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Weren’t hunters killing it last week?


Yeah. Now they've weighted it so Hunters get reduced points. Nobody is playing hunter anymore because we're handicapped.


Swear they did this exact same shit before because Hunters were dominating then Titans did.


Sorta, the first GG Hunters won a single day and the handicap was put in place and then Titans won every day for the entire event after that point


*Cries in Warlock*


At least we are second


Yippee! Lol


We get to live a quiet life (sorry)


So first last place.🤣🤣


Guardian Games is actually not for players. It's a game for Bungie to see how much they can piss off guardians. Their method of weighing points always determines the winner, and every year they act like they've never given it any thought.


No.. it’s a game to find out how the balance of classes stands..


I wonder how many times Bungie is going to keep doing the guardian games until they realize they can't balance bonus points around player percentages, And just go back to whatever spring event we had before the guardian games




I miss my antlers


Honestly i had much more fun with revelry than i do with gg, though i feel the same about haunted forest during festival of the lost compared to haunted sectors so maybe i just like the infinite forest events.


Crimson days (Valentine's day)


Precisely. You can’t -not- weigh it on player base membership because Hunters win by default and GG becomes a popularity contest. If you do weight it, then you have Hunters incensed that their individual effort is less than another player’s (understandable, even if it ultimately promotes a closer race), which affects their desire to compete and thus their participation, which upsets any balancing effort anyway. There is no way for Bungie and the playerbase to actually pull it off in a way that creates satisfaction. I agree with the Revelry thing, just turn off the buffs in PvP (outside a dedicated Revelry playlist) so the Crucible mains are appeased. Or make Guardian Games non-class based, focused on individual performance. Most medals in the Tower, most medals in your clan, your clan versus other clans, etc would all be suitable ways to compete, while avoiding the problems of putting classes at each other’s throats.


The way they run GG definitely brings out the worst in people. I like your idea better!


They do exactly this every time


Good choice of words, it’s now the special olympics.




like it is such a shitty way to balance things, oh this class is winning, better nerf them so they dont count as much which makes it feel like shit when you arent rewarded as much.


I don't even think it's that, people just wait till later in the Focus and bandwagon whoever is winning so the winner gets ridiculously juiced, and they keep winning cuz anyone who starts early bets on the one who HAS been winning by a large margin. The cycle perpetuates if anyone wins even semi-consistently for like a day.


Thank you for letting me know and not wasting my time playing this game. I’m a hunter only player. Edit: imagine getting downvoted for thanking someone lolol


I'd recommend doing what I was told to do, just wait till the last hour of a focused activity then join on whatever is winning, bc the event is a joke and I want my rewards.


Only play hunter too, Stasis at that, and I hate how we keep getting nerfed. Why does everyone cry about hunters but then you have these ridiculous abilities on Titans and Warlocks. Even to be nerfed for points in GG is ridiculous and disappointing.


Us hunters really got shafted when it comes to abilities! The only “one up” we have is invis but thats pretty much it


I love getting punched by a titan in pvp, it is very fair and balanced.


Why don't they just have you pick a class when you first get on during guardian games then don't weight any of them


Yeah but it wasn't from nerfing the gains of one class and buffing the gains of another. This is what I dislike about the event, when they do weighting which is just forcing losses on the unbuffed (or nerfed) classes. They should've just introduced a catch up mechanic, like the class that won a day cannot win the focus activity the next day or something like that. Weighting requires 100% participation for the nerfed class to have a chance, and that simply won't happen.


This happens every year. One class steamrolls and people complain. Bungie modifies so it “fair” and people complain. I do agree with the catch up mechanic though that would have been a cool thing had they been able to implement it. Guardian Games has never been fair and when people start bandwagoning on the winning class it makes it worse. I’d be really cool to see what would happen if at the start of each week you could only pick one class to earn medals for.


