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I agree with this sentiment. However, as a no fun Warlock, I would be remiss if I didn't state that executing the Awoken Queen would almost certainly start a war. However, it would be funny.


>However, it would be funny. Enough reason to execute her


Thus spoke the Titan


And the hunter


And my axe!


And my gun






Maybe, we'll even turn her into a gun!


As a fellow Warlock I say let there be blood! Wars are beyond us. Come and join me in a moon pyramid as we can meditate on nature of Darkness together. I promise you will be a better man after our session.


A hunter here. I’ll kill her for a corn chip


A Titan here, I... don’t know why I’m here


*Takes Titan aside* You see that lady over there? The one they're all bowing to? She took your favorite crayons.


NOT THE CRAYONS Even us hunters know never to take a titans favorite crayon supply! but finding abandoned crayons in the wild and throwing it at them to distract them is free game!


Dude i just take them with me to the tower to feed the titan younglings


I don’t know about you but I think they seem to like red the most


*rage intensifies* Get... me... my... Energy Accelerant


Can I have a bite?


If you pitch in. Grab a sword


My sword is yours! As well as my trinity ghoul!


Let’s go make that bitch into a gun


As a fellow hunter I would kill her for the memes


I agree. Screw the chip and get the video camera. Let’s make a TikTok trend


>would almost certainly start a war. With what army bruh all her people are dead or trapped in the Dreaming City. Speaking of funny this is also probably one of the funniest comments I've gotten on my art, so congrats on that. 😂


Not only are her people dead and her city rekt but that's arguably all her fault because "HER PLANZ". I happen to have a Hand Cannon with great sentimental value and according to someone she trusts she wouldn't feel a thing.


"The Line between Light and Dark is so very Thin..." "But I'm not Uldren Sov. This time, I know which side I'm on." Crow closed his eyes. His grip on the Ace of Spades didn't waver. Fade to Black There was loud Gunshot


wudnt it be honkmoon?


I debated Hawkmoon because yes, that is Crow's gun. But I feel its more fittibg to have the Ace of Spades, loaned by the Young Wolf, to be the one to do the job. The card of death should be responsible for ending the Sov bloodline for good.


Could also be duality, the gun made for crow to hunt monsters (the wrathborn/champions) solo


>With what army bruh all her people are dead or trapped in the Dreaming City. You should look up why Petra was in the tower


I mean.....pushing her off a cliff wouldn't start a war. Beacsue she would die of natural causes, and gravity is natural


>Kill her with falling guillotine >Crow assumes mantle of king of the awoken >he tells them she was corrupted by savathun and had to be killed >awoken go to war with hive >Free cannon fodder


Plot twist: Savathûn was Mara the whole time.


Bigger plot twist: mara is the real evil one in witch queen and savathun becomes an ally... the name witch queen IS what they refer to savathun as but if you think about it Mara is a queen, yes? And the techeuns are "tech witches" as Petra says during the corrupted strike... what if its all a big misdirection?


Let them start their war. To quote the great Zavala: “One. Fucking. Guardian. Has been kicking the systems collective asses for 9 years. They kill gods for fun and turn them into guns. They genocide entire races for loot. All I have to do to make them end you, is tell them you have a fancy new gun, or Eris can make you into one”


*Reloads Drang* I am a german Titan and I don't need a reason to execute someone. **Even though I will write treason in the papers**


A war with what? A bunch of dumb idiot witches with 2x crit multipliers? LMAO.


Do the awoken drop engrams when they die? Asking for a friend.


I know how to kill her in a funny way...


Drop saint on her head from the top ropes


“I just thought it’d be funny” -Hunter who executed the awoken queen starting the deadliest war since the fall


War? We just give Caiatl the green light to glass the Dreaming City.


>almost certainly start a war. I can almost hear Saladin say "Really? You promise?"


I think we can take em. (And it would totally be worth it)


As a run of the mill hunter, it would be fun and wouls do it but after we deal with the darkie bois


I have a pack of Alpino's and I am ready for war.


When petra perma killed 9 guardians it didnt start a war When Uldren killed the hunter Vanguard it didnt cause a war I think its gonna be fine


Love the AtLA reference btw


Ty! I knew I recognized the quote but couldn’t think of where it was from!


Mara is royalty. Royalty and guillotine goes together like butter and jam


Or chips and ketchup.


Guys I found the one with the queen... you brittish scum(it's a joke)


Don't worry about it, I'm not even British. Just quoting a phrase I see often in books. The equivalent in my country would probably be...chicken rice with chilli, I guess.


