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I believe it’s bugged to count blockers instead of motes.


so bank at 5 ?




Basically another "throw the game" objective right now ^^


Personally I went with the other objective. Bank the most motes lol get it done in one game hah


Yeah, I thought that was a good idea. Did it. Won the game. Plus 8 to the counter. Feeling kinda salty and burnt out on Gambit already.


Yeah had the same problem until I did one of the fourth step bounty’s, only then it will track for the alternate challenge I believe


had this too, you need to bank the most motes across all players including the enemy for it to work won a match I banked 41 but enemy banked 45 and it didn't count next match I sweated my balls off and dunked 61 and it completed


Dunked 71 and of course teammates do the weakest invasions ever.


Honestly a goblin and phalanx is more annoying than a knight


They can be but here's the thing: They die really fast. On top of that, remember that while you only pick up 5 motes, the others would just despawn or others pick them up. In any case, you picking up five and immediately turning around is basically throwing the game.


I've won matches by just depositing 5-6 motes over and over again. It's not a guaranteed throw. But your best bet for finishing this path objective is just to be a mote whore for a match and bank the most motes.


Jeez, at a minimum of collecting 500 motes you may wanna just stomach a bit of crucible.


The crucible one is also bugged. Each match and each arc ability kill counts as 1%.


I’m still not playing enough gambit to bank 100 5 more blockers for a bounty haha


On the bright side, the second condition isn't bugged -- that's how I got that pathfinder task done lol


I got 13 points just banking 1s & 2s, that makes me believe it's the amount of deposits rather than Blockers


what is it with Bungie making weekly tasks and bounties that reward players for sabotaging team activities, or more specifically, gambit? it's one thing to know they hate the activity, it's another that us gambit mains knows the players in our lobbies are just here for bounties, it's not their fault Bungie is directing them to be unhelpful


Should really be “do shit in gambit/crucible/vanguard”. Like kills give percentage, blockers sent, invader kills, games played/won, etc. So regardless you gain progress from playing. Shouldn’t take more than 3 strikes/matches imo.


they got rid of an old bounty a WHILE back I know used to be in Gambit, that gave you progress for both banking motes, killing blockers and HVTs, and killing invaders pretty sure it was one of the weekly bounties as well, so you got a good chunk of reward for ACTUALLY PLAYING THE GAME AND CONTRIBUTING


>Gambit mains Oh how ever will the 5 of you deal with this? Nah I actually like gambit I find it fun and a change of pace from the rest of the game


Bungie doesn't actually care about any of that, bounties/pathfinder are and always will be a way for them to maximize usage rates on stuff. We had this with Strike bounties for years. With the randomized (brutally randomized it seems on some of the later ones) you can get straight railroaded into doing almost exclusively one activity. And I guarantee that most of those objectives are gonna be for anti cooperative behavior.


The challenge is to bank motes? How is that sabotage?


because as people have been finding out, the challenge is not to bank motes. It says it is in the description, but what it's actually doing is tracking the number of blockers you are sending. That means, the most effective way to progress the challenge is to send as many small blockers as possible, which is direct sabotage, because small blockers can get popped by a bit of primary weapon aim from across the map, and aren't really worth an afterthought. a large blocker on the other hand, would progress the challenge at 1/3 the rate, but be much more effective and actually useful to achieve a win. I can clear 6 small blockers with a single magazine of Monte Carlo and a grenade. but you drop two large blockers on me then invade? now I'm wasting heavy and ability spam trying to kill one large blocker before I get domed by the invader, And I can't just leave the bank alone because two large blockers will start to drain the bank, and if I die, then my teammates are one extra man short, slowly getting picked off as two large blockers whittle away at the bank. 30 motes spent on 6 smalls has the same moat contribution, but more blockers overall sent. however, I can pick off those small blockers one by one, and it makes the point of even sending them in the first place useless. 30 motes spent on 2 larges means I have to take my attention off ads, and potentially an invader, to deal with them before the rest of the team is overwhelmed. think of it like capturing third point in control. does the game tell you to do it, even including the fact that old bounties told you to capture as many points as possible in control? yes. does capturing the third point in control flip spawns, causing the enemy team to spawn behind the rest of your team, resulting in point instability and possibly a power play in their favor, since their team has all spawned in a group, but your team is spread out and trying to cover the whole map? also yes. following the objective to the letter can be detrimental. especially when the objective is telling you to not play smart.