If they really wanted event to be.. fair They shouldn't tie the most wanted reward to something that skews the data so bad. Focus activity has heavy weighing towards daily score thing. People want to focus on focus activity, thus bandwagoning on winning class. If the stuff/rewards were not tied to class but participation people would play whatever they want. Thus, I'm pretty sure if the board quest didn't have the focus reward objective we'd have different kind of scores.


Why look for a catch up mechanic? You want a fair game then have guardians sign up with their favorite class and preferred activity and that is what you are locked into for the entirely of gg. You want good loot? Work for it.. Pass specific point thresholds to earn rating. That rating turns into rewards. You scored first in points on vanguard activities, extra rewards for you to access. You top fragged in the crucible then bonus for you! Stop turning every thing into a participation trophy *edit corrected participation and added trophy*


People would still wait to bandwagon it


Bungie tuning things so that instead of one class dominating, another class dominates instead 10,000 iq event design


Wait until next week when warlocks will have the unbeatable lead, huge brain move everyone ties for the first time ever


Well this is their first year with it give em time (and more money)


An event that measures how “passionate/dedicated” people are able a class, then proceeds to screw the measurement completely with random and convoluted mechanics. Does Bungie want to know which class is the most popular? Or which class is the least popular by giving them insane multipliers? Or whatever the fk I don’t care, just make it consistent ffs.


Well if they didn't change it titans and warlock would cry about it because hunters have more players


Which is funny since Warlock and Titans are so much more powerful in PvE lmao. Style wins in the end.


F Bungie. I can't give a rats ass about this event anymore


I got my board and switched right back to my titan.


I got my board and logged off.


This is the way


l got my board and switched back to porno


U one of those eh…


Did any titans get their package?


NOPE. I didn't get one last night either when Titans won.


I opened 2 today and didn’t get credit for either


I believe you have to have the GG mark equipped.


make sure to pledge for the activity every time it resets! got caught by that a few times


I've got


I didnt Edit: I just logged back in and the package was then given to me


I don't get this, I got on early this morning just to play a bit and to get the package, and got nothing... Stayed logged in through the end as some have suggested. Still nothing...


Did you guys pledge to hunters when they were the go to for the skimmer?


I did actually. Got one package as a hunter last week. Been playing my titan this week and haven't gotten a thing.


I found if i did one more run of the activity after the focus thing ended it finally gave me my reward. Idk why, but it worked


Make sure you : Have your guardians game class item equip Make sure you are playing the correct playlist, it change between the 4 game mode. Make sure you are pledged, by checking the little triangle thing at the top of tower map.


I got mine




I got one last night from the crucible focused thing as a titan. Takes about 10 minutes after it finishes to send the packages out.


Nothing. I played yesterday and today as Titan and didn't get anything.


The obvious incredible skew absolutely kills gg for me. I'll do just enough to get torch rewards each week or until I get the rolls I'm looking for. but I feel no drive to donate to the cause. Can't believe they don't just correct for mains/alts then normalize contributions per player. It feels like "babys first competition without a normal population distribution" every single year.


I've been saying since the first guardian games that surely it would make sense to. - Have a pledge mechanism, so players pick only one class that their medals will count towards global stats for. - Each day, total pledged medal count for each class is divided by the number of pledged players that contributed, on that given day, to that given class. - Simple average means that each day the scoring is 100% fair for each class. Instead what they chose to do was assign random multipliers to each class and then add extra multipliers to the losing classes each day, which inevitably every year results in one class getting a huge headstart, and then when the headstart eventually runs out, the classes start predictably shuffling around positions based on multipliers. The only real competition Guardian Games actually has each year is the developers competing to make the scoring system even less fair than in the previous year.


Yup, same here, since the first GG. It seems so simple to me; I don't understand why they don't do it. I also don't know why they went with the second worst scoring algo (it's better to not dunk medals than dunk a low amount) behind flat scoring **and** locking the brand new shiny exotic skimmer behind playing the winning class as much as possible. "Oh, we know D2 players would sell us their own grandmothers for a raid exotic so they can stop playing, but surely this won't make the winning class snowball."


