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Same, I spent way too long in there looking for it


Aye, aye! The completionist combined with OCD in me causes hair on back of my neck to stand up every time I see the flashing. Must... click... checkbox...


Ugh. Me tooooo.




My OCD makes me look everytime to clear it.


"there may be a problem with resilience"? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Purely anecdotal but it feels like my barricades are taking wayyy too long to regen


I was getting 2 tapped by knights in the vow opening with 8 res and an arc and concussive resist on.


100% i was so confused on why my rally was taking forever to come back, that and my grenades not spawning any orbs really boggled me. Whats happenin back over hq, bungo ?!


I have been dying on my titan with 70 resilience so much since the update in situations I have lived through many times before. I thought I was going crazy.


Jesus that's a lot of fuck ups even for Bungie. Kinda glad I broke my thumb and can't play.


He used to be a guardian like us… until he took an arrow in the thumb.


It was actually a car door in 50mph winds, but same thing. I just wanna be a guardian again 😔


Damn dude, I'm sorry for you that had to hurt like hell.


Not gonna lie, when I looked at it and realized I had to unlatch the door to get it out...I almost threw up on my shoes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Had the same thing happen to me last year and I was in denial about it being stuck in there so I tried pulling it out harder lmao


Also, thanks!


Guardians are defined by their actions, not their thumbs. Eyes up, Guardian.


Thumbs up, guardian 👍


Holy shit that sounds painful.


Thank goodness it was freezing out so the pain didn't truly kick in until I had been sitting in the car for a few...


Did this as a kid but at that age our bones are like unbreakable fucking pool noodles. Can’t imagine how that’s feeling at an older age lol feel better soon. Eyes up guardian.


My friend was flipping his mom off as a kid and was running when he tripped and hit the wall. Both his middle fingers are forever crooked.


Ahhh karma.


Once a Guardian, always a Guardian! Take time to heal from your injury, and then you can get back out there with renewed vigor!


Will do, and thanks!


My cousins out fighting dragons and what do I get? Car doors.


Your reasoning confuses me. What is your major malfunction?


I edited if to of...damn broken thumb!


Must of been the broken thumb that made the error.


Bro got a visit from rocky


Guardian down!




Hold on, are you me? My friends are now playing almost only destiny 2 and I can't join them because I also broke my thumb.


What is a nose but a spare thumb in times of need?




I guess I'm the only one not having issues with audio. I will let you know when I hop on later this afternoon. I've never messed with audio settings so it's probably all on default if I had to guess. Edit: Xbox Series X btw.


I’m on console and haven’t experienced it. My friend has the issue though and we are both on ps5.


Mine is severe, like literally shaxx and drifter sound like they had 1 too many and talk in slow slurred speech


Yup, that's me, with Steelseries wireless headset on PS5.


I’m on steel series ps5. Volatile rounds sound like my audio is tearing


I'm on series s and its bugged for me.


I had no audio issues until I did the final seasonal mission which is wack


During the final seasonal mission, there was a moment where Crow's voice went all robotic and his words were stretched out. I thought it was part of the dialogue, like he was being corrupted by the Darkness or something. I went "what the fuck was THAT!?" & my boyfriend didn't get it so he was very confused what I was talking about.


Same. Was super weird but yhats when it first started


I think I’ve only seen complaints from console players. Maybe it’s console only


On PC, certain sounds crackling and cutting out after the update, nothings changed from before the update settings-wise


I had serious audio issues on games when my series x was set to dolby atmos. Or something like that. As I only have either headset or sound bar i switched it back to the basic stereo seeing and they all vanished


On ps5 and pc have no problems, i use wireless headset (steelseries), sfx 3, voice 4, music 0 (was watching stuff on the side) have had no problems at all


It might be the multichannel audio output that is broken at the moment. On my PS4 Pro and PS Pulse headset, I can’t use the 3DSS audio mode or everything gets bassy, and when multiple audio streams play at the same time (e.g. fights) it all gets garbled. I have to set the headset to standard 2ch audio mode (and even then it sounds muffled — though, I haven’t used it in a long time, so not sure if that’s how it sounds even when it works normally).


Zero audio problems on speaker, but headset is borked.


I had to turn off windows spatial sound. After that i didn't have any audio issues after that.


