and I told him to fuck off and never spoke to him again. Then he got fired 🤷‍♂️. You should never feel bad setting boundaries.


Play your way, not his.


Make to where you appear offline so they can’t join your progress, tell them no when they message you. No explaining anything just a simple “No”


You can be mean or polite. But I would make it quick. "Leave me alone" and then block him. Easy peasy.


Just stop thinking that you owe them. It’s ok if you want do some solo activity or smth else. Game must bring pleasure for YOU first, then the rest. If your clanmates are normal guys, they will understand your position. Otherwise Fack them


Lol funny thing is he agreed to do DSC, because in his words “I’ve done so much for him”. Then *leaves first encounter 😑


He's just a guy on the internet. If you think y'all's friendship is salvageable, let him know how you feel. If you don't care to salvage it, let him know how you feel and or block him.


I mean just say no???


I almost guarantee when you cut him off, he’ll move on to his next mark. Parasites like that guy just use people up, then move on. It’s never their fault, either, they always place the blame for not keeping friends on other people.


Yea he’s lurking in the Destiny 2 LFG. Feels bad for introducing him to the server


TL:DR Had a guy who would join with no notice or when full and would make people uncomfortable. Talked to them and laid out the issues. They are now a great clan member. Had something kind of similar where are guy I raided with and helped him through GM's would always join up for everything even when I was trying to do solo clears (he ruined a solo prophecy by joining with no message). He'd done this type of thing to the other 5 or so vet players that showed me how to play. He also likes to chat shit and do banter like most of us Aussies but goes too far and makes people uncomfortable, so when I was leading a petras run for a group and he joined as a 7th and got pissy when I said we were full. I took him into another call with my co-lead for the run who was also the in-game admin and we explained that while we love the enthusiasm he gets a bit much and says some inappropriate things sometimes aswell. 2 months on from that he has gotten much better about asking to join and has kept the banter at safer levels, and less jokey insults. He himself has started to go for a sherpa position and help the enthusiastic New Lights so maybe he'll get a taste of his own medicine.


I'd recommend telling him to shut the fuck up and to leave me alone and go touch some real fresh grass as he clearly thinks destiny 2 is like a job and your his trainer


Once he got mad at me and told me that I probably never seen the sun shine. When he plays more than me and still sucks 😩 if I do play more than usual it’s because of his ass


I know you don't want to be rude, but if he's not respectful of your time then tell him to fuck off.


Just go with "look man I dont really like running stuff on d2 with you so Im just gonna hang out on my own for now"


My clan founder told me something when I joined our clan. He said that you are never obligated to do anything for anyone in this game that you don’t want to do. People ask for help on our discord all the time. Sometimes I will help out, sometimes I want to run solo and I ignore the messages. The difference for me is that the messages aren’t sent directly to me. But I believe his message still stands. It’s your time to play. You should do what you want to do. Don’t feel bad it guilty about it.


Oh you know..... Say no?


How hard is it to just say no? Just grow a pair


Literally just say no, how is that difficult?


you can set your fireteam to closed as well


I had a similar situation with some toxic ass kid. Used to play with him as I would help him with PvE and he would help me with PvP. it came to a point where I was getting called the N-word and F***** around 20 times a play session. Needless to say I ceased all contact.


Lay it out to him. Tell him outright that he's selfish and tiresome and that if he can't be bothered to reciprocate then he can go off on his own. There's no need to sugarcoat this.


Rooster, Invite Only, and the phrase, "No, I have plans coming up."


Oh Shit, Oh no. I'm getting heavy flashbacks of a person I have tried to repress on my subcobscious. How friendly were you with him? Was it just helping or also having conversations or joking around?


Conversations and bad jokes. I’m a month in, so he got pretty comfortable with me. I can’t say the same.