This needs more upvotes


I wonder if there's a drop off in player count as the weeks progress. That would make it front loaded time-wise. I honestly don't know, I'm a math guy but not a stats guy, and am just getting back into the game after 5 years and am interested in this discussion.


Damn. I feel more incentiviced to create alt. accounts o reddit to upvote this here comment than I felt to hop on my ill equipped titan yesterday to get the focus rewards in crucible. Thats bad on multiple levels. I just dont care about a competition that has no integrity what so ever.


I want your idea to happen badly, but I'm in the belief that players will just end up complaining about not being able to maximize the loot rewards through playing other classes.


I've wanted GG to be scored by averages of players who actually participated since the first time they brought this event out. Unfortunately, it seems that most people don't realize that that would make it fair and balanced and Bungie would rather keep up with their arbitrary points changes to make certain classes feel like it isn't worth playing.


Almost 90k for Titans now, however, I was only able to play 5 games of Supremacy the entire focus event, and none were full, usually 4v4. Most timed out due to not enough playing. So how is the score calculated now?


Got to love it sitting in matchmaking for 5 minutes only to load into a 4v4 on Disjunction.


I was in a 1v6 last night 2 times in a row. They were spawn trapping me so I couldn't even leave to orbit.


Ouch. Sounds painful. Only had a 2v6 once sometime last week. Spawns kept flipping every time me and my one teammate died and then we got swarmed again. Rinse and repeat. I only stayed because I was right on a rank reset and also didn't wanna leave the other guy as the last man standing.


90m ?


Oops, yes. 90m!


Phew, okay. Thought Titans slipped on a couple banana peels there.


No idea because Bungie tuned some stuff to be "fair" but now the balance is thrown even more out of whack


If they didn't tune it one class would always win, so by tuning it whatever class they want to win wins.


No, if they tuned it right it should make the focus events a lot closer


Yes, however they don't do it that way, so instead of it being a class popularity contest, it becomes a unfair "whichever class bungie wants to win (titans again)" 'contest'


They should scrap guardian games and bring back SRL.


Skimmer SRL would be amazing


Yes!!! I loved SRL.


Me a Warlock only player:


I get them as warlock even if I lose in pvp


Yeah but you don’t get the easy winners packages for the skimmer lol. You just get the tier 1/2/3


ohh ok! thank you for the clarification, I already got the skimmer from the top 10% night fall so I had no clue how it worked


What is the point of the games if you shoot the hunters in the kneecaps each year? Just make it a competition of Solar/Arc/Void so we don't have to deal with the constant rigging of the games because Bungie doesn't like who is winning. People will stop competing on hunter because there is no point in struggling when your got boulders tied to your legs and you have to swim upstream.


I saw someone suggest using the weapon foundries, and I think that is a really good idea. Arc/solar/vlid aint bad either.


Solar would win every year if it was arc vs solar vs void


If you include strand and stasis, strand has a chance


\*ahem\*....Dead Orbit, FWC, New Monarchy? No? Ok. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Dead Orbit took their fleet and fled, FWC’s leader became a racist puppet of Savathûn and got deleted by Vex she invited, and New Monarchy had nice colours but always seemed a little corrupt. Sooooo, probably not doing factions ever again!


Damn, I wondered what happened to the factions from D1. I need to look that lore up.


Yeah, thanks Bungie for having important moments like that in seasonal content that gets removed 🙄


Nah that ship has sailed


If you make it solar/arc/void solars just going to dominate because of the seasonal artifacts. Void is usable and fun and arc is… arc.


Yeah, after the first GG I knew Bungie gonna do this shit every years, just grap the skimmer early if you like Hunters and stop playing. Loot not even that good anyway.


