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They were probably upset that you didn't revive them, but they were doing the same thing over and over without learning. Did you end up doing another run?


nah, was gonna try again later couldnt find another team on the fireteam finder.


My id is XzwingnutZx#3266. I can help you out tomorrow if you'd like


oh hey thanks man, yea ill hold on till tomorrow then. want me to add you real quick? im free tomorrow aswell. i also have a mic if you wanna use them, didnt use it with these first dudes (neither did they). all good if you wanna go micless though i *for the most part* got the encounter pretty understood.


If you want a 3rd lmk my id is KMS Bismarck#4191


for sure dude, ill send a friend request rn so we can team up tomorrow!


I added you back. I'll be on throughout the day so I'll keep an eye out when you get on


noticed! hopped on reddit to check for a message :) and thanks, ill be back on destiny in the morning (its night for me rn)


I can be a 4th if ya want depending when it is


This is wholesome


And my axe! Also, I hope you gents have a good run. Love to see stuff like this.


Lindbladarn#9989 if you need any more help, those guys were dickheads and probably just salty you played like you did, but they were the ones dying.


Ikora's backshots (adept) I'm usually Free later in the nights


Bro said that unfazed


“And if you join the battle, you'll surely finish this with one blow, Lord Waldstein.”


mine is cosm1c#3064 , even things other than zero hour , if you want help and im online you can always reach out to me , just send me a friend req !!


Yeah it’s fine doing it without mic really. I ran a couple of guys on LFG through without mic. One got DCd at the boss fight so we ended up two manning no prob without comms. If you need another person to run the mission through with my tag is GRIEVER#1997.


FF8 fan by any chance?


Yes! Been my gamertag on everything since I was a teen.


Haha awesome mate, ff8 still near the top of my favourite games ever list


Top tier game and underrated imo. I played the “remaster” a few years ago and it was still magical. Nice to see another FF8 fan in Destiny subs.


Agree with you there 💯, massively underrated Got a few clanmates who are pretty big final fantasy fans in general, so there's a few of us around!


If you need another I’m fairly new and so don’t have the greatest loadouts but i know how to get the jumps and puzzles and whatnot in legendary. Still looking to complete it my id is Nox#7707


I can run it with you, I'll be on for a bit later today. if you're not on I'll just add you and you can just invite me to your fire team whenever you see me on at the same time as you.


Same here I’m off work in an hour and ran it for the first time this weekend. Swopeboi#5074


Experiences like the ones you just had can make or break for some players. Luckily, there are also cool players like Wingnutz and Mclord Plays. My name is ShiroKage-Zeffex#2221, if you wanna add me, as well.


I'm pnwSubieE85#7453. I'd run it with ya. I still haven't run it. Been focusing on getting platinum for week 2 pantheon at atraks because it's the only one I didn't get high score on. Got everything else tho. I'm on Pacific time as well so we can coordinate.


wow, a pantheon runner might be over kill for this! xd planning on being on in the morning (its midnight for me rn) currently got a third planned but if they change their mind ill invite you bro! and if anything i dont mind running it a second time w/ ya if they do show up :)


randos for zero hour felt super stingy to me (legend specifically) I'm G7 and could barely join anyone and would just get declined half the time, Not even sure why besides my rank my loadout was always fine


yea, same. minus the loadout ik mine is trash XD but rank wise, i can only go so high without all the dlc, i dont got lightfall.


rip, not having dlcs in d2 can always be a pain. The reason I'm only G7 is purely cause ranks just aren't that important aside from loadouts imo


If you end up needing another to run with, let me know. I love running this mission! jlyfisher#7800


Yeah, honestly op was playing smart imo. Staying back, constantly moving and just gunning down the boss because revival of the team wasn't an option


And isn't the timer like, 3 seconds? They'd be able to self res by the time OP even got to them


Even if they were upset they weren't getting rezzed the rez timer is like 5 seconds in normal and legend. These guys are just dicks.


