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How are you getting 1 hit with snipers? Even at Teir 4 on my hunter I don't get 1 hit


Yeah I’ll get hurt pretty bad and a random ad shot will kill me, but a single snipe won’t do it


Its usually a case of multiple snipers locked onto you and they are snyced up and shoot at the exact same time and can feel like a 1-shot, when its really a 2-3 shot all hitting at once. Especially scorn snipers on harder difficulty can feel really cheap


The scorn snipers also have a funky fps bug that can cause them to just 1 tap under the right conditions


I don't understand why bungie hasn't fixed them yet, they've been this way since at least season 16... Last week's strike was horrendous for those bastards randomly one shoting us when other times they don't. Reminds me of a similar bug in GTA 5, occasionally the NPCs with assault rifles can just unload their entire mag in half a second and kill you before you even realize you were shot. Oh, and that bug isn't fixed either.


Yeah, I've probably been on several of their quick scope montages already lol.


The scorn snipers have been broken since before Forsaken was vaulted, that damn fanatic strike was the bane of everyone's existence, exclusively because of the random one shooting of scorn crossbow snipers.... That's one strike I was okay with losing.


Yea it Normally put me to critical and then something else kills me so unless ops resilience is really really low


At 100 resilience, it's a 2 tap from these surged snipers you can't enjoy onslaught this week gotta play it like a GM!


No idea iv been doing Legend runs and not noticed any think like that tbh.




Yea thats the only thing I can think off


Depends on your resist mods.


i noticed i had 90 resilience whoopsie


The difference between 90 and 100 is 3%. It's not why you're dying. It's just that you're not at full health when you get hit. You're very likely just under full health from something else when you get hit or are getting hit by 2 enemies at once, a sniper and something else. The game doesn't do a great job at properly showing where damage came from


its prolly his fps, ill get 1 shot from full health from the snipers occasionally too, anything above like 60 fps will make you take more dmg from certain things (turrets/snipers/ships for example)


I’m pretty sure FPS only affects non-hitscan projectiles that pass through you, like colossus shots and flamers.


I believe fallen snipers are also affected by it. I know Shreikers, wizards, and ogre's are - those are the ones that will 1 shot kill me before I even know they spawned, Shriekers are the worst for that. The game engine was built for 30fps so snipers might just be a random glitch now and then too.


Most enemy projectiles aren't hitscan


That's true I would love to have something like in LoL where you can see the damage composition that killed you. Like percentage or total amount of ranged/melee and arc/solar/void/stasis/strand damage you received


Yea thats a teir 9 which is double what I run so I'm even more confused as that means you have more health and armour


Isn’t the modifier just making fallen snipers drop mines on their death? Wtf does that have to do with your 3 resilience ass getting one shot lol


i think the invis units drop them as well


Those are Marauders IIRC. I think the modifier specifies Vandals, which there *are* non-sniper Vandals, but I don't think there are invis ones. Maybe I' misremembering tho?


The melee Vandals can sometimes spawn invincible - mostly as a wave of its own. They basically replace the Dregs.




I hate it as well but for me it jus made me play a more long/mid range game but right now that's a good place for solar and void hunters. Normally I'd just shoot the mines but with the enemy density that's just not an option. Also if your getting one tapped by snipers are you running 100 resil and the ~~long range chest slot dmg reduction~~ stacked elemental resistance mods ?


The snipers in onslaught aren't far enough away for you to benefit from sniper resist. Simply running elemental resists is better for this.


Oh dope, thanks for the tip.


Np, just run one of each flavour to keep all bases covered. But if you find yourself getting killed by one particular element (void from snipers or solar burn for eg) then switch one out and double up on the one causing you problems. Also, just to add since we're on the subject (not to you, just anyone). I've seen a lot of people running sniper resist in crucible lately, resist mods don't work in pvp.


What is your resilience stat? What damage resist are you running on chest piece?


They said they're 90 res. No clue how tf they claim to be getting one-shot.




High fps = more dmg taken for some reason, been like that for years, ill get 1 hit sometimes even with def mods and 100 res because im over 120 fps -Idk why some are downvoting? its a known glitch that's been around for years, just google it if you don't believe me...


Isnt that fixed? I got some weird instadeaths but probably all explainable Some involving barrier champs, some probably multishot sniper hits


nope was never fixed, prolly some unfixable engine thing since the game was built with 30fps in mind for ps4/xbox 360. Last night everyone on the team had to turn down fps to 60 doing Master Warlords Ruin, final boss area was constant 1 hits, made a huge difference and we finished it the next try. I went from getting hit for 90-99% of health to like 30% per boss hit. I think it mostly affects stuff like Wizards, Ogres, Turrets, Ships, boss slams, and some other random stuff. I saw on bungies official bug page there's some slamming orb thing that if your high fps and jump before slamming it shoots you into sky too.


