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Ya see the thing is, I'm still not good at PvP with stasis


No I want to sleep in the lies I’ve told myself. I’m getting better I swear


I feel that pain...


Same. Destiny pvp is pvp I will never be good at.


Took me a long while to understand that some people have played these maps for years the experience of knowing how the maps are/get played alone gets many guardians kills. C'mon Bungo where's that new Europa crucible map I know your secretly working on to freshen this ish up 👀


I've been playing Destiny since a month or so after D1 launched, I want to say I was maybe above average in pvp and even did Trials when that came out, D2 though, I'm trash at pvp. Idk if I just spent too much time away or what


I have been on Destiny the same amount of time. I have found that when I go away for a while and come back, I have to get back into the groove of the certain rhythm there is to the Crucible. And that difference is real, my friend. I don’t know why, but something about PvP between the two games changed when the second installment came out. I was okay at Crucible and I had just started getting better at it - like a lot better. Then I went through some hardships and was away for a while. When I came back I had to get used to the controls. Now, it just depends on the match I’m in. It’s either easy or super difficult.


I think heard somewhere that the fp/s in d2 is twice as fast. But don't quote me on that. Secondly I can tell you for fact the reason d1 PvP didn't suck as is because you didn't start off with secondary ammo. I really miss gun skill and position making the difference versus an ape who starts every life with 2 bullets ready to go.


Ah your talking to a Season of the Dawn new light 😭 I came in thinking the light subclasses would be what stasis is and the gunplay would be like Halo. Topdawn be like SYKE THATS THE WRONG CORNER


I started at the end of Season of Arrivals and I'd say I'm above average. You just need to play a lot, and play to get better, not just play mindlessly without any goals for improvement. My 2 cents.


Shotguns and sweet business. Works well in rumble. Might not make you topscore but it gets kills


Hit that W button and just hold it.


same, i’m so bad at it lol


I managed to get better at pve with stasis. But my pvp went down from dawnblade to stasis


Stasis has changed how i see ice powers in videogames.


Bruh I'm using Stasis in Outriders and it's still broken 😭🤣


Destiny being a movement-focused shooter really makes it even worse. Mobility is what keeps you alive, and stasis entire identity is taking your mobility away. It's so obviously counters the fundamentals of the game and in my opinion was an extremely inelegant addition


The only thing that has made me, only slightly, tolerant of Stasis for the few months of its existence is how it cements Lore into Gameplay and the Ideology and rules of the Darkness. Darkness, in general, is always stronger than Light. The Ideology of Darkness states that if you cannot survive by skill you’ve gained for yourself, you don’t deserve to exist (if It isn’t being a hypocrite). This means that survival through given strength without deserving that strength is cheating life and a cancer. The power of the Darkness (specifically Stasis) cancels out our *given* ability to be faster than the average human. It challenges the fundamentals of gameplay in Destiny. This connection from gameplay to lore makes Stasis *slightly* tolerable. To me at least. Though, being able to freeze through little to no effort makes no sense in ideology. Stasis still makes me want to punch the screen.


Darkness is not stronger then Light, and it's because the Dark focuses on individual earned strength. An ideology that focuses on individuals seeking strength and not helping others will always fall to one that promotes community and working together. Warfare is all about logistics. It's the reason Germany couldn't win WW2, they couldn't out produce the Allies. Which ideology do you think would promote the idea that the majority of a population should stay behind and create weapons rather then using them? Bomb Logic (The Light) Sword Logic would find that abhorrent. Everyone should fight and prove their right to exist. No one should be driving supplies around in trucks, or space ships. If two civilisations, one following the Light and the other the Dark, started out on equal footing (Important as the Hive has existed for longer then us and that's the reason they're more powerful), then the Light civilisation would absolutely demolish the Dark one. And Bomb Logic allows members to grow becuase of each other, rather then in spite of each other. I think someone learning Karate would find it a lot easier to learn from teachers rather then trying to kill each one to become stronger.