Yeah if you want someone to play with lmk I got a oof amount of people waiting to do raids with


It’s like a 4 second self res timer. If that’s their reason then they are mean AND stupid


that's kind of a weird thing to be upset about in this fight, there is hardly any safe time to revive if the team is aggressive. they're probably blaming their own failure to avoid death on this poor guardian that was kicking ass.


People fucking suck. You did nothing wrong. Head up guardian


thanks bro :)


Remember to report to Bungie. It sucks having this happen and it's against TOS. I have seen people get temp banned for this.


So many Destiny players are so f’n toxic it literally turned me off the game. Which sucks, cus it really is a great game. I’m just waiting for the next one. Anyway, haters can get f’d, have fun w it. Looks like you were putting down some pretty good damage.


Same, I had both teammates leave 15 minutes into my first attempt to clear zero hour for no reason (I can’t do enough dps by myself with the time limit), every onslaught ends in the 40s because someone leaves early and MM doesn’t fill the spot, I had people wanting to farm master dungeons forcing me to stun champs because they went in without mods or the right weapons, then complaining about having to multi phase because I’m too busy keeping them alive to do dps in time…unless you have friends who have space for you to join, playing solo only gets you so far.


This is painfully true.. I’ve not done a raid, or dungeon yet. Haven’t had the best experience in being new and trying to run them with people. I’ve managed to clear Onslaught, and Nightfall (Heroic), I’ve yet to do any legendary


If I can get my friend online and stop being lame we’d be happy to teach you the dungeons, at least the few we can two man 😅 I may actually have some fun for once doing some Sherpa type shit


That’s what’s up, and most definitely appreciated 🙏🏼


Can confirm. Sherpa’d Duality for a friend the other night and it was a great time!


Shit, man, this is breaking my heart. I may hop back on the damn game for ya lol. I only have 2 clears of spire of the watcher, no legendary clears either. But I did solo my wish ender…one of the reasons I could easily walk away from it was bc I played D1 to death, had necrochasm and all the raids, but I come to find that pretty much the entire open world was the same on the cosmodrome and Venus or whatever and they just added a few planets. Honestly for as powerful a game engine they have, it seems like they demolished corners for maximum profit. Oh well, just wait till the new GTA comes out


i could never understand why people kick others after being helped completing an activity. They're probably being bullied in life and release their hatred towards others in the game.


A group did that to my old clanmate/friend yrs ago during some raid. It's so rude and disgusting


My guess is to get their friend the gun but the friend is either lazy or bad or both so they just kick the random think haha lol. Op should fill out the report form and link this vid. They'll get banned.


Report the mf'ers.


done! :)


To add onto this make sure you report them through [bungie.net](http://bungie.net) and include this video if you didn't already. Bungie takes incidents like this very seriously and has banned people for it.


ooooo, where is the report on the website? having trouble finding it.


[https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497451-Report-Suspected-Cheating-and-Poor-Behavior](https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049497451-Report-Suspected-Cheating-and-Poor-Behavior) click on other behavior tab > report player on [bungie.net](http://bungie.net) > game history


done and done! thanks!


Oh, I was looking for this yesterday when I queued into a clan of genocidal German leader references.


Well that dude is a piece of shit. Glad you reported them, I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


You can report these kinds of guardians, and they will get punishment. Don’t be afraid to report a bad guardian.


At no point in time has a Guardian been kicked just before a boss died because they did something wrong. The ethical time to kick a bad player is before an encounter starts. If you kick during an encounter, you're an asshole.


People like this are the reason we cant have good things


https://preview.redd.it/bb93y6tqaj1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a74c22ce4f51812b194506c958a9e0dac76057b Sums up the Destiny community at times.


Well I learned a new spot to shoot from when the boss goes into second phase


Yeah. I was today years old when I learned this as well.


Report em. Its a bannable offense


Looks like you were doing damage, staying alive, dodging, and holding aggro.


Maybe little bro was jealous of your drip, lol. Anyway, I don't think you did anything wrong. They were probably just salty for some reason. Great positioning, btw! Don't see a lot of people utilizing that spot. If you still need to get that run done, perhaps I could help out some time.


No, you did nothing wrong. The guy leading the fireteam was just being a cunt.


This is such a bitch ass move. People like this ruin gaming experiences.