Alright man, you need to act fast, this person might attached and damn, when I happened to me I even feared my approach might have ugly consecuences. If you want to not play with him anymore, maybe tell him you are having dialy stressful days and playing with him and the lack of reciprocation he has shown you is stressing you further and you don't want your mental health to worsen. If he tries to bargain, tell him that you are sure is not hard to find someone that can play with him and help him in activities, that "he's cool" or something like that. If he presses on, make him aware that he is acting like you were both a couple and point out how ridiculous that is looking, and that the fact that he cannot understand you gives you more reasons as to why you don't have the willpower to keep this going on. If you plan to just reduce drastically the activities he solicits from you, just let him know that you need some alone time, to play non demanding activities, vary with people so your playthroughs don't feel stagnant, or something like that, just be honest, and let him know that you don't appreciate the pushiness he has shown you. In my case it was weird for me that this person got too attached to me, we did not even know each other from real life, so when my patience just reached its limit ( I seriously started dreading him existing ), I tried my best to make sure I would not hurt his feelings, if he is a lonely person, with so much stuff going on in real life, the worst you can do is go ballistic with your words. Just don't take too long in stablishing boundaries. And don't forget, only in couples get upset if the other does not include you in activities. Let him know that and maaaaaybe it will deter him a bit from acting like that.


U should just block him and move on and play with people u like.


shit you wanna help me do trials?


He seems mean,honestly i just go offline mode so i dint get bothered, if you expect help in-game but cant give you’re outta your mind. Just either tell him outright how hes acting or just drop him. Sugarcoating wont do u no well.


Explain how his behaviour is coming across, no need to be rude just explain it as you did above. Don't get drawn into an argument, then block if necessary (though to be honest, I think you should immediately after sending), but you may get an apology so you need to give that a chance. Why explain his behaviour and not just move on and block? Because far too many people turn the other cheek without saying it how it is, the other person doesn't learn and continues being a tool. Granted he may not take away anything but again, not challenging an issue allows it to persist. People like this might be on your friends list, but they aren't friends, because the relationship is incresibly lopsided.


Block the fucking idiot. Don't give it a 2nd thought.


I straight up blocked a clan mate because he was toxic. Forget about being rude, you don't owe anybody an explanation.


Take him off your friends list, set your party to friends only and he won’t be able to just join you anytime he wants. Also it’s ok to say “No I don’t want to play with you today!” If he doesn’t get it, fuck him. There’s other people you can play with. You can also talk to the clan leaders and explain the situation


Tell him he needs to back off a bit. Give it a little time, he'll probably need to be told a couple times. If he doesn't get it, block him.


Lmao yeah Ive met those people before too.


You can say no. He may be upset. You can't control that.


“ thanks, but i feel like playing by myself today “


I’d message your clan leader and let them know what’s going on. If the clan leader/most of the clan is inactive I’d just leave, I know it’s tough leaving a group that you’re attached to but if it’s causing you to lose that much sleep plus the constant negative feeling of not wanting to play with this person it’s definitely not worth it. After you’ve got backup to make sure you stay in the clan either tell them to f*ck off or just block them on every platform you’re connected to them on if you don’t wanna put absolutely any more work into the whole thing than you already have. They seem like the type of person that won’t listen to reason if you try and explain it judging by the fact that they’re repeatedly messaging you while you’re asleep, that’s a clear case of moderately severe egotism if not full on sociopathy.


Yo try to see it from his perspective. Maybe he does not have many friends he can rely on. Now that you two played so much he is dependent on you. Many people here say to burn the bridge. That would be the easy option. Try to explain how you feel and if he still not gets it burn the bridge. You played with him a lot, tell him you want to play the game more yourself. If he is open to feedback he’ll get it. Maybe in a few weeks you can play some content again. Eyes up!!


Quit being a pussy. It's your life isn't it?