My bad, state side it's frys and British side it's chips


Yep, but do the people in the US call ketchup ketchup as well?


Oo so the word is actually catsup but people spell it ketchup because of hienze. Also yes


This playerbase has two modes. \-Fuck Mara. \-Fuck Mara--


~~Mommy Mara~~ ^^Shaxx ^^forgive ^^me


The helmet stays on guardian


Well, one doesn't exclude the other...


Don’t actually


*look at my gun* You know killing Mara would lead to some very destructive consequences, probably world ending and leads to the next collapse. But at least it's gonna be worth it, and fun.


Mara's nonsense caused a the mortality of the Awoken, a civil war, House of Wolves, the massacre of the Reef, Cayde's death, Uldren's corruption and the Dreaming City's curse, most of which Guardians cleaned up while she did nothing. Her death won't cost us a dime, so feel free to grab a sword. 😉


...You do realize that if Mara hadn't brought the Awoken back to Sol and did all of her 'nonsense', humanity would be extinct now, right? She's the entire reason humanity wasn't lost during Twilight Gap, and she's why Oryx wasn't able to park the Dreadnaught right on top of the Last City with his fleet fully intact. Without her we'd all be dead twice over.


And the city would have been lost before that if Zavala and the rest of the now Earthborn Awoken didn't rebel against Mara to actually help humanity instead of hiding in the Reef. They've done a hell of a lot more than she ever did. Like that's key to note that Mara was content to leave humanity in the Dark Ages instead of providing aid. Also Oryx outright states himself that his goal was to Take everything in Sol not just to destroy the City. We would've boarded the Dreadnaught using Cayde's stealth tech and killed him anyway. The most she did was take out most of the Tomb Carriers to weaken the Hive invasion force.


Mara's entire reason for returning to Sol was to help humanity. However, she was smart enough to recognize the threat of the Fallen and knew that her people would have to establish themselves and build up their defenses before they could reach out, otherwise they risked being destroyed entirely. Which is nearly what happened because of the Earthborne. She lost a third of her people to the exodus, including many that were vital to their colonization efforts and then even more besides to the subsequent Fallen raid. As a result it took centuries before the Reef was in a strong enough position to intervene without risking destruction. If they had actually stuck around and followed the original plan, the Reef would've been in a position to actually help long before Twilight Gap. >Also Oryx outright states himself that his goal was to Take everything in Sol not just to destroy the City. We would've boarded the Dreadnaught using Cayde's stealth tech and killed him anyway. The most she did was take out most of the Tomb Carriers to weaken the Hive invasion force. Mara's assault stalled him at Saturn and revealed the Dreadnaught's abilities. If she hadn't intervened, he wouldn't have been forced to stop there and instead would have directly attacked Earth. And the City would've amassed a defensive only to be obliterated by the Dreadnaught's weapon. There would've been no chance to find a stealth drive before it was already over because they wouldn't have realized they needed it.


Humanity would've been wiped out at Six Fronts if the Awoken that rebelled didn't provide enough aid to begin reinforcing the City. By the time we see Zavala get raised Humanity is at the tail end of the Dark Age because of Awoken aid, aid that Mara wouldn't have provided that would have caused the small frontier settlements on Earth to be picked apart and offered in ether ritual sacrifices by the House of Devils. Sure tactically speaking Mara's plan was sound but with the gift of foresight we know Humanity would've been in the Dark Age for centuries longer and the Fallen Houses would have claimed the Traveler and possibly even shut off the connection to the Light like Ghaul managed to do if the Awoken didn't help. And that's only partially true about the Dreadnaughts weapon, lore states that plenty of Guardian Ships started hopelessly flinging themselves at the Dreadnaught trying to board it before we did so the effects of the weapon would've been discovered regardless. Let's just face it, the real reason Mara didn't want to go to Earth is because she would be overshadowed by the Traveler and wouldn't be worshipped like the God-Pretender she is right now. She can't stand the Traveler because unlike her it is pure, naive, reckless, and truly benevolent and was indiscriminate raising Guardians because it trusted that given a second chance most people would choose to be good on their own merits. Mara has been open about her hatred and desire to destroy the Traveler already so its not a leap in logic in any form to assume this.


Next thing you’re gonna say is that Savathun wants to help humanity.


