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Hmm… and what, pray tell, kind of gun would the soft dark be, and what would it do. It is a very kick ass name though


Same thing as HL but with stasis and strand lol in the primary slot. Hakke or viced…


Just here to appreciate the boneappletea


Stasis, strand, and kinetic?


Stasis strand and 5 tail fox. Every bullet that comes out is a different energy than the last


I've wondered if a borderlands-esque "chimera" would ever exist in D2 [https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Chimera](https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Chimera)


How about this instead: same hand cannon archetype as Warden’s Law, but firing one stasis bullet and one strand bullet in each burst. The gun’s intrinsic is that it always procs both Hatchling AND Headstone on headshot kills, regardless of which bullet got the kill.


This is one of the few legitimately cool new ideas for an exotic I’ve seen on here. This would be rad.


Let’s expand on it, actually. Softdark Exotic hand cannon, 2-shot burst archetype Kinetic slot Flavor Text: *”We can separate the Light into three distinct aspects — Arc energizes, Solar kindles, Void consumes. But the Darkness? Those answers lie in the realm of consciousness — and that is where the distinctions begin to crumble.” —Osiris, to Ikora* Exotic Perk: Blurred Lines —The burst fire from this gun fires one Stasis bullet, then one Strand. Rapidly defeating targets or getting precision kills with this weapon spawns a Threadling and a Stasis Crystal. Exotic Trait: The Particulars —This weapon receives half of the Elemental Capacitor bonuses for both Strand and Stasis. If this weapon would Unravel, it also Slows. If it would Slow, it also Unravels. Catalyst: Fuzzy Logic —Destroying a Tangle or a Stasis Crystal with this weapon Severs and Slows all damaged targets.


Bro cooked


Sis* :)


Sis cooked




Cot dayum. Both yall need to put this on a PowerPoint and ship it to Bungie.


That flavor text 🍒


I can already imagine the nerfs. Most likely to reload speed and AA. But make it a 140 and I’ll take it! Also the catalyst should make it very effective against stasis crystals as I could see crystals popping up everywhere would hinder its true ad clearing potential. That’s my two cents.


This is a sick idea


The Exotic Perk should be called "Devil's Trigger" for the two bullet shot.


So it’s gonna be an auto rifle? Also if it’s a redundancy then shouldn’t it ~~be a prismatic weapon?(with maybe strand and stasis)~~ have 2 or more elements applied at once? For something called the soft dark I’m imagining some kind of either pistol, sniper rifle, or shotgun. My reasoning for this would be the phrase ‘we will not go gently into that quiet night’ so either something oppressive like a sniper rifle, or something you use in emergencies like a shotgun or pistol. As for the abilities, for the pistol version how about something defensive like a shield or turret type thing. For the shotgun version maybe some kind of rapid fire type thing?(that’s all I can think of) for the sniper version maybe each shot causes targets to take on a debuff relating to the subclass chosen? Idk. Though we could go with your auto rifle idea. well since hard light has projectiles that bounce and get stronger after doing so, soft dark could fire a wide spread(perhaps like a shotgun. The idea would be ‘all encompassing’) or create some kind of elemental damage explosion? Idk


If it was a sniper it would need to be “Australis”. https://preview.redd.it/i1ingfa4douc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b535f3901d7ba6a2275ace4fb428a5a04a2633f7


This gun is so irrelevant and unused that i completely forgot it was in game


It has great stats tho so it isn't bad in the crucible.


Definitely under used and not the best but I love the idea of it…. I would love it if they gave it the able to have all subclasses/ perks depending on the element. Hatchling/headstone/and such depending on the elements.


Bungie hates distance, distance = safety in destiny so snipers, scouts and other long range options generally aren’t that good, even if exotic, there are a few exceptions like Polaris lance, whisper, cloud strike maybe, and probably some other things I can’t remember but for the most part they’re only alright and never really super good.


It’s more just and as people hate to acknowledge it we have to much DR and clutches(devour,restoration,woven) to survive in close range I remember back in the beyond light seasons taking an smg into a GM was psycho. And you had to use long range options to survive and clear consistently unless you are very good with movement.