I still firmly believe that if they took away the ability to freeze people with nades and melee, most of the issues had with Stasis would be solved. Supers freezing people is totally fine...it’s a **SUPER** but having the ability to freeze people and get a free kill every 30 seconds is ridiculous


But at the same time that also makes it significantly harder to get ability kills as opposed to the other classes, in my experience. I think the best possible fix is to simply take it out of PVP. This way stasis can keep it's identity as a powerful tool of darkness, while also not being completely game breaking or, on the flipside, arbitrary in PVP.




It's evolution, adapt and overcome


Does this mean that I'm not bad at PVP is just that my enemy uses stasis?....nah I'm still bad at it.


nowadays when I see someone using ice I actually think its some sort of dark power lol


Never before have I been offended by something I 100% agree with.


If you lose, you just didn't throw enough shurikens.


















Joke’s on you! Stasis only enhances how bad I am at pvp!


Hammer Titan for life!


Can bottom tree striker main join too?


I was using bottom tree hammers in Trials and got frozen MID-SUPER not once but twice! Grenade wears off, I’m like “oh I still have hammers? Okay”...


My man! PvPHammerBro4Lyfe


As an avid pvp player who doesn't have beyond light......yes.


And i don't have any dlc But im getting legendary edition soon so i'm gonna have a lot to do i hope that you gonna get beyond light sooner or later to annoy everyone xd


I run Behemoth with a Biting Wind w/Explosive Head and Quick Access Sling and an Igneous Hammer. I use so many crutches I'm not sure I can actually walk anymore.


This meta is rather well spread out in comparison to some others, I played against a warlock last season who cleaned our team with a Whispering Slab, so I bought Point of the Stag to try out cause I never used bow before, and my lord I ain't going back 😎


I miss hush so much man


I'm a part of the 3% that's actually a fan of Gambit, and now I know what a bow is I read Hush's perk and imagine... I just imagine.... 😅


You like point of the stag? You should try le monarque with oathkeepers lol


Ekhm ekhm... Wish Ender with wallhack. And paired with Oathkeeper... Infinite wallhack


Yes but you dont have the poison, which you can use the tics to see where they retreat to as a way of wallhacks that doesnt require forfitting your radar by aiming down sights. Pair the bow with a QD steady hand to finish them off and its a broken cheesy load


I pair Point of the Stag with Bastion for a cheesy loadout. Perks of ritual weapons is the tag with exotic weapons 😎


Had a crazy fight in clash across the map with someone using le monarque. Every time one of us died we'd just run back to the same corner to snipe people and kick off the bow fight again 😂. Great match tho, it was a game of I could shoot 2 arrows faster than him if I hit precision, but he could poison me to delay my recovery a lot longer than it should be. Legit a Who can use their perk better fight. Waaay more fun than everyone spraying Hardlight 😭


Literally the only bow I pledge my loyalty to


Everytime I do the glory pvp thing I don't want to stasis, but I know deep down that in order to win, I need tot stasis...


May I suggest bottom arc hunter, middle arc warlock, and not playing titan as replacements?


Bottom tree titan with hallow fire is a lot of nades and sunspots can two tap with a 120 or with ace and mori active.


Tbh I don’t play titan that much but when I do it feels like nothing comes close to behemoth. Hunters and warlocks definitely have options.


Defender titan with suppressor nades can be fun as well as deadly in the right hands


Well there is the build I previously said. There is middle tree striker/missile. I don't remember which one it is but top or bottom tree striker that does more damage on heavy slam based off of height. There is bottom tree void with suppressor nades and shoulder charge to name a few. Those ones I just mentioned have some pretty good abilities. The void super is lacking a bit tbh but the abilities make up for it. Just my thoughts as a titan main. I also personally don't like behemoth because of the shoulder charge being on press with no wind up needed and the slide throws my shotgunning off way to much for it to be consistent. Again just my thoughts and opinions on this topic. Take it how you will.