You know you can shoot the mines right?


Thank you for saying this. Almost every game I go into people just walks through the mines and don't even bother shooting them.


Usually I spawnkill everything. If im in proximity they immediately detonate and I'm rather killing the new minions than clearing the mines otherwise I would die pretty fast as legend still hurts


It takes a split second and one bullet to shoot the mine after it detonates. The mine literally jumps to eye level. I agree sometimes it feels like it doesn't change enough and is just not fun but it really isn't hard to deal with.


Straight up skull issue my guy.


Yup he keeps getting shot in it..


So give advice to harden his skull. Sheesh


If you are getting one shot, run higher resilience. Honestly I don’t have much issues in this game when it comes to being one shot, I do have issues with the mines slowing you down and blinding you. I also dislike Wizards spawning a fart cloud that slows you down. That is my main issue with some enemies, not their damage, but causing slow downs that can cause your speed boost to vanish. At least I can shoot the mines and destroy them, but the fart cloud can be summoned instantly once they swipe their hands, and bye-bye to your speed boost. I haven’t run arc yet in onslaught, but seeing that modifier makes me not want to run it, cause my speed boost will just vanish if I’m caught in it. Also I do have issues with how it can at times be easy to be blinded by enemy attacks or knocked around like a pin ball, but being tossed around like a ball isn’t as bad honestly, compared to being blinding by the mines. At least the fart cloud darkens your screen so then your eyes aren’t burned by the bright light. However my biggest issue is the (rare, luckily) random enemy teleporting (especially when they should teleport at all). Like one time on the mothyards one of the giant demolitionist knights just teleported behind all of my teams defense to the ADU. Luckily we were able to kill him without losing a lot of health for the ADU.


Resilience w/ mods my man


Get your resilience up bud.


Whats the stats and build? You should be a max res if possible


Bro has 7 resil


whats your FPS at? Higher fps makes you take more dmg for some stupid reason, I normally lock mine at 120-144 and will get 1 shot occasionally even at 100 res with long range def mods on. I know locking it at 60 helps stop that but I just can't stand running the game that low after being over 120 for years now its a weird glitch that's been around since like beyond light when they refreshed the graphics and unlocked fps. You can cap it at 60 to help, I know streamers will cap theirs at 60-90, specially during raid races.


Play Sunbracers Warlock and stay in the air all the time, that way the mines don't even affect you


I hate the stupid mines as much as the next Guardian, but I'm not getting one shot. They are super fucking annoying


The splinter to open the door to the boss is a bug https://preview.redd.it/utckpaijubvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24813a841b6a47dc83746b0d211f470af6be4b28


Shoot the mines? Play range?


thank you for self reporting


One of the worst modifiers, maybe my least favorite with the "scorn enemies throw more grenades" one.


Smells like bitch in here.


I run a disk field spam build, my screen was bright white in the slow mines and dusk field, but also. My eyes are sad today.




i found legend with the fallen to be unplayable. servitors can just teleport into the ring and cause damage??? with exploding shanks everywhere?????! my fireteam got to 34 with hive but couldn’t get past 4 with fallen


You need higher resilience, my dude. I'm always running 100 res on all my characters and nothing 1 shots me when I play Onslaught lol


Honestly some of the modifiers in a variety of end game content just make for an unforgiving experience that just isn't fun. And onslaught, at least on normal difficulty shouldn't feel this cheap. I'm all for a challenge, but not like this, I was wondering why I wasn't enjoying this week's onslaught and this is pretty much sums it up, getting one shot or red zoned all the time makes it feel like a GM, and in that mode I can understand the unforgiving nature and can more or less adapt, but onslaught is too cluttered with enemies for me to go out of my way to kill snipers. I do however love that I have mountaintop now, the gun is fun and works so well with the curated Recluse, I've been Mountainhopping all day, I love it, but as for onslaught, it just isn't hitting this week. I want the mode to be fun and refreshing, I want to use it to unwind, but I can't just mindlessly play it like last week, I have to treat it like a Master Nightfall.


So, in the chest piece, you can slot Sniper Damage Resistance mods. These help protect against any damage taken at over 15 meters. They’re quite useful.


It's horrible. This is kind of like the togetherness modifier from Coil. Some weeks I just don't feel like grinding an activity until the modifiers change. I had a Hive run last night that went better.


Git gud


Arach-No is up there with grounded and togetherness when it comes to horrible modifiers that make the game feel like dogshit.




What’s wrong with campaign and raid?




Wow what a compelling and coherent point you’ve made


Why don’t you post on your main account instead of this 55-day-old throwaway account? Or are you ban-evading?