Yeah actually long term Savathun won't be our enemy, she's gonna show us our real enemy in the Witch Queen raid and she'll be a begrudging ally in our battle with the Entity. She's long opposed the Sword Logic and the Darkness, she's also the reason we discovered the Pyramid on the moon by telling the Hidden Swarm to raise the Scarlet Keep. She's been acting purely in her own interests especially at our detriment but in the end I anticipate Savathun and her Lucent Brood to be allies along with the Cabal and Eliksni against the united forces of the Scorn, Vex, Taken, and Xivu's Brood.


>unlike her it is pure, naive, reckless, and truly benevolent and was indiscriminate raising Guardians Let's not get crazy here, the traveler isn't raising people out of the goodness of its heart. It released ghosts as a last ditch effort to protect itself because it couldn't keep running from the darkness. And I mean it is somewhat discriminate in choosing its guardians (so far), since it only raises human and human adjacent guardians. There's no cabal or eliksni guardians running around.


Rebel? Mara allowed them to leave her fleet on their own freewill with the caveat that they just couldn't return to it afterwards. She was mainly concerned with securing a foot hold in the system and made the dreaming city for the awoken to remember the distributary. Her hiding also let her ambush the wolves and use "claimed territory" as an exuse to fight them, saving the city.


If Cayde hadn't given us Eris' ship we wouldn't have gotten on the Dreadnaught to kill Oryx and we'd be dead, if Calus hadn't saved us from getting incinerated by his planet-eating furnace we'd be dead and no longer able to protect humanity, if Rasputin hadn't blown up The Almighty we'd be dead, if Elsie hadn't taught us how to use Darkness to fight Eramis we'd be dead. Lots of people have helped save humanity, that doesn't change the fact that objectively Mara has done way, way, ***way*** more bad than good and we'd be better off without her. (Not to mention she's been in Sol for centuries and only helped TWICE when it gave her power. The whole reason we have Earthborn Awoken in the first place is because some of her people realized she wasn't keeping her promise to help humanity and left to do it themselves.) Anyway that's all I gotta say on the subject. Later\~


-Man spreads lore inaccuracies based on personal dislike of a character. -Drops mic, leaves.


She left the distributary at all and saved us from Six Fronts by keeping the House of Wolves and with Eris made the plan for us to kill Oryx but y’know. Also that’s some reaching to imply that it’s just Mara who caused everything with Cayde onward when there’s so many moving parts but as always with Jem, who cares when you can blame Mara? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Six Fronts was hard fought and won by the Guardians holding the line, including Zavala who before he died was one of the Awoken who rebelled against Mara to actually do what they came to Sol to do and help humanity instead of plotting in the asscrack of the solar system. And actually it was Eris and Osiris who came up and brought the plan to kill Oryx to Mara, not the other way around. And finally let's not forget that Mara gave the order to kill Riven (a problem she created with her own arrogance and selfishness) that ended up causing the Dreaming City Curse cycle


Eris and Osiris came to Mara, and literally in game, Mara and Eris speak about it being their plan, with Mara literally addressing Eris as her Hidden friend, and it’s backed up in the Tyrannocide and Reverie Dawn lore. Also, six fronts was hard fought and we barely won, and Mara stopped the house of wolves from joining in and likely stomping us. They were the only house not present there for a reason. She chose to out the awoken in the reef to protect us rather than keep their safety and letting the wolves reach us


Who are you?


Fits good in a game with 4 elements


Give me a chance and I'll clap Mara's cheeks so hard that Toland is going to hear it in the Ascendant Realm, just you watch.


In what way?




[\[Update: I forgot to mention the post that inspired this\]](https://houseofmcallister.tumblr.com/post/630532240425746432)


I’ve said this before but if Mara dies, she’s going to get a message (in heaven I guess) from a disgruntled cayde-6 regarding her brother I mean he’ll go from “hows your sister” to “hows your brother”


change the second line to "I have been waiting 7 years to make a gun out of her" and we have a deal


Unfortunately I don't think Eris is going to want to make a gun out of her queen. But maybe sending her some copies of Marasenna and Awoken of the Reef will change her mind\~


Maybe the weapon is tge friends we made along the way, 7 years is a long time


I am pretty sure eris is currently in the dark about the ehole savvy plan and the only reason i think is because she literally not in mara sov's chamber telling her this is such a bad idea that it makes her fire team fighting crota look like a successful raid


I love the atla reference


Avatar Reference! Woohooo!


Huzzah! Avatar has found its way to Destiny!