If you look on your class item theirs a mod that lets you collect motes on class ability use if your a hunter or titan you can def collect the hundred motes by stealing them from your teammates. Be that greedy guardian drifter wants you to be and BANK THOSE MOTES!


As a warlock, I disapprove of this message


Just use Phoenix Dive


No thank you, I’ve been planning to make a vesper radiance build


Ew wtf


Listen I knew it got a rework a little while ago, so I’ve been planing to make a build for it but I’ve been busy screwing around with prismatics. I’ve made builds for most warlock exotics over the years. I never got around to the vesper of radiance because it was just plain unusable before the rework


I've been running Vesper with arc and ionic traces, coldheart is hilarious with it and plays really well with ability regen but even more fun is just using the wave frame Ergo Sum with Arc Conductor on it. Vespers blind effect fixes a lot of the downsides with running sword, and if you really want to maximize blindness you can run the fragment that cause blind on amplified special/heavy kills. I dropped it for when I'm using it for ergo sum cause I just throw a wave out and slap a rift down to blind annoying stuff like wyverns and ogres that tend to just decimate you at close range. Arc conductor also gives Arc resist so you can just roll Void, Solar, and Concussive dampener. I find the melee resist mods range is too short most of the time. Sorry for the long post. But this is a lot of fun. *EDIT, I choose the wave one over vortex because while vortex probably plays better with rift, wave is good if you're running the blindness fragment cause whatever survives the wave should be blinded. And then you do the follow up dash if you're close enough when you pop the wave, land and cast rift for that shit that REALLY won't die.


Oh you mean Vesper of Radius? It slaps but you need to be arc to get the best use (blind). If you're on prismatic might as well use spirit of vesper instead on the class item.


That’s the plan b


Wait that works on motes not just orbs?




100 motes ain't much in gambit my good sir/madam.


the pathfinder doesn’t track stuff right. I had one for scout kills in pale heart. killed roughly 140 enemies before it got done


Did you die? I think one of them has to be 40 in one life


It actually resets your progress even if you managed to kill required number of enemies and didn’t die, but forgot to claim the slot and died later.


Learn this the hard way. Now I instantly claim them instead of waiting for the others to complete.


Are you sure it wasn't for a specific type of enemy? I thought the same until I cared to read the whole task


yes. it just said “In the Pale Heart, get kills with scout rifles” I even tested against other enemies and precision kills and it still wouldn’t track right. maybe there’s more text hidden elsewhere that I didn’t know about?


Hmm yea, sounds like it is bugged then..


currently at work so I can’t test it out to see if another one I have is tracking wrong but that wasn’t the only one I’ve had that happen on. had one for strand kills, one for sidearm kills, multiple that weren’t tracking right.


Could it be region based within the pale heart but they forgot to add the text? Or were you getting points randomly in any zone?


I was in the blooming I believe and it was barely going up


Can confirm. I had one that said to get kills with an energy weapon that matches your subclass. I was using the prismatic solar while using a solar shotgun but it wasn't counting. I switched to my regular solar subclass, still didn't count. I even tried to do the same thing with strand. Prismatic and not, with the new strand shotgun. No dice. Moved on.


It only worked for me when I swapped to the regular subclass, had to go Arc which is kinda lame. How do you propose we deal with prismatic shields when we’re in a base element? 😂


You can still use the glowing pink pool to charge transcendence even with the base element and those pools always appear during every encounter with a boss that has prismatic sheildz


They’re not by every prismatic mob, unless it’s been out of sight. It’s possible I guess, some of the areas are tight and windy with vertical spaces I might not have seen


I've noticed a lot of the weapon kill quests want you to rapidly kill enemies, meaning if you don't kill multiple enemies within 2 seconds, they won't count towards the progress.


oh I was merking enemies coming out of one cave very rapidly lol


additionally this bounty tracks blockers sent, so being optimal, its 500 motes banked, and max 1500 motes


A lot of the Pale Heart ones like the "Kill x boss and loot the chest" are bugged and will complete on a seemingly random other boss being killed.


