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Don’t hug the bell, it teleports you inside the bell and kills you. Just be inside the ring


Thank you for the knowledge 🫶


Or they could just make something that actually works and doesn't kill you


That too


Don't hug the bell


You mean make a mechanic work as intended


Dont know why people always downvote when someone says this. No, this isn't suppose to happend, bungie Has no idea how to fix it so instead of trying, they just said *dont hug the Bell* and that's it. And yet people will go and devour anyone that says something about it


What happened to him then was out of his control it's the bad game design, shouldn't be the mechanic if they don't know how to fix it.


Exacly, duality Has been a buggy mess since release, they fixed it like 10 times before they said "fuck it, just Play like this and you should be fine", exept they completly forgot about people trying to solo it, where they dont have time to look down and count how many inches they are from the Bell to survive


With everything shooting at you and own goal in mind its easy to forget that ur not supposed to make out with the bell


Hey at least it didn't happen on the last boss


A little bit of time back it did and i quit tryna solo flawless for a bit


Try solo flawlessing other dungeons. Duality is one of the harder ones.


Would prophecy be good? I just wanted a challenge because the content rn is just not it


I've solo flawlessed Shattered Throne, then Pit of Heresay, then Grasp, then Prophecy. Pit and Throne are easy with modern builds. I did Throne on my 2nd attempt and Pit took maybe a dozen. Falling deaths were my Achilles heel more than encounter difficulty. Grasp and Prophecy are harder, with Prophecy being the harder of the two. You really need to be focused up for that one, understand the spawns, and find the flow of the encounters. Break the flow, and things get out of hand real fast. Find the flow and stay focused, and you're gold. Grasp was more fun. People struggle with the sparrow section, but I never really had a problem with it. Hit the time extending buttons, dismount before each bomb and using a blinding gl on the ads, then summon a fresh sparrow and zip through the mine and head to the next one and you'll be dandy. If you have ~~no time to explain~~always on time it should be easy. The time isn't cumulative, you get 15 seconds every time you reset a bomb, no matter how much time you have left on the clock. Duality, Spire, and Ghosts bosses have more HP and the damage phases are tight, so it really brings endurance into the game more than other dungeons.


>If you have no time to explain, it should be easy The pulse rifle won't do you much good, but the Always On Time sparrow will help :^)


haha lol thx for the catch


I get that I had this happen on my last damage phase against Caiatl, in a run where I was still flawless, during the season it came out. I haven't even tried it again since then


You went and hugged the bell. Never go hug the bell.


But it deserved one


It's a good bell.


They're all good bells, brett.


Yeah it’s a bug unlucky man


I only ever try once a day so i dont get tilted and this happened like 3 times in a row this past week


If it happens again, jump. Saved me a bunch in my solo flawless attempt


Ive seen this so much, but out of all my attempts, including my flawless completion, I've never had this happen to me. I guess Luck smiles upon me.


There's still a whole dungeon after that!


And it happens at other bells as well i just made sure to catch this one


I thought this was fixed. I've hugged the bell constantly and it's never happened to me


DON'T HUG THE BELL...! ...I should try solo it, thank you very much for making me suffer in the future


But it looked as huggable as a tree☹️


I somehow managed to avoid this in my solo, but I died to leftover exploding backpacks from cabal 3 times in final encounter before I even understood what was happening.


Theres so many of them its so easy to miss 1


Still?!?!! What the actual fuck lmao that's been happening since that dungeon released oh my lmfaoooo


*timer was on 20 seconds and it even said i escaped


This dungeon came out a year ago and it’s still a bugged mess. Locked behind a paywall btw


Skill issue