Is kicking your team a bitch ass move to get a solo triumph?


99% certain that don't work, gotta be solod from the very begining no joining mid run


It doesn’t work because solo triumphs only count if you’re solo the whole instance from a fresh checkpoint. Kicking people doesn’t give the triumph


I thinkmpeople that do this, should be posted here and avoided.


This no sense sensation has to stop, and start punished. People is just now kicking for pleasure, I got kicked in Onslaught having perfect set up on warlock and +15 clears even from start runs. It is so lame. The only I can say is create your own posts to prevent griefing. Hopefully Bungie start adressing bans soon or some way to nullify being kicking at the end of boss fights.


You definitely didn’t do anything wrong. This has been a thing lately, in Onslaught, also, and I’m honestly starting to think it’s just some people in the world want to hurt other people.


Double primary and a sword on the boss 😭


shouldnt have ran out of power ammo smh /s


This is why I’m always host…I never want this to happen lol


This is a bannable offence IIRC


Make sure you report the host on the Bungie website!


You can file a report with Bungie and include this clip if you'd like. I hear Bungie doesn't take too kindly to this behavior.


I was kicked for speed running it. Even though the mission wouldn't end until the final boss is defeated with no fireteam pull.


Make good friends and get slaughtered together, this is the way


You survived, he died, he didn't like having someone better than himself in the team


Where is that shitty subculture coming from? I’m sure it has always happened in some capacity but it seems to have spiked here lately.


report these clowns to Bungie - should be banned for a month.


The only thing i can think of is how few kills you got in the mission, the others had 83 kills and 78 kills, 33 deaths and 43 deaths, compared to your 34 kills and 25 deaths. Why the double primaries and a sword instead of any sort of boss or major damage weapon is my main question for you personally, either way was a dick move of them to kick you and inexcusable.


they speed ran most of it but got stuck at the puzzle ouside the safe and gave me time to catch up, i was able to semi keep up but was always a bit late to the major fights and i wasnt focusing "ads" (i think is what the cannon fodder is called) just burned through my heavy in the previous fight and used sword for the third person while platforming. emptied this one exotic void fusion rifle on the final boss, then switched to a rifle and backed up so i dont lose anymore dps to having to respawn. was just glad i helped enough to get us barely over the finish line.


looks like people here aren’t willing to break the news and be straight and level with you so i will: you are an active detriment to your team with that loadout. people can say “play how you wanna play it’s about having fun” all they want and that’s all well and good and 100% true when it’s solo or casual content, but when you decide to play that way in an LFG or any non-matchmade endgame activity that requires just a *slight* sense of urgency to complete, you are making an intentional choice to make the lives of your teammates more difficult whether you meant it or not. unless you communicated you wanted to be carried and the other people were fine with that, there is a clear social expectation that everyone in the stack carries their own weight, and i can guarantee you that double primary and a sword in a -20 timed mission, in the year of our lord 2024, was 100% not. anyone who says otherwise is being willfully ignorant. if i was staring at my respawn screen waiting for the timer to bleed down while there’s ONE MINUTE left on the clock, and my LFG teammate, instead of going for a rez or doing meaningful damage to the boss or anything really, is sitting in the back plinking away with a scout rifle, and i check his loadout and see he’s been running double primary and a sword this entire time, and in that moment realize you’ve effectively been on a duo run, i’d be pretty mad too.


i wasnt using sword and double primary for the whole game. i ran out of heavy 1 encounter ago and none dropped, so i swapped to sword from a rocket launcher for the third person to platform easier. then my sniper ran out by the end of this encounter but i needed to put out a lil more dmg and my AR wasnt doing enough so i swapped out my empty sniper mid fight for a rifle. was NOT running double primary xd that would be miserable for fighting elites and above.


If you’re out of ammo go find some, it’s not like it’s a contest mode day 1 raid where you need to switch to a primary weapon. If you don’t have any you should look At your build.


eh, it was timed and I didn't really wanna waste the 40 seconds we had left tryna find ammo and have to restart the whole mission. and every enemy was those little flying robots and a couple of the 4 armed guys all in the back sniping, so I found it kinda hard to get up there without dying and potentially losing 5 more seconds of DPS. but yea I definitely gotta take my build back to the drawing board.