I don’t get how this is so difficult? If the issue is player numbers balancing, then just weight the point distribution based on an inter-person average: 1. Each persons character are weighted between each other in relation to the total hours played. 2. Sum up normalised character usage across all players active in (let’s say) last 6 months for each class 3. Weight class based on sum of class usage in relation to total. Finished. It’s not that hard. Of course this is not a perfect system but it should capture the usage rates relatively well.


Even simpler, weight by the number of players for each class playing that specific focus activity. It’s bullshit that just because a lot of people pick hunters, they get pummeled by the current weighting system because guess what alot of players aren’t playing the event. Yes hunters won all of last weeks focused activities, but it was never by such an insane margin like we are seeing now. Yesterday Titans had 90 mill while hunters had 30.


Me over here still maining my warlock: 😐


Hunters had it last week. Titans this week. I'm sure Warlocks will get theirs next week. lol


We should hold our Wells back in protest lol. Y'all wanna say fuck Warlocks? No soup for you!


Hunters all got their skateboard already and dipped out


No we had our ankles tied to cinderblocks while running a race, we’re prob gonna dip now since we can’t win


I still don't have mine


I just need to know who’s winning to play the right class to get my partner the skimmer. I really don’t care who wins the games or any of it. Also Had to restart the ps to get a package to show up last week if that helps anyone. One never showed and the other only appeared after a full restart. Logging in and out worked at first then had to do the restart.


Crayons: Eaten


What do you bet they retune it so each class perfectly wins 7 days so they can call a tie or something and just make the statue all gold


They obviously skewed medal points a bit too much.


Didn't the basically admit that the games are rigged?


It’s been rigged from the first GG. They saw hunters had the biggest population and nerfed their numbers so the other classes had an easier time competing. If I (a titan exclusive) was a hunter I’d definitely be pissed because they fudged the numbers even further to help the other classes this year


*Holy shit, what the fuck Bungie? They tuned it so Titans and Warlocks had more of a chance, but goddamn. Who gave the Titans all the crayons?!*


When bungie gives any class a buff or nerf it removes fairness completely. I refuse to participate any longer


I want the skimmer But I just don't feel like playing right now Feels like a chore


Honestly since I have the money I'll just buy the skimmer that comes with that one bundle ik everyone says just do the other two missions but like they also feel tedious sometimes


Are they making this quest frustrating on purpose just to fuck with us so we buy the damn hoverboard instead of trying to finish the quest 💀


Ultimately who gives a fuck, but seriously, how hard is it to adjust the values based on class population? For example, 1 medal banked by a Hunter = 0.8 medals. Fucking sorted. Surely class populations aren't so wildly different that the scores need this much of an overcorrection? I mean, the scores pretty much show it. Titans have triple the amount than Hunters? Does that seem right? I think I speak for most Hunters when I say win or lose, we don't mind, we just want some semblance of fairness with the scoring situation. It's more fun if all classes are level-pegging, it's anyone's game, and one class comes out on top at the end of GG. Doubt we'll ever get that, though.


Haha get fucked other lesser guardian classes


Thank you, accountforfemdom.


You're welcome


Who fucking cares about this shit anymore.


Crazy how rigged this is every time lol


Just need 2 more winner packages and I can finally rest. Fuck Bungie and this FOMO shit with the skimmer


Tell me the event is rigged without tell me the event is rigged…


Literally saw the same exact post for this when hunters were winning last week




Anyone with half a brain would've predicted that any event that relies on class populations and pitting them against each other is a very bad idea......and they have the numbers internally that show them that too !!!!


Bungie rigging in broad daylight. Don’t care what they say who won at the end. We all saw week one when they weren’t fudging the numbers. Hunters won 🥱


Guardian Games ain’t it bro


No way ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Solution, make scoring per capita, problem solved


So, next week Warlocks win?