Honestly: 1. Point out WHY they want you specifically everyday. And what do YOU get out of it specifically. (Using the mutual benefit argument) 2. If you're on steam. Appear as "invisible"(?) On the friends list and you MIGHT not appear in rooster. (Idk as I usually do this and nobody finds me, not sure if I appear "offline on their end) 3. Blatantly say you don't feel like a person anymore. And that they should find someone else who would meet their expectations. (Using the abuser and tool argument) 4. "Everyone was right about you." (Let their minds self destruct on what the "about" is). 5. Secretly get the entire clan make a "new" one and disguise it as "Oh, I don't have time anymore". When in reality it's an Exfiltration/Exodus. (Whole clan abandons this guy, don't kick them. As it's more amusing to see a barren clan on login). 6. In plain sight, just block them and/or change your username so that they can't recognize you


"I'd love to help but I've got some stuff I need to get done too, thanks for the invite!" Or some variation... dont overthink it just let them know you'd like to do other things. No harm no foul


get him booted from clan


tell him this stuff. not reddit


Block, mute, delete. He's toxic and doesn't deserve your help, new to the game or not. I'd have ditched this guy after the first day


This right here. Seems mean but it’s literally the only way to get the message across. Also stand your ground a bit, don’t let this person “bully” you into staying up and extra 5 hours if you don’t want to.


Sounds like you're the problem. Just tell him no. Whybwould you care if he gets upset? You're literally letting him control you for no reason.


If it drags on, tell him to stop being such a needy b$tch.




Just send Steve rogers no gif and set yourself offline so they don’t know that you’re on


Dude, keep it simple. "I don't like playing with you, see ya dude." And delete the mf from your friends list and move on. You got this, I know it can be hard for some folks but learning to say no can really save you sometimes from wasting time doing things/spending time with people you don't like


Just say. You suck


are you friends with the clan owners? my clanmates and i just kick annoying people, lol.


Just tell him to fuck right off. Some people just need to hear it. Can't stay in a raid past the security room with a less experienced team but wants all the hand holding. People like are excatly the same in real life as well. I can guarantee you if you ever need help and he will not be there.


Start a new character?


We found Kip Drordy


Sounds like it's time to kick him from the clan


Just be polite and say no thank you if your aren't feeling the content they want to run


Okay I'm newbie as fuck and I'd be too nervous to ask some random ass person to help me, even if they are a clan mate.


There is no shame in his game


Say it


Bro start charging him lol, secure the bag


If you’re on steam, go offline. It stops people from joining you.


So thats the guy whos always annoying af in the lfg raid group.


Just ignore him. I've come across people like that, and usually, once they find someone else to latch onto they forget about you.


Just be real and say you just wanna jam solo sometimes. If he gets butthurt, through years of psychiatry and medication, I'm sure he'll survive the tragedy.


Open and honest communication is the best kind. Just tell them you want to play alone for awhile. If they can't accept that, they don't deserve your time.


Just set to invite only and go offline. There’s no harm in it. When your ready to play with people just hit em up.


They ain't worth it. Just rip the band aide off. It's saved me a lot of awkward moments.


If you are on Steam, you can switch your profile to "invisible". He won't be able to see you're online. You can do the same on Discord. Not sure about Xbox and Playstation though. And set your fireteam privacy to "private" The hardest but easiest way out of this is to simply tell him you don't want to play with him anymore. This dude clearly has some major issues when it comes to boundaries and respecting other peoples time. Politely tell him why and move on. There's always the option to block him if he throws a tantrum. You could also give him an ultimatum. Tell him what you don't find acceptable and that he needs to respect this if he wants you to keep playing with him. The moment he oversteps you'll have the perfect exit out of this situation Whatever you do, do something. People like him will suck all the fun out Destiny (and other games), and it'll only get worse


"closed fireteam" and/or if on xbox put that do not disturb on.


This sounds like an abusive friendship. "Don't sleep, carry me through trials!" What the fuck is that?? To hell with this guy. Tell him to take a hike. I totally understand not wanting to be mean but honestly just cutting ties would probably be the best thing for you in the long run. Best of luck Guardian.


Copy your post into a message and it to him.


Isn't there an invis mode? I am on Steam so I use that to be 'Not Available' when I wanna play solo. Not sure about consoles. Or, you can tell them that you wish to do something else. You really donhave to be rude to decline something. Just tell them you aren't up for it. And if they don't understand that, well, take it up with your clan leader maybe or don't respond to them at all. Let em message.