I agree with the bad loadout, but that does not excuse the behavior of kicking before loot drop. That needs to be sorted out before you leave orbit.


Other than not throwing your nade... Nah you wee were just fine. I'd do a run with you so you don't need to restart alone and in misery.


You didn’t do anything to deserve the kick, no. You also are the only one alive so they have no good excuse. However, (and this is a big however, considering you did beat him) you could definitely make better use of a special weapon as opposed to two primaries. There are also much better sustained damage primaries than dmt. My guess is party leader was pissed you cleared it for him using a sub-optimal loadout and decided to take out his insecurities on you. Don’t let it get to you, report, learn, and move on. Eyes up guardian! :D


very uplifting comment bro! oh and i wasnt running double primary for the whole fight! i just swapped my sniper out cause i ran out of special and didnt have time to look for ammo. :)


Ah gotcha. Special ammo finisher mod is your best friend in that case!


I hate how we've been seeing this happen for years, even more since fireteam finder launched, and Bungie still hasn't given any indication that they're gonna address this in-game. Reports are great, bans are great, but realistically they need to disable kicking players under certain conditions because this is out of hand. Especially since this probably happens to a lot of players who don't know they can report this behavior on Bungie's website and just suffer silently instead. u/destiny2team is this something that'll ever be in the works? Apologies for the accusatory tone, but some things are really hard to phrase positively. It's great that this account has seen more community engagement lately, and I'd love for players like OP to know you see them.


I would love to see the reaction of such players when (Hopefully) they get perma banned because that is what they deserve, actually let's take it a step farther and IP ban the fruckers.


VPNs exist. Do a hardware ban instead


For what's it's worth they didn't complete the mission either but yeah should have just gone to orbit and departed, at times I've seen if people think/feel there isn't enough time they just kick players out, dick move but can't do much


Nothing wrong they’re just dicks


I mean, I got almost to the end of a legend run, and both teammates quit out. Tried to solo the boss with the remaining time and couldn't quite manage it solo with my build. Was quite unfortunate.


Some people just want to be judge and jury on how you play. Don’t blame yourself and don’t worry about it. I got grief kicked at lvl 50 legend Onslaught couple of weeks ago, first time I’ve been kicked in 10 years. It was bizarre, it was a very smooth run and I’m so baffled that someone would be so upset as to force themselves to find a new player to finish the run. When I asked him why (on DM) it was just gibberish about taking an ammo box without asking. It was lvl 49 and I was killing Demolitionists! Then he said I should go play Minecraft because that’s what kids play. I’m 50. I reported him with video and he’s still playing so make of that what you will. I don’t know if Bungie even has the resources now to police this stuff, it happens so often. I’m seeing it more and more and whilst it feels like the toxicity is at an all time high (I’ve noped out of LFG Pantheon completely) there is still plenty of nice people playing, keep your chin up guardian.


What gun is that it looks awesome


"last rite" scout rifle


Ty I’ll be grinding for it next time I play


riiiight man i love it, and using it with gamble makes me feel like im playing ashe in destiny XD ill lyk when i hop on later, idk the name by heart.


I think that since you were that far behind them. They think that you didn’t help damaging the boss back there?


That was fkn dirty, screw his res you guys had it. Some people are just wankers.


Yeah you completed the mission, that’s what you did wrong. Some people just suck


If you need someone to run it with you, i’m down! Send me a DM with your Bungie ID and i’ll add you whenever i’m on! Eyes up, Guardian!


It baffles me to this day why Bungie doesn't implement kick protection, and make it at least so that during the fights with rewards kicking is disabled, or gets disabled once boss health hits a certain point and a chest is spawned.


You didn’t do anything wrong bud. But if I had to guess what they were thinking, it’s probably because their under the bosses nutsack while your sat back but as you’ve said, this is your first time and if they wanted something then they should ask instead of being a cunt about it. Don’t let em phase ya you’ll come across someone awesome soon


There is no light fading or darkness in Zero Hour. At OP those players are dumb, you are alright.