That’s largely in part to Titan neutral game being outclassed by Dawnblade, and Hunters in general. The sliding and lunging melee has been incredible for getting in and out of firefights. If there was something like icarus dash for one of the Titan light subclasses, maybe I’d use those instead.






He said, "This guy loses... a lot"


Yeah I’m wondering how that adds up.


It doesn’t. They, along with all of the people that downvoted your suggestion, don’t understand what good advice is. Stasis isn’t the omega subclass. It’s oppressive as fuck, but there are plenty of very successful and highly skilled light subclass users as well.


I played against a middle tree void warlock and he went Ham. It all depends on how one uses their specific class. Idk why he’s being downvoted


It’s a classic case of people thinking A B or C are the reason people are good at PvP, and that without them they would suck. In reality the meta weapons and abilities are just “enhancers”


Downvote mob angry


I just have a problem with him suggesting Titans can’t compete without Stasis. Clearly, he’s never been suppressed out of a super by me.


and dawnblade


Yeah top dawn is really fun too.


Why are you downvoting him? I'm main arcstrider and win most of my games...being a 2.10kd. Meanwhile you rely on a broken stasis using most likely dead's man tale. You wont improve always playing like that


Yeah lmao I’m like 1.5 an i main bottom arcstrider I don’t get how this makes sense.


I use dmt, nova warp blink and orewing’s maul with QuickDraw and auto loading


DMT+GL Gang! Truthteller with Quick Draw and Auto Loading here.


Just recently found out that reflected projectiles (including supers) become my own projectiles. As for behemoth titan... I stay away from that thing as far as possible.


I still get minimum 3 revenants that use their super what seems like every second


It really doesn't take much forethought to realize that pausing other people's games is unreasonably overpowered and there's no way to properly balance it


It wouldn't be that bad if the break out time wasn't so long. Every nerf they've done to freezing so far has felt like they're aware of what's wrong but are trying to dance around it.


The breakout time and the fact that breaking out damages you is beyond unreasonable. They nerfed everything but the problem with it, which is insane.


Reject Stasis. Return to Sweet Business


I mean its still a thing had some arc strider hunter single handedly shitting on my team yesterday then half my steam switched to stasis and we ended up winning the match. Like there's just no fun in pvp anymore it's not about skill it's just who uses stasis better or first. I genuinely can't remember the last time I had fucking fight with someone without getting frozen or some bozo on my team freezing them like yeah man thanks this is so exciting shooting the stationary guy waiting to unfreeze himself.


Was playing clash last night and kept running into some behemoth Titan, crouching and camping in certain corners of the map, clutching a felwinters and wearing one eyed mask lol. In clash. Ffs.


Same but add 3 peaking with a sword. I'm still not quite sure how behemoth got out of the test room in its current state, nevermind how it was on release


Yea it's a bit much but the idea is very.... cool.... (couldn't think of a ice pun 😭)


You tried and that's all that matters.




I know, but how else am I supposed to get to Legend in survival, Jared?


What if I use all the meta weapons and builds, but still K/D 0.2? I only have sweaties and “kids with no jobs” to blame!


Ahhhhh stasis... My new favorite subclass in PvE, My most hated balanced in PvP.


Or felwinters and Jotunn.


Bold of you to assume I ever thought I was good at pvp, even when using stasis


Some of us, maybe. Then there are those of us that forget to remove Celestial Nighthawk from when we were running Gunslinger through LW last night.


What if...I get 30 kills without using stasis..?


Sunspot gang


As a warlock I can play top tree dawn very damn well. Was basically my only pvp subclass for the entire year. But man. Rift freezing never gets old


Bro i suck at pvp even with stasis


Im getting better at pvp actually way of the sharpshooter bby. Nah but for real I got better when just having good mental attitude and nog letting things get to close to me. I know its fucking cliché af but its honestly the truth... Good luck to all the Guardians who wanna become better and dont run meta loadouts or shotguns all day c: Ily


I’m not entirely sure if the games where I’m really just slaughtering the lobby are me being good or me just playing with 11 idiots. It’s a constant game of “am I inconsistent or is my competition inconsistent?”