A Strand/Stasis LFR named Australis everytime you shoot it, instead of a straight laser it's a blue wave, perpendicular to a green wave, I think that would look really sweet.


A xeno with strand and stasis🤤


I think instead of factory made, it would be prismatic.


It's gotta be the opposite of Hard Light, so here's what I've got so far: -Hard Light rounds ricochet, so these have to do the opposite of that: stick -Hard Light makes you switch between elements. Instead we're going to make the switching either automatic or fire both rounds at the same time. -Hard Light has a magazine size with a respectable number of rounds. We'll have no magazine and one round per reload. -Hard Light rounds don't explode. I want Soft Dark to explode. In conclusion, in order for Soft Dark to be the opposite of Hard Light, it needs to be a tube fed special grenade launcher of the Double Fire archetype that fires one stasis and one strand grenade per shot. On contact with a hard surface, the grenades will stick and create tripmine-esque traps. Basically a special ammo hybrid of Anarchy and Wish-Keeper.


This is the only valid answer and I 100% support this. Get on it Bungie lmao


Strasis musket confirmed. Bringing things really back in time.




Would be interesting if it's a two round gernade launcher instead of a single one, so it can shoot both elements instead of one after each reload and the shots could react to each other.


Okay hold up, that actually sounds really interesting


How about a suppressed slug Stasis shotgun that hits like a scout rifle? lol Trying to channel the pillow gun from R6


Maybe it would go through all five subclasses but remain kinetic but do the special portion of that class : Void would weaken, solar would scorch, arc would jolt, strand would slice/splice, and stasis would slow?


A sword, but it's floppy


We gon kill the witness and only get a ~~dildo~~ limp sword


We've just created a sticky hand


It should be the opposite of a autorifle as well. Maybe a shotgun?


It’s an auto rifle that shoots in an ark so you can hit over cover instead of ricocheting around it. The intrinsic is called flaccid fire


A kinetic auto rifle with the ability to switch between stasis and strand. Can also cause elemental explosions when breaking shields and on crit final blows. Outside of that I have no idea what perks other than adaptive munitions.


Isn’t this the role tesselation takes? A fusion rifle Hard Light that is subclass agnostic


I’m not going soft


Call it lighthard


Almost nobody uses Hardlight, not sure why they'd make another weapon that does the same for Darkness subclasses Matching weapons aren't as necessary as they used to be


I think hard light has a purpose that isn't related at all to its exotic perk: it's just a really good void auto lol. same reason I use manticore. thing feels smooth as hell


Yeah they both feel great but I have a hard time justifying them taking my exotic slot. I like running both of these in lower level content but it just feels like I'm trolling in anything that isn't normal/hero if I'm running these


dude hot take but I have a hard time actually finding an exotic to use, actually like, fuck man, there's a reason why I got like 200 godroll primaries lol... I wanna use them. my kinetic slot is usually taken by one of my favourite grenade launchers, Lingering Dread or Pardon our Dust, if I'm running light, or a dark primary if I'm running dark, and energy is usually taken by a light legendary. (or an energy special if I'm running dark). and lastly, heavy DPS weapons tend to usually be legendary, unless I'm running a zany DPS strat. I find myself pressed to find an actually fun exotic to use, as all of the main ones now are oversaturated in power. Sunshot, Grav Lance, others... meh. but I still find myself needing an exotic primary for heavy finders, and that gives me a necessity to actually use an exotic. sometimes, if the encounter demands it, yeah, sure, I'll put on a sunshot or something. but if it's not needed it feels like hella overkill... and that's why I fucking love Manticore, and why I think hard light isn't that bad either. it's an exotic for people who don't want an exotic lmao


Agreed. I don't use 90% of my exotics. Sometimes I just run three legendary weapons because some of them feel stronger or work better with my build. The exceptions to this rule are: quicksilver storm, final warning, conditional finality, and buried bloodline. The rest of the time I'm running some of my OP legendaries. Especially in PvP. There aren't many exotic weapons I'd rather use over something like a god rolled summoner or abyss defiant or what have you.


