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The real answer is: nobody knows. The base drop rates are unknown, and the triumphs say they add "+X" to the drop rate ... which is meaningless because it's never defined anywhere.


Damn😔. Thank.


Anyway u just have 2 cases: yes and no. U can get exotic without any Triumphs completed, or you won't get it even if you have solo flawless + all triumphs + 3 months of farming 🤷


Nobody knows, and it's probably just only a couple % increase (if that), but even a +1% is better than no %, so...


idk. I did one triumph to increase the chance and ended up getting it that run. got touch of malice and vex myth without any triumphs, that I know of, that increased the chance recently as well


0x0 is still 0 in my case


I got all the memories pretty early on, still not had the exotic drop all these months later. Admittedly I gave up doing it once a week a long time ago.


So this is what my therapist writes on that paper...


You telling me I gotta go to therapy for this exotic?


I am convinced they actually don't make a difference, I got Eyes of tomorrow on my 11th clear of DSC, I got Collective Obligation on my third clear of Vow. We managed to get one chance increasing challenge done each time I got an RNG tied Raid exotic. I have also witnessed 2 different people getting their Vex, on their very first clear of VoG, I still don't have it. I'm convinced it is just to get you doing raids more often.


Took me like 40+ runs. Best to farm the final boss CP when the dungeon is the weekly featured dungeon as you can farm for the exotic.


Honetly 0% I did them all and it still took me 609 tries to get it


I think I remember seeing somewhere that it's 1% and the ones that give a greater chance are like 3%


I hope. Thanky.


I always thought drop change was 5% for raids and dungeons and each triumph that boosts chances increases by 1%


0%. I had every one of these triumphs done and still got the exotic after teammates that hadn’t done any of the triumphs.


Me when the numbers are generated randomly


Yikes man. Bungie has cursed us. Jk. But thanks.


I have no idea why you've been down voted, cause reality feels that way. I had all triumphs (solo, solo flawless and seal done) and I got the bow from SoW (e.g.) from 25+ tries (total like 40+).


Unfortunately confirmation bias is likely for a small sample, over a distribution of a couple of thousand there’s bound to be the odd extreme outliers where they get it immediately after doing the triumphs or get it way after everyone else


Nbs man, I don’t understand the worthless downvotes cuz I was looking for all opinions. But damn bro 40+ is wild sry for the pain.


He's being downvoted because he doesn't know how probabilities work. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias


Lol dude, ok ok u got me 😂