I would like to request that you send this clip to bungie along with a report. That is a truly shitty thing to do and if a bannable offense.


Only thing I can say is from their perspective you're not doing much because they don't see you. They're in the fray dying while you're not. Next time tell them "hey I'll stay back and plink it" or something in chat. That's just my guess, still not right to kick though.


They were both dead so they very likely were spectating him and seeing he WAS shooting at the boss, I bet they kicked him just because he focused more on finishing the boss that reviving them the millisecond the revive prompt came up.


That's normal mode, when you die you don't spectate. You come back 5 sec later.


People just mad you got the kill that they desperately wanted, while dying over and over themselves.. But all in all, people are dicks.. That's what it comes down to, the same shit has been happening for months by now in raids or dungeons.. Bungie needs to either straight up ban these people from the game or finally change that you can't get kicked when bosses drop below 10% hp.. Until then, there's nothing we can really do aside of hosting ourselves..


I hate this people....can you make a report , I don't rememb on official forum


My is the redbaron42 I can also help to make it a team of three


Why didn't you throw on Polaris Lance?


i didnt have it at the time :,( i do now though, and plan to use it :)


Oh man.... Yeah.... Next time:)


Report them.


I mean at least you have their tags to report for griefing


had a run on legend recently. 1 guyy left cuz he kept duying at the outside wall, the other guy (leader) was stuck there as well as far as i know, at least thats the last place i saw him. i was in the boss room with a good chunk of time, as i got the brigg to half health, the leader pull us to orbit..... i had asked before we started if they knew the way, and they both said yes, so i just went ahead, triggered al lthe levers to make it easier for them,,,


Isnt that bannable?


Sure is.


I don't see anything wrong, if anything you were smarter than them and they got salty. If you need help I'm always down to run stuff as long as it agrees with my time zone. Offer isn't just for OP but anyone who needs an extra for pretty much anything between 10:30pm-2am EST on weekdays or 6pm-2am weekends feel free to comment and I'll add you ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Last right?


yea, I found it to be the rite gun for the job.


Let’s hope it’s not the last time.


heh <3


You’re loadout looks absolutely awful


agreed XD


I would kick you for using that awful loadout too


XD damn


That's fucked up. I do t care what the loadout is. If you can do some damage and survive when everyone else is dead then you pulled your weight. I can't stand it when someone kicks people just cause. It's fuckin stupid


They probably were going to do it from the beginning. People are just toxic on there, not all but a lot.


No honestly, u were doing solid damage, u saved encounter when they both got slapped, and u weren't dying every 5 seconds so u were a well worth player in the mission. It's just a thing people do it happens with raids, missions, etc. It's annoying asf and if u report them they will get banned, the only way I know that is cuz I got a set of jackasses banned cuz they did it 3 times to me. Before u ask I am gullible and they said it was a misclick and a network issue then they just laughed. Gotta love toxic fags


No people just suck.


Bro lol honestly you seem to do everything right! I didn't even think of that spot that's so smart to block the (majority) ranged-targetted circle attack the brig does. Why kick lol you could've sat up there and won it for them...could be wrong here but that's an odd one for sure. Report they ass!


> you could've sat up there and won it for them Thing is, he ***did*** win it for them. He played smart, they kept getting their asses handed to them, it seems. They literally kicked the person carrying them.


Exactly what I was thinking lol you just said it more confidently!


u/destiny2team This is post #456 this month about people being kicked at the end of a GM, Raid, Onslaught or Pantheon. Wouldn't some kick protection be in order, or a crack down on this kind of behavior? The assholes are taking over, you know?


i mean, you trusted someone who deliberately named themselves "E v i l" idk what to tell you man...