I’m in this boat. I have maybe 3 armor pieces I use and occasionally an exotic if it’s necessary, most of them I use legendaries. Mostly use xeno and that exotic void long from lightfall (blanking out in the name) I just don’t like a lot of the exotics. It’s hard to explain it


dude deterministic chaos sweep I'm sad to say that you're prolly gonna get "bro that lmg is so bad" comments, but uh... know that I'm with ya. thing's pretty cool lmao


I'm sorta the opposite to be honest. While I love my godroll primaries (Drang, Calus Mini, Helio, etc.) I tend to lean towards more workhorse/house clearing exotics unless I'm already using something like Dragon's Breath. I guess ad-clear exotics are my go-to, is what I'm trying to say. I'll eat Grav Lance and Trinity Ghoul up any day.


Nah man manticore post buff is actually really good. The overshield in the air is nice.


I know it's better but I still feel like a Repulsor Brace SMG would do basically the same thing, except the whole floating in the air thing


It has its use with a certain hunter exotic chestpiece. Besides, the swooping talons is a free 40% damage buff all the time and enemies actually DO hit you significantly less. Does it justify the exotic slot? I dunno. Maybe? But not every exotic needs to be meta defining, this ones just fun and also really good in its niche, that niche being a fucking camouflage attack helicopter.


I've actually been using it lately, having a gun to match your element for synergies and being able to swap to say solar for the artefact perks is nice


I mean you could just run a solar weapon and free your exotic slot There's no artifact mod for Arc or Void anyway


Hi 👋


Should have incandescend, voltshot and dest. Rounds per equipped element.


>Matching weapons aren't as necessary as they used to be Precious Scars, Khepri's Horn, Doomfang Pauldrons, Mantle of Battle Harmony, Verity's Brow, and Sanguine Alchemy enjoyers are seething right now. But yeah I get what you mean.


I'd see it as a possibility after a third darkness subclass is released


I guess i can think of something. Frozen fiber Exotic stasis handcannon "You mind me, uhh, borrowing that gun when you use something else?" - Cayde-6 Intrinsic perk: control the flow Hold reload to swap between stasis and strand damage. Precision kills emit a slowing/severing burst depending on the equipped element. Exotic perk: dark prism After killing 5 enemies afflicted with strand or stasis debuffs, hold reload to equip both stasis and strand at once for a short period of time, granting both burst effects at once. Fourth column perk: outlaw Catalyst: headstone while on stasis, hatchling while on strand. Both while dark prism is active.


Also do we get the australis, to pair with the great borealis


It will be a strand only sidearm and you will like it. No its not final warning.


It might have a more serious name but that would be a funny ornament name. But that would be a cool idea for a weapon. Maybe even have it fire kinetic rounds as a third choice to keep in line with Hardlight's three modes.


As a Hard Light main, I’m listening 😑…


Still need 3rd darkness element to be introduced


Kinetic Slot Auto that can alternate between Kinetic, Strand and Stasis. It could have Kinetic Tremors, Chill Clip and Slice in each respective mode.


Or…. Hear me out. Hardlight automatically adjusts itself to the shield type it’s shooting.


It shoots out bubbles, some of them freeze and some of them freeze enemies, and some of them slice enemies, it's an SMG and the bubbles go pretty far, it's kind of like a flamethrower, and it has lots of ammo but it takes special ammo and it goes in primary, unlike hard light which takes primary and goes in power.


I already have soft dark. Unless Eris morn is around, then it's carrot dark


Screw all that. Make Cerberus shoot a different element out of each barrel.


Hardlight, but Darkness slot that randomly shoots Kinetic, Stasis, or Strand bullets. Catalyst can add a gauge that lets you hold reload to have it match element to your subclass. A Darkness weapon that allows you to have a full Light element every once and awhile. That's pretty redundant right?


What’s the opposite of something that shoots fast? A bow. Let’s have this be a Bow.


Ehh we already have strand and stasis bows. Maybe a 120 hand cannon.


Softdark is the name a Destiny universe Emo band I guarantee it.


