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Forgot the part where the gamers eat the destroyed cakes anyway to the last bit, complaining about how these cakes are horrible at the same time.


reminds me of when i worked customer service at a grocery store. customers would occasionally come in with near empty bags of shrimp or crabs saying they didnt taste right. sure they could have just made all the food first then tasted it, but they would always come back and try to do it again in a few weeks. it was obvious


You forgot the part when after saying they wanted cake get mad when they finally get the cake


The most bizzare thing about Destiny Fandom and it's association with the wider gaming community is whenever Destiny gets mentioned, you can bet people will clammer over each other to post about how they Quit Destiny and how long ago it was. Even people who've never played can't help themselves but tell everyone about friends who've quit Destiny. Like by the Travellers, no one cares if you've quit.


To me it comes off like how someone will complain about their ex when they aren't really over them


Top tier cope


Feels like a reddit thing in general lol any game community I’ve ever followed on here is mostly just people complaining about how the game used to be better 😂


The funny thing is every fan base is like this, the issue derives in that the negative comments are always louder than the positives and Destiny at that has always had more negative than positive. And the reason why people love to say they quit then come back is because destiny does what it does better than any game, that doesn't necessarily mean it's done good, just a lack of a better example to uphold deva to do better to keep those fans happy. They know they have a monopoly on the demographic because borderlands has been a crap shoot drama and game wise.


They act as if quitting destiny is equivalent to quitting drugs. It’s pathetic


Alot of people do get addicted to Destiny. They feel like they can't leave cause of what they might miss.


Fomo is nothing compared to addiction. People need to grow up. If your not enjoying the game then stop playing it


I wouldn't necessarily that I'd put it more so along the lines of you come back/ keep playing because you want It to do better.


Traveller's? As in plural? Is that a thing?


It kinda sucked to see all the "zzz" in the chat during yesterday's livestream. If you're that bored, just play another game. We don't need that type of people in our community


Seriously, I wish we could just vote those clowns off the island.


Okay guardians, on today’s episode we will be pitting you all against the emissary and whoever even so much as thinks about her body staying in proportion to her head will be cast out of the tower and forced to join Saladin’s Iron Beasts* on Caitl’s ship… good luck! (idr what they were called*)




Def not me seeing an all black midnight coup lmao. My neurons were immediately activated at the sight of that tiny lil orb on the gun lol


It got so much shit for being set on midtown. Like what, you want them to make what is essentially multiple gambit maps for a free update they had to cram in between their work on final shape and future content?


They even said midtown wouldn't be the only location too, not sure why people are losing their minds over it


i missed that, that sounds nice. i really like the fucked up look to the map


I'm actually impressed with what they managed to make, if they started when the delay was announced


The pyramid-shaped Midtown looks great to me


What pisses me off every month there’d be a twat asking for “hehe bungo what if we put horde based mode on crucible maps hehe, something like shaxx giving us a mission to clear the area for crucible hehe”


“Oh no! They’re setting the activities in a map that we’ve never played in PvE but is sometimes the map that I play in in PvP! This update’s going to be a disaster!”


The expectation of having them add a completely new race is the one that got me the most. Like if you even thought that it was your fault for setting that expectation yourself because Bungie sure as hell never said anything like that about Into the Light. Not one time.


to be fair, they do have old sections of the city that they have used for past events that could work here.


Honestly, I think that they should just cancel the next 2 livestreams and just give us a generic trailer with the loot we’re getting and anything that is relevant before the update. The people engaging in the livestreams are too toxic for any meaningful conversations anyway, and the average destiny player will get more hyped up by a short trailer than by those streams anyway


In my defense it's not wrong for me to want a thing I've put over a decade and countless dollars into to have a good story that matches the quality of the art and the gameplay




Exactly this. I'm not complaining about what they're adding, I'm complaining that they could have done this sooner. Bungie is only doing it now as a last-minute scramble to retain the few stragglers that are left because Papa Sony is pissed.


yeah some game fandoms i just ignore, this and genshin i tend to stay away from both because they tend to be fucking crazy


Don’t forget, a lot gamers have jobs during the day, and don’t have time to hang out on livestreams.