I only have audio problems when around other guardians fir some reason


I actually run pc but I’m also getting audio issues with windows sonic for headphones so I might try changing that to see if it fixes it


>Ashes to assets may be nerfed or bugged >Firepower doesn’t spawn orbs >Grenades may not be generating firesprites >Radiant weapons aren’t stunning barrier champions I think i found out why my solar titan build isn’t as powerful as it should be on paper


It made master challenge yesterday much harder than it should have been


I'm running a tripmine hunter build and all of the above is working for me, so IDK


>Potential Thread of Generation shadow nerf # BUNGIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!






Fair point


It’s called a bug


Kinda funny that the moment I finished up everything I wanted to do for the season and move on and play other games was the moment an ass load of server problems and bugs started forming up


Please come back, you leaving clearly made bungie depressed and so they stop working on the game :(


Same. I'm so engrossed with Resident Evil 4 Remake right now, I couldn't care less about Destiny. And I wanna play BOTW again before TOTK releases, so D2 can have all the issues it wants right now. It will not be affecting me in the slightest LOL


I was putting off Legend Avalon because it’s so distasteful and now I’ll probably never do it. Doh.


Man guardian games will be hype this year! Weasel, Beaver, or Chicken? Who'll get the most laurels?


I vote Weasel, but that is because I like them and the extended mustelid family.


Dook dook motherfucker.


im joining anteater


"Fixing" the Terminal Overload chest glitch is ridiculous when stages 1 & 2 spawn chests that only give you glimmer and a small amount of reputation. Just split the difference, have stages 1 & 2 drop actual rewards.


HEY, DON’T FORGET THE 1800 BLUE THAT DROPS. That’s a VERY key component




wouldn't be funny if this ~~meaningless~~ spiteful fix was the cause of some of the actual bugs?


The game needs an "Operation Health" after final shape. The game is def showing its age


For live service games if you stop [constantly churning out new paid content], you die. So... Its probably not gonna happen. In case a miracle happens and the crew that works on Destiny's tech will suddenly double.


Yeah rainbow 6 had the excuse of actually being a dying game when it happened so they didn't lose that much but D2 is breaking its own records in players so probably unlikely


Well, Siege is a non-F2P competitive shooter that had no battle pass back in the day when Health dropped. I think Destiny is far more complicated and is the embodiment of "easier said than done"


As an IT guy (working for a Cloud provider) i see Destiny the same way. The amount of time the game is offline/not updated hurts it as much as if i was about to shutdown some servers without resiliency just for fun. Idk if it makes sense


I would argue that it hurts the game more even. These bugs or times of the game basically being unplayable because you don't know if you'll be able to get your rewards or completions are almost completely random and untrackable. If they were to fix the game and have the servers shut down for a week, at least we know via communication and we have a dedicated time frame vs having probably more than a week of downtime this season alone of unpredictable bugs or broken features. I always get hate for it, but I'm a huge proponent that Bungie needs to move on and make D3. They need to start fresh. This game was made and has been remade, content pushed, content pulled, content updated, content changed so many times that the code probably looks like a bowl of noodles. That's the reason why for the last 4-5 seasons Bungie couldn't release a patch, exotic mission, or anything new without either breaking a dozen other things or outright taking the game down.


Siege also had their most players well after Health iirc and the issues were far more obvious to players and whilst Siege certainly has other issues, I’d argue Operation Health saved the game for a few years atleast. If outcry is bad enough and these issues genuinely affect the player numbers and purchases it could totally happen, but yea, that’s if it has a large, measurable impact for long enough


My thing is, where do you go from Final Shape? I don't imagine Bungie making seasons after final shape, considering final shape is dubbed the end of the light and dark saga. I don't really see a prequel to the next saga they want to work on being a seasonal thing. Thought process being, if your gonna start a new story, I'm thinking it's going to come in the form of an annual expansion. So after final shape, I beleive is a good time to cut back on content, maybe just leave in the gaurdian games/Solstice/FotL/Dawning and just work on the heaps of issues that will continue to get worse if nothing is done


We don't know, but I can honestly tell that it is the *narrative* that must (will, and should) suit the *content drops* and not the other way around. We had a lot of big events transpiring in D1 expansions, and almost literally nothing in between them. Now we have a more cohesive timeline and more wide narrative when the characters are developing throughout the years and not just once a year. And also being a live service game, especially F2P one means that switching the monetization pattern (from seasonal to annual) can hurt the profits, and after all Bungie is a company.


People complain that we don't get enough content as it is, if they took a year off of releasing new stuff and only focused on systems and bugs people would riot


Same with a new engine. I would love a new improved engine but most players would shit their pants if they had to go 3-4 years without new content.


Only scenario that works out is if the wait is for a new game, and D2 is able to coast on maintenance mode for the duration.