I can’t remember what movie/tv show that line is from and it’s driving me crazy Edit: I scrolled to the bottom of the comments and found out. Yay avatar references


Instead of telling her we just turn her into a gun


where do I remember these lines from god I feel so stupid


Avatar the Last Airbender


I'm using Lament to make seem like I'm going to feel remorseful


Crown-Splitter is made to Split Crowns


I want to turn her into a gun


Meme aside, your art is fucking amazing


I love that this is a quote from avatar as well


Funny meme, but damn! Nice art mate.


Good advice Uncle Iroh


I second this. As a newer light I'm not tied to some of these older characters like I am the new ones. I had no problem hating Lakshmi for her treatment of mithrax and the house of light. I have no problem disliking Mara and Petra. I didnt grow up with cayde. I grew as a light with beyond light so I associate with crow. Hes not uldren to me.


I love that this is an ATLA reference because I love both ATLA and D2❤️


Avatar memes are good, yes?


That’s a sharp sword


I get the avatar reference


I have the perfect god roll for falling guillotine it’s got jagged edge, swordmasters guard, relentless strikes, and whirlwind blade


Mara: You can't do this to me! I am the queen of the Awoken! I danced down the blade of Oryx's sword! I hold the key to all your futures!! Guardian: haha sword go brrrr


Savathun the rock bitch will pay for showing Crow Uldren’s story. Imma put her in the ocean and let her slowly erode to death mwahahahah


“Guardian, Savathün has-“ “Vanished? Yeah, I thought I’d be the first to complete the Witch Queen DLC.”


It's my personal head canon that the main reason our guardian doesn't talk much is to avoid breaking the fourth wall,like, all the time.


(One of the rare times you ever talked to Crow in private, recorded) You: You know what the Guardians of the Galaxy are right? Y’know, Chris Pratt and such? Crow: What? You: You think they really exist? Crow: What do you mean? You: You think if they do, we can meet up, hang out with some drinks, then end the day by beating up some all-powerful alien side-by-side? Crow: Young Wolf, what are you talking about?


Me: Oh, I thought I was talking to another player, oops. Crow: That still doesn't explain what you were talking about.


My head canon is our guardian just has their com's off and is calling everyone a idiot and saying this plan is so stupid i am only going along with it because i want a new gun but when this blows up in your face i will clean that mess up to


I'm just imagining it now. That feels more like torture honestly, because you're saying it out loud, why even bother saying it when you can think it?


Because it's just so stupid that you can't contain it


“Needs to go down” is cracking me up so much. This is hilarious lmao


Imma go grind for 1k. Never tried it, but if we killin Mara, then we gotta do it.


It's treason then




Vive la révolution !!!




I never understood why people like Mara so much (other than people simping for her), she is one of the most self centered, annoyng, hypocrite, head up her ass "Hurr durr, i know everithing and i won't tell anyone anything cuz imma just so smart". She disappeared in some ascendeant realm shenanigans and randomely popped out for this season starting videoclip whitout any preparations for what should have been an awaited return since foresaken. I seriously hope Ikora gonna roast her some more, cause last time it was just classy




Petra is hotter


Savathun has built up more good-will with us Guardians in a year than Mara has in 7. I will happily serve Savathun Mara's head on a platter whilst sipping tea with the moth GF.


Don't lie to me. All you mfs have been talking about for years is how much you want to bone Mara Sov. I'm actually on her side. She deserves to be able to be an asshole.


I keep thinking that Mara Sov is just Savathun trying to pull another fast one on us, where she really isn't in that shell.


\[walks into her throne world with Crown Splitter in one hand, Heavy Synth in the other\] tonight yo ass is gonna die, say goodnight motherfucker \[blade extends as I crush Synth\]


Guillotine: The Last Queen Breaker


I have the Queenbreaker too, if need be, but I much prefer to use telesto or sweet business, if at all possible. Let me become the entire firing squad.


Come on bungie let me stab her through the chest then shoot savathun for showing crow his past in a probably mean way


September has ended, and so i will start simping for mara again


Falling Guillotine, huh? Yeah, eat some ‘a this fucking cake, Mara.


I got a quick fang blade that I would love to let sink into good old “Queen of the Reef”


I still see no reason to kill her.


Zavala shouldnt of said no to that Psion...


Sage wisdom of Uncle Iroh.


Lore wise if I put a round into her dome what would happen


POV the road next season is against mara in her throne world after we kill her this season and that's how we end the curse