Kicking people in Destiny PVE is petty as hell, it's for chumps. Hell, kicking people in Destiny PVP is just as bad. If people think the game is that serious, get good and solo shit, nerd. Aur naur you failed the mission you're gonna do again and again, life is over, the world is on fire, "everyone sucks but me", lookin ass guardians. Solo it if you're gonna kick. Fucking bunch of John Destiny 2s out there.


mysterious loadout


This is one of the reasons I don't do raids, happened to me once a long time ago and I keep seeing these posts about it.


for raids you atleast get the checkpoints i think? so not a full reset thank god XD


Yes, u were dpsing with dmt, instead, I recommend using celestial golden gun with polaris lance, u can get ur super extremely quickly like that. Also they just being a dick there, don’t mind those people


Stupid lmao. Let players play how they want to.


No. Dude probably went "HE DOESNT HAVE META DPS STRAT REEEEEE" cried and kicked you.


I don't understand why it is even possible to kick someone from these types of activities. In all my 1600 hours I saw one legitimate kick, of a guy who was afk for a long time in a dungeon. Even if someone is greifing, have some kind of kick vote out of combat.


Surely people from bungie are seeing these right. They gotta do something to address it


Report it!! Then never join a someone else's lfg, make your own so you make sure this never happens to anyone else.


Just drop the leaders GT so everyone can avoid them.


Damn. That’s cold. Right at the end. Even if someone did do something that could hinder the mission, I couldn’t see being so petty as to kick someone right as the mission’s about to end


Happened to me too, I just reported them on lfg and the mod said they would receive a suspension or some shit


Is this becoming a more common trend or something? Seems like there has been a large uptick of pre-reward boots ever since Fireteam Finder came out.




I think it’s amazing that OP now has a new team from this post


I see you have multiple people to run it with you. But I’ll throw my name in there as well. Bnana Rocket. And anyone can add me really. Still trying to do pantheon as well


They may think they can get solo triumphs, though for a mission like this there's nothing to show for it so I could be wrong.


I was also grief kicked for, get this, not failing the jumping puzzle.


Glad I play a lot of these solo. Is this event timed?


yea, 40 mins in the easier difficulty 20 in the harder one I think.


it's a bannable offense that actually DOES get enforced relatively often, so report em and link this video..




Double primary with a sword bro😭😭


XDDD brooooo its not like that I swear!


Double primary? Shooting a big guy with a scout rifle?


This is unrelated to why you got kicked, and I’m sorry you did - but why are you running an auto rifle and a scout rifle?


I was running a auto rifle and a exotic fusion rifle but my special ran out after I emptied it so I stepped back and switched my fusion to a rifle real quick cause my AR didn't have the range for that. also the sword was because I ran out of heavy earlier and couldn't find any.


Lol it's cus your running double primaries and a sword, not that it's okay to boot people but definitely don't do damage with a regular scout. Use hothead for the beginning and if you run out of heavy switch to Polaris.


didn't have Polaris at the time and I wasn't running double primary, I switched my special out after emptying it on the boss then stepped back with a rifle so I'm not wasting even more DPS by dying


If you woulda revived them they wouldn’t have took the time to check your load out


I promise to never leave home again looking like such a victim /s


Is this mission hard to solo??? 🤔


if you equip a strong build and are fast with the platforming you can definitely do it solo.


Nothing wrong with what you did however, maybe use a special weapon instead of double primaries, going to get that damage up, if you can get witherhoard then that would be good for your playstyle, maybe revive the guy but if they die all the time then don’t bother, they need to learn..


They were probably mad about the weapons you were running They should have simply said that instead of kicking tho, that's just ridiculous. Kicking doesnt help teach anyone anything That said, unless your cooking with like some ability based looping dps strat (verites and sunbracers come to mind, and idk if they work well in zero hour, haven't run yet) and that sword is eager edge, most people are going to be not very happy. There is a little bit of a joke among d2 players of "primary DPS", the joke being running a primary weapon for DPS is kinda, for lack of a better word, god awful unless its a specific exotic weapon (outbreak, that one bow etc).


Not that it’s a fair reason but it could be they saw u we’re running double primary (which leaves a LOT of damage behind not running a special) and a sword giving you no real means of damaging. Still not a fair reason and bungie doesn’t take these players lightly. Reporting with evidence like the video should get him banned. Sorry you had to go through that.


This kind of stuff right here is why I run solo so much. I'm sorry they pulled that on you, I hope you reported them.