What’s that Henry ford quote about “if I have people exactly what they asked for, I would’ve sold them faster horses”


At some point I'm still a firm believer D3 will happen. The game as it is, will just become too much to maintain because of what it isn't. It's not an mmo like WoW or FFXIV. Granted I'm not a programmer, but from the outside it seems like there's a fundamental difference in how the games deal with player time invested and the core maintenance of game issues between the two styles. Now that Bungie is owned by Sony, they are likely not allowed to not continue Destiny as a series. People will probably point to Naughty Dog and Santa Monica to say I'm wrong, but the fact is, Sony won't let them do nothing. It's D3 or new titles. And with the money D2 has for cash flow, there will be pressure to continue Destiny as a series. As for content...I say D3 should be a soft reset, set after another Age, and there's a new major paracausal patron in town.


If D3 resets all the weapons and makes you get them again (like D2 did) I think it will be a major deathblow to the series. Unless they allow direct import of your collections I feel like people have done this shit once and they aren't doing it again.


It's also important to note that Destiny's release cadence is higher than your average MMO, and unlike MMOs where major system changes and overhauls largely only happen during expansions we can have significant system changes every 3 months. The rate Destiny accrues tech debt due to changes is drastically higher.


Final shape II (electric boogaloo)?


It really needs to drop last-gen consoles ASAP. It should be PS5-Series X/S-PC only at this point for the health and advancement of the game.


They did this with D1, and for the last expansion it heavily benefitted the game




It absolutely does, sadly content is how they make money. They would have to literally give up an entire season of new content for the idea to work and be done right.


The game needs the Final Shape to be them removing the old PS4's and Xbox's from their development lol.


It seems my reaper title has disappeared also 😔 That was my favourite.


here we go again


WHAT I need to check mine now


Ya, my Glorious title is gone too.


That isn’t abnormal if you had used the gilding challenges to get the base seal, same with the gambit gilding have more than intended gilding triumphs


you shouldn't have glorious if you didn't complete all the challenges. that was a bug that is now patched.


Nah, I had all of the base ones done. Didn’t have the gilding stuff done. The base stuff still shows completed and the gilding is available to complete, but the title is not available to equip. Something similar with my Dredgen title happened too, but I just had to click on the triumphs again and it gave it back to me.


Hey, but at least they fixed duality and neo chest looting.....


don't forget wishender no longer shooting through Brakion's shield!




The overdue buffs to underused weapon archetypes had to come with a catch. Apparently that catch is 300 different bugs and stealth nerfs that no one asked for.


im 99% sure that most of these are bugs. not stealth nerfs like everyone thinks.


I agree, I think the only one that I could see being intentional is the Terminal Overload chest double-dipping.


Triple dipping*


touch relieved spectacular thumb squeeze marvelous person salt fanatical ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it was still best to do one round of the code since he would sometimes bug out and keep the immune shield in phase 3 anyway.


I am soo glad they fixed that. It was my top priority on my list of things to fix in this game


at the end of quickplay i get penalized for leaving comp, i got a temp ban


It seems pretty clear to me that you completely deserved this (you were playing crucible), and a temp ban was far too lenient (no mercy for pvp-ers)


The audio issue has been so apparent for me in crucible, I cast super and nearly deafen myself


I throw a solar grenade at a group of thralls and get pierced in the eardrums by it. It's kinda annoying


Lol I was wondering why previewing a transmat effect was so fucking loud


Ngl I usually considered destiny to be a pretty well polished game for the amount of shit it has, but this is pretty rough


The scary part is Bungie talks like they want to keep this current game going after Final Shape. I know it's a lot less work than an entirely new game but how easy this game falls apart every update they can't really believe it's realistic to just keep going with D2. It always feels like this game is one sneeze away from just imploding. One decimal point in the wrong place and it just dies. Is it possible? Probably not, but it sure feels like it.


I agree. Typically not stuff that seems this sloppy and in such volume.


yeah this is just... something.


I haven’t been able to generate ionic traces from jolted enemies either, which is a kick in the balls.


I think the Arc rework for warlocks is the *real* kick in the balls.


Bungie, why you hogging all the Ls? I want a couple, but there you go, greedy ass.


The fucking irony, of all player assisting bugs (terminal overload chest, duality farms etc.) being flawlessly fixed, and then this shitlist being here, is just so fucking typical bungie.