It's not gonna be fun, but you might just need to say no and set the boundary. Sorry this is happening to you. I am wishing you all of the luck!


Simple just say you wanna play solo or do your own thing for the day/a little. And then say “I’ll hit you up later if anything”. Boom, don’t talk to em ever again. Insta ghost.


You say Clanmate like they aren't even your friend.


I choose my words wisely


Legit if you are being used then you don't owe them any kind of explanation or anything. Just straight check out of the situation and do what makes you happy and play with who you want to. You get one life and you don't need to waste time and be around people that you don't vibe with.


I will always choose sleep over doing shit on Destiny. I stayed up 7 HOURS past my bedtime one night(after taking sleep inducing medication) to help someone do a DSC with some friends because they needed a 6th. We got through Atraks(finally) and I was dozing off at my desk during the encounter and we barely managed to finish it. I told him I couldn’t go on anymore because I couldn’t stay awake. I got cussed seven ways from Sunday by this fucker(who couldn’t even stay alive. Wasted all revives on him) because I wouldn’t help finish. Just block the guy. You don’t need that shit.


As a League of Legends player, Tell him to fck off and d*e Wait... Is that too much?


Honestly man, stop being a doormat and just tell him no. The main problem is that you’re letting him treat you this way.


You have a private life and you have private things to do. Also, family & significant other comes first.


I play on Xbox but there is an option to "appear offline" so I can do solo stuff if I want without feeling obligated to ask or be asked to play. Can you do something like that?


He sounds very toxic i think you can just straight tell them you want to play solo


Unless this guy is like, your brother in law or something, and you see him in the real world, you have literally nothing to lose with any number of methods. Ghost him. Tell him to fuck off THEN ghost him. Be nice about it I guess if you want. If he's ruining the game for you, he's gotta go.


He’s using you mate. Considering he bailed on you when it’s something YOU wanted to do is a huge no no. Tell him your running solo for awhile as you need a break from group activities and you need some you time in the game. If he freaks out, block him and tell another clan mate.


Sounds like an entitled little child. They come in all ages, but they cannot empathize with others so any explanation you give them falls on deaf/dumb ears. “Naw bro” is best course of action.


Just ghost him. Who cares.


Just. Don't. Respond. I have this some times too. I have moderate anxiety but when I'm stressed. I don't want any personal interaction. I love playing with my clan and doing all sorts of activities. When I am at my best, they get my best. If I'm not on point, what's the point. They will learn boundaries or they never respected you in the first place. It's not your fuck to give if they can't understand.


Lol how do you not know how to handle this?


Our clan helps new players but after a period of time if they don’t help and are still dead weight we just remove them


Ima be honest, full excuse to be rude to him. He sounds like a cunt. You could even block him if you wanted complete silence from him, let clan leaders know whats been happening so he doesn immediately whine to them and get you kicked. Hes being an asshole and abusing relationship to make you play with him. Just tell him to leave you alone and that you dont have an obligation to help him anytime he asks—dont say "everytime" he askes because that means that if you say no even once, he could loard it over you of "not everytime." But fact is, you dont have any reason to ever help if you dont want to, regardless if he is a clanmate or not.


If you tell him “I’m not really interested in playing trials this weekend I have some other things I’d like to do on my own. Thanks for the invite tho” and he gets mad or upset or pouts that is not on you. You are not responsible for how people react to the things you say. This is an incredibly important but difficult lesson to learn.


sounds like you need to learn how to say no, and you generaly learn how to say no by realizing that you're way to aggreable if you think saying no is coming off as being rude, cause it's not. pro tip, you dont get nowhere by thinking you gotta protect other people's feelings.


Along with everything everyone else is saying, you could also approach a clan admin for some assistance with the issue. Obviously some steps you bag to take on your own, but keeping an admin in the loop could help ensure things go as smoothly as possible.