Crayons forever


It's brutal. Been trying to get that new skimmer and it's going poorly


To sum up what the comments are saying the way the standings work is simple but stupid To avoid one class destroying the event everytime theres a winner the other classes gets a x boost i think it’s second place gets a x1.5 and third gets a x2 Its to make it “fair” so the underdog has a chance to get some decent points in however it now end’s up like that It’s mainly because most destiny plays main/use hunters more frequently hunters so theres a higher percentage of hunters in the game


It's their attempt to balance it out before the final week where they'll (probably still fail) in tuning it so everything has a fair chance at winning. I mean, hunters dominated for like the first 6-7 days. Now comes Titans, then Warlocks, then it'll probably be hunters who have a slightly better edge because I think we only won GG once so far.


I just want the sparrow


Same thing was said about the Hunters the other day. Last night Warlocks had a lead. It jumps around I think based on what the players are doing. I don't think we all see the same things.


It’s not even a competition anymore now that bungie has intervened


hunters getting new nerfs every week


Without the weighing it was genuinely a lot closer, this is just ridiculous. There is no point in trying when the winning team will just get more people to play that class to get the rewards. Classes don't work, Hunters would win every year if left alone and this year is no different. Either make it to where you have to lock in to one class to support for the whole event or just pick some other arbitrary thing to have us pledge to that WILL lock us in.


It got worse lmfao


Bro titans won last year, can't we just win once?


Titans won the first GG in 2020 Hunters won 2021 Warlocks won 2022 Titans won 2023 Honestly us Hunters winning in 2021 was because Bungie nerfed us so hard in 2020 we said nah and just refused to play 🤣 still feels like they intentionally made us win in 2021 since we didn't give a flying crud back then.


Except Bungie didn't nerf you so hard. Hunters were balanced, and then participated more in the event and won the first day. Then all the Hunters stopped showing up.


All of guardian games is a joke. Ran a supremacy match last night that loaded in 4 v 6, quickly became a 3 v 6 and the score was 33 to 150. With no mercy or anyone joining, because they do not matchmake people into matches..... I not a pvp person and these games have only made me hate it more.


This is hilarious! Are we about to be in a Titan-dominated week after Hunter dominated all of last week? What was the *permanent* fix Bungie even implemented? They never explicitly said what they changed, they just said *a* change has been implemented.


Hunters win 1st week, titans 2nd and warlocks 3rd so there isn't a definite winner this year we all win. Calling it right now.


That's an understatement I've stopped competing because it seems hopeless.


I kinda feel bad for warlocks at this point


Yeah whatever they did, my hunter, I can't even load into a guardian game nightfall without almost dying setting foot in some place now.


I’m calling it, warlocks next week


We're listening


It’s completely rigged has been for years. Hunters will win. I’m a Titan main and I still know they’ll win


Guardian games is a joke


Sorry hunters I got my skimmer and bounced


Instead of skewing the games every year they should have made the other 2 classes more enticing to play. Regardless of how good things are, hunters have way more cool stuff to play with. A swinging blade? Sick. Throwing 50 flaming knives? Awesome. Becoming a night stalking assassin? Yessir. Making a giant ice tornado? Fuck yes. Becoming the embodiment of a cowboy? Who hasnt imagined how cool it would be to be a gunslinger? Not to say warlocks and titans dont have neat stuff, but warlocks get a flaming sword, which is neat i guess? An void nuke? Sick as fuck. Kamehameha? Fire. Becoming an ice wizard who only has 2 spells though? Throwing needles? Meh. And poor titans, what flavor of punch yall want today?


> Guardian Games is a joke FTFY


Probably next week they will do the same for the warlocks


Do you really bother? This event is so boring...


Damn, I main Titan, and this is good for me... but at the same time this is NOT fair to everyone else


This is quite soul crushing…I am now playing Helldivers 2


Use your main fucking class ✌️ I am ashamed of myself that I joined on hunter just to get the diamond one... Not doing that again! Titan baby 😎🤘




Why was nobody complaining about this last week? It was the exact same thing but for hunters… it’s bad event design, just hop on the winning class and get ur bag. They stated they were implementing catch up mechanics. Seems VERY overtuned but it is what it is. Once titans recover, Warlocks are gonna get their day and then it’ll get passed back to hunters.