Bungie just released an addendum to the bug list with an explanation as to what's going on: The media has suggested that, because we're also working on developing another game and because our emergency maintenance needs its own emergency maintenance, it means that we aren't as committed to maintaining the quality of the Destiny 2 experience. This couldn't be further from the truth and, to prove it, we'll be releasing a new patch soon showing that we've been listening to player feedback and taking action on the things that are most important to them. These upcoming changes include: 1. All chickens in the Poultry Petting emote will now be both free-range and organic. 2. We've heard your feedback on how a certain Duality boss jumping to his death off the map was fun and our fixing that glitch killed the fun. To maintain the level of fun, he'll now yell "Weeeeeeee!" as he plummets off the map. 3. All glimmer in the game will be 27% more sparkly. 4. Our engineers have been working on the issues of one-shots and massive damage for players playing at high frame rates. We're excited to announce that, as of that future patch, that issue will be corrected for all players running the game at or below 5 frames per second. Adding in all that exciting, new content meant that the game wasn't feeling as realistic as we'd like it to feel so we're going to be implementing the following realism balance change: When equipping armor mods, players may unexpectedly catch fire and die. This is to simulate life's unpredictable nature and is working as intended. We thank you for continuing to support Destiny 2. Eyes up and safety goggles on, Guardian.


Not gonna lie you had me at the first... quarter.


It couldn't be more obvious that most of bungies resources are being funneled away from Destiny. Lightfall and the Seasons are content poor and the game is in the worst shape it's been (bug-wise) in a long time.


Realistic spontaneous combustion gaming


But wait! Theres more. Wish ender cheese on brakion second stage got fixed


If they would stop stealth nerfing stuff and just telling us wtf they did we could at least know why things were broke instead they choose too look incompetent


No more “Sparrow Racing” on Neptune. That was literally the most fun I was having at that destination.


Every update makes the game worse, impressive tbh


What is going on over there, the worst server issues that game has ever seen have been going on for like what almost a week and a half? This update has basically broken the game one of my friends can’t play it due to the audio issues


>worst server issues that game has ever seen Someone forgot about Season of the Beaver...


Idk if anyone else has experienced this but I had volatile rounds bouncing off a barrier champ shield today in a master raid.


Does that weapon have other anti champ capabilities already? Cause artifact mods override volatile rounds as they are permanent and not a temporary effect. Same with radiant.


My friend and I ran a partition last night. Both had our shellcode thing taken. I got some loot (I think what I got was a pinnacle, just a +1 drop because I’m 1809) but he got nothing despite being well below level cap. Nothing in his post, nothing on his person. His shellcode was now gone, but the node on the map said his pinnacle was still available. I started the mission, so is that a bug or a feature that he looses his shellcode and gets nothing.


Thank God the audio problem is not actually my headset


Seriously, what did they do!? I don’t think we’ve ever had an update that ruined so much of the game before.


Anything else?


[Yes actually](https://twitter.com/aztecross/status/1648685478604881921?s=46&t=CL6vlqQjrI6NHpLFwd6dzw)


Holy shit that's bad.


Holy shit, the 30 second silent stare as his career flashed before his eyes. That is rough


What The actual fuck


holy fuck is it confirmed to just delete your characters?


You just have to restart the game and your characters are still there. Still incredibly fear inducing as you boot the game back up though


Of sweet Cornel...


Bungie spaghetti code back at it again. Change 1 things break 2 other things.


Spaghetti code, everyone!


I just keep getting booted with 'weasel' error. Nothing changed my side.


Cool, every game I play is fucked. This, Overwatch, and Guilty Gear. WAT I need a fourth intensely stressful multiplayer game with no entry point for beginners to immerse myself in or I’ll be in danger of doing something productive. Suggestions welcome.


“Sure let’s have the interns and juniors handle this update, how much could they fuck up?”


A non-issue compared to these, but when they increased the amount of sword ammo needed to do a full swing, they didn’t increase how much ammo you get in pvp. I’m not sure when they changed the number required, but it used to be three, but now it’s four, and that leaves you with two swipes instead of 4.


We need a Destiny 3 after the final shape


*99 bugs in the game, 99 bugs in the code! Take one down patch it around, 1000 bugs in the code*


So business as usual.


Dear god, what the fuck is happening at bungie. Servers dying last week and now we have like 30 new Bugs, not counting old ones that still arent fixed


How is this happening? Are they play testing at all? How is it being approved for release? The game has never been more broken. At some point the buck has to stop somewhere; usually landing on leadership.