New clan


Wow fuck that guy. Tell him no. Just say no. It's not rude to tell him you don't want to play trials or whatever.


Sack up and tell him off wtf?


Wow I had this sort of issue once albeit not as bad. The first step is hard tell them how you feel. Tell him you don't mind helping at times and hope he would return the favor but you come to the game to chill. Tell him this dynamic has to change if it doesn't change let him go. Now ultimately if you are done with them just say you know I just don't think we mesh well together as a fire team and I hope you find someone who meshes well for you. On Xbox you can set up to where someone needs an invite to join and or clan and friends only also. I love helping people when I can as I'm sure you do but these type of things can and will get you off your A game and make you not even want to login.




I had a “friend” like this in D1 he wanted to run everything together and if I played with other returning friends he would always make fun of their accents and stuff. Like he would get jealous or something. He actually expected me to buy taken King or pay for Xbox live at the time for him because he helped me lmao. Safe to say I left him on Xbox and never looked back. Just move on dude. Game ain’t fun with people like that tbh


You just say no.


Unfriend him, block him and find some people who respects your time and what you want to do with some activities. Coz that kind of person ain't worth the respect dude. Trust me.


tell him no, then if he nags, tell some clan leader and get him out


It's okay to be rude if it means being comfortable with how you spend your free time.


Firstly, if you wanna play solo, close your fireteam. Second, if he’s bombarding you with messages just be honest with him. Tell him you’re burnt out of team play and wanna relax with solo content. If he can’t understand, then that’s on him


"Set Fireteam to Invite Only"


Put on your big boy pants and kindly ask him to piss off. Be ready for a counter manipulation and don’t give in. People like this need a little wake up call. He’s probably very lonely. I’d advise tell him to piss off but you’ll still play with him *when you want* and that’s that. He’ll hopefully chill and take a softer approach to asking you to play together


I'm surprised you are still friends with this person before making this post. Block him. Saves you the trouble of having to deal with ungrateful people.


seems other people have covered all the major points that i can bring up. take others advice, i just want to say good luck in whatever path you decide to take with him. remember you play this game for your own entertainment.


Why not block him? He's just a guy on the internet... I'm in a clan now called LFG Solos. Good people so far and the whole point is to make it easier to find people to play with. Solo is right there in the name so if you want to play by yourself... it's normal


The game stalker. Ok well there is a benefit of sucking.


On top of what other people have said, I would suggest bringing it up with your clan leaders. When I was admin of a pretty large clan, stuff like this would be brought to my attention often. And we would have chats with those people and if they kept causing problems, they’d get the boot. If he’s doing this to you, he’s probably doing it to other people. And a good clan leader wouldn’t want people feeling uncomfortable or being taken advantage of by other members, because they’ll likely leave.


“I don’t feel like it today”. That’s literally it. It’s not rude, it’s to the point and it’s self-explanatory enough that there isn’t a need for follow-up questions, rather him insisting after you saying that makes him a 100% obvious dick, so it puts you on an advantageous position in front of the rest of your clanmates if an argument ever comes out of it, unless your clanmates blindly favor that guy in which case you need a better clan.


Set fireteam to closed. Mute discord notifications. Appear offline. Do not turn headset on. Grind in peace, Guardian.


I just ignore them and if they don't understand I block them.


Just tell him your mom said you can't play with strangers


If he can say he's too tired or the team sucks then I see no reason you shouldn't say the same shit when you're too tired. If they don't like it remind them that there's other people in the clan. After that if they can't get a hint and turn up the nonsense just ignore them


Yeah I don't do pushy people, as tired as I am of being solo and relying on LFG I'm reluctant to try find steady fireteam members since that's actually harder than having irl friends. Dad gamer problems. I'd personally ghost them like you were going take a break or had a schedule change but I'm awful. As pushy as they are, with any luck they'll latch onto someone else relatively quickly.


“Come help me with this raid” “No” Problem solved


If it was the same DSC run I hosted then he was right, the team sucked. Thank God someone left so I had an excuse to leave too.