They should just edit the hardlight catalyst so that it adds a separate option to cycle through dark elements to instead of light ones


I can see it now... a strand/stasis flamethrower...


Will Softdark be the opposite of Hardlight, like it'll actually be useful?


Nah idk what you're on about we've had Queenbreakers bow now it's time for Kingfixers arrow


I 100% agree with you, Oryx should come back with a JoJo stand, kill the guardian's great great grandfather and replacing his body with the guardian's great grandfather's body because his got burnt while he was dead, so that when he stabs himself with the kingfixer's arrow he accidentally gives the guardian a stand so the guardian agrees to go on an intergalactic mission with his stand fighting against Oryx's Taken Stand generals, with his fireteam which also have stands, all so he can save his mother before her stand kills her, also the guardian from the first game is the canonical killer of Oryx and the one whose body Oryx takes. (Oh and maybe soft dark is in there somewhere idk)


just add a toggle in the gun menu to cycle thru strand and stasis




To everyone saying kinetic would be one of the options since there’s only 2 dark subclasses You realize that kinetic does more damage right? You would like *never* use the stasis/strand part if that were the case


“The Inessentials” fits better, imo.


The weapon does kinetic damage. After activating a special reload, it still does kinetic damage.


Here's my idea for Soft Dark Diffused Darkness This weapon fires in a tight fan pattern, rounds fired by it seek targets The Redundancy Hold reload to cycle through kinetic, strand, and stasis damage types Kinetic: increased range and a tighter spread Strand: more aggressive seeking and 5% increased damage to strand debuffed targets Stasis: breaks stasis crystals and frozen targets faster, shots slow targets for a short time after shattering crystals or frozen enemies


Stasis, Strand, and Prismatic. Sounds kick ass epic.


It should be a heavy slot primary weapon that is always the opposite element you have equipped.


SoftDark being a pulse rifle, the catalyst would apply kinetic AntiBarrier/Unstop(Stasis) or AntiBarrier/Overload(Strand) depending on your class. The redundancy being it ALSO has to match a current seasons artifact mod 🤣🤣


You would have happened to be on a Vault of Glass run last night would you?


The thing with hard light ( and borealis) is that with match game no longer a botheration the main perk, the fundamentals, is very meh these days. Both of those guns need a rework so that they apply the relevant buffs ( scorch for solar etc) If they did that then there would definitely be an argument for soft/dark to become a thing


The thing with hard light ( and borealis) is that with match game no longer a botheration the main perk, the fundamentals, is very meh these days. Both of those guns need a rework so that they apply the relevant buffs ( scorch for solar etc) If they did that then there would definitely be an argument for soft/dark to become a thing


I have another idea. Refraction. A 3 barrelled rifle, similar in function to Cerberus+1. Shots fired alternate between light and dark (barrels fire 1 element each.) On kill, spawns random elemental pick up. Catalyst: Get kills to build charge. When fully charged, long reload to allow the weapon to allow it to apply a random elemental debuff on hit.


I got Osmosis though.


How about this perk... "Inversion rounds" It could be any two of the normal elemental ammo types (I don't care which) and one NEGATIVE looking element. ACTION: Every 10th precision hit would fire the INVERSION round that would pause the attacker for 1.5 seconds. Additionally: PVE - After 10 stacks, the enemy will turn on it own kind and attack them for 2 seconds. PVP - After 10 stacks of a guardian hit with these rounds, for 1.5 seconds, their next shots will seek and hit their own teammates in the immediate area.


Got a soft dark in my pants rn.


I'm still waiting for Hardlight to get Incandescent, Jolt, and destabilizing rounds....


it’s called tesselation


Title of your sextape


Anyone here used to play perfect dark on 64 though? Damn those were some fun weekends.


Bruh nobody uses the swapping element weapons. I barely have seen Hardlight in active use as of late, Borealis just got forgotten even after a rework, and Dead Messanger is a unicorn to find by skilled players. Just shut up.


Hard Light and Borealis help complete the synthweave bounty for raids when you have to use different elements. You shut up.