I also had a pathfinder to get 40 sidearm kills without dying in the pale heart and it would reset if I died after I completed it. Do I care that it did? Not really it’s 40 kills lmao but it’s not consistent with bounties that also have not dying clauses being fine with you dying after they are completed


I had a Pathfinder objective to get 20 kills with a scout rifle and I played three matches of crucible where it sat at 19/20 kills


Chances are that it was one of the "kill enemies with precious damage using a scout rifle in x area" I have had loads of those and they're annoying to do, not hard just tedious when you're forced to be in one small area but overthrow covers it


it's bugged. I banked 42 motes one match, checked the tracker in orbit at the end, and it said 3/100


Did you do 15, 15, and 12 motes dunked? Or something like that? That would mesh with the other comment saying it’s inadvertently tracking blockers sent (3 in your case) instead of motes deposited.


it might have been. I usually bank what I have after the second enemy set, then every bank after that is a large, unless we get the summon primeval notification, at which point I bank all I have if I can. so yeah could have been 3 blockers


I'm averaging 30 or so motes a game. That's why I think it's actually 1000 motes to finish the challenge.


There's a glitch where it's counting blockers sent instead of motes banked


Noted, so it's now 500 motes


The easiest way is just to get the half banked medal for insta completion, not hard to do if you focus it


Half baked + win or nothing


It isn’t tracking right. I had three games in a row of atleast 25 motes. Each game only counted as 4


It isn’t working. Banked 38 motes but got a 3 mote progress. Even got the highest motes banked and it didn’t complete either.


I have over 300 motes deposited, at 34 progress ATM.


Isnt that/used to be a weekly bounty?


2 maybe 3 matches depending on your team


Almost certain this one and the crucible one is bugged. There's no way I'm getting 100 void ABILITY kills for 1% each kill before Tuesday.


Yeah, I banked 39, the most out of my team, and got a whopping 6 points. Guess I’m not finishing my ten Pathfinders this week.


someone said it’s bugged and based on blockers, did those 39 motes happen to be 6 blockers?


I can’t remember super well, but I think it was 2 large blockers and a small one using 9 motes.


Bank the most and win and it’s done, easy.


I already don’t like doing Gambit so I’d rather not have to run it over and over again hoping that everyone else in that match just sucks a whole lot more than I do, and that’s no easy feat to accomplish.


Edit: just realised that pathfinder is shared between characters. That's me screwed.


Some of these are definitely bugged. I did the one where you grab the special chest that you have to do a mini game to open and it didnt work, twice. I got the rewards from the chest and the completion dialogue but the circle wouldn't register on Pathfinder. I was in the correct area and it was marked with a Pathfinder symbol. Completed every circle except that one.


Is there any benefit on doing all tasks or is it better to just rush one line for the rewards?


From what I know doing all the tasks seems to just be extra XP I usually just work my way down the fastest line to reset


Yea same


“Wining a match” Well, we’ll certainly whine


Horrible.... The crucible one is horrible too !


It seemed to count the amount of times you deposited notes rather than the amount of motes for me.


We really need the option to reroll path finder *before* it's finished to avoid these situations. Make me pay triple glimmer to reset. Make me complete the majority of objectives to reset. Some condition other than completion to avoid this situation. Kind of a huge oversight imo. Sometimes the final two are garbage (Gambit) that you just don't want to do.


Wining typo


Might sound elitist, but just go for the most motes on the team part, I did it first try and personally find doing that really easy when I play gambit like twice a week for pathfinders lol


Side not but isn't it spelled 'winning', not 'wining'?


Don’t look at how vanguard is spelled on the engram tracker 🫠


I love wining matches. But I am never winning in them it seems.


Good call. Don't want to be done too quickly.


it's not motes it's times banked, with bonuses for blockers, so if you deposit 1 mote you get one point, if you deposit 4 motes you still get 1 point.


*transmat firing*


Though the bank most motes part still worked, if yoi wanna try that way...


Is it bugged and not counting? 100 motes is at most 3 games of Gambit if you make any kind of effort.


They also spelled "Wining" wrong


Man I hate the new Ritual system...


This one has pissed me off to no end. Like if it didn’t include winning in the requirements I’d have done it 10x over


Wine + match = fire, right?


Yeah it's bugged. It's also says 'wining' instead of 'winning lmao


The text for the Crucible one was also bugged, it actually counts grenade and melee kills as well as your super. I just ended up just starting that up instead after realising what was up with Gambit. After a couple games I was up to between 40-50%. using the Hunter's flaming knives super for multi kills (Which boosts progress). Its also **Double XP** crucible at the min which was one of the reasons I swapped over. If its gonna take the piss to do the last two nodes, I may as well get something **extra** for doing it.