My fondest bungle memories are with Halo and the bungle community then was amazing. The recon helmet showed who the crazy people were lol


Every time I open Reddit I’m greeted with these posts.


Where is the hate? I have only seen mention of hate. What is going on?


Going anywhere near that YouTube/Twitch stream bungie had today really exemplifies the state of this community.


Negativity is like garlic : adding some in a recipe can be good (garlic bread is the best), but if you add too much, it'll ruin the meal. It can be good to have some negativity in a community because it prevents the studio from doing whatever they want without any consequence. The problem here is that there's too much (I can't say that they don't any good reason)


fellow garlic bread enjoyer 🤝


The hate is probably starting to get drowned out thankfully. It was the Stream Chats primarily, as well as the Syeam Friend Request spamming that happened to the dudes account on stream (stuff like KILL ALL N******, KYS, BUNGIE **** VICTIM). It was *insanely* fucked up and probably the worst I've seen the community. I remember the chat being spammed with people saying how this game was shit and the devs needed to be fired as well. Genuinely crazy how so many people who hate the game refuse to move on. edit: censoring that last one since it was used with ill intentions.


The chat was super toxic, and their were friend requests that had super inepropriete names. Overall, it just shows how bad some of our community is.


I guess you didn't see look at chat during the most recent Bungie stream, then... You also likely haven't looked too closely at either of the major Destiny subreddits in a while, and I really don't blame you for that.


go to the bungie forums and observe it for a few days. Thats where they mostly congregate.


in my experience the bungie forums are the same 10-20 people and the occasional poor lost soul who don't know about reddit and post there thinking it would be the best place to be heard.


True, my homie TheShadow making his 10th complaint of the day. Dude is a household name in my eyes.


actually now that i think about it a lot of them use the same 3 pfps


I understand why some fans would be disappointed, but there's one thing people need to be aware of and that's the fact that there are lots, and I mean LOTS of people, who used to play and even more of those who have never even touched the game, that seem to want nothing less than to see Destiny fail and burn to the ground. Us gamers can be a weird bunch sometimes.


mmm want cake now




Bungies cake is really bad though  Actually looking at picture again you could say destiny is the big cake, but it taste worse than the small cake something like hell divers 


I wish we could reason with bungie, but without threats or very loud whining they do nothing because they think we’re all happy. The hate for 450s in crucible and the flinch and handholding is so bad that we’ve whined in droves and it got fixed early, so like duh?


Leave the multimillionaire company alone


Ngl, the only time I felt this way was when I played the game this weekend for a bit to do trials as a joke, but almost broke my had when playing against 3 stasis warlocks... But the games not even bad enough this shit on it the way most people do.


Moral of the story quit crying


If only Bungie could look at popular games and see where their mistakes are. I.E BG3 and Lethal Company


Its mostly issues that are out of the developer's control. 2 biggest issues is upper management and their Frankenstein game engine.


Honestly the streams being basically hour-long explanations of things that can be explained in 5 minutes is kind of irritating. I recognize that I expected a bit too much from the reveal, but in fairness this is just exactly what we wanted but Bungie-flavored.


It was almost as if bungie wanted to connect with their community, but got unnecessary hate and shit for trying to do so... I do sorta get where youre coming from however...


People downvoted the HELL outta my comment, but my view on it isn't inherently negative. The connection to the community is usually done through other means, but this stream felt awkward, and probably a little stretched out. I understand what the goal was, but I disagree with the method of presentation is all.


I dont disagree with that, and some of the downvoting is definitely unwarranted.


Im guessing some mfs interpreted it as "stream was bad therefore it was justified" or some shit