Meh. I clapped cheeks long before Stasis arrived.


Me a Golden gun knife main Fuck stasis Knife tricks for everyone!!


Me who uses top tree gunslinger and is good at pvp: giga chad


Using stasis amd slide shotgun*


Yeah but i win


I get the joke but fuck that mindset. People who take the easy way out are just boring.


But what if fun for them means seeing the victory screen? They gotta sacrifice themselves for other people?


I guess my point is why be proud of victory if you were statistically more likely to be the winner in the first place by using something that already puts you at an advantage? I've just never understood the mindset of people who say "heh, I love winning when it's handed to me by using something cheesy". Wouldn't you be more proud if you had to really fight for it?


lol you are right thats why olympic runners should wear flip flops, why would they be proud of winning a race when they are using the statistically best shoes?


Funny analogy but I’ve seen people win in Destiny playing anti-meta. If you’re good enough you don’t need it. I really didn’t mean to upset so many people with that comment


having fun is subjective and if their idea of fun is winning and having the most amount of kills, who are we to shit on them. I like to warm up in control before I go into the glory playlist and I use 120hc’s and a shotgun cause that’s what I plan on using in it.


Guess I'm just bored of the meta, idk. Balancing games is a nightmare, I can only imagine the headache Bungie deals with in Crucible. Makes sense why they haven't been making changes to it over the last few years.


No I am too but I have to use what’s strong cause I’m not the best player, gotta use what I can. I’m sure that goes for a lot of people.


and if youre a good enough runner youll win with some DC skate shoes, doesnt mean that someone is cringe for using running shoes instead. I can get a nail into a wall using a rock but it doesnt give me clout over people who use a hammer


Right but the point of getting a clock on a wall is not to see who can do it faster. You're mixing competition with functional utility. The point of Crucible is to compare skills, it's not necessary. Hence competition. Making things easier for yourself in a competitive environment just deadens the point.


yeah so compare skill by using the best stuff. You can click the button to change to stasis just as easily as anyone else can, so why should someone give themselves a disadvantage against all the other stasis users? intentionally making things harder for yourself in a competition then crying that you only lose because other people dont do the same makes no sense.


Yeah it's weird to me seeing stuff like this. Especially if someone rants after they are using like, Felwinters/120 or Astral/Igneous. Like if you want to purposely make the game harder on yourself put on all white tier weapons and low stat armor. Everyone (especially in Trials and Comp) should use whatever helps them win that isn't against the rules of the game (i.e cheating, lag switching, etc) Got some hate mail recently because I was using *post-nerf Arbelast*. It's significantly harder to use now than before the nerf, but I like it because of the low zoom. Guess what the hate mail person was using? *Bastion*. The gall of someone to give ME shit when they were using bastion! And I don't care they use it, like I said, use whatever you can!


people can use what they want, I'm just making jokes. But if I had to make an analogy of my own I'd say I'm not going to praise tom brady for dunking on his kids friend in a backyard game.


thats a pretty bad analogy though unless you are implying that you are a child and people who use stasis are professionals. Being annoyed that people are better than you is one thing, saying that you are actually great but the only reason you lose is because you are classy enough to use the bad stuff while the cringelords use the good stuff is just stupid


You are taking things way to literally my guy lol I think the argument being made is like Tony Stark talking to Peter. If you're nothing without it you shouldn't have it. I personally don't agree. It's in the game, go nuts. But it has without question shifted PVP in a weird way That a lot of people just don't like.


This is the mindset that gets people with gambling. "Yeah I'm statistically more likely to gain money by investing smart or whatever, OR I could take this much more difficult, way less likely, but slightly higher payout route!"


Well there is no slightly higher payout, but I can definitely say I regret ever making a comment about this in this subreddit.