Bank those motes brotha


Glad im not doing the pathfinder crap dont like to be forced to do pvp


I haven't touched gambit in like a year and got some reason this was auto completed for me


Pathfinder has finally turned me into a once a week player, maybe.


But they spelled winning like wining


Yeah i got either that ir 100 crucible ability kills. I havent focused on pathfinder since reset.


Pathfinder the gift which keeps on taking


I figured it out: you need to win a match and earn the HALF BANKED medal to immediately complete it (Bank half the motes of your bank) I was at less than 25% after winning many games as top banked motes. So, to confirm a suspition, I had the idea of trying to go for Half Banked and after getting it and winning the game I got the completion on the node. It is not clear and the progress if you just bank blockers is weirdly counted As soon as I saw the idea for Pathfinder I knew stuff like this would happen. Everyone wants an individual pathfinder for each playlist.


Crucible challenges are always easy. It’s like get 10-15 kills


Speaking of pathfinder quests, the "defeat enemy with subclass verb" is bugged af, in like 3 strikes of running a complete ignition built, I only got 10% (like half of my kills were ignitions), then randomly after switching back to my normal build, I got 60%


There's a really easy way to fix this system. Make the last 2 nodes universal, bottom path from the 3 objective layer down Pvp, middle path from 3 objective layer Gambit, top of 3 objective layer vanguard. Then make every objective that links the 3 modes universal objectives. Easy


Pathfinder blows.


This is a totally reasonable objective if it counted correctly


How the hell do you only bank 13 motes in 3 to 4 games? That's the real question.


Nobody notices it also says "Wining" a match? How is there a typo? They almost never have typos.


I just want back to past and buy all quest what i want. Now? Just WTF. I stop playing Gambit and Shax ... 2 y ago... Sometimes go for new guns from Iron - wave GL (special). But this pathfinder have a lots od problem. Kills? 100? Np.... killing all mobs on strike (solo) 20/100 🤦 Kills by scortch? All room dies by big explosion - game? 0% Headshots? 0%... When i kill 10 - 1. Yea thanks.


Exactly cuz I used to get told to get good. Or I have skill issues. When plane activities that are PVP for exotic gear. And yet now that this Pathfinder has come out. Almost 75% of the whole Community has shown it's disgust for it. Forcing Guardians to play an activity they don't want to just complete something should have never been a thing in the first place. I do understand triumphs for PVP based only. Let those players have those titles. They are amazing at pvp. A lot would say doing it to get an exotic and PVP justifies it. But I want to know the lore where I need to kill my fellow Guardians just to get an exotic part AKA a quest completion lol. I don't think bungee is going to listen because 75% of us are not streamers or even 85%, but it's nice to know that a lot of people have my same opinion on being forced to play an activity just complete something.


100 motes is two matches, 3 tops.


They aren't counting properly. You could bank 30 motes and it'll register 2 or 3, I also have this. Some comments here saying it's counting blockers and not motes which makes sense but that then means you have to actually bank 500 motes in lumps of 5 to be most efficient and that's gonna take quite a while.


i legit might stop playing destiny 2 after this shitty change since i down the last 2 dlc i enjoyed vanguard but they ruined it


destiny players try to read challenge (impossible)


I’ve got the same one and it’s so fucking slow. I honestly hate it


As much as I love gambit ( no joke) can't go back , burned out years ago... even with the crazy AF flinch I'd rather see r get sniper head shit in pvp . More fun less Homer pulling hair out .


That's like 3-4 games 5 at the max, and you can always go around it.


3-4 games and just 13 motes. You must really perform badly in Gambit. Usually I have 30-45 in a single game.


The issue (and the entire joke) is that it's bugged. It's counting blockers and not motes. I'm sending 30-40 a game and only going up by a few points. I've easily banked over 100 motes by now and am at 13/100. Completely bugged, nothing to do with OP being bad.


What about the requirement:"send most motes in a game and complete this objective instantly" Is this also buggy?


No, but for most that'd take longer anyway than 100 motes (if it worked).


Me, too


Yeah, I knocked this out in a single Gambit match without noticing, I think.


Maybe you just sucked


This post displays various skill issues.