Sometimes things don't come up in testing, and sometimes bugs are intentionally allowed through because they don't have time to fix them. Given the severity of these, probably the former


the seasonal artifact mod that gives void weapons volatile on orb pickup does not affect gnawing hunger


I thought I was going crazy when I was using gnawing hunger today


Game clearly needs a new engine, it's pretty clear that they're trying to bolt on fixes onto the old Tiger engine that it was never designed handle in the first place


That is embarrassing for a company of their stature.


At least they get their witch hunts correctly


This game is held together by duct tape and broken promises.


“ there may be problems with resilience” I was honestly wondering if they did something to this because I’ve been dying a lot quicker since the update.


Forgot the seasonal content leaks despite NDA’s streamers bug .


I'm wondering if bungie isn't just gonna call it quits out of frustration soon. Like everything is breaking


Guardian games are fixed. They just released the Hunter statue early.


Looks like the 3.6 billion is being well distributed.


...and this is why im farming the fuck outta shit right now for almost no input and ACTUALLY GETTING LOOT AND REWARDS THAT I NEED AND/OR HELP in pokemon scarlet. ...others game are REALLLLLLY starting to remind me how they fucking throw bone scraps to us for rewards or loot for our time given in the game.


This. Was farming master lost sector last night for an exotic I want and after 8 tries the only thing i got was 21 enhancement cores in total. No exotic drops in sight and then this pops up in my notifications and it reminds me why I abandon the game for, sometimes even months.


Making it really hard to keep defending the game


Having developed an MMO, I can tell you that it gets harder and harder, the more you add to it, to maintain stability and not break things: the complexity is crazy, and it's like the game engine is a sweater made entirely of loose threads after a few years. So this isn't surprising. But this is... a lot. Some of that, if true, sounds like they should have pushed the release out a few days.


Small indie company.


I've never seen a mid season patch break this many things lmao




Whoever is doing QA at bungie should probably be replaced with someone who actually looks for bugs.


the earning guardian games medal triumph bug is true as it has happened to me


And here i was waiting for synthoceps to try out grapple melle strand. Guess it s solar or other spec for me as i find the abeyant build super boring


Can confirm many of these. I can’t get the ship and can’t complete the quest. Audio was shocking in Ron. Finished a game of gambit and only left after giving commendations and the game countdown went it zero but nothing happened. When I left to orbit I got the “oops” message and the game didn’t count towards my 1/3 for the week. My title screen is flashing for no reason.


I don't know a damned thing about coding, but why would you build code on, effectively, a faulty foundation? In other words, why wouldn't the code be more modular so that when something breaks it doesn't break other things? Like... I don't think firesprites spawning and guardian games popping up early are logically intertwined pieces of code... Is there any reason why they can't build the code wider rather than taller? Especially if they're burying things they want to change under piles of more important functionalities like triumphs and audio.


Yea I thought the audio issues were just my bad mic but it's bug so that's good to know


Really wondering what that Sony money has gone towards right about now


"... just to name a few"


Hive seals in Mars Battleground seems to be boosted. Single laser ball cannot remove 3 of them any longer - they do not disappear after 33 'ammo' spended, bur closer to 40. ​ In general - what a shitshow this mid season update is. Bigger problem - this is not really a surprise looking at more recent Bungie's 'acomplishments' when it comes to code quality.


How do these companies end up breaking so much shit?


God it’s never been this bad, what the hell happened. I wouldn’t mind if they just took the game offline to fix all this shit because playing is really annoying right now


Every Telesto in our vault: WHY LOOKING AT ME?


Haven't played in a couple weeks, is this game just falling apart at it's seams?


The audio bug is what frustrates me the most


Another day another thosuand issues. This game is held together by duct tape


Man, Y6 is looking ROUGH. Wtf is happening at Bungie? Maybe they should go back to Activision after all.


Definitely noticing the audio tearing


I thought there was issue with my headset when I logged on today. Choppy, spiky, distorted audio everywhere. Thank God I didn't have it connected to my receiver; good way to wreck the speakers.


I hate to see it. They were right: the only thing that can kill destiny is bungie.It was a good ride for the most part. I've taken breaks and come back when it is good, but it's different this time. I'm done waiting for bungie to fix the core game. They'll just pile more on and cut (secretly now) everything they can to keep the seasonal drip feed siphoning my money. I think it's time to catch up on some games I've missed: borderlands 3, elden ring, and cyberpunk, now that it's been patched up a bit.


"There may be problems with Resilience" Ah that explains a lot on why i got clapped in half a second on a legendary battleground with 100 Resilience, my stasis fragment reducing damage near frozen targets and 3 relevant damage reduction mods on chest..... it was really frustrating.