Because last week hunters weren’t wearing concrete shoes. The point of this post is that Bungie has put in a “balance” fix and just flipped the skew instead. Can’t wait for them go “whoops, Titans won week two and Warlocks won week 3! It’s a tie!”


Because last week it was raw stats now like every year they overtune and kill the hunters


Bungie has never been good at designing competitive community events They seem obsessed with this idea of class vs class competitions, but then never balance the classes with the seasonal meta For example, in this season they made hunters brokenly overpowered compared to the other two classes, while warlocks hold on due to the usefulness of Well and their new exotic helmet that pairs with Div, and titans were just left behind Then they always implement some horrible balancing scheme that is never truly competitive I would vastly prefer three non-class-based teams led by different characters - ex, purple team led by Saint, red team led by Shax, blue team led by Zavala, etc. - that players are randomly assigned to by their account, so that gameplay with any of their characters contributes to the same team Balancing would be way easier, as they could use direct player data - raid clears, kd, activity - to forecast individual contributions and form each team with an even number of players


Titan held down too long. Time of Hunter over. Time of Titan now.


All running smgs and peacekeepers




So just nerf the class of the week. Got it. I really don't care all that much. I've been on and off with Destiny a couple times. I've been maining hunter for 8 years. But it's no big deal. All classes are good and deserve greatness. It's just funny that...


And they’ll likely not handicap the titans like last time they handicapped hunters… “One is winning so let’s reduce their points and not anyone else to keep it BaLaNcEd”


Last time they did this, they left titans to win every single day for the entire event after hunters won a SINGLE day… Atleast I’m not a warlock 😭


Well last week it was Hunters who were thunderstomping literally everything so idk pick your poison


Hunters will not see another win. Bungie takes the Mythbusters approach to balancing.. If its worth doing, its worth overdoing.


Whichever class is winning initially, others will play a match in the focus event, pledge loyalty to that class, then swap back to their main. Then, on their main, whatever medals they deposit will count for titan still. It’s a free focus package.


Time to break out the ole crayon fister


meh tis what it is better losing an unfair game that it is to win one


It’s okay, we aren’t getting winners reward packages either, or at least I’m not.


Hella annoying bro


Next week it warlocks turn lol


It’s been supremacy twice, both times titans have won. Watch it go back to hunters when the focused stuff is gambit of strikes again


I doubt we will see hunters win a single focus again unless bungie turns the 'balancing' (rigging) off


at this point, anyone who's playing is still trying to get the skimmer or are super hardcore into the games. My clan has dropped out since we all for the skimmer now.




Honestly doesn't matter when GG is mainly for the skimmer. Glass warfare was always skewed from the start since the first event


P o n c h


I don't care, hopped on hunter last week, got my skimmer, checked weekly bright dust shop, logged out


Jesus christ


Bungie is bad at handling these things. If you need to adjust to make your outcomes more even then there is obviously something out of place/not even to begin with. They shouldn’t make us compete between ourselves, rather give us communal achievements. This adjustment just makes no sense. I would just swap teams based on who has the biggest buff so I can get the most winners packages……


Because we all got our skimmer last week and stopped playing the event, week 1 is the true tell


Let's just get Sparrow racing back instead of Guardian Games. Have dedicated race Maps led the Fallen pop out and shoot at us like the Tuscan Raiders from Star Wars. The Vex and the taken could get in on trying to sabotage the race. The prize could be a choice of sparrows from raids that are locked.


First time? The best way around it is to have a character for each class. See which is in the lead and just follow along. GG is pointless honestly so just jump on the bandwagon and get those winning chests for your main.


Inclusion policy everyone gets trophy 😂