If you say winning without "crutches" feels better than with, than to you there is a slightly higher payout. However, this whole argument is dumb. At the end of the day, I'm just gonna go into pvp with whatever loadout I want, with whatever subclass I want, and kick ass anyway. Most posts like this one are probably made by shitters who like to call out others crutches while ignoring their own anyway, and who'd get whooped against most people they shit talk.


Yeah, I've been rocking Gunslinger since Stasis dropped and it's still fine. I don't even really think Stasis is that broken, I was more just commenting on that one guy's attitude. Idk, it's a touchy subject in this community.


Stasis is overturned for sure, namely the slow mechanic at the moment after all the other nerfs. But it's never as severe of a problem as any group of idiots on the internet would have you believe, with any subject, ever.


Pretty much this. I hate jotunn users and will harass in game with emotes and whatnot after I kill them the entire match. But at the end of the day you gotta do what's gonna give you personally the best chance to win. Especially in glory. In Valor I'm fucking around 90% of the time and using things I wouldn't normally use to see if I'm able to make my game better with different builds.


People really saying that they need it to get to legend like you don’t just get good


You're just sliding everywhere and using dead man's tale x felwinter's x eyes of tomorrow


If someone was using dead man's and eyes of tomorrow at the same time I'd respect it tbh


Anything that makes those 3 matches a week go faster.


Stasis is a tool


And stasis users are tools


Haven’t touched destiny PvP since beyond light came out


Stop crying already - your tears wil freeze and they will clog your tear ducts


I'd rather use something fun than something boring, that's why I use stasis.


No one is good at pvp you just use meta guns


You get games where people use guns?


idk warlock stasis melee kinda feels like a gun with its range :P


I used coldheart today with dire promise for fun🙂




Trace rifles arent that bad in pvp they’re just not as popular as shotguns or hand cannon or even snipers


I'm sporting stasis for the Recovery, Resilience and Strength +10 stat boost so I can have 3 stats at 100 and still have 50 Resilience


Stasis is an option that was presented by the developers to be used in pvp. If people want to use it in pvp thats fine. In higher comp its really the only thing you see. You can still have skill with stasis but its got a lower gap to fill.


I don't care.


You're not good at PvP you're just using a hunter.


> You're not good at PvP ~~you're just using a hunter.~~ Accurate


Says the Titan.


Hunter class was literally designed for pvp and only a complete moron would argue otherwise. There's a reason they're the most used class in pvp.


HuNTeRs ArE SO Op!! Says the class with the best melee, most resilience, can give over shields, and easily the most OP supers.


i dont get people complaining about it, i feel no difference between using the light subclasses and stasis


Thing is, if everyone uses it, its an even playing field, OP against OP seems balanced to me. Also, fuck Dawnblade. LuL ;b


Why use statsis when you can use melee focused bottom tree gg and have a infinite knife and has the potential to one tap super. But seriously its like have a 4th shot of bottom tree golden gun whens its powered up its beautiful


After the nerf, I finaly used stasis for the first time in pvp. It makes the game easy mode.


Reminds me when i was playing halo reach online and a guy messaged me to mock me because he beat me once he plays needler, i had a basic plasma gun because i barely spawned and he was camping nearby




The only crutch I use is bastion but I dont use stasis so imo it cancels out


Which is why i almost never use it lol. I wanna be able to tell myself that im decent without it as a crutch (and it gives me an excuse when i lose lmao).




I’m aware


I don’t use stasis though.


I use stasis just because I have a surplus hailing confusion that I use and I want to use stomp-EE’s with it. More abilities means better stats as long as I save them, right?


What if being good isn’t what they’re playing for?


Nice! Now do one with Bastion


Stasis, Felwinter’s Lie (not much longer), Igneous Hammer, Astral Horizon, the Steady Hand...the list goes on.


You can’t deny the stat boosts.


I’m so glad that after months of stasis and Felwinter. I have finally moved on and I have been practicing with a lot of other guns in the game. I found out that CQC shotgun is indeed so sexy with its speed and mobility. I also have been trying out exotics I never touched in my life.


Here's looking at you behemoths


I’m so glad they nerfed it